Berserion looked around, then lowered his voice, and asked, "I didn't ask you to kick Miss Erina away, but..."

"Enough! Say no more—"

Irene interrupted Berserion loudly, she turned around, walked towards the outside quickly, and said: "Berserion, this is the second time you have talked about this topic with me, I hope you didn't next time!"

After finishing speaking, she took hurried steps and left the garden of Wangcheng.


Berserion sighed, then slowly lay down on the ground, and whispered: "Silly girl, you don't understand, you don't understand at all..."

Whether it's you or me, they're just her pawns.


Castle in the Sky.


"Tsk tsk-"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, looked at the materials packed in different categories, and couldn't help but said: "If these materials are taken to Olalie, I am afraid that Hephaestus will not be able to return to the heaven directly."

Don't get me wrong, this is karoshi.

"You take the bamboo shoots—"

The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and said, "Besides, Hephaestus is not a fool, won't she rest when she's tired?"

"I can throw a string of [-]-ring whips into her room while she's sleeping—"

Lin Qiong said happily: "Then close the door with a bang, and put two locks on her!"

Miss: "..."

She twitched the corner of her mouth, and reminded her in a friendly way: "Let me remind you that although Hephaestus cannot liberate divine power in the world of encountering the earth, she can liberate divine power in other worlds."

"Well, forget it."

Lin Qiong coughed twice, and then said solemnly: "I am a kind and friendly young man who develops body and beauty at the same time..."


The eldest lady twitched her lips, then silently raised her right hand to cover her face.

"Virtue, intelligence, body, beauty, labor, lack of morality, wisdom, and labor..."

'Should I be happy that he has such self-knowledge, or should I be sad? '

"Speaking of which, we haven't been back to Olalie for a long time, right?"

The eldest lady shook her head, looked at Lin Qiong, and asked, "Do you want to take some time to go back and have a look? Ah Jian, Mihe and Luo Ji are probably talking about you every day, right?"

"It's not just Olalie who hasn't returned for a long time, but also other worlds?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and said thoughtfully: "It's been a long time since I saw Master Misaki Yuesi, and I don't know if Kazuma and Huihui have children..."

'Boy, boy! ?The child of Megumin and Mr. Kazuma...'

Yoyo on the side covered her face shyly, and then thought longingly: "Will you call me Auntie Yoyo?"Hey hey—'


At this time, the secretary at the side looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady quietly, and said, "Master, the lady's stomach hasn't moved yet—"

Lin Qiong: “Cough cough cough cough——”

Missy: "Ahem, ahem——"

Both of them looked as if they were going to cough out their own lungs, but the secretary at the side continued to say without mercy: "Master, after all, miss is the heir of the Nakiri family, if there is no heir..."

"Alice! The Nakiri family and Alice—"

Lin Qiong raised his hand and interrupted the speech of the secretary's loyal minister, and then activated the emergency avoidance plan: "The Nakiri family can be handed over to Alice to inherit—right? Erina!"

"Ah, that's right! Qiong is right——"

Erina nodded her head vigorously, and stammered, "If the Nakiri family leaves it to Alice, I'm very relieved!"

The secretary thought for a while, then nodded slightly, and stepped aside.

"Huh..." x2

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, and then they both breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's all you, it's all you, it's all you—"

The eldest lady came to Lin Qiong's side, gritted her teeth and poked his waist with her fingers, and complained: "It's nothing, what a child!"

"Where would I have thought that the secretary would come out of nowhere—"

As Lin Qiong spoke, he glanced at the young lady's abdomen subtly, and said strangely: "But I have to say, I have poured a lot in these years, and it is really strange that there is no movement..."

Missy: "???"

She poked Lin Qiong again, and said, "Could it be that you suspect..."

"If you don't listen to some third-rate soap operas, what's going on in your mind?"

Lin Qiong pinched the young lady's face angrily, and said, "I want to say, there is no such thing as 'the higher the species, the lower the chance of having offspring'."

"Ahem, it seems that there is such a possibility..."

The eldest lady coughed awkwardly, then touched her belly and whispered: "After all, I haven't taken any medicine, and you always...cough."

Well, this is Lin Qiong's swastika——

Swastika · Energizing Sword · Night · Essence Charged with Ten Trillions of Essences.

"Ahem, let's go and ask, go and ask -"

Lin Qiong also coughed a few times subtly, then took the hand of the eldest lady and walked towards the laboratory.



"How long have you two been together before you notice this problem? This reaction is really slow—"

Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady who seemed to be coming to the hospital for the last examination with a speechless expression, and said.

"Besides, isn't this common sense?"

"Under normal circumstances, the stronger the creature, the higher its life essence, and the better the talents that its children can inherit."

"If they can give birth to offspring easily, wouldn't it be possible to give birth to a legion of little monsters as long as they make a child?"

After hearing Ms. Know-It-All's explanation, the eldest lady showed an expression of approval: "It makes sense! If powerful creatures can easily give birth to offspring, wouldn't it be a mess?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin subtly, and said, "Although, Kakarot has three children, and Vegeta has two."

"My dear Mr. Lin Qiong, can you not use the special case of Saiyan as an example?"

Miss Wanshitong suddenly showed Cao's expression that he had eaten nine intestines.

"I've never seen any creatures as weird as Saiyans!"

"Viral heart disease solo kills a Super Saiyan."

"Ordinary beam gun single-kill Super Saiyan Blue."

"Close! Key! Yes! They still can't survive in space!!"

Lin Qiong looked at the excited Ms. Know-it-All, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her calm down, and comforted her: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, being angry is to leave room for the devil—"

Miss Know-It-All: "?"

She pondered for a few seconds, then asked: "Host, let's just say, is there a possibility that I am a gourmet devil?"


Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then scratched his head, and said, "That's all right."

"However, as Miss Know-It-All said, why are Saiyans so strange?"

The eldest lady supported her chin, and asked a little strangely, "It is reasonable to say that a race that can smash a planet with one punch, how could it be impossible to survive the universe?"

"From a benevolent point of view, it is because the creator gods of the Dragon Ball world are not skilled enough that the created races are extremely unbalanced."

"From a malicious point of view, it is deliberate by the Creator God of the Dragon Ball world. Only combat weapons with weaknesses are easy to control."

After finishing speaking, Miss Wanshitong took a sip of scented tea on the table and said, "It depends on your own ideas from which angle to speculate."

Lin Qiong: "..."

"Ahem, didn't Erina and I come here to consult about physical problems? Why did the topic go to Saiyans for no reason?"

He pulled his face, then coughed twice, and said, "Anyway, it's not good to talk about other people behind their backs like this, it's not good, it's not good! It's against a gentleman's style, isn't it Erina?"

The eldest lady also nodded hurriedly, and said, "Yes, yes, I think so too!"

Listening to the discussion of these two people, Miss Know-it-All rolled her eyes and said, "Is there any problem with you talking about the Creator God of the Dragon Ball world in the Fairy Tail world? Could it be that he can use the sword of the Dragon Ball world to kill the God of the Fairy Tail world?" you?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while: "It seems to make sense."

The eldest lady poked him and said, "Don't be led astray."

"It's boring! That's all, all right, you guys go back."

Seeing that Lin Qiong didn't take the bait, Miss Wanshitong pursed her lips in disappointment, and said, "Irene sent me a lot of magic books, I have to study them carefully."

Lin Qiong: "Just talking."


After leaving the laboratory, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady stood in the corridor for a while and looked at the scenery in the yard.

Lin Qiong: "It's a bit boring, let's find something to do."

Missy: "Huh? For example?"

Lin Qiong: "Do something you love."

Missy: "Huh?"

Before she had time to say anything, Lin Qiong held onto her shoulders and ran towards the bedroom in no time.

The secretary following the two of them: "..."

Miss, young master, am I redundant?

Chapter 0518 The Birth of the Demon Dragon

"Qianjun, it seems that the birth of Akunologia, just recently—"

Aizen held a document in his hand, stood beside Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, and said, "According to the news sent back by Miss Violet's 'Information Bug', within this week, Ishgar There have been four civil wars among dragon groups in the mainland."

"Huo, good guy—"

Lin Qiong took the document handed over by Lan Ran, looked at the data recorded on it, raised his eyebrows and said, "These Long Kaiyin parties don't call me, do they? Tsk tsk, how much dragon blood is wasted..."


Lin Qiong turned his head, looked at Feng Wang at the side—to be precise, her belly—and said, "No, why did you make me conditioned?"

Feng Wang retorted: "Can this be my fault? Who told me to eat dragon blood vermicelli stew last night..."

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes and said, "I ate it too, and Ah Lan ate it too. Why didn't you see our stomach growling?"

Feng Wang thought for a while and said, "Is there a possibility that you have a problem with your body function? I suggest you go to the hospital for an examination!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Aizen: "?"

The two looked at each other, and then looked at Feng Wang who was combing his feathers.

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then activated the communication magic, and said, "Erina, tonight I want to eat Coke Chicken Wings, Tang Yang Chicken Nuggets, Kung Pao Chicken, and a spicy chicken curry!"

King Feng: "?"

She looked at Lin Qiong and asked, "Is it intentional to disgust brother?"

Lin Qiong smiled and explained softly: "How could it be? I just wanted to eat these things."

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