Yami fell down with regret on his face, then threw the graphite dragon in his hand to the ground, looked left and right, and laughed: "What? Is that guy Grimmjow back yet? Hahaha, he also Can not be done!"

"Who said they didn't come back?"

Grimmjow landed on the ground with the coral dragon on his shoulders, then threw his prey casually, glanced at Yami, and said unhappily, "The cricket is just a reptile, how could I let him run away?"

"Okay, okay, you are all doing well."

After comforting the two guardian shields, Lin Qiong raised his head and looked at the three-headed dragon flapping its wings in surprise, and said, "Would you like to come down and talk? We will also respond to the friendly dragon." nice."


Xianlong, Fenglong and Obsidianlong looked at each other, then flapped their wings and landed slowly on the ground.

"Hello, strong man of mankind—"

Xianlong lowered his head first, and said in a sincere tone: "This old man is the virtuous dragon of the Doragunov country, Berserion!"

"Hello, Mr. Berserion."

Lin Qiong walked over and said with a smile on his face, "I am the Lord of Sky City, Qiong."

"City Lord..."

Berserion glanced at the guardians who surrounded Lin Qiong exuding awe-inspiring aura, then looked at the four dragons lying in the garden like dead pigs, and couldn't help asking: "Your Excellency, May I ask what is this..."

"Probably, a group of mindless guys have taken a fancy to our sky city and are about to take action to snatch it, but they didn't expect to get into trouble—"

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and said, "As for the result, I believe you have seen it—by the way, are you going to stay for dinner tonight? The grilled dragon steak made by my lover tastes very good."

Xianlong: "?"

Fenglong: "?"

Obsidian Dragon: "?"

Wait, wait a minute! ?Him, what did they hear?

Dragon, dragon platoon! ?

"No, no, you strong human being, please calm down——"

Xianlong looked at Lin Qiong sweating profusely, and said: "I just want to tell you that the dragon's flesh and blood contains the power of the dragon. If humans swallow it, they will be eroded by the power of the dragon and forced to become dragon slayers." Wizard!"

This is not Berserion's scaremongering, but telling the truth!

According to the information revealed by Fairy Tail comics, we know that dragon slayers are divided into five generations——

In the first generation, the dragon slayer magic was taught by the dragon himself;

In the second generation, a crystal containing dragon-slaying magic is embedded in the body;

In the third generation, Long taught magic and embedded crystals in his body;

The fourth generation, a weapon created from the tears of the dragon slayer that appeared in the theatrical version of Dragon Cry;

The fifth generation, who appeared in the follow-up manga's century-old mission, learned the dragon-slaying magic by eating the flesh and blood of the dragon.

"Is there such a thing?"

Lin Qiong looked at Xianlong pretending to be surprised, and asked: "Is there no way to get rid of the dragon's power in the dragon's flesh and blood? It's a pity that such a rare ingredient can't be eaten right in front of us."

Khan, torrential sweat, waterfall sweat, Genghis Khan.

Xianlong subconsciously wrapped himself with his wings, and then said with a dry smile: "This, this, there is no way at present."

Conscience, why does he feel his neck is a little cold?These people shouldn't be so frantic that they are ready to attack themselves, right?

"At this point, we can only use the last resort——"

Lin Qiong handed Sifengyuan Maomao into the hands of the eldest lady, then put his hands through the armpits of the know-it-all cat, lifted her up with a reverent face, and said: "The great know-it-all cat, please give us Find a solution to the power of the dragon!"

Xianlong: "???"

He came directly with a virtuous dragon question mark.jpg.

What's happening here?Is it because I can't keep up with the times, or is there something wrong with human beings?Why are you making a wish with a cat! ?

"Stupid host, isn't the solution very simple?"

Then, under the shocked eyes of Xianlong, the know-it-all cat and cat said: "Just gather the dragon power in these dragons, and then seal it into the magic crystal, you can get a [magic crystal that stores the power of the dragon] ] and a [usable dragon meat]."

"Cat, the cat is talking!!" x3

"And what he said seems to make sense!!" x3

After the three-headed dragon heard the words of Know-It-All Maomao, he suddenly showed an expression that almost made his eyes pop out.

"Wait, wait a minute, this...Miss Cat? Although the method you mentioned seems to be feasible, but..."

Xianlong ran over with a "boom, boom, boom" and said with a wry smile: "But the power of the dragon is a force that cannot rely on external forces to interfere at all-if it can be done, the dragon transformation phenomenon of the dragon slayer wizard , how could it become an irreversible problem?"

"Don't compare me to you guys, okay?"

The know-it-all cat glanced at the virtuous dragon in front of him speechlessly, and complained: "From the irreversible side effect of the dragon-slaying magic you invented, I can probably see what your level is like." It's gone."

Xianlong: "???"

EXM?I, Xianlong, Berserion, have been despised by a cat! ?

Chapter 0503 Sorry!

Who is he?


What is the title?


Xian, do you understand the meaning of the word Xian?

It is wisdom, it is wisdom!

The idle who is not idle, thank you.

Beibeilong can be called a virtuous dragon, naturally because he possesses wisdom beyond ordinary people!

But now, he was despised by a cat! ?

Can this be tolerated?

At this time, Berserion seemed to be a top student who was "the number one student in the college entrance examination", "perfect score in mathematics", and "won gold medals in several mathematics competitions". After entering Peking University, he was actually held by a left hand. With steamed buns and a mineral water bottle under his armpit, is it despised by people who don't seem too smart?

This is unbearable!

"Kitten, since you look down on my level, please show me your magic level!"

Berserion looked angrily at the know-it-all cat, and said, "Let me ask, what if..."

Lin Qiong couldn't recount the next topic for everyone, because he felt that the content of the two people's discussion was too profound - to him, this discussion between cats and dragons seemed to be Newton and Qi Baishi. Discussing the twelve recipes for a total lunar eclipse can be confusing.

Fortunately for Lin Qiong, the cat-and-dragon discussion ended after a few minutes - Berserion sat there with his eyes straight, falling into autism.

Lin Qiong hurriedly moved to the ear of Maomao, the know-it-all, and whispered, "What did you guys discuss just now?"

"Uh, this..."

The know-it-all cat is also in trouble, how will she explain this problem to the host?She thought for a few seconds and came up with a solution.

"If you explain it in terms that the host can understand, it's probably like this—"

"This stupid dragon came up and asked me - there is a swimming pool with a water injection pipe and a drainage pipe respectively. The water injection pipe can fill the swimming pool in three hours, while the drainage pipe takes six hours to drain the pool. May I ask if the two pipes are opened at the same time? , how long it will take to fill the pool.”

"I didn't even think twice and told him it was six hours."

"It's my turn to ask him again—in the rectangle ABCD, it is known that the two adjacent sides AD=12, AB=5, P is any point on AD, PE is perpendicular to BD, PF is perpendicular to AC, E and F are vertical enough, so what is PE+PF."

"Then he shut himself off."

Lin Qiong: "???"

Three big question marks popped out of his head.

To be reasonable, when he heard about the pool problem, he said with ease that this kind of elementary school problem couldn't help him at all!As a result, when the question of the know-it-all cat was thrown out, he was stunned.

What, what is this all about?

"Uh, um, is this question too difficult?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Berserion who was caught in emo, sweating profusely, and said in a low voice, "He almost doubts life."

At this time, Berserion seemed to be a "top science student in the college entrance examination". After being despised, he angrily asked who the person who despised him was, and found out that the other party was Wei Dongyi.

Grandma drops!This day can't go on!

"For a question of this difficulty, I can tell you that the answer is '[-]/[-]' without even writing a draft."

Know-it-all Maomao looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and said, "It's just a junior high school question, it's really a very simple one—"

From this point of view, Maomao, the know-it-all, is indeed showing mercy, but the problem is...

'Junior high school questions? '

With his right hand resting on his chin, Lin Qiong thought suspiciously: "Could it be that my level has stretched to the point where I can't even do junior high school questions?" '

Don't do that kind of thing!

At this moment, Berserion walked over with a tired face, then lowered his head in guilt, and said in a low voice: "Ma'am, I apologize for what I just said - I can't answer the question you just asked come out."

Know-it-all Maomao shook his tail, and said indifferently: "For the sake of your quick apology, I don't care about your doubts."

At the same time, she couldn't help sighing in her heart: "I was really influenced by the host, and my heart softened a lot." '

If this kind of thing happened in the gourmet world, she would definitely crush the ants who dared to question her into meat with a cold face.

"Please, Cat Lady—"

The next moment, Berserion knelt down on the ground without hesitation, pressed his head firmly on the ground, and said, "Please extend your helping hand and help this old man perfect the dragon slaying magic!"

The know-it-all cat glanced at Berserion, then yawned lazily, and said, "What are you talking about? Cats don't understand."

"Please, Ms. Cat! This old man is willing to pay any price!"

Berserion's tone was full of firmness, and he said in a deep voice, "Whether I want this old man to be your test product, or your food, I am willing to do so!"

Good guy, you used yourself as a bargaining chip, this is going all out!

"Oh? Is it okay at any price?"

The know-it-all cat glanced at Berserion sideways, and said with a chuckle, "What if I say, I want A Qiong to be the king of the Doragunov kingdom? Can you make the decision for him?"

"Ah this..."

Berserion opened his mouth, then showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said, "Well, this old man is just a sage of the Doragunov kingdom, not their king, so..."

"So, you have no way to meet my request, right?"

Know-it-all Maomao shook his head slightly, and said, "Experimental product? Ingredients? Do you think that with our strength, there will be a lack of such things?"


Berserion opened his mouth. He glanced blankly at the graphite dragon, rose dragon, moss dragon, and coral dragon that were imprisoned by Yoyo's magic like pigs waiting to be slaughtered, and then let out a wry smile.

The other party was right.

This is an age of dragons, and how many evil dragons are raging on this land?How could the other party be short of test products and ingredients?

"Old man..."

Berserion seemed to be about to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Qiong.

"Mr. Long, my cat has clearly rejected your proposal—"

Lin Qiong looked at Berserion with a smile on his face, and said softly: "So please don't continue this topic—otherwise, you may lose our friendship."

Although he didn't understand why the Know-It-All Cat would make a request to Berserion that he was not interested in at all, but since this was the decision made by the Know-It-All Cat, he would support it unconditionally.

Not for anything else, just because the jack-of-all-trades cat is his external thinking circuit!

"I, I know."

Berserion was silent for a moment, then stood up, and said, "We will bid farewell today! I will call on you tomorrow—"

After finishing speaking, he took the wind dragon and obsidian dragon trembling in the sight of Yami and Grimmjow into the air, nodded to Lin Qiong, then turned and flew towards the Doragunov Kingdom The direction flew over.

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