"Hey, you mess with my Dao heart!"

Lin Qiong jumped up from the sofa, then took two steps back with all his teeth and claws, and said, "Next time we meet, I will definitely rua your thigh as punishment!"

After speaking, he ran towards the door without looking back.

"Tut tut-"

Miss Know-It-All shook her head, then sighed with some disappointment, supported the side of her face with her hands, and muttered: "Whether it's Secretary or Irene, work harder!"

Let him take that step early!


the next day.

Evening, seven o'clock.

Palace of King Doragunov.

"Welcome! Erina-san—"

Irene, who was wearing a black evening dress, greeted her warmly, took the eldest lady's hand with a smile on her face, and said: "Although I can't provide you with a hundred percent hospitality today, I must be able to provide it." [-]% welcome!"

"Then I'll have to look forward to it—"

The eldest lady in a white and red dress held Irene's hand with a smile on her face, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let me see what surprise you have prepared."


Irene immediately pulled the eldest lady and walked towards the interior of the palace, leaving Lin Qiong and Berserion looking at each other at the door.

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "Have we been forgotten?"

Lao Bei thought for a while, and replied: "It's not the first time, I'm getting used to it."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then raised his hand and patted Lao Bei's paw, and said, "Brothers and brothers, let's go, let's go in too."

Old Bei: "..."

Also, it's not that hard, is it?


In all fairness.

Due to the constraints of time, environment, vision and other factors, Irene's reception today is indeed not very good in terms of "value", but in terms of "heart", it is undoubtedly [-]% hospitality.

"Thank you for your hospitality—"

Lin Qiong put down the knife and fork in his hand with satisfaction, then smiled at Irene, and said, "We have already felt Miss Irene's heart."


Eileen couldn't help but patted her chest, and then said with a smile on her face: "It's great that you two can be satisfied - to be honest, I have been on tenterhooks just now, fearing that I have neglected you two and made you dissatisfied. ."

On a personal level, the eldest lady is her first good friend, and as the queen of the Doragunov country, she naturally hopes to repay the other party's hospitality well, so as not to lose her status.

From the national level, whether it is the demand for panacea or the fear of Sky City's combat power, Irene does not want to cause a estrangement between the two sides because of neglecting Lin Qiong.

"Miss Irene, you think us too scary."

Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and said, "You are also Erina's friend after all, so you can relax more."

"That is to say—"

The eldest lady stretched her waist presumptuously, smiled at Irene, and said, "Forget about your identity when you get along with us—we are not Mrs. Erina and Queen Irene, but Elder Sister Erina and Sister Erin."

Because she had already entertained the eldest lady once, Irene showed a relieved smile this time and said, "I understand, Sister Erina."

At the same time, she thought in her mind: 'Maybe the City in the Sky is not as scary as I thought...'

Just when the atmosphere in the palace was peaceful, a sudden vibration interrupted everyone's chatting.

"what happened?"

Irene's expression changed, she quickly stood up from her seat, and asked loudly, "What happened?"

"Your Majesty, it is the dragon—"

The messenger hurried in and said, "The man-eating dragon is attacking again!"

"Ahhhh, damn it, I chose this time—"

Irene showed a very obvious angry expression. While gnashing her teeth and pulling at the dress on her body, she said to the eldest lady and Lin Qiong: "I'm sorry, I'll deal with it first..."

"give it to me--"

Lin Qiong interrupted Irene's movements. He stood up from his seat with a smile on his face, walked towards the door, and said, "Just think of it as a return gift from Irene for entertaining us."

Erin: "Huh?"

But, but, me entertaining you is a return gift in itself...

"Don't worry, Qiong is very strong."

The eldest lady came forward with a smile, helped Irene arrange the dress on her body, then took her hand and walked towards the door, and said with a smile: "If he makes a move, it will be absolutely fine."

Irene followed the eldest lady out of the room, and then saw Lin Qiong wearing pure white armor floating in the air, and said in a high tone: "You flying reptiles who disturb my lover's Yaxing, crawl on the ground for me!" Confess your sin—”

As he spoke, he raised his right hand and pressed it down gently. The dozen dragons surrounding Dragunov's country suddenly turned into broken-winged shit and fell heavily to the ground.

"Hahahaha, that's the way it should be—"

Lin Qiong waved his right hand in front of him, and the cheerful laughter echoed over the sky of Wangcheng: "Reptiles should lie on the ground and look up to others! Hahahahaha——"

"It seems that Qiong will go crazy when he's drunk..."

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds, and then thought in her heart: "If the alcohol limit is limited, three glasses of red wine..."

After thinking about it, she added two more words at the end——

'the following. '

Erin shivered: "Perhaps, the castle in the sky is more scary than I imagined..."

Chapter 0511 mentality to be young

The next day, noon.


Because of a hangover, Lin Qiong, who didn't wake up until noon the next day, was covering his face with his hands and curled up on the bed—the culprit that caused him to be so ashamed and angry was the projection on the wall in front of him. Yes, the video from last night.

"Huhahahaha, I am the king of the world!"

"One day, I want this day, and I can no longer cover my eyes!"

"Whoa, I'm fucking awesome!"

"Accept the move, Kamepai Qigong!"

Of course, if it’s just these things, Lin Qiong can probably look directly at his dark history after being drunk in front of the eldest lady, but the problem is... the problem is...

"Hahahaha, chirping hahaha..."

——This is Phoenix King.

"Puff quack quack quack goose goose goose vomit yue..."

——This is the cat of Sifengyuan.

Lin Qiong covered his head with the quilt and wailed: "Why are these two guys here——"

"Hahahaha, Aqiong, you too have today——"

Feng Wang rushed in front of Lin Qiong with a stride, then lay down in front of him, and said with a distorted smile: "Yes, I just want to see your expression, this expression of shame and indignation~~~ "

"Pfft, I didn't expect you to be so cute when you're drunk—"

The old drunk Sifengyuan Maomao jumped onto the bed, then looked at Lin Qiong with a teasing face, and said in shock: "I heard that you only drank three cups of red wine and then got drunk? You can't drink enough! Fish farming It's not enough!"


Lin Qiong suddenly jumped up, lifted the blanket on his body, and then rushed towards Fengwang and Sifengyuan Maomao with a stern face, and said, "I will fight with you! Suffer!"

"Hey! Wuna Linqiong, you dare to challenge the majesty of the Phoenix King, today I will let you know who is the master of this family!"

"Today, the Japanese cat raised the flag to let you know how sharp my cat's claws are, meow!"

"Today either you will die, or I will live—"



The eldest lady standing at the door listened to the movement in the room and couldn't help raising her right hand to cover her forehead. Then she shook her head and sighed: "How on earth did Qiong do it? He is already in his 30s, and still... To be so naive..."

"Hmph, his mentality is correct, huh?"

The know-it-all cat lying on top of the eldest lady let out a chuckle, and she said, "On the contrary, you still have the mentality of an ephemeral species, so that's not okay!"

The eldest lady fell into thought: "Well..."

"For creatures with a lifespan of less than a hundred years, 30 years old should indeed become mature."

The know-it-all cat lowered its head, and said softly: "But if it is replaced by a creature with a lifespan of ten thousand years, then the difference between 30 years old and [-] years old is not that big, is it?"

The eldest lady murmured: "Indeed."

"What's more, A Qiong's lifespan is more than ten thousand years?"

The know-it-all cat swept the back of the young lady's neck with its tail, and said, "Ten million? One hundred million? Maybe it's a bigger number..."

"Miss Know-It-All, you don't need to tell me this kind of news now—"

The eldest lady rubbed her head in distress, and said dumbfoundingly: "For a while, I haven't prepared myself for the long life span."

"Hahaha, isn't it a matter of time? After all, with Ah Qiong's personality, it is impossible to leave you alone~"

Miss Know-It-All made a cheerful voice, "So, you have to change your mentality early, don't let yourself be old-fashioned when you are not even a hundred years old~"

Miss: "..."

Is this the age concept of the longevity species?




A month later.


Berserion dragged his exhausted body back to the royal city of Doragunov Kingdom, and then complained to Irene who was trotting to greet him: "Really, are those dragons from the Western Continent crazy? ? The offensive during this period is really getting more and more exaggerated."

"Probably because the panacea provided by Sky City put a lot of pressure on those evil dragons?"

Irene took out a panacea from her pocket, poured it into the bucket full of water beside her, and then took the wooden scoop and sprinkled the diluted medicine on Berserion's wound, saying : "After all, every time they attack, they will be forced back by you using the fighting method of exchanging wounds for wounds or even exchanging wounds for lives, but the wounds on your body are completely healed the next day."

No one will be able to stand up to this. The agreed war of attrition, why do you still use the plug-in?

"However, there is not much left in the potion, right?"

Berserion looked at the wooden barrel at his feet with a worried expression, and said with some regret: "Ah, I knew that the diluted potion would also work, so I should have kept them in the first place! !"

Regret, in short, I am very sorry!

You know, pouring a panacea into the bucket can also completely heal the wounds (flesh wounds) on his body in about six hours, but what happened to him back then?But it took seven or eight panaceas to repair the wounds on his body.

This is worse than joining the national army in 49.

"If you didn't use those potions back then, you wouldn't know how powerful it is, would you?"

Irene comforted Berserion, who blamed herself, and said, "Maybe we will miss it instead."

Berserion still blamed himself for his extravagant craze: "Having said that..."

"Well, things have already happened, and there is no point in continuing to struggle."

Irene interrupted Berserion's remorse, and said, "Compared to this, what we should consider is what should we do if the panacea runs out."

"Hey, it would be great if the output of Your Excellency Lin Qiong can be increased."

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