That's true, if a young dragon strays into Sky City...

On the left, there are mountains of dragon scales, dragon skins, dragon teeth, dragon claws, dragon eyes and other materials;

On the right, Palkia, Reshiram, and Kyurem are staring at you.

Young dragon: thump thump thump!

Sudden death on the spot.

"It's not about Sky City! No, it's not right to say that it has nothing to do with Sky City..."

Irene retorted first, but seemed to remember something again, showing a troubled expression, "In short, in short, it's all Berserion's fault!"

Old Bei:! ?

He opened his mouth wide and said with a speechless expression: "Are you too unreasonable? Even if you want to pass the blame, you can at least tell me what's in the pot, right?"

"It's not all because of what Berserion said just now..."

Irene's expression changed to >.<, she waved her hands and said, "I don't even know how to face Sister Erina today!"


Berserion suddenly showed a dazed expression, and the depression, bewilderment and dissatisfaction on his face suddenly turned into...


"Oh! So little Irene is struggling with this kind of thing? She's so cute~"

Berserion moved closer to Irene, and said in a very unbeatable tone: "However, since Irene feels unable to face Miss Erina, does it mean..."

His voice suddenly became so bewitching: "It means that Irene has also moved her heart... Aww!"

"gone back--"

Irene withdrew her fist and walked towards the palace with angry steps, still chanting bits and pieces such as "Ber Serion is an idiot", "I wouldn't do that kind of thing", "The third party is unforgivable" and the like.

"Hey, this girl is really ruthless..."

Berserion rubbed the tip of his nose, then murmured with a strange expression: "However, what Ms. Know-it-all said is too accurate, right?"

[Based on my observation, the little girl named Irene's concept of love is as simple as a blank sheet of paper. ]

[This means that as long as you drop (shao) one (jia) drop (an) ink (shi), that drop of ink will naturally dye the entire paper. ]

[Common name, self-strategy. ]

Chapter 0513 The Crisis of Beibeilong

Fairy Tail World.

Ishgar Continent.

Somewhere deep in the mountains.

"It's not an option to go on like this!"

A dark purple dragon slapped the ground beneath him hard, and said with an irritated look: "What's going on with that Berserion?"

She is Toadosaurus Padilan.

"You ask me, how do I know?"

Another light brown dragon also had an irritable face. He gritted his teeth and said, "That guy seems desperate every time he fights, but next time he appears on the battlefield intact..."

He is the mud dragon Felkesmu.

"We must find a way to solve this problem!"

The other giant dragon with cracks all over its body could vaguely see the red energy flowing under its skin, and made a gloomy voice: "If Berserion is not defeated, those relative dragons will not despair!"

He is Lava Dragon Sacacheno.

"Anyone can say something, but the question is how to solve it!"

The other giant dragon with thorns on its back shook its head, and asked a question that silenced everyone, "We don't even know the reason why Berserion can't be killed!!"

He is Xander the Needle Dragon.

"Heh heh heh! Everyone, although Berserion has yet to find a way to heal himself, but—"

Just when all the dragons were at their wits' end, a giant dragon covered in mucus and with knots on its back let out a chilling laugh, "However, I have found a way to defeat him! Jie Jie Jie!"

She is Katwas, the poisonous frog dragon. In terms of combat power, she may not be powerful among the dragons, but in terms of conspiracy and tricks, she definitely ranks first—by the way, in front of the dragons who believe in absolute power, she was originally not valued...

Yes, originally.

But when the dragons were deflated in front of Berserion one after another, they gradually realized that it was impossible to defeat Berserion simply by force, so they chose to temporarily believe in her strategy.

"What? Found a way?"

"The way to defeat Berserion!?"

"Say it! What's the way to beat him—"

"Say! Say!"

Looking at the aggressive and irritable companions around him, Katwas couldn't help sticking out his tongue, showing a weird and distorted smile.

'Ah, this feeling, this feeling is so good! '

'It only takes one sentence to inspire these mindless people to--'

'Sure enough, strength is nothing compared to wisdom~'

She laughed "Jie Jie Jie" and said: "I don't know if you have noticed that Berserion's injuries showed no sign of repair when he was on the battlefield, but when he was in the country of Dragunov After a period of rest, then..."

"It's such an obvious thing, it's clear to everyone—"

The lava dragon Sacaceno roared, and a trace of sticky flame flowed from the corner of his mouth, "Method! What we want is a way to defeat him!"

'The brainless bastard! '

'What are you anxious about? '

'Can you wait until I finish? '

'Are your brains all undeveloped orangutans? '

'I've made it so obvious, don't you guys think about it for yourself? '

The corners of Katwas's mouth twitched slightly, she took a deep breath to suppress the anger in her heart, and then continued: "My inference is that Berserion must return to the Doragunov country to repair his injuries! Also That is to say, if we use the wheel to fight and prevent him from going back, he will definitely die!"

"Oh oh oh! There is still this method!"

"So that's the case, if he will heal his wounds when he goes back, then it's fine not to let him go back!"


"Wahhaha! I finally found a way to defeat that guy!"

"Okay! Everyone, get ready to attack -"

'Aren't these brains all muscle-shaped idiots who can't even think of such a simple thing? '

Katwas felt deeply speechless, she couldn't help coughing twice, and then said loudly: "Everyone! I think it's better to discuss the order of the battle, otherwise if everyone rushes forward, it will become the same as before. -"

The dragons that had spread their wings and were about to rush over to cause trouble for Berserion couldn't help but stop their movements, then looked at each other and focused their attention on Katvas.

The lava dragon grinned and showed a ferocious smile: "Katwas, I leave the command of this battle to you!"

'Sure enough, wisdom is above force!You idiots, just listen to my instructions honestly, hahaha——'

Katwas was laughing wildly in her heart, but she bowed her head respectfully on the surface, and said, "Leave it to me! I will lead all the adults to defeat the Doraznov Kingdom!"



Berserion, who was taking a nap, couldn't help shivering, then woke up vigilantly from his sleep, looked around with fear on his face, and muttered, "Why did I suddenly feel a chill? Strange!"

He had just dreamed of the scene of the eldest lady walking towards him with a boning knife in hand, which scared him so much that he almost flinched—this dream was really not made by a dragon, a thief.

Just when he moved his body and prepared to continue sleeping, a few familiar breaths came from the distance, causing him to open his eyes suddenly.

"Thief hahahaha—"

A rough voice came from the west: "Bercellion, get out and die!!"

"Here again? What a group of unwilling guys—"

Berserion got up from the ground with a look of fighting spirit, then grinned and said in a low voice: "Really, can't you let me rest for a while?"


After the dragon wings spread, Berserion flew into the air from the window, and then flew towards the outside of the city—his viciousness had already been aroused due to the continuous fighting recently.

Grass mud horse, it's on fire! !

Berserion flew outside the city, and after seeing the two dragons flapping their wings in the air, he immediately showed a disdainful smile, and said, "Padilan (the poisonous algae dragon), Felkesmu (the mud dragon) ), why are you the only two attacking this time?"

Even the two dragons with poor brains could hear the undisguised disdain in Berserion's tone, which clearly expressed a meaning——

Where did you two get the courage to attack me to protect Doragunov?

"Honorie Berserion! Don't underestimate me!!"

The poisonous algae dragon was furious immediately, she raised her head and said loudly: "The poisonous algae dragon's roar!!"


Purple energy spurted out from her mouth, enveloping Berserion like a tornado, but...

"The roar of the virtuous dragon!!"

The next moment, the roar spit out from Belserion's mouth easily resisted the roar of the poisonous algae dragon, and then pressed towards the direction of the poisonous algae dragon visible to the naked eye.

This is an absolute difference in strength!However, Poisonous Weed Dragon is not fighting alone!

Just when Berserion's roar suppressed the poisonous weed dragon, a roar came from his side.

"The Roar of the Muddy Dragon!"

The beige roar quickly covered a distance of more than ten meters, and hit Berserion firmly in the side, causing him to let out a muffled groan.

"Jie Jie Jie! Berserion, don't forget, we have two dragons here—"

The muddy dragon flapped its wings, and showed a ferocious and evil smile beside it, "You have one dragon, how can you face the attack of two dragons?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Berserion grinned, then showed a ferocious smile, and roared: "This virtuous dragon, at most, has faced the siege of four dragons!! You two dragons alone, you are not in my eyes !!"

"Xianlong's Elbow!"

He gave up using roar to attack, but rushed directly to the side of the muddy dragon, and fought with the opponent - this is the experience he has accumulated with one enemy, as long as he enters close combat, the opponent cannot use it as he wants Roar attack, and sometimes even use the enemy as a shield.


"Elbow from the Mud Dragon!"

"The Wing Strike of the Toxic Algae Dragon!"

Facing the menacing Berserion, the two dragons launched a counterattack not to be outdone.


"Hey, Katwas, can't you?"

The lava dragon looked at the battle situation above, pawed the ground below him with its right front paw, looking like it would rush out at any time.

"Wait, wait, wait."

The Poison Frog Dragon could only try its best to appease the irritable and stupid lava dragon, and explained: "Let the Poison Algae Dragon and the Slime Dragon consume more of Berserion's energy before attacking!"


The lava dragon smacked its lips in displeasure, then gritted its teeth and looked at Berserion who was chasing and beating the Venomous Algae Dragon and the Mud Dragon, and said with hatred: "I must take revenge, Berserion!!"

Ten minutes later, when the physical strength of the poisonous algae dragon and the mud dragon dropped significantly, and seeing that they could no longer bring any pressure to Berserion, the poisonous frog dragon hurriedly said: "The needle dragon, and the crustacean dragon! !It’s your turn—”

"I've been waiting impatiently for a long time!"

"We must defeat the damned Berserion this time!"

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