
After the guardians dragged the four-headed dragon down.

"My dear know-it-all cat—"

Lin Qiong put the know-it-all cat on the coffee table, sat down, and asked, "People... the dragons are all gone, can you explain it to me?"

Maomao asked: "You should remember the plot related to Aileen Belserion in the original work, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Of course I remember."

Irene is the Queen of the Doragunov Kingdom.

In order to resist the invasion of the dragon, she invented additional magic, and used the additional magic to attach the dragon's power to herself-this was the original dragon slaying magic.

After the end of the human-dragon war, because of the side effects of the dragon-slaying magic, Irene began to irreversibly transform into a dragon.

Her body began to take on the characteristics of a dragon, and human perception gradually faded from her!But what really made her desperate was that her husband chose to abandon her without hesitation, imprisoned her in prison, and tortured her for three years.

In the end, Irene, who was completely transformed into a dragon, broke through the prison, destroyed the country that betrayed and imprisoned her, and then went into the deep mountains and stayed there for hundreds of years—but at this time, her body had already conceived Life, that is, one of the heroines of Fairy Tail, Elsa.

"Then don't you think she is a very good subordinate? As long as you can solve her dragon transformation problem, then she will offer her loyalty to you."

Know-It-All Cat bit a small dried fish and gnawed slowly while tilting his head and asked: "And she is also very good at magic. I plan to train her as an assistant."

Lin Qiong: "Hmm?"

He was stunned for a moment, and then said with questions on his face: "You, is this what you are talking about?"

The know-it-all cat also looked at Lin Qiong blankly, and asked, "Otherwise? What are you referring to?"

Lin Qiong covered the lower half of his face, and said with a guilty expression: "I thought you were going to say something, her experience is too tragic, so you have to save her or something..."

Or what it is, instead of letting her be raped by a scumbag, it's better... cough cough!

"Host, our kindness is not so cheap!"

The know-it-all cat licked its paw casually, and said calmly: "We are friendly to the members of Sky City only because they have contacted you, that's all."

"Ahem, Master Maomao's great kindness, I can't repay you—"

Lin Qiong put the know-it-all cat on his lap in a serious manner, then took out the wooden comb with a "swish", and said reverently: "I can only comb the hair and shovel the shit for Mr. Maomao in return!"

Know-it-all Maomao nodded with satisfaction and said: "Humph! Serve me well, Master Maomao, and I guarantee that I will wear stockings for one day, and you can touch my thighs for one day!"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

He looked at the know-it-all cat with a delicate expression, and asked, "Why is the pancake you drew different from other people's?"

Know-it-all Maomao asked back: "Then do you like the pancakes I drew, or someone else's?"

Lin Qiong said without thinking: "No one can resist beautiful legs. If you have, then add a pair of silk stockings."

Sorry, sister Erin!

Who told our Miss Know-it-all to follow you?Just follow her.

Chapter 0504 is worthy of you, Feng Er

The next morning.

Berserion fulfilled his promise yesterday and came to Sky City to visit Lin Qiong and the others again, and this time, he also rode an oil bottle on his back... Ah no, I mean the big girl.


Her original surname is unknown (or not), and in the original book, she changed her surname to Berserion after Xianlong died on the battlefield.

"We meet again, Your Excellency Lin Qiong, Ms. Cat—"

After flapping its wings and landing in the garden of Sky City, Berserion said in a gentle voice: "I'm here to bother you two again."

"Where is it! We also welcome dragons who are close to humans to come and communicate with us—"

A smile appeared on Lin Qiong's lips. He turned his head and glanced at Irene, who was looking at him with a slightly curious look after jumping from Berserion's back to the ground. He revealed a puzzled expression just right. With an expression on his face, he asked, "Excuse me, who is this?"

"Hello, Your Excellency Lin Qiong—"

When Irene heard Lin Qiong's question, she straightened her clothes with a serious look on her face, then walked forward, put her right hand on her chest, and saluted him: "I am Irene Dolagunov. The Queen of Ragunov Kingdom!”

"Hello, Ms. Irene—"

Lin Qiong responded to Irene with a decent etiquette as taught by the jack-of-all-trades, then glanced at her cheek as if nothing had happened, and said, "When we first met, I used magic to cover up my true self. Isn’t your appearance a little impolite?”

Erin: "Huh?"

Before she could explain anything, Lin Qiong waved his right hand, and a wave of magic power flung from his hand to Irene's face, smashing the magic she used to hide her abnormality.


Irene let out an exclamation, then hurriedly raised her hand to cover her side face, looked at Lin Qiong in front of her with uneasy, terrified and somewhat angry eyes—she was worried that Lin Qiong would show her face to see the monster At the same time, he felt angry at Lin Qiong's actions.

How can he do this?

Berserion also showed displeasure: "Mr. Lin Qiong, you..."

Irene's face flushed even more, and she said angrily: "Stop Lin Qiong, your behavior is really rude!"

"your face……"

Lin Qiong ignored the two people's accusations, but moved closer to Irene, looked at the left cheek that was covered by her, and said, "Have the side effects mentioned by Mr. Berserion already occurred?"

The magic of dragon slayer is to bear the power of the dragon with the human body, and the result of this is that the human body will gradually change towards the form of the dragon under the influence of the power of the dragon.

Among them, the first and most obvious feature is the dragon scale of the skin.

The skin on Irene's left cheek has fallen off, replaced by a small crimson scale - it feels like the white wall skin has fallen, exposing the bricks inside.

"Yes, it is like this..."

Irene gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, then resolutely put down her hands covering her face, bent down toward Lin Qiong with a serious face—a full ninety degrees—and said: "Lin Qiong Sir, I heard Berserion say that the cat next to you...Ms. Cat seems to have a way to solve the Dragon Slayer's dragon transformation phenomenon, so, can you..."

Obviously, she wanted to continue yesterday's topic—or, in other words, she wanted to do what Berserion failed to do yesterday.

"here we go again--"

Lin Qiong pretended to sigh helplessly. He placed the know-it-all cat lying on his head on the stone table beside him. Then he waved his hands lazily and said, "On this matter, you just have to deal with it. My dear Miss Know-It-All, please tell me, and I won’t get involved.”


Erin looked at the cat squatting on the stone table with a blank expression, using her tongue to smooth her hair, and said weakly: "Well, um, Ms. Cat..."

"Miss Erin—"

Under Irene's shocking expression, Miss Know-It-All transformed from a cat form into a barefoot human form wearing a white dress in a burst of blue light, and said: "Not only can I solve the phenomenon of dragon transformation, but I can even Allowing the dragon slayer to gain a physique no less than that of a dragon while maintaining everything that is human—but what can you pay for it?"

Let's have a good chat!


Talking two ends.

When Lin Qiong held the back of his head with his hands and walked to the training field in the backyard, he saw the scene where King Feng was beaming and imparting experience to Kyurem, Reshiram and Palkia who were lying on the ground.

"See? My sisters didn't lie to you, did they?"

"Following A Qiong is simply a paid vacation, and it's considered overtime pay, the kind of subsidy!"

"Do you understand the gold content of this kind of holiday?"

"I have a big meal every day, and I can sleep well after eating!"

"I won't trade this life with the power of Arceus!"

"It doesn't matter how awesome Arceus is, will her life be as comfortable as mine?"

"I can fly to Lin Qiong's table every day and steal his fried pork chops!"

"Can Arceus do such a thing?"

Lin Qiong: "???"

He was walking towards the training ground with a sudden pause, and then looked at Feng Wang who was talking nonsense with a question mark on his face.

The fist gradually hardened.

"No, are you talking?"

"Didn't you have a good chat just now?"

"Why is no one talking now?"

"Behind me? What can be behind me..."

Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She looked blankly at Lin Qiong standing behind her—to be precise, she looked blankly at the cell phone in Lin Qiong's hand that was pointing the camera at her.

"Aaah... Aqiong..."

Feng Wang's voice trembled slightly, and she stammered and asked, "You, you, what's going on with the thing in your hand?"

"Oh, I just took a little video."

Lin Qiong stopped the recording slowly, then stuffed the phone back into his pocket, and said casually: "When I return to the elf world next time, I will show this hopeful video to Arceus."

"You fucking call this a video full of hope!? This is definitely a video full of despair—"

King Feng appeared in front of Lin Qiong with red eyes, and then chirped, "Aqiong, no, Brother Qiong, no, Lord Qiong! Be merciful, aren't we half-siblings?"


"Brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters!"


Only then did Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction. He pulled a chair and sat on it, and said in a casual voice: "Steal my fried pork chops, right? OK! Either your fried pork chops tonight will be mine, or I will send this video to Brother Tuozi, you choose!"

King Feng kowtowed without hesitation and said gratefully: "The great and benevolent Supreme God Lin Qiong, the humble Big-billed Bird, tonight's fried pork chop is yours——"

——In Lin Qiong's imagination, the above picture did not appear.

Because Feng Wang fell into a deep entanglement after hearing the choice he gave—as if he was entangled in whether to eat chocolate-flavored shit or shit-flavored chocolate.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help but said: "No, it's just a fried pork chop. Are you so entangled in it?"

Can you take a break?

"What do you mean 'a tonkatsu'!? Erina is your girlfriend, you can eat her big meal all day long, of course you don't care! But what about me?"

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief, and then cried out with a "wow", and said in a sad tone: "I don't know when I will be called back by Arceus, and I don't know if I can do it To see the sun tomorrow—for me, I treat every dinner as if it were my last meal, but you want to take it away..."

"Wait a minute—"

Lin Qiong interrupted King Feng's words with a black line on his face, and then said with a doubtful look on his face: "Fengfeng, how come your line sounds so like a heroine from an assassination organization in a third-rate urban novel?" A line that should be spoken?"

King Feng: "You, what are you talking about? Fengfeng doesn't know?"

It's a real hammer, this guy can copy lines.

"Damn it, you dared to steal my pork chops yesterday, and you dared to copy lines from a novel today, so what can stop you tomorrow?"

Lin Qiong lifted Feng Wang in front of him, and said with disbelief, "I'm afraid you're going to press Arceus' head under the bed and fart inside!"

"I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense."

Feng Wang hurriedly came to deny San Lian, and shouted: "Arzeus is sacred and inviolable in my heart, how could I treat him like that? I don't have a second heart, don't you know?"

"Then the question is—"

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds and then said.

"Suppose you were walking by the river with a serving of fried pork chops and you happened to see Arceus struggling in the river."

"If you choose to finish this pork chop, Arceus will drown."

"If you choose to jump into the river to save Arceus, your pork chops will fall to the ground."

"Then how do you choose? Save Him or eat the pork chop?"

Phoenix King: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Feng Wang's expression was very tangled, so tangled that even the Pokémon around her could see her trembling body and the cold sweat that kept dripping down.

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