Everyone: "..."

Do you want to get entangled like this?

Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining: "Are you crazy? If you chop off the pig, you can eat it next time. Arceus, don't you save me?"

"No, you don't understand!"

Feng Wang shook her head, and she said in a low voice: "I was just thinking, with the strength of Arceus, he would actually struggle in the river. Is this a trap aimed at me? Could it be that just as I approached, someone in the water Will a hundred or eighty Rogia pop up and do such and such things to me?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help giving Feng Wang a thumbs up, and said sincerely: "You are still fine, I will give full marks for this wave of analysis, I am not afraid of your pride."

Your brain is so insane, Kennedy is ashamed of himself.

Chapter 0505 Sansheng dog favorability has risen


It has to be said that this wave of intimate interaction between Lin Qiong and Feng Wang directly left the onlookers Palkia, Kyurem and Reshiram speechless.

"I say--"

Kyurem turned his head and looked at the Three Saint Dogs who were covering their faces with their front paws, looking like "This is not the Lord Phoenix we know." He asked: "Are these two people like this on weekdays? ?”

"Uh, this..."

Lei Gong hesitated for a few seconds, then shrank his neck, and said with a sneer: "Bad, almost?"

Seeing Lei Gouzi's hesitant and hesitant look, Kyurem knew it in his mind—the way these two get along on weekdays is probably more casual than this.

"Feng Wang really has fallen—"

Kyurem shook his head speechlessly, and then looked at Phoenix King with some contempt, thinking: 'It is a legendary Pokémon after all, how can it be so shameless, shameless, and reserved? '

yes!She admitted that the food in Sky City is pretty good, but it shouldn't be like this, right?shame!


At this time, accompanied by a soft cry, the cybercat Millerton flew over from the side, and then squatted obediently beside Lin Qiong, rubbing his head against his leg.

"Okay, okay, good boy——"

Lin Qiong touched Millerton's head with a smile, and said, "Are you satisfied with staying here?"

"Very satisfied, thank you Master for your concern—"

Millerton's eyes curved into lovely arcs, and she said softly: "There is enough food, and I don't need to worry about other Pokémon's attacks. I am very satisfied."


Lin Qiong caressed Millerton's smooth body surface with a subtle expression. Why did he feel that his own Millerton was a little...uh...


Didn't Arceus say that Paradox Pokémon have a bad temper?

Could it be that he was given a psychological shadow by the second Millerton?

Millerton: "?"

If she could hear Lin Qiong's thoughts, she would probably cry "Wow" on the spot——

irritable?Dare I be violent in front of you?You used Fengwang when you subdued me, and now there are Kyurem, Reshiram and Palkia squatting in the yard-I am a Millerton, how can He De dare to be violent in front of you? ?

I still want to eat delicious food for a few more years (';ω;`).

"Don't worry, little guy."

Lin Qiong patted Millerton's neck, and said softly: "Next time I return to the world of elves, I will take you back to the Padia area, and then find the second Millerton, let's beat it together, for You revenge!"

Millerton: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong in confusion, as if she was thinking about when she would take revenge. Although the other party beat her up, if she hadn't received this beating, she might not be as well off as she is now. pinch of life!

Wait, rounding it up like that, do I have to thank her?

Listen to me, thank you, because of you, I warm myself~

'However, the master said revenge, then revenge 0v0. '

Millerton lightly rubbed Lin Qiong's hand, then thought of something, and asked nervously: "That, that, master! If you beat another Millerton, will you capture her? ah?"

The point is, if you capture another Millerton, will you not want me?

Woohoo, don't do that kind of thing——

"Well, although the temptation to have two Millertons at the same time is still quite strong, but as expected, let's forget it—"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and finally shook his head to express his refusal: "Anyway, Millerton can be regarded as a legendary Pokémon in the Padia area. If I capture both of them, some people will jump long distances in the toilet." --Too much."


Millerton breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a somewhat happy expression——

Humph, the second Millerton, so what if you are better than me?Can you sing the tune of oh um?No, why would you rob me of the master.

Super fierce ヽ(Д)ノ.


The Phoenix King flapped his wings and landed on Millerton's head, and asked, "Speaking of which, Aqiong, aren't there guests today? You didn't go to the front yard to entertain, why did you fish in the backyard?"

"Hey, I'm not good at negotiating with others in words. I prefer to use my fists to talk about physics with others."

Lin Qiong waved his hands, then squinted at King Feng, and said angrily: "But you really have the nerve to call me a fish? You don't even think about how long you have been staying with me! The work of the elf world You didn't do one thing well, did you?"

"Do you know a hammer? Although I am in the city of the sky, the three holy beasts under my command have been handling things in the elf world for me."

King Feng puffed up his chest, showed a proud and proud smile, and said: "I just need to go back regularly to deal with the things they can't handle - this is the wisdom of a leader!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He glanced behind King Feng, and couldn't help showing a tangled expression of hesitation, hesitation, desire, and a little thought.

King Feng: "?"

She was confused by Lin Qiong's attitude, and couldn't help but said: "Why are you so coy like a bitch? Just say what you want!"

"Then I said so?"

"Hurry up!"

"Ahem, it's like this - I want to ask, the three holy beasts you mentioned..."

Lin Qiong stretched out his right index finger and pointed at Sangouzi, who was lying on the ground behind Feng Wang with a look of despair, and asked: "Maybe, maybe, probably, should, it's these three?"

Phoenix King turned around: "!?"

"Wow!? Why are you here?"

Her frightened eyeballs almost popped out: "Fuck, what are you going to do with the affairs of the elf world here? Who will calm the volcano, who will purify the water source, who will... Wait, what is the role of Lei Gong?" with?"

Lei Gong: "???"

It spit out a mouthful of old blood, and the electric cat said with a livid face: "Master Feng Wang!? I am in charge of fighting, and I am responsible for rescuing those Pokémon captured by Pokémon hunters or evil organizations! !"

Damn... Bah, bah, bah, you can't scold Mr. Feng Wang.

Isn't this the job you arranged for me?How did you forget it yourself?Is this appropriate?This is not appropriate! !

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Feng Wang reacted, and then waved his wings under Lei Gong's tearful expression, and said, "Forget it, this matter is not important, what is important is how are you three here?"

Lei Gong: Ton, ton, ton, bitter wine into the throat, the new work master, you are Enjing and Jie!

After all, it was me who paid by mistake!

"Lord Phoenix King—"

Suicune hesitated for a few seconds, and then said with a confused look on his face: "Is there a possibility? I mean it's possible, we have been in the Sky City for several days?"

King Feng: "?"

She thought for a while, and then said with a shocked face: "Could it be that when we left the elf world, you didn't leave on your own?"

San Gouzi looked at his master dumbfounded.

Master Feng Wang, no capitalist exploits you like this!

"Feng'er, no capitalist exploits you like this!"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang with a tense expression on the side, and said: "It's hard for the lover to take a vacation, so he has to crawl back to work overtime, right? Then you put it here to eat and drink spicy food?"

"You fart!"

Feng Wang poked his neck and said, "I only drink Coke, not spicy ones!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He stretched out his hand and caught Phoenix King in front of him, and said with a black line on his face: "Is this kind of thing what you should care about now? Besides, I remember that there is more than one Three Saint Beasts, right? You can't let the other Three Saints Beast substitute?"

Phoenix King: "Ah!"

Three Holy Beasts: "Ah!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He asked: "You don't really think of such a thing, do you?"

"Do you know anything about hammers? We Pokémon follow a system where we complete our own tasks!"

King Feng glared at Lin Qiong and said with a noble face: "Do you understand what a sense of responsibility is!?"

"Why are you a fisherman who has been in Sky City for several years..."

King Lin Qiongfeng raised it in front of her, squinted her eyes, and asked, "Would you tell me about your sense of responsibility? Are you going to tell me that you can complete your own tasks?"

The three holy beasts nodded in unison.

You are so right, brother!

Feng Wang turned his head: "Huh?"

The three holy beasts tilted their heads in unison.

what happens?sister.

"Okay, okay, don't bully the three of them—"

Lin Qiong pinched Feng Wang's head with the other hand, turned her gaze back, and asked, "How about letting the other three holy beasts take over this duty? You can't even catch a cockroach with wool. Right? Besides, several Suicunes working at the same time are more efficient than a single Suicune, right?"

"One thing to say, bird food... No! This is about the sense of responsibility of the legendary Pokémon——"

King Feng nodded subconsciously at first, but he quickly reacted and said seriously: "However, if Ah Qiong is sincere, from the heart, sincere, and hopes that I will do this, then for the sake of Ah Qiong For the sake of Qiong, I can only put down my sense of responsibility and distribute the tasks to the other three holy beasts!"

Lin Qiong: "??"

Just when he was about to say, "Don't do this if you can," he saw three three holy beasts who were crying and raising their front legs to bow to him.

Suicune, Yandi and Leigong: "Master Aqiong!Please raise your hand, dog us!We have been working diligently and hard for hundreds of years, and we want to take a vacation——'

Lin Qiong: "..."

Can't say it!

I can't say enough sarcasm—!

"...The gate to pass through the world!"

After ten seconds of silence, Lin Qiong summoned the gate leading to the world of elves, and said to Feng Wang, who was pinched in his right hand: "Feng'er, I will pick you up after lunch, remember to arrange things."

King Feng: "?"

Then she felt dizzy.

"Burn it, my little universe—"

Lin Qiong made a nondescript baseball pitcher's movement, and then roared: "Feng Wang's sprint ball with an initial velocity three times the speed of sound, give me a sprint!!"

"Do not--"

Feng Wang's miserable voice came from the other side of the gate: "My lunch—"

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