The dragons following Lin Qiong: "..."

What, how should I say it?

The young master stepped in like this, causing the tense atmosphere just now (it doesn't seem to be there) to disappear!

There is only subtle embarrassment and speechlessness left!

Four beasts and dragons: "..."

He hesitated to speak, and looked at Lin Qiong eagerly—mainly because the white tiger dragon behind him was looking at him with "pulling and pulsing" eyes, as if he had seen the so-called VTB is the same.

'But after all, didn't that human never show us what VTB is?What are you expecting here, idiot! ! '

The little monster inside the Four Beast Dragon has overturned the Neon Continent, and is stepping on the Hanguo Peninsula, roaring, 'Calm down, you cute boy! '

Of course, the above-mentioned psychological activities only exist in the heart of the four beast dragons, while his external performance is expressionless, looking straight at Lin Qiong like a tough man.


There was a few seconds of silence.

Just when the dragons on both sides felt awkward, Huang Long bravely stood up and broke the silence of the scene.

"Human, shut your mouth—"

Huanglong slapped his right paw hard on the ground, smashing the ground, and at the same time, a bucket-thick thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck Lin Qiong, "There is no place for you to speak here!"

"The air is shaking and cold, when will human beings stand up? This society is full of oppression of human beings - I don't remember clearly later."

Lin Qiong jumped off Millerton, then pointed to Huang Long and said, "In short, that guy with an arrogant attitude and a very great look—is your fucking name Huang Long?!"

Dragons: "?"

No, why do you have the nerve to say that others are arrogant? ?Would you like to look in the mirror and then tell us what is arrogance! ?

"Human, are you provoking the dignity of the dragon? Or is it that the group of dragons behind you gave you a sense of security, making you think that you would not be harmed?"

Huanglongqi's capillaries burst a few, he bared his teeth, and a violent thunderstorm brewed in his mouth, "But you seem to have forgotten, judging from the number of people, our side has the upper hand—"

Accompanied by his words, the group of dragons on the Northern Continent got up from the ground unanimously, spreading the aura that belonged to the giant dragon—if a cowardly person, he would probably have been frightened to death up.

But... but ah...

"Dig, dig, blow—"

Lin Qiong took out his ears, then blew the earwax between his fingers, and said expressionlessly: "So, is that all you want to say?"

Huang Long: "Eh?"

Lin Qiong spread his hands, shook his head helplessly, and said, "Hey, what age is it, and you still play crowd tactics?"

Huang Long: "Eh??"

Lin Qiong clenched his right hand and put it in front of his mouth, coughing, then with a smirk on his face, he raised his right hand under the watchful eyes of the dragons behind him, and said, "However, since you like to play crowd tactics If so, then I will play with you for a while—reward, Dragon Qun!"

The next moment, the group of dragons who had been gathering momentum in the city of the sky for a long time spread their wings and rushed to the sky, hovering over the heads of the group of dragons in the northern continent.

Huang Long: "Eh???"

Lin Qiong, surrounded by 23 dragons (including Kyurem, Reshiram and Palkia), tilted his head and asked: "So, this Mr. Dragon who speaks very well, now occupies Which side has the numerical advantage?"

Huanglong: "!#)!#!?"

He looked at the dragon hovering in the air in a mess, and murmured dumbly: "Golden dragon, silver dragon, dark dragon, astral dragon, desert dragon..."

Is there something wrong with my eyes?Why……

Why do these dragons follow a human's instructions? ?

Chapter 0529 My Turn

"Gentlemen, have you seen it? This scene——"

Looking at the scene of dragons dancing in the distance, Lan Ran on the city wall gently pushed his glasses, then turned his head, looked at Nilu, Grimmjow and Yami beside him, and said softly: "This is In the virtual circle, no, in the entire realm world, it is impossible to see such a dreamlike scene!"

Grimmjow put his hands in his trouser pockets and bent his waist slightly, like a cheetah in hunting mode: "Damn it, it makes my hands itch to see it - why are we not allowed to attack!"

Yami also had an uncontrollable expression on his face, and muttered: "That's to say, I really want to fight hard--this group of guys is not at the same level as the dragon group I met before. , it must be strong enough to fight!"

"Hehe, don't you guys understand Qiongjun's mode of action?"

Aizen gently put the tea in his hand on the tea tray Ruohuo was holding, and then glanced at the companions who came out of the same world behind him.

"In the Realm World, King Qiong obviously holds the card of the guardian, but still chooses to cultivate the shield of the guardian."

"In the world of Fairy Tail, King Qiong obviously has the shield to protect the saint, but he still chooses to cultivate this group of dragons."

"There is no doubt that Qiongjun prefers to use the creatures that exist in this world to complete his plan."

After hearing Aizen's analysis, Grimmjow and Yami suddenly showed irritated expressions.

Abao couldn't help kicking the city wall lightly with his toes, and complained: "If that's the case, what's the purpose of following us? It's too much to just watch a show by the side!"

Yami crossed his arms, then sat down on the ground, and said sullenly, "It's better to stay in the circle! At least when your hands are itchy, you can kill two big ones to enjoy yourself."

"Stupid — terribly stupid —"

"Don't you guys realize that the biggest benefit of being with A Qiong is not the chance to fight, but a brand new power system?"

Aizen looked at Grimmjow and Yami with hatred, and couldn't help but sigh - this situation made him ask himself, why didn't Urahara Kisuke or Nirvana join the Holy Shield?In this case, at least he doesn't need to face the two muscular brats here!

"For example, the power of the dragon in this world, its power composition and spell model, can bring us a greater improvement—especially the roar of the dragon for the improvement of false flash!"

"In the final analysis, the difference in the power of magic, apart from the amount of magic power injected, is the optimization of the utilization rate of magic power and the spell model, and the increase in the number of ghosts is essentially... 彄"

Aizen spoke about his research on magic power and magic during this period, and then looked at Grimmjow and Yami with a look of anticipation, showing off and complacency...

So I saw the stupid appearance of these two reckless "Abaaaba".

Aizen: "..."

He raised his trembling right hand, then helped the eyes on his face, persuading himself in his heart.

'Calm down!Aizen Soyousuke, you already knew that these two people, like Kurosaki Ichigo, are completely action-oriented, so it's normal that you don't understand your analysis, right? '

'So there's no need to be angry at all, is there?Forbearance a moment, calm, take a step back, a brighter future--'

"That's right, endure for a while...bear for a while..."

'no!The more you think about it for a while, the more angry you become, and the more you take a step back, the more you lose money! '

Thinking of this, Aizen silently took out his mirror, and then said softly: "Break it! Mirror——"

A few seconds later, the screams of Grimmjow and Yami echoed in the sky above Sky City.


On the other side, the frontal battlefield.

"Wow, the battle situation is completely one-sided——"

Lin Qiong put his arms around the young lady's waist, sat on the soft and luxurious sofa, and smacked his tongue: "Why are these guys starting to play tactics?"

The tactic of the dragon group in the city of the sky is the simplest but also the most effective "number suppression operation".

Even without counting the three dragon gods in the elf world, the number of fighters in the dragon group of the sky city reached nineteen, but the number of fighters in the dragon group of the northern continent was only sixteen.

Don't underestimate the small gap between three places. It means that one lucky person among the dragons of the Northern Continent will face the siege of four dragons. Once he loses, the No.2 lucky person will face off. The siege of the five-headed dragon...

Well, all in all...

"The No.8 lucky guy, what he faced was the siege of eleven giant dragons—"

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, and said in an erratic tone: "How should I put it, the intensity of this group fight is even more severe than the one when I just came to the Northern Continent—"

You know, at the very beginning, it was only seven against one!

What now?Eighth... Oh, lucky No.9, but you have to face the siege of twelve dragons at the same time!

"I'm super, ruthless—"

Lin Qiong looked at the water dragon surrounded by twelve giant dragons, and couldn't help but shook his head, and said with emotion: "This is about to be called a water dragon respect by the water dragon."

The eldest lady: "?"

Didn't Qiong spit out a very extraordinary name just now as if nothing had happened? ?

Forget it, it's not quite right for me who can know this name.

The eldest lady sighed, and then pressed her slender and tight right leg on her left leg, showing a slightly expectant look.


Under the "tactics" of the dragon group in the city of sky, the members of the dragon group in the northern continent fell one by one, and soon there was only the last unharmed dragon standing on the ground.

It is Sword Saint Dragon Kurnuki.

"Huh, huh, why!?"

The Sword Saint Dragon stood on the ground, panting slightly, staring at the surrounding dragons with puzzled eyes, and asked, "Why do you have to show mercy to your subordinates?"

"Be merciful? Don't make a mistake—"

Dark Dragon Bethkind sneered, looked at the eldest lady who had stood up from Lin Qiong's arms and was warming up on the spot, and said, "The reason we don't attack you is because you have already It was booked by someone else!"

“Booked in advance...”

The Sword Saint Dragon was silent for a few seconds, then followed the dark dragon's eyes and looked in the direction of the eldest lady, murmuring: "Is my opponent the woman?"

"That's right, your opponent is me—"

With the sound of the eldest lady's voice, the dragon group automatically divided into two columns.Under the welcome of the dragons, the figure of the eldest lady slowly walked in front of the Sword Saint Dragon, and said, "Since you are a Sword Saint Dragon, should you be a master of swords?"

"That's it, I understand."

Juggernaut Dragon took a deep breath, then stared sharply, and said imposingly: "I won't show mercy, so don't blame me if you get hurt!"

"If you can defeat me, I will let Aqiong release all the dragons here—"

The eldest lady chuckled lightly, then flicked her right hand, and a katana with a cold light appeared in her palm, "So, you must not be merciful!"

Cut it all off, Nakiri.

"Wait, wait a minute—"

At this moment, the bruised and swollen Saber Dragon Thorud struggled to get up from the ground, and said with an unconvinced face: "I am a Saber Dragon, why didn't you choose me, but him? "

The eldest lady: "?"

She froze for a moment, then asked, "You also fight with a blade?"

Blade Dragon nodded: "Yes."

The eldest lady thought for a few seconds, then nodded lightly, and said, "I understand!"

Blade Dragon: "?"

What do you understand! ?What the hell did you understand! ?


The eldest lady snapped her fingers gracefully, and said, "Fei Shazi, before I defeat the Sword Saint Dragon, finish healing the Blade Dragon!"


A secretary dressed like a white-collar woman appeared beside the young lady and said, "I understand, young lady!"

"Thanks a lot."

The eldest lady smiled slightly at the secretary, then looked at the stunned Blade Dragon, and said, "Please wait a moment, it will be your turn later."

Blade Dragon opened his mouth and said, "No, that, me, this..."

He looked at the young lady's back and wished he could slap himself twice: "Why can't I control my mouth?" '

"About the declaration you just made about the blade dragon——"

Sword Saint Dragon opened his blade-like fingers, stared at the eldest lady in front of him seriously, and asked, "Are you underestimating the strength of my subordinates?"

Talking like she could absolutely beat him.

"Did my statement make you uncomfortable? Sorry—"

The eldest lady held the blade of Nakiri with both hands, fixed on the Sword Saint Dragon in front of her with sharp eyes, and said softly: "As compensation, I will be gentler later."

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