
Lin Qiong nodded, and he patted the shivering head of Barbara under him, and said, "Follow Lao Bei, and we set off."

"Hey, I, I know—"

The little crying bag nodded weakly, and then took off cautiously - the body shape of the little crying bag is a bit like a dragon in oriental mythology, but it has no claws or horns.


The delivery on the first day was very gratifying. There were as many as eight dragons "voluntarily" following Lin Qiong back to the Sky City.


"Hiss, this position is a bit tense..."

Standing in the corridor of the castle, Lin Qiong looked at the dragons in the backyard and couldn't help but said: "It's relatively spacious now, but if there are eight more dragons, it will be a bit nervous!"

Don't forget, there is also a huge training ground in the backyard!If all the dragons are allowed to live here, it will inevitably affect the use of the training ground, so at this time...

"Laffy Dream—"

Lin Qiong rushed into the laboratory without looking back, and then buried his face in the plump thighs of Ms. Know-it-all, yelling strangely: "Hurry up and think of a way to solve the problem of the per capita floor space, oh oh oh— —”


Miss Wanshitong looked helplessly at Lin Qiong, who was rubbing his face back and forth on her pantyhose, and said, "Host, are you complaining, or are you enjoying it?"

"Well, enjoy while complaining?"

Lin Qiong sucked in his nose, feeling the fragrance filling the tip of his nose, couldn't help but smacked his lips, and said, "Oh, compared to this, you should quickly think of a way, how to deal with those dragons in the backyard!"

Miss Wanshitong stroked his hair helplessly, and said, "Don't the host know the solution?"

Lin Qiong blinked innocently, and said, "Oh, how would I know?"

"Hehe, all right! Let me see—"

Miss Wanshitong laughed lightly, without piercing Lin Qiong, and said softly: "The easiest way is to make these dragons into human shapes, right? In this way, even if you raise dozens or hundreds of dragons, you won't be afraid of running out of space~ "

"I see! As expected of Miss Know-it-All, what a wonderful method!"

Lin Qiong looked at Ms. Know-It-All in feigned surprise, and rubbed her thigh, knowingly asked, "But can this kind of thing really be done? Irene in the original book has been unable to find a way to transform back into a human for hundreds of years. Woolen cloth!"

Chapter 0523 this woman is a devil

'Pretend, continue to pretend—'

Miss Wanshitong chuckled in her heart, and explained: "How can Irene compare with me? What I can't do, she must not be able to do, and what she can't do, I may not be able to do."

"Oh! As expected of Miss Know-It-All!"

Lin Qiong raised his hands and clapped his hands, then looked at her with admiration, and said, "Then I'll leave it to Miss Know-it-all!"

"So you just want to rub your legs and be lazy?"

Miss Wanshitong raised her right hand angrily, lightly tapped Lin Qiong's forehead with her index finger, and said angrily, "Since you are going to beat up those six dragons in 400 years, can you still forget that they will be there in 400 years? Can it be transformed into a human body?"

"Hey! I remember, but I don't know these things—"

Lin Qiong quickly sat up straight, and then put Miss Wanshitong's left leg on his lap, kneading her calf kindly, and said: "So you don't have to trouble me, the cutest, the most beautiful , the gentlest, kindest, and dearest Miss Know-it-all?"


Miss Wanshitong, who was very happy to be slapped by the serial flattery, nodded happily. She leaned back elegantly on the chair, squinted her eyes and enjoyed Lin Qiong's massage, and said hummingly: "I am the cutest, The most..., the dearest?"

Feeling the wonderful touch from the palm of his hand, Lin Qiong nodded with a smile and said, "That must be done!"

Miss Wanshitong gave him a playful look, and said, "Then Erina or I, who is cuter, who is more..., who is more kissable?"

Lin Qiong said righteously, righteously, and uprightly: "You are all my wings, and I can't fly without any side! So you can't tell the difference!"

Miss Know-It-All shook her head with a smile, and said, "You can play tricks—"

She is a smart person, and she understands that it's okay to joke about this kind of topic occasionally, but if she really pursues it persistently, she will appear a bit mentally retarded.

So, she slowly put the other leg on Lin Qiong's knee, and hummed: "Press this leg for me too, and I won't care about it with you."


Lin Qiong resolutely moved his hands up and down, rua... I mean, he massaged Miss Wanshitong seriously, "Miss Wanshitong is really understanding, I love it!"

Miss Wanshitong chuckled lightly, and said in a tone like a big sister: "Hello sister, there are still many things you don't know~"


Lin Qiong shivered, and then begged for mercy: "No, no, this voice is too powerful, I can't stand it!"

Seeing Lin Qiong's reaction, Miss Wanshitong couldn't help showing a malicious smile, and made a proposal that made Lin Qiong's heart skip a beat: "Host, do you want to experience the voice of a real person?"


When Lin Qiong walked out of the laboratory, his legs were limp.

"Hiss, who can resist this?"

He stood in the corridor, looked sadly at the Purgatory Dragon who was being double-played by Palkia and Kyurem in the backyard, and sighed: "Hey, I really envy him. Daily life only needs to eat, sleep and be beaten. OK."

The dragons in the backyard: "..."

Listen, is this human speech?

"Whoa, whoa—"

Little Crying Bag Barbara put her head to the window and said to Lin Qiong, "Master, Master, can you stop beating Uncle Atlas Fram?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and asked, "Tell me first why he was beaten again?"

"I know I know--"

Sifengyuan Maomao, who was squatting on the window sill and watching the show, raised his hand, gloating and said: "The dragon who was beaten thought he should be the second child here, and then he was beaten."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He covered his forehead helplessly, then glanced at Barbara, who was lowering her head in embarrassment, and said, "Barbara, he seems to have asked for this beating."


Barbara let out a mournful cry, then looked at the Purgatory Dragon who was being beaten on the ground and screaming, and said worriedly, "Uncle won't be beaten, right?"

"Ahem, don't worry! They will be very measured--"

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, comforting the little crying bag: "At most, it's just a flesh injury, which makes him improve his memory."

He now understands that the character and attributes of this dragon must be related - for example, most of the fire dragons are reckless, one on top of one on the other.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong smiled, then hugged Sifengyuan Maomao on the window sill, gently stroked the hair on her back, and admired Palkia and Kyurem's violent beating of the Purgatory Dragon programme.


"Tsk tsk, I was beaten so badly."

Lin Qiong looked at the Purgatory Dragon, whose breath had languished a lot, shook his head and said, "Why are you bothering? Why don't you be honest?"

"How do I know they are so awesome?"

Purgatory Dragon twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with an aggrieved face: "I'm just a little reckless, but I'm not a fool! If I knew I couldn't beat them, why would I still provoke them?"

Lin Qiong looked at him speechlessly, and asked back: "Do you want to see what you are talking about? Palkia and Kyurem have to hang a sign on their chest saying 'I'm awesome, don't mess with me My' brand, right?"


Behind him, the little crying bag, the little sea snake, Barbara, couldn't help laughing, but when she found that everyone was looking over her, she shyly curled up and tried to hide Behind Lin Qiong, "You, don't look at me like this!"

"Okay, okay, anyway, be more honest in the future, don't make trouble everywhere in Sky City——"

Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and persuaded Purgatory Dragon: "There are a lot of people in Sky City who can teach you a lesson."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The Purgatory Dragon shook his head vigorously, and said with an expression of disbelief: "I am also ranked among the Dragon Clan, how can it be possible that no one can beat me?"

"Then if you get beaten up again, don't cry about your grievances——I have persuaded you."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then clapped his hands, and said loudly: "Mr. Long, Ms. Long! Please take a look here. I have something to tell you."

After the words fell, the eight-headed dragon who followed Lin Qiong back to Sky City today obediently stretched out his head and looked at him eagerly.

"First of all, on behalf of Sky City, I welcome everyone to join! Secondly, I believe everyone can see that—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right index finger and thumb, and said with a smile on his face: "For now, the area of ​​the backyard of Sky City can barely support everyone's free activities, but if the number of dragons continues to increase, the space here is estimated Not enough."

Several dragons looked at each other, then raised their heads and looked around the spacious space in the backyard, and assessed the minimum space they needed.

Before they could figure it out, Lin Qiong said again: "In order to solve this problem, my know-it-all cat will teach you a magic."

After Lin Qiong finished speaking, he turned around, raised his head, waved his right hand at the white cat squatting on the window sill, and said, "Miss Know everything, you can come down now."

Miss Know-It-All landed lightly on the ground, and then, in a flash of white light, she transformed into a figure wearing a white dress and stepping on the ground with bare feet.

"Go to the garden to accompany Erina first."

Miss Wanshitong showed a reserved and elegant smile towards Lin Qiong, and said softly: "The next thing, just leave it to me."

Lin Qiong blinked and asked, "Don't you need my help?"

Miss Wanshitong smiled lightly and shook her head. She leaned into Lin Qiong's ear and whispered, "Compared with these trivial things, you should spend more time with your girlfriend."

Lin Qiong: Miss Know-it-all, I'm fucking crying to death!


After watching Lin Qiong leave, the lovely smile on Miss Wanshitong's face gradually receded, replaced by an expression of indifference, ruthlessness and condescension.

Next to him, Aizen Sosuke took a gentle breath, then silently pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, thinking: 'Ms. Know-It-All's 'second face' has appeared again. '

"I know that all of you dragons are arrogant people—even the good dragons of your relatives."

As Miss Know-it-all said, she fell back gracefully, leaning against Millerton who had already been prepared behind her, looked at her fingernails casually, and said, "But, I hope you can remember a little……"

As she spoke, she raised her eyelids, glanced at the eight-headed dragon in front of her with unkind eyes, chuckled lightly, and said, "When facing A Qiong, please correct your attitudes, otherwise..."

Her golden eyes lit up slightly, and the unique predatory aura of the top food demon shrouded the eight-headed dragon accurately, making them feel as if their souls and bodies had lost contact.

'Body, my body is so cold...'

'Can't move...'

'No, I can't breathe...'

The eight-headed dragon stood blankly on the ground, their eyes filled with unconcealable fear and helplessness, but compared to them, their bodies were like stone sculptures, frozen in place and motionless.

"All right--"

Miss Know-it-all suddenly showed a warm smile like spring, and with the bloom of her smile, the aura enveloping several giant dragons dissipated, and their bodies immediately regained their freedom, "Then, I will teach you the new magic."

After finishing speaking, Miss Know-It-All, who leaned on Millerton, paused for a few seconds, then shook her head regretfully, and said, "Unfortunately, I thought you would feel dissatisfied and attack me—when the time comes , I have a reason to teach you a lesson openly, ha~"

Hearing Miss Wanshitong's words, the eight-headed dragon couldn't help but shivered in unison, and then the same thought rarely came up.

'This woman is a devil! '

Chapter 0524 The Justice of Ultra Group Fight

When Lin Qiong returned to the backyard after dinner, he saw the Guardians and members of the Guardian Shield gathered around the training ground, watching something—obviously, someone was competing in the training ground.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then walked over swaggeringly, looked at the training ground curiously, and said, "Let me be healthy too... I'll let you die!"

What was displayed in front of Lin Qiong was a picture of seven giant dragons transformed into human shapes besieging a person, and the person being besieged was none other than his dear Miss Know-It-All.

I saw her white and tender jade feet like a freshly peeled egg lightly tap the ground, and her white skirt fluttered to avoid the straight fist of the Purgatory Dragon. Diamond Dragon not far away.

The whole process was full of immortality, and it was better to say that they were dancing than they were discussing each other.

"I'm obedient!"

Lin Qiong let out a strange cry, and then pulled Barbara who was next to her—a girl with light golden double ponytails who was 145cm tall—and asked, "Why did you start fighting?"

"No, no fight!"

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