Under the control of the modeling magician's exquisite fire modeling magic, the vivid Pikachu and his little friends broke through the difficulties and obstacles together, came to the thunder cloud, and then sent a hundred thousand volts towards the thunder cloud in the sky.

It just so happened that the sky cleared up and the thunderclouds dissipated. The sunshine shone through the thunderclouds on the bodies of several cute little ones, making everyone look happy.

Pikachu thought, "Sure enough, I'm better—"

"...In this way, Pikachu's first big adventure has come to an end."

The modeling wizard clapped his hands lightly, dispelled his magic, then looked at a group of children around him, and said with a smile: "The children asked, how was the performance of brother just now?"

"Uncle, I still want to watch the next episode!"

"I am me too!"

"Uncle, keep talking!"

"I have money!"

"Me too--"

The modeling wizard looked at the copper coin in front of him with a stiff expression, then took a deep breath, and said, "Since everyone wants to see it, brother! Brother! Let's continue telling everyone the story of Pikachu?"

"Wow, uncle is so nice!"

"Uncle is awesome!"

"Uncle, hurry up -"

'So, it's my brother! '

The modeling wizard clenched his fists and thought with twitching lips: 'I hate naughty kids who have no sense of boundaries! '


"I'm a little skeptical right now if this is going to turn into a long-term kids channel—"

Lin Qiong looked at the shape wizard surrounded by a group of bears in front of him, and said to the eldest lady beside him with a smile, "For example, become Doraemon or beaming."

The eldest lady glanced at the mage who started a new story with a strange look, and said, "Although, he still has to make up so many stories."

Even if you only tell one story a day, it is not easy to write it down for a long time, unless you are as moist as a web writer.

"It's really an interesting show!"

At this time, Queen Irene walked up to the eldest lady with a look of unsatisfactory expression, and asked, "Miss Erina, did you provide the outline of the story just now?"

"Yes, a very childish fairy tale."

The eldest lady bent her eyes and smiled, and said, "I made Her Majesty laugh."

"No, no! It's not naive at all, but full of childlike fun."

Irene smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "To tell you the truth, I was actually fascinated just now."

'To be honest, you can't hide it——'

Lin Qiong glanced at Irene, and slandered in his heart: "Just now you saw that Pikachu was in danger, and you clenched your fists nervously, and you wanted to rush to help Pikachu through the danger. You can't hide it." who? '

"If Queen Eileen is interested in this kind of story, I can give you some paintings later."

The eldest lady took Queen Irene's hand enthusiastically, and said with a smile on her face: "It contains some very interesting stories similar to today's show."

"Really? Ahem, I mean, is this really okay?"

Irene showed a happy expression at first, but then she reacted. After coughing, she pretended to be serious and said: "I accept Miss Erina's gift for no reason..."

"It's just some worthless collection of paintings, it just represents the goodwill of Miss Irene and me."

The eldest lady smiled lightly, and then pretended to be unhappy and said, "Could it be that Her Majesty the Queen is going to reject my offer?"

"No, no, how could it be?"

Irene shook her head hurriedly and said quickly: "I like the gift given by Miss Erina very much!"

"Since you accepted my gift, we will be friends from now on~"

The eldest lady showed a happy smile and said affectionately: "Can I call you Eileen?"

"of course!"

Irene showed a surprised expression, and she hurriedly said: "Then can I call you Erina?"

"Why not?"

The eldest lady looked at Eileen in front of her with a smile and said, "I'm very happy to have such a good friend~"

"Me, me too."

The innocent Irene lowered her head in embarrassment and said, "I'm very happy too."

A question mark appeared on Lin Qiong's head beside him: "?"

'Wait, I said Irene sauce, isn't your purpose to brush up on our high sensitivity and make us willing to sell the potion to you? '

He couldn't help but look at the two walking in front of him, who were like good sisters: "Why does it look like you have been favored by Erina?" '


"See you tomorrow, Erina~~"

Standing at the gate of Doragunov Country, Irene waved enthusiastically towards the eldest lady in the distance, and after seeing the other party's response, she immediately showed a happy expression.

Hey, I have a friend!

You know, in this era, as Irene, she wants to find a friend of the same age (Da Wu) as her friend, which is simply as difficult as reaching the sky.

But now?The eldest lady directly sent her girlfriends from the sky, who can resist this?Even if she is blonde, she can't be a blonde loser!

"Super idol's smile is not as sweet as yours~"

When Irene returned to the palace humming the ditty the eldest lady taught her, what greeted her was Berserion's eager eyes.


Berserion looked at the radiant Irene in front of him and couldn't help but feel happy and said: "Looking at how happy you are, could it be that the deal has been reached?"

Erin: "Huh?"

She tilted her head in confusion and asked, "Well, what has been agreed upon?"

Berserion: "?"

"Purchase of medicine!?"

He looked at Irene's confused look, and a bad feeling came to his heart, "You have been away for a few hours, and you still look happy when you come back, so you won't forget it, right?"

Erin: "!"

She looked at Berserion with a desperate expression, and said weakly: "I, I really forgot..."

Berserion: "..."

He fell to the ground with nothing to love, and made a sound of "Abaaaba".

"You, don't be like this! Me, Erina and I have become good friends!"

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, Irene hurriedly said to Berserion: "Let me tell you, Erina people are really super nice! Not only taught me to sing, but also gave me a painting album, and even invited me Going to Sky City for dinner... woo woo woo, she really made me cry to death!"

Berserion: "?"

How does he feel, it doesn't seem like Irene has captured the other party, but the other party has captured Irene?

Chapter 0509 I am also a dragon

Today is the third day since Lin Qiong came to the world of Fairy Tail.

"excuse me--"

Irene jumped off Berserion's body, then looked at the eldest lady with an embarrassed expression, and said, "Erina, did I come too early?"

Bel Serion glanced helplessly at Irene in front of him, and sighed softly.

This silly girl was tossing and turning in the room last night, like a child about to go on a spring/autumn outing, unable to sleep at all, but this morning I couldn't wait to drag him to the city of the sky...

Um?Why do you have to pull him?

"Bercellion! If—cough cough, I mean if—if I accidentally forget about this, you must remind me!"

Thinking of what Irene said to him when he set off in the morning, Berserion couldn't help but twitched his mouth again, and then sighed helplessly.


"Where is it, it's too late for me to be happy--Actually, I still had a lot to say to Sister Irene yesterday, but it was too late, so I can only regret to say goodbye!"

The eldest lady walked forward with a smile on her face, took Irene's hand, and led her towards the gazebo in the garden, and said, "I'm really happy that sister Irene came here so early today. "

"Is Erina-nee like this too?"

Irene immediately showed a surprised expression. She held the eldest lady's hand enthusiastically, and said, "Actually, I did too! I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about what Erina told me..."

Lin Qiong glanced at the two people who were drifting away, then looked at Berserion who was covering his face with his hands, shrugged his shoulders involuntarily, and said, "Mr. Berserion, since the front yard Occupied by the ladies, let's go to the backyard for our men's party."

Bel Serion nodded, and said softly, "It's up to Your Excellency Lin Qiong to decide."


Castle in the Sky.


Training Course.

Area One.

"What's wrong? Monkey!"

Yami looked at the panting Abandoned Monkey in front of him, grinned and said, "Isn't this level of training not enough? Didn't you say you want to become the strongest in the world?"


The Abandoned Monkey roared, then punched his fists hard in front of him, rushed towards Yami again, and screamed: "Cha!"

I'm fucking melee!

Area two.

"30 seconds to go—"

Lan Ran looked at the Cangyan Blade Ghost who was squatting with a heavy load in front of him with a smile on his face, sweating all over his body, and said softly: "Hold on, Liu Huo."


Cangyan Blade Ghost nodded her head with difficulty, and then stared sharply at her front—she defeated all her companions to become Lord Aizen's Pokémon, so she must not miss this opportunity!

Area three.

"Too slow, too slow!"

Grimmjow put his hands in his trouser pockets, dodging Zoroark's shadow claws with a leisurely and disdainful expression, and said, "If you don't have time to gather energy, then use ordinary attacks—lower damage is better than combo interruptions." Be good!"


Zoroark nodded vigorously, and then continued to attack Grimmjow.

off the field.

"Oh, everyone is training very enthusiastically—"

Lin Qiong put his right hand in front of his eyebrows, looked at the scene with great interest, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Very good! Young people should have such vigor! Hmmm!"

Unlike Lin Qiong who was paying attention to the content on the training ground, Berserion on the side was staring blankly at several dragon gods lying on the edge of the training ground taking a nap.

Space Dragon Palkia;

Reshiram, Dragon of Truth;

Future Dragon Kyurem;

Husky Milerton blends in with the wolf pack.

Millerton: "?"

Look, I'm a dragon too!

"Lin, Your Excellency Lin Qiong..."

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