Barbara shook her head hastily, the twin ponytails on both sides of her head swaying with her movements, "It's just, uh, just giving everyone some pointers."

Writing guidance, reading as education.

Lin Qiong scratched his face and said, "Then she really likes you guys? This is the first time I've seen her have such idle thoughts."

"Really? Wow, well, so happy—"

Barbara cheered in a voice that anyone could recognize—like when Chiyo got Sakiko Yumeno's autograph.

"Okay, let's go here."

Miss Passenger stopped her movements, then showed a pleasant smile, and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work."

Dragons: "..."

They glanced at Lin Qiong on the sidelines, and couldn't help showing admiration—as expected of Master Lin Qiong, he was able to make Lord Master of Everything show such an expression just for him!

It's like a middle school second flash with one mouthful and one miscellaneous cultivator, but he behaved like a gentleman in front of Enkidu.

"No hard work, no hard work—"

"It should be that Miss Passenger has worked so hard!"


Several giant dragons quickly expressed their gratitude.

"Okay, you don't have to be so polite~"

Miss Wanshitong waved her hands with a smile, and said, "Everyone is disbanded, let's have a good rest~"

After finishing speaking, she walked towards Lin Qiong on the sidelines with brisk and graceful steps, leaving the seven giant dragons looking at each other in the training ground.

"What's up?"

"What can we do? Let's go rest!"

"That's right! It's an elbow."

All the dragons scattered like birds and beasts.


'Woooooo, I want to go too——'

Barbara, standing next to Lin Qiong, watched her uncles and aunts leave the training ground as if fleeing, and almost burst into tears—but when she saw Miss Know-It-All’s inadvertent gaze, she suddenly He raised his hands and just covered his mouth.

No, don't cry!

If you cry, you will be made into eel rice.

Little Crying Bag·Shivering Limited Edition.

"Suddenly became diligent? He actually took the initiative to point out these dragons."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand to help Miss Wanshitong tidy her hair, and joked, "Could it be that you've gained weight and are planning to exercise to lose weight?"

Miss Wan Shitong wrinkled her nose, then poked Lin Qiong's waist angrily with her finger, and said, "Although I know you said this because I won't gain weight, I still have to punish you! Hey— —”


Although it didn't hurt, Lin Qiong still let out a painful scream, and then said in shock: "Could it be that this is the long-lost peerless martial art in the Jianghu, one yang and six meridian flick finger skills!?"

Miss Know-It-All: "..."

Boy, you can really sew!

"I didn't expect that you would discover the secret of my martial arts skills -"

Miss Wanshitong made a gesture of sunflower acupuncture, and said with a serious face: "Then I can only kill and silence! Look at the finger—"

Lin Qiong jumped to the side and said, "I'll hide!"

"I'll point again!"

"I'm still hiding!"

The two of them were like naive kindergarten children, circling around and looking up at the sky, Barbara, who was babbling non-stop, began to fight.

She felt a little unbelievable——

That woman who had staring eyes just now, as if she was looking down on them from the nine heavens, was actually having such a naive fight with the young master! ?

This, this, this...

Suddenly, a line from Miss Know-it-All just now flashed through Barbara's mind——

"I didn't expect...the secret was discovered by you...killing people to silence..."

Difficult, could it be that...

Barbara immediately widened her eyes, and then showed a desperate expression—could it be that she was going to be murdered to silence her! ?


Barbara died, died of silence.

Of course this didn't happen!It's just that Little Crying Bag is blaming himself for scaring himself.

After playing around with Lin Qiong for a while, Miss Pass told Lin Qiong that she would continue to study dragon slaying magic, then turned around and left the training ground, and returned to the laboratory.

Lin Qiong stood on the sidelines of the training field, pinching his chin with his right hand, frowning in doubt, and said to himself: "Huh? Why doesn't it feel right?"

Lan Ran walked over with her hands in her sleeves, with a gentle smile on her face, and asked softly, "Qianjun, what's wrong?"

"Alan, do you have a feeling - when Miss Wanshitong was playing with me just now, I always felt..."

Lin Qiong's face was full of confusion, he gestured with his hands, and said, "It feels like after work, I picked up the cat teaser and played with the cat for a few minutes, and then said to it 'Mimi , Mom has to continue working, you just do the same."

Aizen: "..."

The corners of his mouth twitched and he touched his slipped glasses with his fingers, and said, "Jun Qiong's way of thinking is still as unique as before, and I am far behind."

High emotional intelligence: unique perspective, far less than.

Low emotional intelligence: strange thinking, incomprehensible.

Lin Qiong tilted his head and glanced, and asked, "Why do I feel that you are scolding me?"

Aizen: "Why is this person so sensitive only in this aspect?" '

"Qianjun, you misunderstood! My admiration for you is as endless as a torrent of river water, so why would I scold you?"

With a gentle smile on Lan Ran's face, he persuaded: "Also, isn't Lord Qiong ready to set off to find other dragons? It's getting late."

"Oh, yes!"

Lin Qiong's thoughts were instantly brought back, he raised his hand and scratched his head, then shouted loudly: "Who wants to accompany me to find other dragons today? You can enjoy the thrill of beating newcomers in groups, Is anyone coming?"

Forest Dome: Dragon's Lair, hardcore difficulty, for experienced players, speed pass.

Ding, [Purgatory Dragon] Atlas Fram applied to join the team;

Ding, [Water Ring Dragon] Barbara applied to join the team;侲


In Lin Qiong's slightly stunned expression, the eight dragons who followed him back to Sky City last night all chose to join the team, and...

"Hahaha! I can't defeat the dragon here, so why can't I bully other dragons?"

"Being bullied by the old dragon is part of the new dragon, don't play if you are unhappy!"

"We were also beaten here at the beginning, this is a kind of inheritance!"

"Let the new dragons feel the love the old dragons have for them!"

Listening to the discussion of this group of inappropriate people, Lin Qiong couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, then turned to look at Barbara beside him, and asked, "Why did you join?"

Barbara showed an awkward yet polite smile, and said in a low voice, "I thought, if the partners who join me tonight are injured, I can help them heal a little."

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, then raised his right hand and gently touched Barbara's head, saying with emotion: "Barbara is a good boy."

Barbara: (';ω;`)

The little crying bag looked at Lin Qiong pitifully, and thought: "Maybe, the young master is a very good person?" '


"Hey! Hey -"

When Lin Qiong was about to jump on Kyurem's head, Millerton on the side bit his hem, looked at him with aggrieved eyes, and said, "Master, I am the mount." Ah! I am the one! You ride me, ride me!!"

"Ah this..."

Lin Qiong realized that he felt jealous of his little motorcycle because he had been riding other dragons when he was traveling these days?He touched Millerton's smooth and delicate body dumbfounded, and said, "Okay, let's change into riding mode."


Millerton nodded happily immediately, her body swayed slightly, and then, under the astonished eyes of other giant dragons, she turned into a super handsome cyber bike.

"All right."

Lin Qiong rode on Millerton's body, then turned to look at the seven-headed dragon who was gearing up, and the well-behaved little crying bag Barbara, and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Oh!" x7

"Then let's go!"

Lin Qiong waved his left hand, then turned the accelerator, controlling Milton to rush into the air. "The first target is the green dragon that lives in the giant wood jungle and the poisonous canyon."

Hearing this name, the Purgatory Dragon suddenly showed a malicious expression. He geared up and said, "Hey, Callahan? I remember that guy is quite durable, right?"

"Although his defense is no better than mine, he can absorb the vitality of plants to replenish his own consumption..."

The Diamond Dragon on the side grinned and said, "So, he's not just generally resistant to beating!"

Hearing this sentence, the other giant dragons around immediately let out a sinister smile of "hehehehe——", as if some evil organization was discussing kidnapping the Prime Minister of Neon, demanding that all books and movies are not allowed to be coded.

Only the little crybaby stood aside shivering, praying that these uncles and aunts would be gentler later.

Chapter 0525 Twenty Dragons

Giant jungle.

Toxic Canyon.

When Callahan was woken up from his sleep by a loud shout.

"Who disturbed the slumber of the great green dragon Callaghan!?"

After hearing that the other party actually wished to join the other party without shame.

"Humans, you have angered me! I want to teach you a lesson!"

After seeing the figures in front of him swell and change back to the familiar shape.

"Wait, why are you?"

After seeing several big (dragon) men approaching with malicious expressions on their faces.

"What do you want to do!? Don't come here——"

When he tried to resist, he was pushed to the ground by the seven-headed dragon and beaten.

"Don't slap—"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and leaned on Millerton who had transformed back into his body—don’t tell me, Millerton’s body is simply the most perfect ergonomic sofa, which can perfectly fit your body curves, allowing you You have the most comfortable experience——Looking at the fat green dragon in front of you, you said, "Tsk tsk tsk, it's really bad to be beaten."

"It's okay, Master."

The Purgatory Dragon patted the sawdust on his hand refreshed, then grinned and said, "It's all flesh wounds! No muscles or bones were hurt!"

"You, you are not human..."

The green dragon lay on the ground and made a grunting sound: "Why do you follow humans? And call him master? Why can you become a human? Why do you want to beat me!?"

One thing to say, the question marks on Green Dragon's head were drowning him at this moment. He really couldn't understand why these former friends would attack him - aren't we all good partners who are close to humans?

"Why do you follow me and call me young master?"

"Because I'm their boss."

"Why can you become a human?"

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