Berserion sighed heavily, and said with a hopeful face: "It's best to make a hundred and eighty pieces a day!"

"It's not night yet, don't dream."

Irene glanced at Berserion speechlessly and said: "Instead of having such unrealistic dreams, it is better to imagine that Lord Lin Qiong will show his power and kill all the evil dragons that invaded Dragunov. Killing is more practical."

"Ahem, actually, this kind of thing is not impossible—"

Berserion turned his head away, but his eyes quietly turned to Irene's direction, and whispered, "For example... right?"

"Think! No! No! Want! Want!"

Irene hit Berserion's stomach with an annoyed elbow, almost gouging out his bile, "Sister Erina is my best friend, how can I destroy her relationship and hook up with her?" Where is her lover?"

"Ummmmmm...Really, let me finish."

Berserion clutched his abdomen, gasped for air, and smiled wryly, "Even if you want to destroy Miss Erina's feelings, it's probably impossible, but it will anger Your Excellency Lin Qiong..."

Irene squinted at Berserion, and asked in a bad tone: "If that's the case, then why do you still bring up such a thing?"

"Because, ahem, because when I communicated with Miss Passionate, she once told me by accident..."

Berserion's voice was somewhat erratic, and this voice completely exposed his guilty conscience at this time, "It is said that in the hometown of Your Excellency Lin Qiong, it seems that it is allowed..."

Listening to what Berserion said in her ear, Irene's expression gradually became unbelievable!A few seconds later, she exclaimed: "This, this kind of impure thing, how, how can it be..."

"Is this the custom of others?"

Bel Serion lay down on the ground with a smile, and said frivolously, "Didn't Irene say it? Something like 'respect other people's customs'~"


Irene let out a cry of grief, then glared at Berserion with unwilling eyes, and said in a broken voice: "Even so, I, I will not do such a shameless thing, absolutely not!"

"Anyway, I just said it casually——"

Berserion flicked his own tail, and said in a light-hearted and pleasant voice: "As for whether to do it or not, it depends on Irene's own will."

"Berserion, you... ahhh!"

Irene gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, then glared at her virtuous dragon, and said, "It's decided! Tonight, Berserion will accompany me to the Sky City to buy potions!!"


Berserion, who had a relaxed expression just now, suddenly changed his expression. He looked at Irene with a livid face, and said tremblingly: "No, then, this, this kind of thing, just, don't you need it?"

"huh huh huh huh……"

Seeing Berserion's terrified look, Irene suddenly showed an evil smile, and she whispered, "Da! Baa!"


Berserion let out a mournful cry: "You're killing me!"


That night.

Laputa in the sky, above.

"No, no, no, no..."

Berserion landed in the front yard of Sky City with a face of resistance, then glanced at the direction of the back yard with frightened eyes, and muttered in a low voice: "I definitely don't want to get close to that area...Wow, to be honest, I didn't even Even the city in the sky doesn't want to get close..."

"Let me tell you, Lao Bei, are you too timid?"

Lin Qiong looked at Berserion speechlessly, and complained: "Palkia and the others live in the backyard, right? They don't look like you..."

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, you are too good at joking! How can I be compared with Lord Palkia?"

Berserion looked at Lin Qiong with a face full of tears, and said, "You know what it was like when I fell in the backyard that time and saw the materials unloaded from the dragon's body all over the ground. How does it feel?"

Super, super, super scary! !

Chapter 0512 unlocked the new form

"I didn't expect you to have such a side..."

Lin Qiong looked at Berserion who was eager to hide under the blanket, and said, "I thought you, who fight dragons every now and then, wouldn't be afraid of that kind of thing."

"That (the tragedy on the battlefield) and this (the pile of materials in the backyard) are completely different situations!"

Berserion retorted emotionally: "There's no way they can be confused with each other! They're different, completely different!"

"Okay, okay, just calm down—"

Lin Qiong raised his hands in front of his chest, saying "you are too excited" to comfort Berserion. After the virtuous dragon calmed down again, he hugged his chest thoughtfully and said : "Well, it seems that you can't understand what you said..."

for example--

Soldiers who have come down from the battlefield and are used to seeing broken limbs and arms, will feel hairy and shudder when they step into a demon hut that regards human nails, teeth, and skin as materials, and human flesh as food.

"Sorry sorry-"

Lin Qiong clasped his hands together and said to Berserion with an apologetic face: "I will let the maids handle the materials in the backyard and transfer them to the basement of the Sky City to avoid causing discomfort to you."

Berserion was flattered and said, "Eh? This, this... is actually no worse than doing this for me..."

"Hey, anyway, these materials are almost exposed, even if they are put away, it won't be a problem—"

Lin Qiong waved his hands indifferently, and said, "If you had reported this kind of thing a few days earlier, I would be the one who feels the headache."

Berserion: "..."

Give me back the emotion I got up just now, hello!



"I feel that you seem to be in a particularly good mood recently?"

Lin Qiong crossed his legs, looked at Miss Wanshitong who was humming a little tune with a leisurely expression, and asked, "You didn't seem to be humming when you were doing experiments before."

Works, but ultramarine.

"You could say the same."

The corners of Miss Wanshitong's mouth curled up slightly, she turned her head, and looked back at Lin Qiong behind her with a standard 45-degree gaze that would break the bones of ordinary people, and said with a little joy: "It's just a random step that was buried not long ago. Leisure chess played a role, so I feel a little happy."


A question mark popped up in Lin Qiong's head. He stood up from the sofa, and then put his hands on the coffee table and approached Miss Wanshitong. He asked curiously, "What idle chess? What what?"


Miss Know-It-All closed one eye, then raised her right index finger and put it in front of her lips, and said with a smile: "This is an impossible secret—"


Lin Qiong made a dissatisfied voice, he simply walked around the sofa, and then came behind Miss Wanshitong, rubbed her shoulders with both hands obsequiously, and said: "Say it! What is the relationship between us, there is no need to hide it. looking at me, aren't you?"

"Well, there it is, push harder—"

Miss Wanshitong narrowed her eyes comfortably, and then said with a moaning voice: "This move will probably have a certain impact on you, so I won't tell you until I achieve my goal."


Seeing that Miss Wanshitong refused to let go, Lin Qiong immediately gave up the plan to continue the massage, then threw herself on the sofa, and entered the state of being put down: "Curse you to get fat first, and lose breasts first!"

Miss Know-It-All: "..."

She said speechlessly: "Host, this curse is too vicious for (ordinary) girls."

"If it's not vicious, it can't be called a curse, right?"

On the contrary, Lin Qiong took it for granted and said, "It can only be called a prank or something? Besides, Miss Wanshitong doesn't have to worry about fat at all, right?"

A gourmet devil who can eat stars like bursting chocolate, if he can't even control his own figure, it will really make people laugh their heads off.

"That's true."

Miss Know-It-All looked down at her body.Then he put his finger against his lips and said, "If you can control the magic power of your body a little..."

Under Lin Qiong's stunned gaze, Miss Wanshitong's body shrank a lot visible to the naked eye, turning into a little loli about 1.2 meters high.

"Oh, it's actually possible to do such a thing——"

Miss Know-It-All seemed surprised too, she spun around and jumped twice, then ran to the floor-to-ceiling mirror next to her, looked at herself in front of the mirror carefully, and said, "I see, the infancy of this posture Does it look like this?”

"Super cute!"

Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up and said with emotion: "Looking at Miss Know-It-All's appearance at this time, I seem to understand why so many people like Lolita!"

"Host, although, I still have to remind you—"

Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong delicately, and said, "Who is Lolicon?"

"I understand, I understand! The bastards who prey on real lolita should be physically castrated and then chopped into flesh - but legal lolita should be fine, right?"

Lin Qiong raised the thumb of the other hand, and said with a sassy face: "All in all, all in all! Reject juvenile aesthetics, start with you and him!"

Knowing everything, Loli put her right hand against her forehead helplessly, sighed, shook her head and said, "You don't even mention the word 'I'."

"Hmph, after all, I'm the full control of Super Fraternity!"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, puffed out his chest proudly, and said, "Whether it's Lolita or Yujie, I'm completely bored!"

"Host, let's just say, is there a possibility..."

Know-it-all loli looked at Lin Qiong who looked like "I'm in full control, fraternity", squinted her eyes and said, "It's just a possibility—maybe you're not as... um... omnivorous as you imagined?"

Lin Qiong was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and waved his hands and said, "No, no, no! How is it possible? I can read all kinds of books, huh?"

"That's just because your XP is very popular to a certain extent, so you seldom see books aimed at the minority..."

Know-it-all loli twitched the corner of her mouth, and looked at Lin Qiong.

"Pantyhose and knee socks?", "Erogue!"

"Essential oils and mucus?", "Erogue!"

"Calf socks and bubble socks?", "Dah!"

"Severed limbs and blood?", "Dah!"

The know-it-all loli shrugged her shoulders and said, "Look, there's only about half of the passing rate, isn't it?"

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

He looked at his right hand with a shaken expression and murmured: "Is it difficult to say that I, I am not as philanthropic as I thought?"

"Isn't that natural?"

Know-it-all loli shook her head helplessly again, and said, "A lot of XP are in conflict, right? The most typical example is pure Wagyu..."

"The tauren will die!"

Lin Qiong overturned the coffee table in front of him like a big monster destroying the city, and roared, "Wow, my pure love warrior punches a tauren!"

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Know-it-all loli stretched out her hand to catch the coffee table expressionlessly, and said, "So just admit it, you're not in full control at all, you're just a simple LSP."

Lin Qiong: "No, I'm not old!"

Know-it-all Lolita: "..."



After riding Berserion and landed in the garden of the royal city, Irene was wrapped in low pressure and supported the tree trunk beside her, and sighed heavily.

"What's wrong, Erin?"

Old Bei tilted his head, looked strangely at Irene who was inexplicably depressed, and asked worriedly, "Why do you look unhappy?"

"Thank you for asking!"

Irene gritted her teeth and turned around, then stomped her feet angrily, and said, "It's all Berserion's fault! All! All! All! It's all your fault!"

"Eh? What happened to me? I summoned up great courage to accompany you to the Sky City today?"

Berserion, who was inexplicably put on a cauldron, looked at Irene blankly, and said, "It's not like you don't know that, for us Dragon Clan, the backyard of Sky City can even stop children from crying!"

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