Golden Dragon Biernis.

When these dragons appear on the stage, one is more aggressive than the other, one is more arrogant than the other, and one is more capable of pretending to be more aggressive than the other, so as to torture the protagonist group. After Nolokia appeared, he was frightened and fled to the North Continent with his tail between his legs.


"Poisonous Algae Dragon, Mud Dragon, Needle Dragon, Shell Dragon..."

Lin Qiong glanced at the group of dragons in front of him, then wrinkled his eyebrows and complained: "What are you doing? Why are they all a bunch of miscellaneous fish whose names you have never heard of?"

Berserion: "..."

One thing to say, you make me feel very shameless, you know?It gives people a feeling of "Xianlong Berserion was beaten to death by a group of miscellaneous fish", you know?


After hearing that Lin Qiong actually called him a trash fish, Needle Dragon immediately took a step forward angrily and said, "Don't you know that we, the trash fish, almost killed Berserion?" Yet?"

Berserion: "..."

Ah, it has appeared, it has indeed appeared!

Could it be that starting from today, I, Berserion, will always have an extra comment of "almost killed by miscellaneous fish" in my dragon birth resume?

Damn, don't do that kind of thing!

"No, you beat one out of ten, but you still haven't killed the other party..."

Lin Qiong waved his right hand with a speechless face, and said: "This kind of embarrassing record, where do you have the nerve to say it? Could it be that the defense that the Dragon Clan is proud of is all piled up on your face Yet?"

very good!Very sharp complaint!

It has to be said that Lin Qiong is really good at manipulating people's mentality.

With his unremitting efforts, these evil dragons who had already had a desire to retreat were once again ignited with anger.


"How dare you insult us like this——"

"Definitely kill him!"

"It's still ten to one, the advantage lies with us!"

"That's right, it's like dragging Berserion down, dragging him down!"

"Let him see the roots of the miscellaneous fish!"

Berserion: "..."

It’s not over, right?You can’t get over this joke, right?I’ve been stained with this stain for the rest of my life, right?How can it be repaired?

'This is too lucky, right? '

Seeing this scene, the Poison Frog Dragon's excited face was distorted, "This human actually took the initiative to initiate provocations, and he is really looking for a dead end!"So human beings are really a ridiculously small race!Hahaha, get ready to face the fear of death! '

"Hey, did you make a mistake?"

Lin Qiong looked at the group of dragons in front of him who looked like a bad society with a speechless expression. He couldn't help but raised his right hand and dug out his ear, and said: "What gave you the illusion that I am only one person?"

Aizen: "?"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand and said, "Guardian, come down!"

As soon as the words fell, figures one after another descended from the sky and rushed towards the dragons in the sky without fear.

Kyle: "I bring the wrath of light!"

Diana: "Do justice for the moon, police evil and punish rape!"

Gwen: "What happens next is up to me—"

Shyvana: "Taste my wrath!"

Nelielle: "In the name of Aqiong——"

Grimmjow: "Kill you!"

Yami: "It's time for another meal!"

Poison Frog: Σ( ° △ °|||)

As she watched in panic, the evil dragons around her were knocked to the ground one after another by these figures - in a blink of an eye, she and Berserion were the only ones still flying in the air.

"Okay, Miss Long, it's just you and me left now -"

Lin Qiong seemed to move his joints, then showed a kind smile towards Poison Frog Dragon, and said: "I am a kind-hearted person and don't want to see others suffer, so if you have any last words, please tell me quickly. It might be too late by now."

Poison Frog Dragon: "??"

She didn't realize it at first, but soon realized the subtext of Lin Qiong's words——

"I'm going to kill you. If you fart, hurry up."

Can this be tolerated?

She is a dragon, can she bear this?

She calls herself the wisest person in the Dragon Clan, how can she bear this?


"Humans, die!"

The Poison Frog Dragon opened its mouth and roared angrily, "The Roar of the Poison Frog Dragon—"

"Are these your last words? That's really sad..."

Lin Qiong lightly kicked Berserion's shoulder with his right foot, using the reaction force to meet the roar of the poisonous frog dragon, and said domineeringly: "This weak roar, let me break it!"

Accompanied by a white beam of light blooming from the tip of Lin Qiong's fist, the roar of the poisonous frog dragon was easily defeated, leaving only bits and pieces of purple magic residue.

'how is this possible! ? '

Seeing this scene, the frog-like horizontal pupils of the poisonous frog suddenly shrank, "My roar with all my strength was so easily suppressed..."


Lin Qiong landed on the head of the poisonous frog dragon with a smile on his face. Looking at the stiff poisonous frog dragon, who dared not move, he showed a gentle smile, knelt down and approached the opponent, and said, "It seems , now I am a little bit stronger—”

Speaking, he also stretched out his right index finger and thumb, gestured a distance of about one millimeter, and emphasized: "It's really a little bit stronger."

"Just...what are you kidding..."

The teeth of the poisonous frog dragon were fighting. When Lin Qiong squatted on the tip of her nose, she could truly feel what kind of power is contained in this human body, "It's... a monster! You monster!!"

"Hey, monster or something, it's too rude, isn't it?"

Lin Qiong looked at the Poison Frog Dragon with a speechless face, and said, "I'm a native, purebred, human with a real eye?"

"No way! You can't be human-"

The poisonous frog dragon looked at Lin Qiong with scarlet eyes, and said hoarsely: "How can human beings have such a level of power? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!!"

"Is that all you want to say? Then bye-"

Lin Qiong raised his right fist, but when he swung it out, he seemed to have thought of something, and said to himself: "Speaking of which, when you guys use your special moves, you all have to shout something like "So-and-so Dragon" What’s right? Then I have to do as the Romans do, okay?”

So, in the fearful eyes of the Poison Frog Dragon, Lin Qiong raised his right fist again.

"The cry of the one-eyed dragon!"

"The scream of the blind dragon!"

"The cry of the Broken Arm Dragon!"

"The despair of the armless dragon!"

"The remnants of the one-legged dragon!"

"The end of the poisonous frog dragon!"

So far, it's over.

Berserion on the side: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Well, it's scary!

He decided that he would not mess with Lin Qiong if he messed with anyone in the future.


"Wuhu, great harvest, great harvest!"

Looking at the dragon corpses piled up in the backyard, King Feng cheered with bright eyes: "Good guy, do these evil dragons know that our stock is about to run out, so they come here to send warmth?"

Berserion: "..."

He's a dragon -- just representing him as a dragon, without any clan name or positive mole factor -- he thinks that no dragon should come to send this kind of warmth, right?

"You are smart."

Lin Qiong knocked Feng Wang on the head, then looked at Berserion and said, "Is the injury on your body no longer a problem?"

"It's all right."

Berserion lowered his head slightly and said to Lin Qiong seriously: "Thank you very much, Your Excellency Lin Qiong for your help, otherwise I may never see the sun tomorrow again."

"It's not me you're thanking, it's Irene—"

Lin Qiong looked at Irene who was sitting at the stone table not far away, who was communicating with Miss Wanshitong, and said, "She has paid too much to save you."

Hearing this sentence, Berserion gave a "thud" in his heart, then turned his head to look at Irene, thinking to himself: "Could it be that Irene..."

At this moment, countless thoughts and pictures appeared in his mind. The exquisite plot, exquisite painting style, and wonderful lines made people sigh with emotion: "You are worthy of being a virtuous dragon."

At this moment, he heard Lin Qiong say: "Irene voluntarily became Miss Wanshitong's assistant. Once the human-dragon war subsides, she will give up her position as queen and follow Miss Wanshitong."

Berserion: "Huh? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)!"

He tilted his head involuntarily, and then stared at Irene not far away with a look of hatred.

Erin: "..."

Well, what a stinging look!

She twisted her body slightly uncomfortably, then adjusted her sitting posture calmly, and turned the back of her head towards Berserion.

As long as I couldn't see it, Berserion didn't stare at me.

—— Ostrich Irene Bird.

Chapter 0517




Berserion looked at Irene in front of him expressionlessly, while Her Majesty lowered her head weakly, as if I would dare to make a mistake next time.

"No promise!"

"Spicy chicken!"


Berserion was heartbroken, miserable, crying, and patted the ground beneath him. He gritted his teeth and said: "How could you have such a good opportunity, how could you..."

You two kings, four and two, played three belts and one?

In fact, his mood at this time is easy to understand——

When you wake up from a serious illness and learn that your daughter sold herself to the current prince in order to save you, you will tremble with anger and feel that you have dragged your daughter down.

However, if you later learned from the woman that she did not choose to sell herself to the prince as a concubine, but chose to be a sweeper in the prince's mansion.

Well, Berserion is almost in this mood.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you a tiger?"

Irene shrank her neck, and then retorted in a low voice: "Sister Erina treats me so well, how can I destroy her feelings?"

"Where did you destroy it! Where did you destroy it!?"

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