"This is the secret method of Sky City. I will teach it to you after you join."

"Why did you beat you?"

"Because they were beaten like this before they joined Sky City."

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the Green Dragon opened his mouth wide in astonishment, and asked in disbelief: "He, is what he said true?"

Several dragons looked at each other, then nodded in unison.

"Callahan, you'd better obey us."

Purgatory Longshuan female singer folded her chest and said seriously: "If you refuse, the young master will take you by his side, and then wake up and beat him once until you agree."

Green Dragon:"???"

Nest, how could there be such a ghostly person?but……

The green dragon looked at Purgatory Dragon suspiciously, and asked, "However, how do you know so clearly?"

"Puff, because, because..."

Lin Qiong held back a smile and explained, "Because he was the first victim."

Purgatory Dragon took a deep breath with a vicissitudes on his face, then raised his head to look at the starry sky, and said in a melancholy tone: "I was young and ignorant at the time, if you give me another chance, I will definitely not suffer this loss."

Anyway, the final result is to join the Sky City, why do I refuse to agree, and suffer repeated beatings?

"No, the more I think about it, the angrier I get!"

The purgatory dragon clicked his tongue, then turned to look at the green dragon, and urged, "Callahan, why don't you resist?"

The Yulong next to him rolled his eyes and immediately said, "I'll tell you something, and I won't be slanderous if I don't brag about it! When I first saw Callahan back then, I thought he had the qualifications to be a great emperor!"

The mirror dragon's eyes lit up, and he quickly cheered and said: "Yes, yes, yes! Callahan will definitely be the king of the dragon clan in the future!"

The Angry Winged Dragon glared at the Phantom Mirror Dragon and cursed: "How dare you call this gentleman by his name? You should call him the Green Dragon King with respect!"

"Ah yes yes yes—" x6

The six-headed dragons except Barbara nodded their heads in unison, and then said in unison: "Green Dragon King! Callahan! Green Dragon King! Callahan!"

Green Dragon:"……"

He was lying on the ground, looking down at the group of similar people standing on the ground with their hands raised up, cheering his name, and said indifferently: "Do you think I am the mentally handicapped Emerald Dragon? Your purpose, Your sinister intentions are completely exposed! Bastards!!"


When you saw the purpose exposed, Purgatory Dragon pouted immediately, and said dissatisfiedly: "I said, are you a man like this? If you are a man, just resist me a hundred times, a thousand times!"

The green dragon couldn't help complaining: "Then get beaten a hundred times, a thousand times, right?"


Lin Qiong couldn't help but patted his hands, and then said with emotion: "I didn't expect there to be such a sober dragon in the world!? I thought the dragon clan had that kind of aggressive and tiger personality!"

Purgatory Dragon touched his chin and thought: "I feel that the young master is connoting me. Is it an illusion?"It's an illusion! '

"I am a wise dragon with the title 'Wise Man of the Forest'."

The Green Dragon puffed up his chest proudly and said, "Don't compare me to fools like them - I'm different from them."

"What did you say!? Bastard—"

"I think you haven't been beaten enough?"

"Brothers, you don't need to use any morals to deal with this kind of guy. Let's stand shoulder to shoulder!"

"Let him know that we are not easy to mess with!"


The green dragon looked at the giant dragons who had changed back to their dragon form, gearing up and grinning as they walked towards him, and immediately backed away in panic, raised his right hand, and stammered: "Wait, wait Come on, wait a moment...wait a moment!!"



Lin Qiong looked at the green dragon who had gained weight twice, and said dumbfoundedly: "Do you have to suffer this beating?"

"It's okay, I've figured it out - as the saying goes, join if you can't beat it!"

The green dragon covered his swollen cheeks, and said with firm eyes: "I am willing to join Sky City and help you convince the next dragon—so when shall we set off?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He was directly speechless by the reaction of the green dragon. This is indeed the green dragon with the title of "Wisdom of the Forest". You are really clever!

"Let's go now."

Lin Qiong rubbed his forehead dumbfounded and said, "Barbara, while you are helping Callahan treat his injuries, you can also teach him the secret method of turning into a human being."

"Well, I see!"

Barbara clenched her fists in front of her with a serious look, "Barbara, I will work hard!"

Barbara, go duck!


In the next half a month, Lin Qiong successfully completed his dragon collection plan - he gathered all the good dragons in the sky except the Fire Dragon King, Iron Dragon, Sky Dragon, White Dragon, and Shadow Dragon in the city.

Including the dragons that originally inhabited Doragunov, there were twenty dragons in total.

"Good guy—"

Lin Qiong looked delicately at the dragon men and dragon women who had turned into human shapes in front of him, and couldn't help complaining: "How did you twenty dragons survive the attack of so many evil dragons?"

"Hmph, because we are stronger, that's all!"

Purgatory Dragon crossed his arms and said proudly: "Those evil dragons eating people are nothing more than unworthy minions after all!"

"Although Atlas Flame's brain is not very good, this sentence is correct."

Storm Dragon Tempest chuckled, and said with a hint of arrogance: "If it weren't for our small number, how could it be the turn of that group of trash?"

In the original book, after she and the Purgatory Dragon were killed by Akunologia, their heart was made into a dragon crystal, which was finally implanted in the body of the god Serena.

"Hahaha, I like your way of saying—"

Red Dragon Peda crossed his arms and let out a hearty laugh, "That guy's brain is really not working very well."


Purgatory Dragon stared, then cursed and said, "Peda, do you want to fight?"

"Fram, you never beat me."

"If you haven't won before, it doesn't mean you won't win in the future!"

"I couldn't win before, let alone in the future?"

Listening to the noise of these two people, Silver Dragon Algeta couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Two idiots."

"Algeta!!" x2

"All right, all of you—"

The good old man Jinlong Geraint raised his hands to smooth things over, and said, "Now is not the time to quarrel, let's listen to what the young master is going to say."

Hearing Jin Long's words, the dragons couldn't help but put their eyes on Lin Qiong.

"You all know Ignilu, right?"

Lin Qiong sat on the chair behind him, propped his chin, and asked, "In this case, do you know that Ignilu's plan—"

After hearing the "Dragon Slayer Project" that Lin Qiong spit out, all the twenty dragons present fell into silence.

"To come up with such a plan—"

Dark Dragon Bethkind crossed his arms and said indifferently: "Are Ignilu and the others crazy? They actually tried to rely on humans to defeat Akunologia?"

"Although I like those little things very much, this kind of thinking is impossible, right?"

The green dragon shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly, "If Akunologia can be defeated by relying on humans, why do we have to work so hard?"

Lin Qiong glanced at the other dragons, and found that everyone had similar expressions—it seemed that even good dragons who were close to humans were unwilling to believe that humans could defeat Akunologia.

'Actually, from their point of view, this kind of thinking is completely correct--'

"The position of the dragon king of the black dragon was enthroned by stepping on the corpses of tens of thousands of evil dragons. '

'What about humans in this era?If they don't rely on the help of the good dragon, they don't even have the ability to resist the attack of the evil dragon. '

'In this case, how can the dragons believe that weak humans can become strong enough to defeat Akunologia? '

'If it were me, I wouldn't believe such a miracle would happen, would I? '

'But he, it just happened. '

'One has to sigh——'

'The hymn of man is the hymn of courage, and the greatness of man is the greatness of courage. '

Chapter 0526

After a few seconds, Lin Qiong recovered from his thoughts.

He raised his head and glanced at the group of dragons who were still discussing Ignilu's plan, clapped his hands with a smile, and said, "Okay! All dragon men and dragon women, let me tell you that Ignilu's plan is not Let you discuss the feasibility of this plan."

Yinlong looked at Lin Qiong, and asked in her unique high-cold voice, "Master, what do you mean—"

"I have no interest in whether Ignilu's plan will succeed."

Lin Qiong waved his right hand and said with a smile: "What I'm interested in is the eclipse gate he planned and the world after 400 years—you don't want to see the Ishgar continent 400 years from now. , what kind of scene will it be?"

There was a hint of longing in Jin Long's eyes, and he murmured: "After 400 years? I don't know what kind of civilization can be created by human beings after 400 years?"

"Master, have you thought about one thing?"

Dark Dragon looked at Lin Qiong, and asked in a cold voice: "If we leave this era, who will limit Akunologia? He will destroy everything..."

"no, I can not."

Lin Qiong shook his head lightly, and explained: "Akunologia is hostile to dragons and despises humans—his purpose is to kill all the dragons in this world, but as long as humans don't take the initiative to provoke him, he will not Deliberately killing humans."

"Well, in this case, it seems that there is no problem, right?"

The red dragon put his hands on his chest, grinned, and said, "I am also very interested in the world 400 years from now—at least, it will be much better than this land full of dragon blood, right?"

"Hmph, damn Akunologia..."

The face of the Golden Scale Dragon Edas was full of resentment. She clenched her silver teeth and said angrily, "If it wasn't for that guy, I would still be enjoying the blessings of the Golden Scale Kingdom!"

The Golden Scale Dragon has the ability to search for wealth, so the Golden Scale Kingdom built around her can be described as an extremely luxurious country—it's a pity that because of the appearance of the Black Dragon, she had to give up her jewelry, gold, and the beauty of the house. young lady.

Aedas: I'm not a lesbian, and I like to see pretty girls, so there's no conflict, right?

"It seems that you all have the same interest as me in the world 400 years from now -"

Lin Qiong grinned in satisfaction, and said, "However, we have one more thing to do before going to the location of the Eclipse Gate."

Qunlong: "?"

"You don't know yet, do you? After the birth of Akunologia, a group of dragons fled to the northern continent—"

There was a malicious expression on Lin Qiong's face. He smiled and said, "So, is there anyone who wants to participate in the last 'Justice (Group Fight) League'?"

"I, I, I, I want to participate!"

The forest dragon Highlander quickly raised his right hand, looked at Lin Qiong with teary eyes, and said, "Master, I am the last dragon to join Sky City, do you understand what I mean?"


The rune dragon Mamun next to her showed a gloating expression. She reached out and patted the forest dragon on the shoulder, and said, "Although I am the second last, I am not at a loss, right?"


Forest Dragon's expression became ferocious. He grabbed Forest Dragon's collar and roared, "Damn it, why are you second to last, and I am first to last!!"

The penultimate one is not terrible, but the penultimate one is the face jumping - just because of a noun difference, the other party beat him up, but he couldn't beat another person.

Are you angry?

"So isn't this opportunity here?"

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