

Lin Qiong was leaning on the beach chair, holding a glass of freshly squeezed juice in his hand, while sucking on the straw, while watching the scene of dragons dancing, he said vaguely to the eldest lady beside him: "This group of uncles are really not good. As the saying goes, the strike is really ruthless!"

"One thing to say, I estimate that this beating will cost him four hundred... wait a minute!"

The eldest lady nodded her head appreciatively at first, but she seemed to find something in the middle of her speech, and said with a twitching corner of her mouth: "Tell me, is it possible that they just want Yanlong to recognize them at a glance after 400 years?" , that's why you're so ruthless?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a dry smile: "Probably not... I'm sorry, I can't lie to myself! They can definitely do such a thing."

Don't have any illusions about the integrity of this group of guys, they are veterans who even deal with juniors seven to one, they have lost all their integrity!

"Aqiong, from now on you..."

The eldest lady originally wanted to tell Lin Qiong, hoping that he would not become like these dragons in the future, but just as she was about to speak, she suddenly realized that it seemed that Lin Qiong had opened the door for gang fights for these old guys— — This made her twitch the corners of her mouth and said, "Forget it, it's fine."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at the eldest lady suspiciously, and asked, "Why did I feel that your eyes seemed to be dead for a moment just now?"

"It's okay, I just realized that maybe the source of evil is around me -"

The eldest lady covered her forehead helplessly and said to herself: "This ability to mess up the surrounding paintings at any time and any place may also be his characteristic -"

Lin Qiong: "Features? What features? jpg or mp4?"

Miss: "..."

She looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded, and said, "I can be sure that the characteristics in my mouth and the characteristics in your mouth are not the same thing."

Lin Qiong coughed a few times in embarrassment, and then pretended to be serious and admired the battle of dragons in front of him.

Of course, if he could get his hands off Missy's lap...

Missy: Don't mind your own business.

It’s actually okay not to take it off.


Beat the Yanlong, then play the Wooden Dragon after beating the Yanlong;

Beat the wood dragon, beat the wood dragon and beat the earth dragon;

Beat the earth dragon, beat the earth dragon and beat the skeleton dragon...


The Purgatory Dragon sat on the chair with a sword in his hand, with a high-spirited expression on his face, "I have never had such a good fight! Hahahaha, those guys are completely vulnerable!"

Jin Long flipped the barbecue in front of him with a smile on his face and said: "Fram, don't take it lightly! We currently only have a numerical advantage. If the Sora of the Northern Continent unite..."

"Geraint, you think too highly of the dragons of this land—"

The silver dragon next to him curled his lips in disdain and said, "What if we join forces? In terms of numbers, can they still surpass us?"

"Hahahaha, Argenta is right——"

The wrathful pterosaur Valushina on the side laughed, and she said gloatingly: "To be honest, I was quite looking forward to them finding all fourteen dragons so hard, besieging us for revenge, but found us There are as many as twenty...cough, what kind of expression do you have when you have nineteen dragons!"

Barbara who was drinking juice in a proper manner: "?"

Was she just touched by the subtle connotation? ?

"Valushina, you are so bad-"

The forest dragon on the side flicked the bangs on his forehead with his hand, and said flirtatiously: "But, I am also looking forward to it, oh ho ho ho ~"

The dragon men and dragon women on the side imagined the scene drawn by the angry pterosaur, and suddenly showed malicious smiles—they couldn't wait to watch that scene!

Lin Qiong grilling by another fire: "..."

He pondered for a few seconds, then nodded thoughtfully, and said, "It must be because of the relationship between Grimmjow and Yami that these dragons have been shadowed and turned into what they are today!"


It definitely has nothing to do with me, not even a dime!

At the third fire, he was gnawing the meat of the pig's trotters: "?"

Grimmjow was chewing a leg of lamb next to Yami: "?"

The two looked at each other, then sighed speechlessly.

Master, let us beg you.

Be an individual.


the other side.

"I think everyone knows what happened recently——"

Moon Dragon lay on the ground, looking lazily at the other dragons around him, and said, "If I guessed correctly, those dragons should also have escaped from the Ishgar continent in order to escape from Acnologia's clutches. to this land."

"Oh, and then I found out that there is already a group of dragons who arrived earlier, so they came to grab the territory?"

A trace of violence flashed in Huanglong Alex's eyes, and he said with a bad look: "Oh, they can win again and again, just because they have a numerical advantage - don't we people just Is it missing?"

As he said that, he looked around for a week——

Yanlong, Water Dragon, Moon Dragon, Wood Dragon, Earth Dragon, Yaojin Dragon, Four Beast Dragon, Skeletal Dragon, Blade Dragon, Armor Dragon, Sticky Dragon, Spirit Dragon, Sword Saint Dragon, White Tiger Dragon, Canglong, plus himself ...

Sixteen dragons, sixteen!

Just ask if you are afraid!

"You mean, team up?"

There was a smirk on the corner of the Four Beast Dragon's mouth, and he joked, "I thought the Thunder Dragon King didn't like us ordinary dragons."

"Hmph, those who know the current affairs are the best."

Huang Long snorted coldly, he patted the ground under him hard, and said with a grin: "If you are willing to be beaten by the opponent group like Yan Long and Mu Long, you can leave on your own."

"I'm not a fool—"

The four beast dragons snorted coldly. He moved his claws and said with a grin: "Then let's cooperate! Let the next group of dragons experience our power!"

Chapter 0528 who is the villain......

"As expected, they joined together—"

Standing on the city wall of Sky City, Lin Qiong looked at the giant dragons entrenched on the top of the mountain one after another, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and said, "To be honest, I also kind of want to see these dragons. The scene where the confident expression on the dragon's face collapsed."

The eldest lady shook her head helplessly, and said, "You also said that you have no bad taste, isn't that completely exposed?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong let out a joyful laugh, then put his arms around the young lady's waist, jumped onto Millerton's back, and said, "Then, let's attack!"


Following Lin Qiong's instructions, the purgatory dragons transformed back into their dragon forms, then flapped their wings and flew into the air, hovering above the heads of the dragons on the northern continent.

"Hey, are you here? Purgatory Dragon, Storm Dragon, Jade Dragon, Dark Dragon, Green Dragon, Red Dragon, Forest Dragon..."

Huanglong raised his head, narrowed his eyes and looked at the dragon hovering in the air, and said with a sneer: "Oh! It seems that these guys were scared out of their wits by Akunologia, so they only dared to hug each other to keep warm—"

You said we also came to the Northern Continent because of Akunologia?

That's different!Although we fled to the Northern Continent, we decided to hide our strength and bide our time, practice hard, and try to fight back one day!

You say we are also in a group now?

That's different!Our grouping is to fight against the second batch of dragons, not voluntary grouping, understand?

Anyway, we are different!

"what happened?"

The skeleton dragon looked at the group of dragons hovering in the air and couldn't help but asked strangely: "Why do they keep hovering in the air and never land?"

"Hahaha, is it because we saw so many dragons that we got scared?"

The four dragon beasts raised their heads and let out a hearty laugh, "After all, they are a group of guys who only dare to bully the small ones!"

"No, it's not that simple—"

Yuelong narrowed his eyes, looked at the distant city in the sky with vigilant eyes, and said, "Didn't you notice it? The eyes of these dragons have been observing that castle—"

After Yuelong reminded, the water dragon who had been staring at Sky City suddenly reminded: "Everyone, it seems that something flew out of that castle!"


The dragons in the northern continent raised their heads and immediately saw the dragons in the sky surrounding the figure flying out of the castle as if they had found a backbone.

"Hey, I read it right, right?"

Skeletal Dragon couldn't help but widen his eyes, and said in disbelief: "They are surrounded by a human!? Am I crazy or is this world crazy?"

Even if the opposite side is the good dragon of relatives, it won't be like stars and moons surrounding human beings, right?Doesn't this make the other party seem to be the lord of dragons? ? ?

"Hey, you guys, it's fine to come to the Northern Continent after being scared by Akunologia, why are you still surrounded by a human being like Xiugou?"

The four beast dragons looked at the dragons hovering in the air and couldn't help but make a mocking sound: "Is this how you get close to humans? Hahahaha——"

After hearing the words of the Four Beast Dragons, the sticky dragons, white tiger dragons and blue dragons around them immediately let out the same piercing laughter, trying to use this method to stimulate the emotions on the other side.

However, in the face of their provocation, the dragons around Lin Qiong did not make any gestures—even the fiery Purgatory Dragon just watched them quietly.

As a result, these provocative dragons couldn't keep up their laughter.

"Atlas Frame—"

Huanglong patted his ground hard, and the huge sound instantly overwhelmed the embarrassing laughter of the four beast dragons (so these dragons stopped laughing with relief), and roared: "You still don't want to laugh!" Are you going to use the method of bullying more to deal with us? Then you will be wrong!"

"That's right!"

After the embarrassment passed, the Four Beast Dragons stood up again, "Now, the number of people on our side is relatively right! Thieves hahaha——"

"I have to say, in terms of being funny, you should be the most powerful dragon—"

Lin Qiong looked at the Four Beast Dragons with admiration, and said, "One thing to say, you know how to make a show!"

Four Beast Dragon: "?"

Realizing that he was being ridiculed, the Four Beast Dragon grinned at Lin Qiong and asked, "Human, are you insulting me?"

"No, no, I'm really complimenting you, huh? Do you know how rare it is to have this kind of talent for inadvertently creating program effects in today's society?"

Lin Qiong looked at the four beasts and dragons seriously, then stretched out his right hand and said like Wu Jing: "With this kind of talent, you are born to be an anchor - come on, let me train you to become The world’s number one VTB!”

Miss: "..."

Other dragons: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, Bai Hulong asked weakly: "Then, that, VTB, what is it?"

"Hiss, this is a bit hard to explain..."

Lin Qiong rested his chin and thought for a while, then took out a tablet from his arms, and said, "Why don't I just show you the real thing? VTB is very interesting!"

Bai Hulong showed an interested expression, she quietly took a step forward, and asked, "Is the one named VTB cute?"

"Oh, this can't be simply described as 'cute'!"

Lin Qiong raised his finger like a master who was in charge of human idiots, and said, "The world of VTB is infinite!"

Lightning-like special effects appeared on the background behind Bai Hulong, and she herself showed a shocked expression: "No, infinite?"

"That's right! The world of VTB is infinitely large!"

Lin Qiong moved forward with his right hand for a while, and said loudly: "Whether you like Zhengtai or Lolita, nun or married woman, fake mother or help her, succubus or beast mother, you can find your favorite in VTB." !"

White Tiger Dragon: "Oh oh oh oh!"

"So, the one with the ability to revitalize...huh?"

Lin Qiong shifted his gaze back and forth between the White Tiger Dragon and the Four Beast Dragons, then pressed his chin and said, "Why does it feel like the target of persuasion is wrong?"

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