She raised her head speechlessly, then glanced at the three silly dogs who had transformed into milk dogs, and passed a look: "Feng Wang, that's it?"That's it? ? '

Damn, snatched eight slices of meat from other people's bowls, see how proud she is?

The three milk dogs who were eating meat looked at each other, and then showed shame expressions in unison, and buried their heads deeply in the rice bowl.

Kimaya: "..."

If it wasn't for her sharp eyes to notice that the cheeks of the three were still moving, she might have really thought that they were too ashamed to eat.

Damn it, Phoenix King!

Kaimoye couldn't help but stop eating, then raised his head, sighed sadly, and murmured: "Palkia, Reshiram, the dignity of legendary Pokémon, but... what are you doing?" ?”

She lowered her head, looked at Palkia and Reshiram who had divided up most of the remaining dragon meat in her bowl, and asked with a twitching corner of her mouth.

Reshiram: "You hesitated for a long time, you must not be able to eat it? So let me help you share some—"

Palkia: "No need to thank us. Helping others is the character that every legendary Pokémon should have."

Angrily and tremblingly, Kimaya gritted his teeth and spit out four words.

"Damn it, Phoenix King!"



That night.

"It's almost time..."

Lin Qiong was sitting on the deck chair on the balcony, playing with the fairy Eevee's bow ribbon lying on his knee with his right hand, and said to himself: "The current group of dragons should have fully realized the gap between themselves and the black dragon. Hide your tracks."

"If you're patient, you can wait a little longer—"

The know-it-all cat who didn't know when it got into the room jumped onto the low table next to it, then stretched out its paws, skewered a piece of mung bean cake on the plate, put it in its mouth, chewed it, and said, "Let the fear of the black dragon Cover the dragons for a while longer, and they will be more willing to surrender to you."

Lin Qiong touched his head and said, "Why do I want the dragons to surrender?"

"Because based on what I know about you, you will be very interested in my next proposal."

After licking the mung bean cake residue on her paws, Miss Know-It-All chuckled lightly and said, "Host, aren't you going to travel back 400 years and create a guild where dragons dance wildly?"

Lin Qiong's body was shocked, and he showed a heart-beating expression unabashedly.

Nest, nest, nest!

A guild of dancing dragons, this is so fucking interesting! !

"The one who knows me is the know-it-all lady!!"

With a happy expression, Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and grabbed Miss Know-It-All's armpits, then buried his face in her belly and rubbed her vigorously, and said happily: "Tomorrow I will go find Berserion and take her with me. Let him go find those good dragons—well, forget about Igneel and the others, leave it to Natsu."

"Let's take action tomorrow? Aren't you going to wait a little longer?"

"Forget it. I'm still planning to go to the Northern Continent. I'm afraid I won't have enough time if I drag it on."

"Northern Continent? Let me think..."

Hearing the name that came out of Lin Qiong's mouth, Miss Wanshitong couldn't help raising her eyebrows.After thinking for a few seconds in Lin Qiong's way of thinking in her mind, she said, "Could it be that you are planning to go to the Northern Continent now, beat up all the future six dragons, and then do it again in 400 years?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

"The one who knows me is the know-it-all lady!!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but let out a series of barbell-like laughter. He happily patted the armrest of the chair, and then said with joy, "Miss Wanshitong, you have read my memory, and you should remember the declaration of the six dragons in the original book. Bar?"

The corners of Ms. Know-It-All's lips twitched slightly, and she said: "Although we did flee to the Northern Continent because we were afraid of the strength of Akunologia, but 400 years have passed, and our strength is no less than that of Akuno Lokia, even surpassed him—right?"

"correct answer--"

The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth pulled out a malicious expression, and said, "Then here comes the question, if we beat up those dragons now, and then appear in front of them 400 years later, what will they say? "

Miss Know-it-all's cat showed a smile exactly like Lin Qiong's, and said, "Although we were beaten by you 400 years ago, after 400 years, we are already stronger than you—right?"

"correct answer!"

The smile on Lin Qiong's face became even more wicked. He rubbed his little hands excitedly, and then said excitedly: "Then we beat them up again——hahaha, I can't wait to see you!" I saw their unbelievable and life-doubting expressions! Thieves hahahaha!"

"You are so bad—"

Miss Know-It-All couldn't help laughing, "But, I like it! Just do it!"

The eldest lady who was watching the young Bao Qingtian from behind: "..."

She couldn't help covering her forehead with her hands, and then sighed helplessly.

#My lover is bad, and behind the scenes there is someone who is helping others, what should I do?Very urgent, waiting online#


The second time, early in the morning.

"Hey! Old Bei, have you slept well these days?"

Lin Qiong held a large Northeast board in his mouth, looked at Berserion, whose scales had lost their luster, and looked haggard as if he had been through the night for four days, and said enthusiastically: "I slept soundly yesterday! 09:30 Go to bed, sleep at 12:30, wake up at seven in the morning!"

Berserion: "..."

He raised his paw and touched his tired face, and said weakly: "Master Aqiong, can you be a human being? Can't you see what I look like now? I have had a good night's sleep for several days -"

Damn, who can understand his pain?

As soon as he fell asleep, he had a nightmare of a black dragon standing by his bed, smiling kindly at him, which frightened him so much that he almost had a nervous breakdown.

It hurts too much, worse than Jinmu.

Chapter 0520 Master, you go ahead!

"After all, you were a hero who fought against the ten dragons without retreating and protected Dragunov. Why are you now so frightened by Akunologia?"

Lin Qiong looked at Berserion who was haggard like a delicate flower, and couldn't help but cursed: "Why are you panicking? Don't panic, hold me tight... I didn't let you really hug me, do you understand the analogy?" ?”


Berserion let go of Lin Qiong aggrievedly, and then muttered: "Isn't it settled down, so is it a little regretful?"

"I understand, but you're still cowardly."

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand and patted Berserion's paw, and said, "I'll keep watch here. You can sleep for the day. I'll go out with you to do errands tomorrow."

"Forget it, don't sleep."

Berserion shook his head, he shook his own head, and said, "I'm also a dragon after all, I won't sleep for a few days... ouch!"

Lin Qiong withdrew his fist, then looked at Berserion who rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, pouted and said, "Sleep if you are told to sleep, if you are forced to do so, you can do it if you see if I can stab you." It’s done.”



About eighteen hours later.


From coma... Ah no, after waking up from sleep, Berserion looked around in a daze, and muttered, "Why did I fall asleep?"

He frowned and recalled his last memory, and then said with a dry smile at the corner of his mouth, "It's strange, why did I dream that I was punched by Master Lin Qiong and passed out?"

"If I said it wasn't a dream—"

Lin Qiong walked in from the door with a skewer of dragon meat in his hand and said vaguely: "Will you sing "Eyeing for the Tiger" to me?

Beibeilong: "..."

He looked at Lin Qiong sadly, raised his paw to touch the bump on his head, and said, "I have a bump on my head."

Lin Qiong ate a bunch of meat, nodded and said, "Oh."

Bei Beilong emphasized: "I mean, there is a bump on my head where you hit me!"

Lin Qiong ate another skewer of meat, then pondered for a few seconds, and said, "Understood, after you fell asleep, you were bitten by a mosquito on the forehead!"

Beibeilong said blankly: "I am a dragon! A dragon with dragon scales!"

Lin Qiong threw the wooden stick into the trash can, then wiped his hands with a paper towel, and said with a serious face: "What a terrible mosquito, it can actually bite through the defense of the dragon scale!"

Beibeilong was silent. He thought for ten seconds, but could not find a way to deal with a person like Lin Qiong who was invincible but lacked great virtue.

'never mind. '

'Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future! '

'Don't be angry, don't be angry, being angry is giving room to the devil! '

'It's not good, it's not good that the world is so beautiful and I'm so grumpy. '

After the self-persuasion ended, Bei Beilong sniffed aggrievedly and asked, "Master Lin Qiong, I remember you said before that you want me to accompany you on business?"

"Yes! Do you know where other dragons who are close to humans live?"

Lin Qiong nodded his head, then took a bite of the big spicy slice in his hand, and asked, "I want to gather these good dragons together to protect them—you don't want them to die in the hands of the black dragon, do you?"

Absolutely, definitely not to create a guild with dragons in 400 years and then steal the show in Ishgar, absolutely not!

You believe me!


After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Bei Beilong took a breath, and then said with a serious face: "Master Lin Qiong, although you have good intentions, this matter is not so easy to accomplish."

Lin Qiong tilted his head and asked, "How?"

"Most of the dragons are proud and arrogant, even the kind dragons who are close to people."

Beibeilong explained: "Someone appeared in front of them out of nowhere and told them, I am worried that you will be killed by Akunologia, so I am going to gather you together to protect you..."

Lin Qiong understood.

"It's not a big problem."

He waved his hands casually, and then explained to Beibeilong's suspicious eyes: "Shanlong is always disobedient, probably because he is used to it, just give him a good beating."

Beibeilong: "..."


He couldn't help but chew the flower seeds, and then discovered a serious question——

'Although I don't know if Master Lin Qiong can beat Acunologia...'

'But with his strength, it seems that there is no problem in beating other dragons? '

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at the sky silently.

'Foreword, my companions in the Kingdom of Heaven, I hope that when you are beaten, you can resist a little softer, so that you can avoid receiving two less blows. '



After Berserion had his stomach full, Lin Qiong sat on Berserion's head and left the Doragunov Kingdom with him.

"By the way, young master, are you sure we won't run into a black dragon in this operation?"

"Oh, don't worry, even if you encounter a black dragon, he will run away."

"Hehe, you really know how to brag."

"Ah yes yes yes."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but rolled his eyes, then took out a PSP from his pocket, opened "Fairy Tail: Carrying the Guild 2", and started playing - there must be something to pass the time, right?

Beibeilong: "..."

Hearing the sound from above his head, Bei Beilong gritted his teeth—although he didn't know what Lin Qiong was doing, but since there was music, it must be a very relaxing activity, right?

Damn it, why can he listen to music easily, but I have to fly bitterly?No, I want to never...

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

...I can no longer stop my determination to serve the young master!

Lin Qiong: "Hmm~"

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