"You can lie to brother, but don't lie to yourself!"

Feng Wang landed on Lin Qiong's lap, then puffed up his chest, and said proudly: "However, do you think you can disgust brother by doing this? It can only be said that you underestimate me - help me with painting Rina brought a sentence, give me a whole fried chicken with honey mustard flavor!"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then raised his head and sighed, and said, "You really don't feel burdened by eating this stuff?"

"How many times have I eaten, don't you feel silly asking this now?"

Feng Wang rolled his eyes, and said bluntly: "What do I have in common with it other than the similar appearance? They are not the same species. What psychological burden should I have?"

It's like when humans see Minotaur, Pig-headed Monster and Goat-headed Monster, if they find that the other party has low IQ, can't communicate, and the meat is delicious...

Hey, I can eat you as endangered animals!

"Well, you have a point."

Lin Qiong nodded, and decided not to dwell on this matter any longer, but turned his attention to Lan Ran, and said, "If I'm not wrong, if we didn't stop the group of dragons from attacking Doraku last time In the case of Nove, it is estimated that there will be a fifth dragon fighting incident."

"Exactly! It looks like someone—or a dragon—was behind this disturbance."

Lan Ran nodded lightly, and said, "If nothing else happens, its purpose is to create the Dragon King."

"Tsk tsk tsk, war, blood, mourning, resentment, howling..."

Lin Qiong looked at the document in his hand, clicked his tongue and said, "Akunologia cultivated by these things as bait, no wonder it turned into that."

Just look at his performance in the original book, his mind is almost bewildered!


Lin Qiong yawned, then threw the document in his hand on the coffee table, and said, "Now wait for the black dragon to appear, and then protect the friendly dragon, and then we can prepare to go 400 years later."

Aizen turned around, took out a blanket from the cabinet at the back, and said gently: "Are you tired, Lord Qiong? Do you want to sleep here for a while?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He couldn't help rubbing his arms, and said, "Alan, your setting is a male villain with brown hair, short hair, squinting eyes, and a full belly, not a big sister with brown curly curly hair and a gentle big belly. "

Aizen: "?"

He was silent for a few seconds, then with a wave of his right hand, he summoned his own Mirror Flower and Water Moon, and asked: "How about, Lord Qiong, don't resist later, let me use Mirror Flower and Water Moon to hypnotize you, and then change my image in your eyes ?”

Lin Qiong: "?"

He clapped his hands dumbfounded, and said with admiration: "Alan, I found that since you were defeated by me, you are almost ready to play with the application of the mirror!"

Aizen smiled reservedly, then pushed up his glasses and said: "Everywhere, it is all the credit of Qiongjun!"

Lin Qiong shied away: "No, no, it's you who got the inspiration."

Aizen modestly said: "No, no, no, it was Qiongjun's inspiration."

Feng Wang on the side showed a disdainful expression, then looked at the third milk dog who was lying on the sofa, and said arrogantly: "You three, give me chicken nuggets at night, and give me some work! Otherwise, you will die Die!"

Third milk dog: "..."

#Feng Wang's mental state is getting more and more strange, what should I do?Very urgent, waiting online#



Lin Qiong raised his head, looked at the sky covered with dark clouds, and could vaguely see the black thunder. He couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said: "Tsk, tsk, what a scene of black clouds pressing down on the city, the sound of the birth of the black dragon is so real." Big enough.”

Miss Know-It-All came to the bed, leaned on the window sill, and said lazily: "After all, it is the strongest evil dragon that has brought fear to this world for 400 years. There is nothing wrong with being loud."

Lin Qiong stroked his chin, and said thoughtfully: "Tell me, what if I rushed over now and killed the black dragon directly?"

"If you really do this, the implications will be huge——"

Miss Know-It-All crossed her arms, looking pensive.

"First of all, there is no one to deal with the evil dragons that are raging on the east and west continents, so Sky City has to take over this task."

"Secondly, Ignir and other dragons will no longer cooperate with Zeref, and take Naz and the others to 400 years later."

"Then, Natsu is expected to grow into an END posture and become the most vicious, evil, and terrifying flame demon."

"In the end, without Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy, and Elsa, the Fairy Tail guild's experience would probably be quite different, right?"

Hearing Miss Wanshitong's words, Lin Qiong couldn't help but suck his teeth, and then said with a troubled face: "Forget it, forget it, this time I will not make trouble."

It's right to think about it, the black dragon has almost implemented the final boss 400 years ago and 400 years later, if you kill him now, the involvement is a bit too huge.

Seeing that Lin Qiong chose to give up, Miss Wanshitong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then said: "Then just wait, until the day when the eclipse gate opens."

Lin Qiong nodded slightly.


On the battlefield where dragons fought, the black dragon was born.


Accompanied by a deafening roar, a giant dragon with a dark body and an ominous pattern appeared in the sight of the group of dragons.

"Dragon, you all deserve to die!!"

The black dragon raised his revelation, let out a roar full of obsession, and then launched an indiscriminate attack on the surrounding evil dragons.

"Is this dragon crazy?"

"what are you doing!!"

"Dare to attack me? Just suffer death——"

After the initial chaos, the group of dragons who reacted immediately started to fight back angrily, but what they didn't expect was that a scene that really made them desperate appeared.

"The Roar of the Swamp Dragon!"

"The roar of the vine dragon!"

"The Roar of the Hurricane Dragon!"

In just a few seconds, dozens of roars shrouded the black dragon—behind these roars were the eyes of the dragons, who were happy, mocking, sneering, or mocking.

'It should feel honored! '

'It is the first dragon in history to have dozens of dragons join forces to attack! '

'Then, at our roar, be reduced to ashes! '


Seeing the roar that was getting closer and closer, the black dragon not only did not show a panic expression, but let out a maniacal laugh, "I am the magic dragon! The dragon that devours magic power Akunologia!! All the magic power in this world, They are all my food!!"


Under the shocking and fearful gaze of the dragons, a vortex of magic power visible to the naked eye appeared in front of the black dragon, and the roar of the dragons was sucked into the vortex just as it approached him, turning into a vortex. All the whirlpools were swallowed by the black dragon.


After a brief silence, Black Dragon Yangtian let out a burst of hysterical laughter, and a burst of momentum that almost shocked the entire world broke out.

'Why, how could there be such a monster? '

'He's a monster, an absolute monster! '

'Run, feel run--'

Such thoughts flashed through the minds of the dragons, but when they were about to escape, they found that their bodies were already trembling because of the black dragon's roar, and they were unable to move.

"You all have to die!"

Looking at the group of dragons in front of him, the black dragon showed a ferocious smile, "I want to kill all the dragons!!"


The black dragon spread out its black wings that covered the sky and covered the sun, and then rushed towards the group of dragons in front of it at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its huge figure, and launched an attack mercilessly.

Claws, elbows, bites, growls...

The black dragon is like a ruthless dragon life harvester, every attack can take away the life of a dragon-in just a few minutes, dozens of dragons fell into this wasteland.


After slaughtering all the evil dragons in one go, the black dragon not only didn't feel tired, but panted heavily with excitement, muttering: "It's not enough, it's not enough! This world still has the smell of dragons... "

Well, kill!

He raised his voice and let out a long cry, then spread his wings and soared into the sky, then looked towards the direction of the mountain with a grinning grin, and murmured: "I can smell the stench on you, dirty idiots!! "

So far, the black dragon, which represents destruction and chaos, has officially embarked on the journey of destroying the dragon.

Chapter 0519 Damn, Phoenix King

Before the birth of the black dragon, this world was a paradise for dragons. The dragons soared into the sky unscrupulously, and regarded the entire continent as their hunting ground.

After the birth of the black dragon, this world was a nightmare for dragons, and the dragons scrambled to avoid it, and regarded the entire continent as their own reminder.

"Hey, these dragons are really miserable—"

Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the chair, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "To be honest, seeing their current performance... sucking... I can't bear it."

King Feng: "?"

She turned her head and glanced at Lin Qiong, who was sandwiching a few slices of dragon meat into the bottom of the spicy butter pot in front of her, and couldn't help but said, "Before you say this, can you put the dragon meat in your hands first?" Roll it down?"

"I don't think so."

Lin Qiong shook his head, and said with a straight face: "It's not because of anything else, but because I think that if I eat less, you will definitely take the opportunity to eat more."

Feng Wang said angrily: "I am a dignified Feng Wang, am I like this?"

Something happened now.

Not only Lin Qiong, but even the eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo sitting next to him couldn't help nodding their heads.

Kyurem, who transformed himself into a Samoyed at the side, made up his sword and said, "Who are you? Feng Wang, you know something."

"Hi! I'm so angry——"

King Tong Feng was so angry that she couldn't speak (it was definitely not because of the meat in her mouth). She said vaguely: "Just wait, one day, I will never be able to cover my eyes again..." …”

"I think it's 'one day, I want this meat to fill my stomach no longer'?"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes and complained, "Why can't you stop your stupid bird's mouth?"

"Aqiong, you're really smart!"

Feng Wang struggled to swallow the dragon meat roll covered in sauce in his mouth, and then said angrily: "Isn't this also blocking your mouth?"

"Because I have a big mouth and I can't stop it!"

Lin Qiong proudly put the sliced ​​meat on the chopsticks into his mouth, then felt the deliciousness blooming on the tip of his tongue, and said with emotion: "One thing to say, Mr. Heilong is really a good person!"

Among other things, the guardians of Sky City have been picking up dragon corpses from behind the black dragon these days. serving size.

"From a human point of view, Akunologia is fully qualified to be called a hero who saves the world-although this is not his original intention, he does save mankind from fire and water."

After swallowing the dragon steak in her mouth, the eldest lady wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, and said softly: "Unfortunately, he is the Dragon King born out of chaos, war and blood, and his sanity has been eroded by obsession." , unable to communicate."

To put it simply, Akuno Rocky Asia Pacific is too extreme——

There is no doubt that in his opinion, as long as it is a dragon, it must be killed. Even if the person standing in front of him is a good dragon who is close to humans, he will kill the opponent without mercy.

Not only that, but the black dragon itself is not a good dragon of his relatives. He doesn't attack humans just because he looks down on humans and thinks that humans are small insects, that's all.

"and many more--"

Lin Qiong's chewing movement suddenly stopped, he put down the chopsticks in his hand, put his left hand under his right armpit, pinched his chin with his right hand, and murmured thoughtfully: "If you say, the black dragon's paranoia is Because of the process of his birth, is there a way to purify his soul and make him rational..."


After hearing Lin Qiong's soliloquy, King Feng paused for a moment when he pecked at the dragon meat in his bowl, and then moved his position undetectably...

"That's right, quietly, calmly, secretly..."

Little by little, Feng Wang moved to Lin Qiong's face, and then quickly bit the dragon meat that Lin Qiong had rinsed and put on the plate waiting to cool down, and quickly dragged it into his own plate.

'Wuhu!I'm a fucking dick! '

Looking at the seven or eight pieces of dragon meat on the plate, Phoenix King felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart, so she couldn't help raising her head with a proud face, like a rooster general who won a battle——people who don't know still can't help it. I thought she overturned the three dragons in the road with her own strength.

Kyurem (Ver. Samoyed): "..."

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