The two dragons flapped their wings and galloped towards the air, attacking Berserion without hesitation.


"Why are there two more?"

There was a hint of irritability in Berserion's eyes. Being entangled by the needle dragon and the crustacean, he could only watch helplessly as the injured poisonous algae dragon and mud dragon fled away.

"Berserion, we meet again!"

The crustacean with one ear missing looked at Berserion with malicious eyes, grinning and said, "Do you still remember the shame you brought me?"


Berserion immediately let out a mocking laugh. He looked at the carapace provocatively and said, "Sorry, I don't remember the names of my defeated opponents!"


The crustacean, caught in a rage, rushed towards Berserion without hesitation, and roared, "The bite of the crustacean!"

"Too slow idiot! The claws of the virtuous dragon!"

"Don't forget, there are two dragons on our side! Needle Dragon's Horn Attack!"

The next moment, the three-headed dragons collided together in the most primitive and violent way.

Chapter 0514


Bel Serion flapped his wings wearily, looked at the goldfish dragon and jellyfish dragon fleeing in front of him, grinned involuntarily, and said, "Wa should be over now, right?"

'Damn, I'm almost exhausted...'

Berserion slowly landed on the ground, looked down at his bruised body, and said with a wry smile: "Do I still have to thank these evil dragons who have been attacking all the time, for training my strength to the point where I am now? level?"

Although the reality is not a game, there is no convenient setting that you will get experience points after the battle, and you can level up by accumulating experience points, but actual combat itself is one of the best ways to enhance your strength.

"If it was three months ago, I would definitely not be as relaxed as I am today. I guess I would have fallen in front of the needle dragon and the crustacean—"

Berserion let out a breath slowly, then turned around, flew towards Doragunov, and muttered: "We must hurry up to heal our wounds..."


At this moment, from the forest a hundred meters away, a beam of red light suddenly came out, directly hitting Berserion's vest.

'Sneak attack! '

Sensing the blazing heat, Berserion turned around hastily, and spat out the roar of a virtuous dragon without hesitation.


After the two roars stalemate in mid-air for a long time, the energy contained in them gradually disappeared, and finally dissipated in the atmosphere.


Berserion looked at the direction of the red breath with an ugly face, and said loudly: "The roar just now... Sacacheno, is it you?"

"Thief hahaha!"

After hearing Berserion's call, his body was covered with cracks, and he could vaguely see the giant dragon with red energy flowing under his skin rushing into the air, frantically flapping his dragon wings: "We meet again! Berserion Lion!"

"It seems that I guessed it right..."

Berserion looked at the lava dragon in front of him solemnly, and said word by word: "I didn't expect you guys to join forces."

Although it was said that many giant dragons attacked Doragunov together before, it was just "the same goal"-even sometimes, battles broke out between these dragons.

"Jie Jie! There is no other way—"

Lava Dragon did not deny Berserion's statement of "joining forces", but showed a smirk, and said in a voice of resentment and hatred: "It's all because of you, an eyesore, that our 'Paradise Project' has been repeatedly delayed. ..."

"Paradise plan?"

Hearing the name of this plan, Berserion's expression also became gloomy. He gritted his teeth and said, "Raising human beings from all over the world, and then hunting them wantonly. How can this kind of plan be a 'paradise'?"

"Hahaha, for us, this is paradise!"

The lava dragon laughed and rushed towards Berserion like a heavy chariot, roaring: "The destructive collision of the lava dragon!!"

'This bastard...'

Berserion gritted his teeth with a gloomy expression, then lowered his head, rushed towards the lava dragon without flinching, and shouted: "The horn attack of the virtuous dragon!"

The next moment, two comets collided together, and the terrifying impact directly overturned the surrounding soil, forming a huge circular crater.

"Thief haha, it's just like what she said, Berserion, you're running out of stamina—"

In the stalemate after the collision, the lava dragon, which gradually gained the upper hand, showed a smug smile, "This time, I will definitely kill you here!"

"You guy..."

Berserion's heart sank suddenly. If he encountered the lava dragon in his heyday, he would naturally not be afraid of the opponent, but at this time he has already experienced four groups (eight) of dragons' wheel battles, and his physical strength has been exhausted. limit.

"The Lava Dragon's Destroying Punch!"

The next moment, the lava dragon's right fist hit Berserion's abdomen heavily. The terrifying heat and impact made Berserion's mouth grow big.

'No, not good!The wounds from the previous battle have seriously affected my body...'

Berserion gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes widened and he gasped desperately, "I almost lost consciousness just now. '

"Hey hey hey-"

Seeing Berserion's desperate appearance, the lava dragon's eyes lit up slightly, and the corners of its mouth pulled out a dangerous arc, "Berserion, if you can't hold on, don't hold on! Honestly... die here!!"

The scorching roar of the lava dragon! !

The roar of the virtuous dragon! !

Berserion opened his mouth wide, squeezed the magic power in his body without fear, and forcibly suppressed the roar of the lava dragon—but it was limited to this.

"Damn it, if I had more physical strength..."

Berserion looked tiredly at the roaring lava dragon that flew up into the air to evade him, bared his teeth and said, "Sacacheno, go back!!"

"Hahaha, do you think I can't see that you are at the end of your battle now?"

The lava dragon hovered in the air, mocking with a cheerful voice: "I will kill you here, and then destroy the country you guard, and those idiots who protect mankind with you!!"

I have to mention one thing here-Dolagunov obviously has many dragons, but why does Berserion seem to be the only one who has been fighting?

The reason is very simple. After eliminating some dragons with weak combat effectiveness, the remaining dragons still have to undertake the task of patrolling. Therefore, Berserion is the only dragon left to guard the Doragunov Kingdom.

"Don't think about it!"

Berserion let out a roar full of anger, and his whole body exuded an aura that made Genji feel chilled, "Sakacheno, if you dare to attack Doragunov, I will kill you even if you die!" I will die with you!!"

"Hahaha! If you can do it, just give it a try!!"

The lava dragon, who was originally a bad temper, could not hear threats. He took a deep breath and roared: "The burning roar of the lava dragon!!"

"The roar of the virtuous dragon!!"

An angry roar came from Berserion's mouth, a more powerful attack than the previous roar broke through the lava dragon's attack from bottom to top, and then...

"The Roar of the Toxic Algae Dragon!!"

"The Roar of the Mud Dragon!!"

The two roars rising from the side and the roar of the lava dragon met the roar of the virtuous dragon together. After a short stalemate, the two sides immediately pressed against Berserion in a one-sided situation.


Belserion, who was hit head-on by three roars, let out a scream, his body flew upside down, and a large amount of blood spattered from the wound.

Toxic Algae Dragon: "Hahaha! Don't forget, we don't have just one dragon here!"

Muddy Dragon: "In contrast, your companions are out on patrol at this time, so you have no reinforcements at all!"

At the same time: "So, die!!"

"Bastard!" ! ""

It was not Dorachunov's voice that sounded first, but the lava dragon's roar from behind them: "You two bastards! How dare you interfere with Lao Tzu's battle? Believe it or not, I will tear you apart—"

The terrifying killing intent enveloped the poisonous algae dragon and the mud dragon, making them so stiff that they almost fell from the air.

"You, don't mess around..."

Toxic Algae Dragon looked at Lava Dragon in shock, and stammered: "I, we are here to help you under the command of Katwas!"

"That's right, that's it!"

The muddy dragon also quickly blamed her: "If you want to blame, blame her! It has nothing to do with us——"


The lava dragon turned its head to look in the direction of the forest, and roared: "Katwas, don't meddle in my battle! I want to defeat Berserion alone—"

'This nasty bastard scum...'

The gums of the Poison Frog Dragon Qi were about to bite and bleed, "What to defeat alone, you are obviously looking at his lack of physical strength, and you are going to grab this head and regard it as your own record, right?" '

What a villain! !

"What, what should I do?"

The Needle Dragon was frightened by the Lava Dragon's aura, looked at the Poison Frog Dragon tremblingly, and asked, "I, shall we continue watching?"

"No! Since Saccachero said so, then let Berserion go to him!"

The Poison Frog Dragon took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then said in a deep voice: "We took advantage of the time when he was fighting Berserion to directly attack Doragunov—there is no better opportunity than this time! "


The other dragons cheered immediately, and one after another they lifted off from the forest and flew towards the Doragunov country.

"Thief haha! I want to eat up all the residents of this damned country!"

"Hahaha, me too! It's all these nasty guys who hindered our plan!"

"Human flesh, human flesh, human flesh!"

"Wuhu, eat people!"

An undisguised voice belonging to the evil party shouted from the mouths of the dragons, bringing Berserion, who was unconscious after being attacked, back to his senses.

'No, no!Can't fall here—'

Berserion supported his body with his front paws, then stared at the dragons flying over his head with heavy breathing and panting, gritted his teeth and said: "We must not let them pass here!! The wise dragon..."

"Your opponent is Lao Tzu!!"

The next moment, the heavy armored vehicle Lava Dragon flew towards Berserion at low altitude, roaring: "The destructive impact of the Lava Dragon!!"

"Damn it ah ah--"

Berserion's eyes were scarlet and bloodshot, and he let out a long cry, then, as if he had given up everything, he slammed into the lava dragon, "The horn attack of the virtuous dragon!!"


Accompanied by shock waves one after another, the clearly visible sound of bone cracks resounded in the messy giant pit.


The bloody lava dragon looked pantingly at Berserion who fell in front of him, raised his head, and shouted excitedly: "Hahaha, I won!! I won!!"


The next moment, a sharp claw penetrated his chest.

Chapter 0515: Saving Private Beibeilong

"Huh, huh, you, are you careless—"

After pulling his right claw out of the lava dragon's chest, Berserion looked at the dragon heart that had stopped beating in the claw, and said with a grin: "Still, gaining the upper hand makes you so excited So much so that I don’t even bother to check my actual state?”

However, the Lava Dragon, who had completely lost its breath of life, was obviously unable to answer Berserion's question.


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