
Lin Qiong closed the door with a smile on his face, then raised his middle finger towards the door with a "swish", and said, "The stinky fish monster still wants to have lunch? Your share is due to the hard work of hundreds of years." Three Holy Beasts!"

Three Holy Beasts: "!?"

San Gouzi looked at Lin Qiong with tears of gratitude. If it wasn't their duty, these three people would have bowed down and said...

"Shui (Yan, Lei) has been wandering for half his life, and only regrets that he has not met the Ming Lord. If Qiong does not give up, he is willing to worship him as a trainer!"

Chapter 0506 Feng Wang's favorability has risen



"not human!"


"Everyone gets it and kills it!"

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Feng Wang, who was picked up by Lin Qiong from the world of elves, squatted in the corner of the bedroom, complaining sadly and crying.

'So why did you skip the five-word sentence? '

'It's because the level of education is not enough, and I can't think of a five-character sentence. '

'Or are you implying that five characters are not good? '

Lin Qiong leaned against the door frame, thinking about random things, while stretching out his hand and knocking on the door, he said: "Excuse me, the respected, great and responsible Lord Feng Wang, your loyal owner. Can I apply for admission?"

"This is your own room, you can come in if you want, can I stop you? Also, you are not my owner-bai bai bai, how could this Phoenix King have a owner? "

Feng Wang sniffed, then flapped his wings and flew to the chandelier on the ceiling, humming: "Also, don't talk to me! Humph, I want at least five...no, I will ignore you for more than three hours!"

'More than three hours? '

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and then realized, 'More than three hours later, isn't it just time for dinner? '

Kind of cute!

"Are you really ignoring me?"

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang squatting on the chandelier dumbfounded, and after calling her a few times but getting no response, he could only shake his head helplessly, and sighed: "Hey, I brought a gift for Fengfeng, It looks like it can't be delivered."

'Gift? '

Feng Wang's ears moved, but she was still very persistent not to look in Lin Qiong's direction, "Just trying to coax me with a little gift?I'm not that cheap! '

Seeing this, Lin Qiong smiled and shook his head, then walked to the round table in the middle of the bedroom, put the bamboo basket in his hand on it, looked up at Feng Wang and said, "You really ignore me?"


Feng Wang put his hands on his chest and let out a loud "hum" to express his inner anger - she obviously only needed half an hour to finish dealing with the affairs of the elf world, and then rushed back to have a happy meal For lunch, Lin Qiong left her there for more than four hours...

So annoying!

"You don't even think about it. You threw the three holy beasts in the elf world to handle affairs for you day and night, and then you went to the sky city to catch fish and enjoy the blessing. Is this appropriate?"

"Yes, you saved them and gave them a second life. You are their savior! But you can't oppress them like this, right? You don't even have a vacation!"

"If I don't punish you at all, the three of them will still accumulate some complaints in their hearts, so I can only punish you on the surface, and then..."

"Come on, here are your favorite dishes - mapo tofu, pineapple sweet and sour pork, black pepper chicken and fried pork chops, as well as a side of French fries."


As soon as Lin Qiong finished speaking, Feng Wang jumped down from the chandelier, then widened his eyes, and looked at the food Lin Qiong put on the table in astonishment—because of the proper heat preservation, they were still emitting A touch of heat.

"Here, for me?"


Lin Qiong tapped Feng Wang's head with his fingers helplessly, and asked back: "I can't really deny you lunch, can I? Then why should I feel sorry? I will feel bad—"


Tears welled up.

Feng Wang jumped into Lin Qiong's arms, choked up and said, "You, you really, I'm crying to death!! I, I, woo woo woo..."

"Okay, okay, don't cry—"

Lin Qiong scratched Feng Wang's feathers with his hands, and urged: "Hurry up and eat it! It won't taste good if it gets cold."


Feng Wang was as obedient as a little girl being captured. If Lin Qiong hadn't asked her for the Rainbow Feather, she would have pulled out all the hair on her body.

Looking at Feng Wang who was sniffing and eating lunch, Lin Qiong showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He not only gained the gratitude of the three holy beasts, but also the gratitude of the Phoenix King.

This wave, this wave is a win-win situation——

I alone, won twice!


afternoon tea time.

Lin Qiong lay lazily on the recliner in the backyard, stroked the know-it-all cat in his arms, and asked, "So the other party still refused?"

Know-it-all Maomao nodded slightly and said, "It would be a ghost if she agreed at this time."

"You all know she won't agree at this time, but you still make this request..."

Lin Qiong stroked his chin, and said thoughtfully, "Tell me about your plan?"

Lin Qiong believed that Miss Wanshitong would definitely not be aimless.

The know-it-all cat asked: "Do you still remember the reason why Natsu and the others were teleported to 777?"

"I remember two—"

"One is to avoid the pursuit of Akunologia at that time."

"The other is the need to perform secret techniques in an era of abundant magic power to suppress the dragon seed in the Dragon Slayer's body."

Lin Qiong looked at the know-it-all cat and asked, "I remember correctly, right?"

"The answer is correct! So have you heard the news about the black dragon now? No?"

Know-it-all Maomao nodded, and continued: "So, because the black dragon has not yet appeared, these dragon slayers and dragons have not yet fallen into despair, and they feel that they can still struggle."

"I probably know what you mean—but wait a minute, let me sort it out."

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and analyzed.

"That is to say, in the next six months, the following things will happen—"

"In order to resist the dragon's attack, Irene concealed her dragon transformation and married the general of a neighboring country."

"The black dragon appeared and killed most of the dragons in the world with absolute strength, ending this war between man and dragon."

"The few remaining dragons fled to the Northern Continent Kirutina because they were afraid of the power of the black dragon."

"In order to defeat the black dragon, Ignir and other dragons cooperated with Zeref to adopt five human children and teach them dragon slaying magic."

"When the time comes, Lucy's ancestors open the Eclipse Gate, allowing the five to travel 400 years in the future."

"Later, Irene was exposed as a dragon, was imprisoned and tortured by her husband, and three years later fell into a rampage, destroyed everything and finally fled into the mountains."


Hearing this, Maomao, the know-it-all, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "The answer is correct, and as a reward, you can pinch my meat ball—"

"Oh, thank you very much-"

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the right hand of the know-it-all cat, played with the meat ball in her palm, and said, "That is to say, the next thing we need to do is wait for the black dragon to appear?"

"If you want to wait for the black dragon to appear, it must be at least four months later, that is, about a month before the opening of the solar eclipse gate—"

The know-it-all cat kept the gesture of "reaching out" and said: "Before then, please contact Irene more and increase your relationship-so that when the Doragunov country is in crisis, the first thing she thinks of is It's not about marrying a neighbor, it's about asking for our help."

"Okay, I'll take Erina to her country to visit the night market tonight—"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and then said somewhat subtly: "But I dare to ask, will she have the idea of ​​​​marrying me?"

"In Irene's opinion, our interest in Doragunov's country is far greater than her own."

The know-it-all cat looked at Lin Qiong calmly, and said, "Plus, the world of Fairy Tail is monogamous, so you shouldn't have to worry about her wanting to marry you."

Lin Qiong nodded his head, and said, "Shut up!"


That night.

Doragunov country.

Different from other countries, the Doragunov Kingdom is a country where people and dragons live in harmony and love each other—probably based on this, the streets of the Doragunov Kingdom are extraordinarily spacious, and every Then there is a larger garden for dragons to rest.

"The number of dragons in this country is about ten?"

Lin Qiong walked on the street, looked around at the surrounding buildings, and said, "It's more like a large city than a country...or a fortress would be more appropriate."

"After all, there are limitations of the environment and the times—"

The eldest lady expressed her opinion, then handed the meat skewer she was holding to Lin Qiong, and said, "Eat it, this one is too salty."

Although the "curse of God's Tongue" has been completely cured by the eldest lady, it does not mean that she will deliberately wrong herself - for example, the meat skewers in her hands taste a bit heavy under the wild methods of this era .

"Indeed, looking at the ancient neon national wars today, it is almost equivalent to a large-scale village fighting—"

Lin Qiong reached out to take the meat skewers handed over by the eldest lady, and after taking a bite, feeling the gravy bursting in his mouth and the salty taste, he couldn't help frowning and said: "I know, how can it be so salty?" ? Is there only one condiment left, salt?"

"Ahem, maybe it's because this meat skewer is made of marinated meat - and then a layer of salt was sprinkled on it when it was grilled, so it became like this."

At this time, Berserion flapped his wings and landed in front of Lin Qiong, and said with a smile on his face: "Your Excellency, the Lord of the Sky City, and his wife, welcome to both of you."

The eldest lady blinked her eyes, then put the back of her hand against her hot cheek, and thought happily: 'Madam of the City Lord, hehe, Madam of the City Lord! '

Although I feel a little sorry for Mr. Nakiri, in the heart of the eldest lady, the address of the city lord's wife makes her much happier than the title of Miss Nakiri.

"Tsk tsk, as expected of a virtuous dragon, he really can talk—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Berserion, who still had fresh wounds on his body and looked a little tired, raised his eyebrows and said, "You just came back from a fight?"

"That's right, I just repelled a few brainless idiots - those guys were influenced by the dragon of the Western Continent, and they also started to attack the human country."

Xianlong sighed, and then said angrily: "Really, can't they have their own opinions? Do they believe what others say?"

"Le, even in the 21st century, there are a lot of idiots on the Internet who believe what others say. '

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, then took out several high-quality panaceas from his pocket, threw them towards Xianlong, and said, "For the sake of making Erina very happy with your speech, A little gift for you—sprinkle it on the wound first, and take the extra part internally."

Chapter 0507 attack, Irene

Berserion caught the panacea thrown by Lin Qiong, carefully raised these medicines, which were too small for a giant dragon, to his eyes, looked at them carefully, and said: "I didn't expect , beside Your Excellency Lin Qiong, there are actually rare healing mages."

Berserion's nickname is Xianlong, so he naturally guessed the effect of these medicines from Lin Qiong's behavior and instructions just now.

As for why it's rare?May I ask, in today's turbulent era, would you rather learn attack magic that can protect yourself, or would you like to learn healing magic that has no combat power?

"Let's try it first and see the effect—"

Lin Qiong looked at the blood spilling from Berserion's body, and said with a smile: "If the effect is good, our Sky City might be able to make a lot of money."

"Ah this..."

Berserion pulled out a potion with a strange expression, carefully opened the lid with his fingernails, and sprinkled it on his wound.

After the panacea fell on the wound, a warm current of washing wrapped around Berserion's wound, allowing the hideous wound to heal visibly with the naked eye.

"This this……"

Seeing the effect of the panacea, Berserion's eyes widened. He opened the remaining potions one by one without hesitation, sprinkled them on the wounds on his chest, back, and arm respectively, and then sprayed the last A bottle was introduced into the mouth.

Twenty seconds later, Berserion looked at his completely healed wound, showing a shocked expression: "Ji, it only takes 20 seconds!? This, what kind of skill is this—"

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