Sensing the sense of oppression emanating from the dragons over there (mainly the first three), Berserion couldn't help swallowing, and asked tremblingly, "Who's the dragon over there?"


Lin Qiong looked at Berserion's voice, and then suddenly said: "Oh, they should be regarded as the city of the sky... um..."

"Hey, they should be regarded as the family dragons of Sky City—"

At this time, Feng Wang flapped his wings and landed in front of Lin Qiong, and said calmly: "That is to say, as long as A Qiong gives an order, the three... four-headed dragons over there will flatten Doraku Nova country!"

Millerton: "?"

I am a dragon too!

Berserion: "!?"

Wang Defa? !

A chilling feeling flooded his body, making him feel a sense of crisis and despair from the bottom of his heart—he couldn't beat it, really couldn't beat it, no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't beat it! !

To be reasonable, these dragons didn't even intentionally use their aura to oppress him, just the aura they emitted naturally made him feel like he couldn't breathe...

This made him unable to even raise his fighting spirit.

"Mr. Berserion? Mr. Berserion—"

Lin Qiong looked at Berserion who was standing still and short of breath, and couldn't help but raised his hand and patted his paw, saying loudly, "Returning to the soul!"

The shout accompanied by a little magical power shook Berserion's consciousness, and he suddenly came back to his senses. He looked at Lin Qiong in front of him with a face of shock, and said falteringly: "Uh, Lin, Lin Qiong Your Mightiness……"

"Don't worry, Mr. Berserion."

Lin Qiong showed a gentle smile towards Old Bei, and said: "If I want to attack the Doragunov country, do you think you can still survive until now? Will I still provide you with healing potions? "

"Okay, it seems like this..."

Berserion showed a not-so-bright smile, and said, "I was too nervous, hehe, hehe..."

"Don't worry, my heart is soft and I don't want to see blood."

Lin Qiong patted Berserion's paw again, and said with a smile, "I won't attack Doragunov."

What else can Berserion say?He could only nod awkwardly and politely, and then tried his best to swallow the words that were about to come to his mouth——

'I believe you bastard, you bad boy!The four-headed dragon who died here the day before yesterday has not died yet! '

"Hey, Aqiong, do you want to play hide and seek?"

At this time, Nilu, who was holding the dream demon, quickly ran up to Lin Qiong, looked at him expectantly, raised the dream demon in her hand, and said, "The dream demon also wants to play with A Qiong!"

"Oh? Is that so?"

Lin Qiong stretched out his fingers to tease Meng Yao's belly, making the little guy giggle: "Does little Meng Yao really want to play with me?"

"Play with!"

Meng Yao nodded her head, looked at Lin Qiong expectantly, and said in a childish voice, "Ah Qiong, let's play together—"

"it is good--!"

Lin Qiong rubbed Yaomeng's soft face with his hand, and said, "How about we play together after I call a few people? Hide-and-seek requires a lot of people!"

"Respect mua?"

The ravaged dream monster made an indistinct sound, but she could vaguely hear the expectation—she was the liveliest one in the dream monster group, and the one who couldn't stand the loneliness, making the dream monsters in the group miserable Word.

"Your brother Qiong lied to you?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, flicked his left hand to the left, and then said loudly: "I offer three small dried fishes as sacrifices, come down, Black Cat Warrior Ji Sifengyuan Maomao!"

The good news is that nothing happened;

The bad news is that nothing happened.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked left and right, then put his hands against his temples, and activated the communication magic: "Way, Sifengyuan Maomao, where are you putting it?"

"Ah? Where's my kitchen-"

Sifengyuan said in a catty voice: "The secretary is frying meatballs! While she is frying them, Emperor Yan and I are showing off here, it's so cool!"

King Feng: "?"

Suicune: "?"

Lei Gong: "?"

grass!Didn't you say you had diarrhea?

I just eat alone and don't call my boss (brother), right?Emperor Gou Yan, you have narrowed your path!


Lin Qiong looked at the three Pokémon rushing towards the kitchen with complicated eyes, and pretended to be serious and said to the cats of Sifengyuan: "Come to the training ground, let's play hide and seek with the little dream monster!"

The cat in Sifengyuan, who was enjoying Xuanrou Yuanzi, said reluctantly: "I just ate for 10 minutes!"

'Only 10 minutes?are you a pig--'

Lin Qiong tugged at the corners of his lips, and then whispered: "King Feng Gao brought Sui Jun Lei Gong over."

"Hiss, I'm going over now—"

Hearing this, the cats and cats in Sifeng Courtyard tensed up, and after giving Lin Qiong a reply in a low voice, they said loudly to Emperor Yan, "Emperor Yan, I'm a little full! I'll go out for a walk to digest the food, you eat first!"

Emperor Yan didn't doubt that he was there, and said without raising his head: "Go, go!"

When leaving the kitchen, Maomao of Sifengyuan happened to pass by Hooh, Suicune and Raiko.

'Qianlue, Emperor Yan of Heaven——'

Knowing everything, Maomao sighed when he heard the screams behind him, "Remember to eat more meatballs before you die, so that you don't have to rest in peace." '


Berserion's expression is very subtle, so subtle that even a fan chart cannot explain it well.

'Your Excellency Lin Qiong, what kind of person are you? '

Berserion's nickname is Xianlong, but at this moment, he found that he couldn't understand Lin Qiong, "A person who controls dragons like this, actually... actually..."

To be so happy to play hide and seek with others! ?Don't you feel childish? ?

This feeling is like Dong Zhuo not covering his eyes to chase beautiful women, but following Lu Bu to the gym to exercise.

"Are you surprised?"

At this time, the voice of the know-it-all Maomao came from the side: "Aqiong is such a person, isn't he? In his words, that is 'men will remain young until they die'."

"Miss Know-It-All, we meet again."

Berserion turned his head, looked at the little white dot that appeared next to him - for his size, the know-it-all cat that could lie on Lin Qiong's shoulder was indeed a little white dot - and said: "Excuse me, can I Do you want to talk to me? About the potion that Mr. Lin Qiong provided to me last time..."

Chapter 0510 not 100 points, 100%

lunch time.

"This this this..."

Looking at the sumptuous and even luxurious meal on the table, Irene's eyes widened. "Sister Erina, do you usually eat these?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Good guy, I haven't seen you for a few hours, and you called your sister?

"It's about this level."

The eldest lady smiled slightly, and said modestly: "What I eat on weekdays is similar to these."

Lin Qiong and Feng Wang looked at each other, and they rolled their eyes at the same time——

Miss, I didn't expect you, a beautiful girl with thick eyebrows and big eyes, to learn to lie!

almost?Not even close, okay?

Because the eldest lady is with Irene, and the secretary is busy frying meatballs for Feng Wang and San Gouzi, everyone's lunch today is in charge of the kitchen maid (KitchenMaid) of Sky City—although Their culinary skills have also been "upgraded" several times, but they are still a long way from the eldest lady at this time.

"Miss Irene, try it first to see if it suits your taste."

Lin Qiong glanced at Irene and said with a smile: "After all, this is your first time eating in the Sky City, and the maids haven't recorded your taste yet."

Erin: "???"

She widened her eyes in astonishment, looked at the dining table in front of her in disbelief, and thought: 'Will they also prepare customized dishes according to the tastes of the guests?Isn't this too advanced? ? '

In front of Sky City, Irene actually had the illusion that she was a country girl who had never seen the world.

"What's wrong, Erin?"

The eldest lady keenly noticed the somewhat troubled Irene and couldn't help but ask: "I feel like you are worried."

"Uh, I just, just..."

Irene lowered her head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "Actually, I wanted to invite you to the palace for a dinner tomorrow, but compared to Sky City's hospitality, Doragunov's is..."

It's like the difference between a state banquet and a roadside stand.

Lin Qiong looked at Irene dumbfounded and thought: 'Is this girl actually struggling with such a thing? '

As expected of Elsa's real mother, some of the corners are exactly the same!

There is one thing to say, yes, cute.

"Irene, entertaining guests, the most important thing is the heart contained in it."

The eldest lady took Irene's hand and said softly: "You don't need [-]% hospitality, you just need [-]% hospitality."

After hearing the eldest lady's words, Irene's eyes widened, and then she sniffed in emotion and said, "Well! I, I will definitely entertain Sister Erina with [-]% of my heart!"

She really, I cried to death! !

Lin Qiong, who was eating Coke chicken wings, raised his hand and rubbed the bridge of his nose, thinking helplessly, "From this simple little white flower to the terrifying piranha in the original book, how much pain has she experienced?" Woolen cloth? '

@每感板General, you are really a heinous sinner!


After sending away the pregnant Irene and Berserion, Lin Qiong took cheerful steps and found Miss Know-it-all who was studying dragon slaying magic in the laboratory.

"How was your chat with the dragon?"

Lin Qiong sat on the sofa, then took out a bag of cucumber-flavored potato chips from the drawer on the left side of the coffee table, and asked, "Have you promised him?"

"For the sake of the good relationship between Queen Irene and Miss Erina, we can supply a small amount of panacea—that's how I replied to him."

Miss Know-It-All said while looking at the documents recorded in her hand: "Such an answer will help increase the importance of the eldest lady in the other party's heart - if the other party encounters difficulties, they will first think of asking the eldest lady for help."

As for why the panacea is offered in small quantities?

After all, this is the top potion that can heal the wounds of giant dragons, so it is understandable that the output is scarce, right?

"As expected of Miss Know-It-All, she is really reliable in her work—"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then held his chin and said, "Speaking of which, the more I get along with Irene of this era, the more I feel that the general from a neighboring country is nothing."

"Oh, our young master loves others?"

Miss Know-It-All put down the document in her hand, looked at Lin Qiong with a smile on her face, and joked: "Are you ready to attack Queen Irene? I will cheer for you -"

"Bah, bah, what are you talking about?"

Lin Qiong raised his hand angrily, slapped Miss Wanshitong on the thigh, and said, "I just felt emotional, why did I want to attack her?"

"Eh? Isn't it?"

Miss Wanshitong shook her head in disappointment, and said, "I thought you were finally going to take the first step of three wives and four concubines."

"Tch, if I plan to have three wives and four concubines, I'll be the first one to do it—"

Lin Qiong cut it, then lay on his side on the sofa, turned on the TV, and said, "Don't take your shit."

"Oh, I'm so scared—"

Miss Wan Shitong sneered, then leaned back on the chair, pressed her right leg wrapped in black knee-high socks with a hint of flesh color on her left leg, frivolously slid Lin Qiong's calf with her toes, and said: "You Don’t just talk and don’t do it? I promise not to resist—”

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