Berserion turned his head and looked in the direction of the Dragunov Kingdom. After being silent for a few seconds, he resolutely flapped his wings and rose into the sky. He roared loudly: "You bastards, if you don't want to die, just keep moving forward." ——”


Berserion's roar was like a bucket of ice water, cooling down the dragons who were rushing towards Doragunov in a hurry, and then turned their heads to look at him in astonishment.

"How is it possible? Sacacheno was defeated?"

"That guy, who usually pulls in [-] to [-] yuan, is so vulnerable now?"

"Damn it! Why is this guy just refusing to fall—"

"Everyone be quiet—!!"

Seeing the morale of the dragons seeming to be declining, the Poison Frog Dragon couldn't help but grit his teeth, and then said loudly: "Can't you see that he is at the end of his true strength at this time?? If he still If you have the power, you don’t need to threaten us at all. Wouldn’t it be more deterrent to launch a direct attack?”

"It seems...that makes sense?"

"Hahaha, that's right! Berserion no longer has the strength to launch an attack!"

"Keep rushing!"

For a moment, the morale of these evil dragons recovered again, and then they roared towards Doragunov again - which really fit the poisonous frog dragon's impression of them as "idiots".

'Damn, has the bluff been seen through? '

Berserion looked at the Poison Frog Dragon who was looking at him and snickered while covering his mouth. He couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and murmured: "Have you never seen a dragon before? It seems to be rare." The Brain School..."

However, you are too underestimating my nature!

The next moment, Berserion passed over the heads of the dragons, and then stood in front of them, grinning and said: "If you want to go over, save your lives first!"

The prestige accumulated by repelling the attacks of the dragons several times and killing the lava dragons caused the group of dragons who knew they were invincible to fall into a short-term panic.

"Didn't it mean that he is already at the end of his battle?"

"Why can I fly so fast..."

"Want to go up?"

"I'm not going. If he still has the strength, wouldn't it be me who died?"

Even idiots understand the truth of shooting the first bird, so for a while, the two sides fell into a brief stalemate.

"The Roar of the Poison Frog Dragon!!"

At this moment, a purple roar shot out from the group of dragons, enveloping towards Berserion.

Facing this roar, Berserion did not use the roar to counterattack, but raised his hands, crossed them in front of him, and forcibly took the blow.

"Sure enough, you've run out of strength—"

After finishing the roar, the Poison Frog Dragon flew out from the group of dragons and said loudly: "Choosing to bear my attack instead of counterattack is the best proof!!"

Putting down his hands in front of him, Berserion looked at the poisonous frog dragon in front of him, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "As expected, this guy planned the attack tonight, right?"troublesome guy—'

As he expected, the momentum of this group of idiots who were obsessed with human flesh who had just been suppressed by him showed signs of recovery.

"It seems to be so..."

"good news!"

"Rush rush!"

"Kill the wise dragon and eat human flesh!"

Listening to the shouts of the surrounding dragons, a scheming smile appeared on the corners of Poison Frog Dragon's mouth. He quietly retreated behind the dragons, then showed a happy expression and thought: 'That's right. That's it!Keep fighting, keep chaotic, keep fighting!Only with blood and chaos can the Dragon King be born faster...'

"You are right, I am indeed exhausted!"

Berserion looked at the group of dragons getting closer and closer, a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said loudly: "However, before dying of exhaustion, there is still strength to pull one or two dragons to die together—— So, who wants to be the lucky one?"

This was a very simple conspiracy against the mob—no one wanted to be the lucky one, and the result of retaining strength was that the pressure on Berserion was greatly weakened.

Under Berserion's declaration of returning together, this group of evil dragons, who had been reluctantly united and had no friendship at all, suddenly fell into hesitation.


Are you willing to rush to the front and be treated as a victim?

not on?

Isn't this for nothing?I am also ready to enjoy the joy of playing with humans.

It's hard.

"This group of guys really can't support the wall with mud..."

Seeing this scene, the poisonous frog dragon who retreated to the back felt that the blood vessels on her forehead were about to burst—she finally understood why the group of evil dragons hadn't captured Dobu Ragunov for so long.

You're both cowardly and useless. Apart from bullying, you can't do anything else, right? ?

'He is worthy of being called a wise dragon! '

'Actually seeing tricks and breaking tricks, it ruined all my plans! '


The corners of Poison Frog Dragon's mouth curled up slightly, and then it revealed a treacherous expression, and said loudly.

"Everyone, don't be scared by him!"

"We just need to keep a distance and keep roaring at him!"

"As long as he doesn't get close by him, he won't be able to drag any dragon to die together!"

'how?Yinlong! '

'What can you do in the face of my counterattack? '

'If there is nothing you can do, just die here under the cover of firepower! ! '

Berserion: "..."

As the never-before-seen dragon said, his physical strength has bottomed out, and his magic power is running low, so...

Have you run out of options?


He took a deep breath, as if looking away, he spread his wings and hands, and shouted in a deep voice: "Dragon!! If you want to attack the Doragunov country, you will step over the old man!" dead body - just let the horse come!!"


A flash of excitement flashed in Poison Frog Dragon's eyes, and she shouted: "He only has one person, attack!!"

"The Roar of the Toxin Dragon—"

"The roar of the mud dragon—"

"The Roar of the Needle Dragon—"

Seeing the roar getting closer and closer in front of him, Berserion smiled bitterly, then closed his eyes calmly, and murmured: "Irene, farewell."

Three seconds, two seconds, one second...

After the countdown ended, the imaginary pain did not strike, but a familiar voice came from his ear: "Oh, isn't it too early to say 'goodbye' at this time? Old Bei .”


Bel Serion opened his eyes suddenly, then looked at Lin Qiong on his shoulder, and exclaimed, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, why are you here?"

"You have to thank Irene sauce."

Lin Qiong pointed in the direction of Sky City with his free right hand, and saw Irene riding on the armored crow waving at him with a smile on her face, "After she realized something was wrong, she ran away immediately I went to Sky Castle to ask for help—oh, it was really a close call just now."

"I see……"

Berserion let out a heavy breath, and then said with a wry smile: "Thanks to Irene, I saved my life..."


Compared with the relieved old Bei, the Poison Frog Dragon on the other side is furious, wishing to destroy everything around it completely-to be honest, if she is a race with slightly inferior physical fitness , At this time, I probably pissed myself off.

'Why why why why why...'

'Why is there another accident! '

'Why!Why on earth! '

'Why do accidents happen every time, every time, every time! ? '

After forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, the Poison Frog Dragon flew in front of the group of dragons, looked at Lin Qiong standing on Berserion's shoulder with venomous eyes, and asked, "Human, who are you!"


Lin Qiong pointed to himself, then touched his chin with his hand, and said with a look of thought, "In my case, it is probably the successor of socialism, the partner of Juxialou, the best friend of Brother Tuozi, and Liang Shanbo. The eldest disciple, the slipper of Olali Street, the closed disciple of Yilong, the master of the three giants of the magic cannon, the master of the virtual circle, and the master of the city of the sky!"


After finishing the long list of titles, Lin Qiong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead pretendingly, then put his hands on his hips, with an expression of "I'm really amazing".

It is indeed remarkable!

"Ha ha!?"

It's just that Lin Qiong's long list of titles is obviously not understandable by Poison Frog Dragon - I saw a series of question marks popping up on her head, followed by a feeling of anger that she was fooled.

"You hateful human being, are you teasing me?"

The poisonous frog dragon raised its head and let out a deep purple roar, but just like the roar of the dragons just now, it was blocked by an invisible wall at a distance of 20 meters from Bel Serion.

"No need to waste your efforts. All the roars just now failed to break this magic shield——"

Lin Qiong yawned lazily, and said, "Why do you think you can break it by yourself?"

"Hey, the situation is not good right now?"

"How to do?"

"Should I slip away?"

Hearing the discussion from the group of dragons behind him, the string called reason in the brain of the poisonous frog dragon was completely broken.

"Why can just one human scare you like this?!"

The Poison Frog Dragon turned its head with a furious face and roared hysterically at the group of dragons behind it: "Don't you idiots have any dignity as dragons!? Come on, I'll tear him to pieces. -"

Chapter 0516 so stinging eyes

Facing the heartfelt cry of the Poison Frog Dragon, the dragons' reaction was...

"Who are you sending it to?"

"You can go ahead, if you can't, don't shout."

"This human being can easily block the joint roar just now, which is enough to prove that he is not easy to mess with, so I won't die!"

"that is!"

"Besides, why listen to you?"

A very real reaction, vividly showing the image of these evil dragons bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

"Hahahaha, so dragons are really interesting creatures—"

Lin Qiong looked at the answers of these evil dragons, and couldn't help laughing like a barbell, "Hey, old Bei, do you mean that most of the dragons are such brainless idiots?"

"I'm ashamed, that's right."

Berserion couldn't help but sighed, and said: "For most dragons, bullying the weak and bullying the weak are engraved in their instincts."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders and thought: "Actually, the urine nature of dragons can be seen from the original book, right?" '

The most typical example is the six dragons that appeared in the Northern Continent (Kirutina) in "Fairy Tail: A Hundred Years Mission"——

Water Dragon Melcophobia;

Flame Dragon Igonia;

Wood Dragon Alderon;

Luna Dragon Selene;

Earth Dragon Dogulamag;

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