Tears flowed down.

Beibeilong couldn't help but sniff, and choked with sobs: "Master, please promise me one thing."

Lin Qiong: "Ang?"

Beibeilong took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and said: "When you leave them later, use your strength!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He raised the corner of his mouth, then nodded, and said, "Okay."


In a remote mountain.

"Are you sure you're here?"

Lin Qiong put his hands in front of his eyes, made a look of trying to find it, and said, "But I can't see the shadow of the dragon at all—could it be that they moved secretly and didn't tell you the new address?"

Beibeilong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

He said in a little panic: "No, it won't! My popularity is very good! This kind of thing can't happen!"

Lin Qiong pretended to be distressed and said: "Really? But you obviously flew over swaggeringly, but the dragon you were looking for didn't come out? If it didn't move away, it means that you obviously sensed your breath, but didn't come out on purpose. Seeing you? Oh huh—"

Bei Beilong showed a shaken expression at that time, he flapped his wings and flew in the air blankly, looking suspicious of life.

Lin Qiong, who was above me, almost laughed to death.

If the know-it-all cat is here, he will definitely complain about his incompetence——

First, with Lin Qiong's strength at this time, he can easily investigate the situation of the entire mountain, and then accurately find the ant that is missing a leg under a certain leaf.

But he didn't do that, but pretended to stand on top of Beibeilong's head, making a look of trying to find it, just to watch him have fun.

Second, in order to prevent the black dragon from detecting Beibeilong's aura, Lin Qiong has been using the power of space to isolate Beibeilong from the outside world, so the dragons here can't detect Beibeilong's arrival at all.

But Lin Qiong didn't say anything, but put forward a subtle guess, which caused Bei Beilong to have great self-doubt about his popularity, just for fun.

Fortunately, although Lin Qiong was not a human being, he still had some sense of conscience. After searching for Beibeilong for a few minutes to no avail, he quietly released the spatial isolation on him.

After a few seconds...


Accompanied by a burst of flames soaring into the sky, a dragon of flames wrapped in raging flames flew into the air, staring at Beibeilong in the forest above his head, and asked: "Bercellion, are you coming to my residence?" , what is it?"

"Purgatory Dragon Atlas Flam, it is not me who is looking for you, but someone else—"

Beibeilong gently pointed to Lin Qiong above his head with his paw, and then said softly: "The one who is looking for you is this young master Lin Qiong, he is the owner of the Sky City."


The Purgatory Dragon raised his eyebrows—although Lin Qiong couldn’t tell—and said: "Ber Serion, you have changed! Although you were close to human beings in the past, you would not respectfully call them...young master? Hah -"

The meaning of the last "heh—" is very meaningful. If it was the former Berserion, he would probably have rushed forward, and he would have to give the Purgatory Dragon a big blow even if his palms were red.

However, he is no longer the former Berserion, he is now a dragon leg!

"I didn't come to argue with you, Atlas Flam—"

Beibeilong shook his head calmly and said, "The reason why you are hiding here must be because of Akunologia?"

Hearing this name, the Purgatory Dragon clicked his tongue in displeasure, then squinted at Bei Beilong, and said, "What's the matter? Everyone is in the same boat, so don't make fun of anyone else."

When Akunologia was born, he established his legend with the corpses of dozens of dragons - there is no doubt that he is the dragon king of this era, and no dragon can be his opponent.

This is something everyone knows. Is there a problem if I hide?Those who don’t believe in evil don’t even have corpses left!

(The guardian hides merit and fame deeply).

"I'm not here to laugh at you, but to help you."

Berserion raised his head lightly and said, "Master Lin Qiong hopes..."

Berserion repeated Lin Qiong's request, then looked at Atlas Fram expectantly, and murmured in his heart: "Get angry, get angry, get angry!" '

Purgatory Dragon did not disappoint Berserion!

With a bang, the flames on his body reflected half of the sky, and angry words came out of his mouth: "When will the proud dragon clan need human protection? Are you insulting me?"

Hearing this, Berserion immediately showed a happy expression, and he couldn't wait to say to Lin Qiong on his head: "Master, he won't follow! Go ahead, I will cheer for you by the side—"

Chapter 0521 Purgatory Dragon Atlas Fram

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help but lower his head, glanced at Beibeilong at his feet with a strange look, and asked, "Have you been expecting me to beat him up for a long time?"

Beibeilong: "That's impossible! Master, don't get me wrong, I'm not that kind of dragon!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, a question mark appeared on the head of the Purgatory Dragon. Why did he feel that these two people seemed to have decided on him?

Can this be tolerated?

It can't be!

So he took the initiative to attack.

The Purgatory Dragon took a deep breath, then opened his mouth wide, and the hot energy visible to the naked eye gathered in his mouth: "The roar of the Purgatory Dragon—"


A palpitating high-temperature fire column spurted out from the purgatory dragon's mouth, and then shot straight towards Beibeilong's head—obviously, the purgatory dragon's attack target was not only Beibeilong, but also the gun on top of his head. Lin Qiong.


Lin Qiong grinned, snapped his fingers lightly, and said, "Reshiram, spray flames!"


The next moment, under the astonished eyes of Purgatory Dragon, a red pillar of flame shot out from Lin Qiong's upper back and collided with his roar.

'Is it also a dragon of the fire attribute? '

A sharp flash flashed in the purgatory dragon's eyes, and he snorted coldly in his heart: 'Humph, compared to the flames, I will not lose to a dragon other than Igunilu! '

As if responding to his heart, the roaring flame that spouted from his mouth was a bit thicker, and seemed to have a tendency to overwhelm the jetting flame.

However, it is only "seems".

Lin Qiong stood on top of Beibeilong's head with his arms folded, the hurricane generated by the collision of the two flames made his clothes rattle loudly: "Reshiram, increase the firepower and overwhelm him."


Reshiram responded, and then slightly increased the firepower output——

Just now, the roaring energy level of the purgatory dragon is 100, and the energy level of Reshiram's jet flame is 105;

At this time, the power level of the purgatory dragon's roar is 110, and the power level of Reshiram's jet flame is 115.

Reshiram: Big you, crushed to death!

After she increased the firepower, the purgatory dragon suddenly felt heavy pressure, and he watched Reshiram's jet flames gradually pressing in front of him.

"I have to admit that you are the stronger at this time, but..."

A fighting intent flashed in Purgatory Dragon's eyes, he suddenly dissipated his roar, then opened his mouth and bit forward, and said loudly: "But, I will accept your flame bluntly." !!"

Hot knowledge: Dragons in the Fairy Tail world have the ability to devour the same power as themselves.


In Lin Qiong's subtle expression, the purgatory dragon swallowed all of Reshiram's jet flames into its stomach as if it was eating something tangible.


Purgatory Dragon burped, then showed a satisfied expression, and said: "This is the most delicious flame I have ever eaten! I am full-then, draft it, it is lit!!"

He rushed towards Reshiram furiously, grinning and said, "You fire-breathing beauty, don't get hurt!"

Reshiram: "?"

Am I being teased?

Lin Qiong: "?"

Is she being molested?

Can this be tolerated? x2

This can't! x2

"Rashiram, fly up, distance yourself—"

Lin Qiong decisively issued an order, "While dodging his attack, look for opportunities to use Dragon Dangsi!"


Reshiram flew into the air with flashing wings, and then gracefully swayed his body in mid-air - this is the skill that all dragon-type Pokémon engraved in their instincts, Dragon Dangsi!

Reshiram: Are there dragon-type Pokémon in this world who can't learn Doragon swing?No way no way?

"Don't try to escape!"

The purgatory dragon completely ignored Beibeilong and the forest dome above his head—the only white fire dragon in his sight!

"Escape? She's not running away, but strengthening herself—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, he looked at Reshiram who had completed three stages of Dragon Dangsi in the blink of an eye, and said loudly: "Reshiram, let him see what is meant by an 'unswallowable flame' -"



Cyan flames converged in Reshiram's mouth.

At the same time, a fiery flame gathered in the engine-shaped tail behind her.

Reshiram Overdrive Mode! !


The next moment, accompanied by a roar, a pillar of blue flames spat out from Reshiram's mouth, covering the sight of the purgatory dragon.

"As I said, flames have no effect on me!!"

Looking at the oncoming Qing Yan, Purgatory Dragon not only did not flinch, but showed a more excited expression.He opened his hands and said with a sneer: "I'm not welcome with stronger flames!!"

He opened his mouth wide towards Qing Yan, and then took a deep breath.

The next moment, the cyan pillar of flame enveloped his dragon body unwaveringly, and the fiery flames burned the flames on his body, making him feel the feeling of "blazing heat" for the first time in his life.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh-"

The next moment, with a sharp scream, the Purgatory Dragon's body fell heavily on the ground, and it uttered a final whisper: "How can there be... an indestructible... flame..."

At this time, if you sniff a few times carefully, you can still vaguely smell the burnt smell emanating from the Purgatory Dragon.


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Reshiram (without using his priesthood) released the green flame with all his strength, you dare to take it hard?"

Lin Qiong looked at the Purgatory Dragon who was lying on his back on the ground, rolling his eyes, and smacked his tongue, "Dude, you are a real tiger!"


Reshiram slowly landed beside Lin Qiong, looked at the unconscious Purgatory Dragon with disdainful eyes, and said, "It's not a big deal, but it's a big tone."

Beibeilong: "..."

He glanced at Reshiram who easily defeated the Infernal Dragon in fear, and thought: 'Although I have known for a long time that these dragons in the young master's backyard have extraordinary combat power, is this too exaggerated?I feel like Igniel doesn't have such exaggerated fighting power——'

"Okay, wait until he wakes up."

Lin Qiong stretched, and then jumped from the top of Beibeilong's head to Reshiram's back. After rubbing the white down on her neck, she said happily: "Sure enough, it's still fluffy! Long live the cashmere!"

Beibeilong looked down at the smooth scales on his body, and then at Reshiram, who was covered in white fur, and couldn't help showing a thoughtful expression.

"Master, Master—"

A few seconds later, Beibeilong came to Lin Qiong's side, and then whispered: "Master! If I remember correctly, Tianlong Grandigne and Moonlong Serene are the same as Lord Reshiram. It's a non-scale dragon!"

Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then stared at Bei Beilong with wide-eyed eyes——good guy, you are a dragon traitor... Ah bah, gold medal dragon leg!

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