Judging from the Fairy Tail manga, the battle magic and healing magic in the Fairy Tail world are not at the same level at all—people in the Fairy Tail world often need a long time to fully heal after being injured.

"Oh, it looks good—"

Lin Qiong threw the finished wooden sticks into the trash can by the roadside, then looked at Berserion, whose scales had recovered, with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "How about it? Are you interested in buying some?"

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong!"

Berserion did not answer Lin Qiong's question, but put his head in front of Lin Qiong with a serious face, and said solemnly and somewhat eagerly: "Healing mages with such skills, please be sure to , must, must protect him!!"

So precious, this is so precious! !

This feeling is like a senior CSGO inventory player seeing a newbie who has entered the pit and opened a box with the world's most worn CSGO - he can't wait to kneel on the ground and beg the other party to protect his account and not to be stolen. ! !

"Okay, okay, don't worry."

Lin Qiong comforted the emotional Berserion with a strange expression, and said, "There won't be any problem with the safety of our family's healing mage."

After all, the secretary is even more powerful than Suna's plate-armored heavy hammer Holy Light Berserk - if Akunologia dared to yell at her, the secretary might just swat her down and hold her head two meters away. How tall the holy light plate armor pressed the head of the black dragon to the ground and beat it.

After receiving Lin Qiong's guarantee, Berserion breathed a sigh of relief, and then confirmed: "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, are you really going to sell this potion?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "As long as the price is right."

If it weren't for the situation, Berserion would have wanted to hug Lin Qiong's thigh and yell that he was his father--if there was such a potion, then their chances of winning against the man-eating dragon would be greatly improved.

This is countless lives! !

He said excitedly: "I don't know the price..."

"We're not talking about that today."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and rejected Berserion's transaction application, and said, "Today I brought my lover to experience the night market in this country."

"Well, all right."

Berserion nodded with some regret. He nodded gently towards Lin Qiong, flapped his wings again and flew up, saying, "Then, I won't disturb the time between the city lord and his wife."

After speaking, Berserion turned around and flew towards the palace.

Erin ah ah ah!Come out and pick up the guests——



"I guess he went to see Irene—"

Lin Qiong looked at Berserion's ass on fire, turned his head to the young lady beside him and said, "I definitely want Irene to establish friendship with us and try to win the panacea."

"Then are you proud?"

The eldest lady poked the itchy flesh on Lin Qiong's waist with her fingers teasingly, and said jokingly, "This is a beauty trick by the queen of a country?"

"Ahem, no, no!"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly and said in a serious tone: "I am the good brother of Arceus, the owner of Ho-oh (self-proclaimed), the trainer of Milton, the master of Hueco Mundo, and the honorary captain of Soul Society (self-proclaimed). , the good foster father (self-proclaimed) of the God of War Jian Yulei, the good disciple of One Dragon and Two Wolves, (10086 titles are omitted below), how could he be tempted by a mere beauty trap?"

"As expected of my family, it's really reliable—"

The eldest lady smiled and adjusted Lin Qiong's collar, then suddenly looked towards the roadside and said, "There is a lady in black stockings over there."

"Where? Where!?"

Lin Qiong subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction the eldest lady was looking at, but when he saw the strong man selling fruit over there, his expression froze, replaced by a slight embarrassment, "Ahem, This, I can explain—”

"Stop explaining, can I still understand you?"

The eldest lady poked Lin Qiong's itchy flesh with her finger again, and said, "Your more than 8000 followers on Douyin have already exposed you completely-you are foot control, leg control, stocking control!"

"Ahem, I want to clarify something."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and said in a low voice, "It's not more than 8000, it's already more than 400."

Missy: "..."

Angrily, she stretched out her hands and pressed Lin Qiong's face from both sides, then ravaged his face angrily, and said, "You're quite proud, aren't you? You lsp—"

""Let me reiterate, I am not old-"" x2

In the next second, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady said this sentence in unison.


Lin Qiong smiled, then raised his hand to hold the left hand of the eldest lady that was placed on his face, and said solemnly: "Don't worry! Erina's original beautiful legs are incomparable to those big girls with skinny legs and stretched legs." of!"

"I really appreciate your affirmation ang—"

The eldest lady shook her head helplessly, then took her right hand off Lin Qiong's face, and said, "Let's go, before that queen comes over to serve as a light bulb, let's visit Doragunov country more."



Along with the sound of hurried footsteps, Irene's figure appeared on the commercial street, and then panting, she began to look for the two figures.

'Eileen, the effect of the potion in his hand is really great! '

'If any force obtains enough medicine from him, it will be almost invincible! '

'We need it, but he doesn't have to sell it to us! '

Berserion's words echoed in Irene's ears, causing her to speed up her steps.

Finally, after searching for a while, Irene saw Lin Qiong and the eldest lady in front of a stall performing magic tricks - the two of them were watching with great interest the magician of fire modeling magic in front of them, skillfully manipulating the flames. Posing in various poses.

"Bosses, you only need fifteen copper coins to order programs!"

After the performer finished the previous performance, he looked at the spectators around with a smile on his face, and said, "Is there any boss who is generous enough to patronize? If it's a look that I can't make, I will give you a full refund—"

After hearing the magician's words, Lin Qiong leaned into the eldest lady's ear and whispered: "It feels a bit like a sugar painting."

The eldest lady said with some regret: "It's a pity that we don't have the currency of this country, so I couldn't let him hear the idea of ​​making a Pikachu out of flames."

At this time, a hand holding something stretched out from the side.

"Miss Erina, use my money!"

Irene looked at the young lady beside Lin Qiong with a smile on her face, and said, "I hope you and Mr. Lin Qiong will have a good time in Doragunov."

The eldest lady smiled reservedly, then took the copper coin handed over by Irene and said, "Thank you very much, Miss Irene, for your kindness."

As she said that, she took her mobile phone and walked towards the mage with happy small steps, leaving Lin Qiong alone with Irene—how can she use her beauty trick if she is not alone? right?

Lin Qiong, who pretended not to know Irene's purpose, looked at his girlfriend's back, turned his head to the queen beside him and said, "Thank you very much."

"Where, where?"

At this time, Irene was still a simple little white flower, so facing Lin Qiong's compliment, she felt a little embarrassed, and said: "Compared to the potion that Your Excellency Lin Qiong gave Belserion, the one just now is just a small amount of money. That's all."

"For me, it's enough to make Erina happy."

Lin Qiong showed a shallow smile and said, "Miss Irene, Doragunov is a very good country, please protect it."

"Well, I will..."

Irene nodded vigorously, then raised her left hand to caress the cheek that covered the dragon scale with magic, her eyes that were a little out of focus became firm again, and repeated: "Well, I will!"

'After all, she is Erza's mother. If she doesn't have a strong will, it would be abnormal——'

Lin Qiong glanced at the unwavering eyes, and couldn't help but think: "In the original book, if she hadn't been betrayed by her husband and the country one after another, she probably wouldn't have gone berserk after becoming a dragon, and finally destroyed Doraguno." Husband's everything, right?She is also a miserable person...'

Chapter 0508 She Really, I Cry To Death

"Hey, I'm back~"

At this time, the eldest lady ran back to Lin Qiong with a cheerful face, then took his hand very naturally, and said mysteriously, "Guess what I want that magician to perform?"

"Let me think about—"

Lin Qiong deliberately showed a thoughtful expression, and then suddenly asked: "Should we let Pikachu perform a super electromagnetic gun?"

Missy: "??"

She pinched Lin Qiong's face with the other hand, dumbfounded, and said, "That's Pikachu, not Misaka Mikoto!"

"it's the same!"

"Where's the same?"

"First of all, everyone discharges electricity, right?"

"It is true."

"Then, when he first appeared on the stage, he dismissed the hero and even attacked him repeatedly."


"Then, after experiencing the danger of almost losing his life, he established a deep relationship with the hero."


"In the end, you can even make an enemy of the world for the hero."


Listening to Lin Qiong's description, one question mark after another popped up in the eldest lady's head.

'Don't tell me, it's a bit like...'

As soon as such an idea popped up in her brain, she ruthlessly killed it.

"No, no, don't mislead me!"

The eldest lady reacted, then angrily hit Lin Qiong's chest with her head, and said, "The Pikachu you just mentioned was a stupid thing, not my Pikachu!"

Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and put his chin on the top of the eldest lady's head, and said, "They are all yellow-skinned mice anyway, aren't they?"

"It's not!"

The eldest lady retorted angrily: "My Pikachu is my unique little princess!"

"Eh? Is it—"

Lin Qiong raised his arms and put his arms around the young lady's waist, then leaned into her ear and whispered, "In that case, Erina is also my highness the princess—"

Lin Qiong used the secret transmission skill Love Words on the eldest lady, and the effect was outstanding, and the eldest lady fell into a shy state.

"You, you guy..."

With her face flushed, the eldest lady raised her arms and put her arms around Lin Qiong's waist, then buried her face in his chest, moaning and saying, "I hate it to death."


Lin Qiong chuckled, then inadvertently glanced at Queen Eileen next to him, and found that her expression was like this -

/(/ /°/△/°/ /)/

Lin Qiong: Huh?

Should he say, this is Elsa's real mother?When I saw the picture of lovelove, I showed almost the same expression.

'Speaking of which, if I interfered with Irene's marriage with General Silly X, wouldn't Elsa have been born? '

After looking away from Irene's face, Lin Qiong thought with some distress: 'Hey, ask Miss Know-It-All when you get back...'


At this time, the eldest lady lightly poked Lin Qiong's waist with her fingers, and whispered, "Shall we watch the show? Pikachu should be pinched, right?"

Lin Qiong raised his head and glanced at the lagging progress of the other party, gently loosened the young lady's waist, and said with a smile: "It's only the tail! Let me see, what are you going to let that magician perform?" .”


Long, long ago, on a distant continent, there lived a powerful monster.

It has golden fur, a lightning-shaped tail, and cute little blushes.

One day, it looked at the thunderclouds in the distance, and had a doubt—is my thunder and lightning stronger, or its thunder and lightning?

So, the powerful electric mouse embarked on a journey to find the thunder challenge.

During the journey to the place where the thunder cloud is located, the electric mouse has met friends such as Niu Youguo, Little Tiger, Tuwaner, Flashing Crayfish...


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