Rune Dragon patted Forest Dragon on the shoulder, said with a light smile: "We will attack with you as the core, what do you think?"

"You, are you serious?"

Forest Dragon heard Fu Wenlong's words, looked at the other companions excitedly, and asked for verification: "Is what she said true?"

The Purgatory Dragon patted his chest and said carelessly: "That must be~~~!"

Storm Dragon shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have no objection."

Shadow Longyin laughed twice and said softly: "Me too, yes."

Red Dragon also smiled and said, "No problem!"

"You guys, you've been so nice to me—"

Forest Dragon sucked his nose, and said with a moved face: "I will definitely repay you!"

They really, I cried to death!


Northern Continent.


"Well, the first target..."

Lin Qiong looked at the map projected in mid-air, put his hand on his chin, and said, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"If I had to choose, of course it would be this kid—"

Purgatory Dragon stretched out his finger, tapped Yanlong's position, and said with a smirk on his face: "Igonia is the biological son of my best friend—Ignilu—, as an uncle, how could I You have to care about his growth, don't you?"

Lin Qiong squinted at the Purgatory Dragon, and couldn't help complaining: "I don't care to expose you! Are you concerned about other people's growth? You clearly see him as a dragon with the same fire attribute as you, so you can bully him! You Despicable—"

"Hahahaha, that's what it means—"

Purgatory Dragon grinned, showing a malicious smile, and said: "A good man of the dragon clan, he just wants to grow his teeth through beatings!"

"I think you're right—"

A nasty smile appeared on the corner of Red Dragon's mouth. He chuckled and said, "As the saying goes, how can you see a rainbow if you don't experience wind and rain? We are doing this for his own good!"

Yulong Jasper smiled reservedly and said, "I agree."

Astral Dragon Sol nodded and said, "I think it's okay."

Callahan twisted his neck, sneered, and said, "Don't worry, as long as you don't beat him to death, Barbara and I can help him get back to normal—so, beat him to death!"

'You guys are more enthusiastic than me...'

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, and then asked dumbfounded: "So, the first goal is determined like this?"

"Oh!" x19

Um?Why only nineteen?

Little Crying Bag Bumblebee Barbara was letting out a helpless sigh.

She silently looked at her palm, and said with tears streaming down her face, "I chose to become a healing mage not to do this kind of thing!"


after one day.

Northern Continent.


"Is this the Northern Continent? It doesn't look any different from Ishgar—"

Standing on the city wall of Sky City, Lin Qiong squinted at the distant continent, and muttered, "I thought there would be a different human landscape."

The eldest lady who was arranging her equipment at the side raised her head, glanced at her lover, and asked, "What kind of cultural scenery do you want?"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, with a pensive look on his face, and said, "For example, a giant ape that is eight feet tall, rides a wild boar, and wields Kaiseru?"

The eldest lady: "?"

She couldn't help but put down the arm guard in her hand, and then complained: "I will accept it if you give that monkey a different weapon."

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and then asked tentatively, "Earpick? Nose hair scissors? Vacuum cleaner?"

The eldest lady twitched the corner of her mouth, then pulled Lin Qiong's cheek with her hands angrily, and asked, "My dear boyfriend, is it a normal weapon that you can't say from your mouth?"

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes innocently, and said, "Then how about the Star Destroyer?"

Miss: "..."

No, isn't your evolutionary range a bit big? ?

"Haha, Erina, you are so cute~"

Lin Qiong looked at the helpless expression on the eldest lady's face, and couldn't help laughing, "Sure enough, the strongest weapon is Erina's cuteness!"


The eldest lady let out a mournful cry, then hurriedly looked around, and after confirming that there was no one nearby, she gritted her teeth and pressed her forehead against Lin Qiong's chest again and again, and said, "You bastard is making a surprise attack again! Come again! It's like this every time-"

"Oh my, I'm going to be killed by Erina's cuteness—"

Feeling the completely weak attack on his chest, Lin Qiong couldn't help but raise his hands and "screamed" and said, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo(ev(s) The energy of cuteness directly hits my heart! If this continues, my heart will be filled with Erina's cuteness!!"


The young lady uttered a lovely cry again, but her "Erina Cute Shock" couldn't hit her any longer—if she continued to pretend, wouldn't she be told something again...

"The cute energy has invaded my heart!"

...something like that?

'This fool, sometimes like a log, but sometimes...'

Angrily, the eldest lady put her head on Lin Qiong's chest and turned left and right, but then she was wrapped around her waist by Lin Qiong's raised hands!

The eldest lady no longer has the thought of resisting!


At the corner of the city wall not far from the two of them.

The secretary and Barbara squatted on the ground, their faces flushed and they covered their mouths with their little hands.

The secretary winked at Barbara: "Did you knock me?" '

Barbara nodded vigorously: 'I got it, I got it! '

The secretary clenched his fists contentedly, and then proudly looked at the sky——

Young Master, the "EMT Cult" now has another devout teacher!

I will continue to work hard!



The entry into Sky City is very arrogant, very arrogant.

How arrogant is it?

It is roughly equivalent to the small broken ball moving towards the Centaurus galaxy while playing "Congratulations on getting rich" in the whole universe in a loop-making the surrounding civilizations who are worried about the law of the dark forest tremble and think: "I'm afraid it's not some big guy patrolling." Street Oh! '

"I see, I see—"

Purgatory Dragon stood on the city wall, looking at the steaming active volcano in the distance, couldn't help showing a villainous smile, while moving his fingers, he exuded undisguised aura, Said: "My dear eldest nephew, you need to get acquainted!"

Beside him, there are dragon men and dragon women who are also exuding momentum, ready to vent their anger at being beaten up by other dragons.

'Qianlue, Igunilu of the Kingdom of Heaven...'

'Bless your son's life. '


Chapter 0527 There is a feeling that the protagonist is the villain

My uncle's name is Igonia.

Although Fire Dragon King Igniru is my biological father, since the Dragon Clan does not have the habit of forming a family, I have never met my father, but was raised by my mother alone.

In summary……

"I have nothing to do with Igniru!"

Igunya looked at the figures floating in the air, grinned and said, "No matter what relationship you have with him, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Hahahaha, this kind of thing is beyond your control—"

Purgatory Dragon clasped his hands in front of his chest, looked at Igonia mightily and condescendingly, and said with a grin, "Ignilu's blood is flowing in your body, you have to stand up!"

Fuck, seven of you besieged one of me and told me I was going to stand up?

"We all fled here to escape Acnologia's clutches, don't go too far -"

Igunya roared angrily at the purgatory dragon in the air, sparks overflowed from his teeth and drifted into the air, "I'm not easy to mess with!"

Seeing the dragon cub in front of him showing his fangs, the bad uncles and aunts in the air suddenly let out malicious laughter.

Purgatory Dragon raised his right hand, licked his ear with his little finger, and said in a sticky tone: "Wow, he said he was not easy to mess with! It's so scary, I was almost scared to death."

Storm Dragon brushed his waist-length silver hair with his hands, and said elegantly: "I am a little curious about how difficult he is."

The red face grinned and mocked: "Maybe you will pull a lump of stinky in fright and throw it at us?"

Yulong raised his eyebrows, rubbed his chin, and said, "Well, that's really not easy to provoke, no, it's quite difficult to provoke."

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

"Hahahaha——" x4

The bad dragons immediately laughed harshly, making the eyes of Igonia Qi below a little red.

"Onolie!! I want you to see the power of the son of the Fire Dragon King!!"

Ignatius roared up to the sky, then opened his mouth wide, and spit out a flame that was so hot that the air was twisted towards the dragons in the sky, "The roar of the flame dragon!!"

"The temperature is so-so, but the degree of solidification is not enough, the flame is loose and brittle—"

Purgatory Dragon raised his right hand, and in the astonished eyes of Igunya, reached out to catch the roar he spit out, and then squeezed it in his hand as if pinching a ball, "Generally speaking, it is unqualified!"

'Hey, what are you kidding...'

Ignatius flapped his wings in astonishment. Others didn't know, but his mind was very clear——

After coming to this land, in order to gain stronger power, he dived into this volcano, absorbing the energy of the volcano day and night!

In that roar just now, he used all his strength, and poured all the volcanic heat energy he had absorbed during this period into it, unleashing a blow that could be called a boundary breakthrough.


Then he was easily caught by the other party! ?

Is it in the river?This is not in the river!So can I report the opposite open?


Purgatory Dragon threw the flame in his hand into his mouth, chewed it a few times, and said with a look of disgust: "Although the power of the volcano is added to the roar, the fusion length is too low, right? It's a raw feeling, it's unpalatable!"

After finishing speaking, the Purgatory Dragon opened his mouth and spat back a hotter flame: "Give it back to you!"

"Didn't it just eat my growl? What's the big deal—"

Yan Long opened his mouth and said vaguely: "I'll eat it for you too!!"

Accompanied by the movement of his inhalation, the roar from the purgatory dragon suddenly turned into a vortex and was sucked into his abdomen.

He "Sha——"

Yanlong spit out a small mouthful of flames, then wiped the corners of his mouth and gasped: "Eat the flames, and the power will come out!!"

He flapped his wings and bravely charged towards the Infernal Dragon...


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