
"My child, my child..."

Yuelong lay on the ground, looked at the sword saint dragon who was confronting the eldest lady with slightly worried eyes, and murmured: "There must be nothing wrong."

"Don't worry, Erina will not kill Sword Saint Dragon here."

After Lin Qiong explained, he looked sideways at Yuelong beside him, and muttered in his heart: "It feels a bit like a combination of a dragon and a nine-tailed fox—"

Yuelong is a dragon that looks a bit like a fox. The most conspicuous feature is the nine big furry tails behind her. It must feel very good to touch.

"Who the hell are you?"

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Yuelong slowly lowered his head to look at him, and asked suspiciously: "Why can you make the dragons surrender and follow you even though you are clearly a human being?"

"Well, why? Maybe because..."

Lin Qiong thought for a while, then raised his right index finger, smiled at Yue Kong, and said, "Maybe it's because I'm stronger."

Yuelong: "Huh?"

This, this is a general reason for joking! ?

Stronger! ?

Can you still beat one dragon after another, forcefully beat them until they agree to follow you? ?

Don't underestimate me, human!

Chapter 0530 Why can't I control my mouth?

"Sword Saint Dragon—"

The eldest lady stared at the dragon with the blade on her body, and said softly, "Aren't you going to do it?"

"Your Excellency, do you want to attack first?"

Juggernaut Dragon heard the words, drooped his eyelids slightly, and said softly: "Then I'm sorry to be rude--the roar of Juggernaut Dragon!"

The roar made of dark purple sword energy swept towards the eldest lady - deep cut marks appeared on the ground where the roar passed.

"I should have said it? What I want to see is your swordsmanship!"

The eldest lady let go of the handle of the knife with her left hand, then waved her right hand from bottom to top, and said softly, "Don't use this kind of thing to fool me!"


The blue sword energy easily split open the roar of the Sword Master Dragon, and then passed through the mountain peak without any hindrance - after a few seconds, the upper half of the mountain slowly slid to the ground, and the cross section was extremely smooth.


Sword Saint Dragon was silent for a few seconds, then said in a deep voice: "Very beautiful sword energy! What kind of move is this?"

"It's nothing like a move, it's just compressing the magic power and then waving it—"

The eldest lady tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "If you have to choose a name, you can call it 'Yueya Tianchong'."

After all, the inspiration for this move originally came from the Kurosaki (Shiha) family's secret skill, Getsuga Tenshō - but Miss Know-It-All helped the eldest lady further improve the spell model, which further improved the conversion rate of magic power. .

So, maybe it can be called Normal Attack Crescent Sky Chongkai?


Sword Saint Dragon's eyes slightly opened for a few minutes. He recalled the crescent-shaped sword aura just now, and said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "It's a beautiful crescent."

His mother is Yuelong, so he is born with a certain degree of affection for things related to "moon"-such as the Moonlight Clan, Great Moon Card and May Disease.

"It's unnecessary to praise—"

The eldest lady put the knife back into the scabbard again, and said softly: "Let me see your sword skills!"


Sword Saint Dragon nodded lightly, and a purple-black magic power wrapped around him, "The sword technique below is a little dangerous, please be careful—"

As soon as the words fell, a sword-like aura spread from his body, cutting off the weeds under his feet.

"Underworld Sword Drawing Art · Underworld Fall——"

"Underworld Sword Drawing Art · Underworld Reincarnation——"

"Underworld-style knife drawing technique, abyss, underworld black refinement——"

"Underworld-style knife drawing technique..."

One, two, three...

After Juggernaut Dragon swung his first knife, his attacks were like a storm, one stroke after another, without giving others a chance to breathe.

The eldest lady calmly waved the nakiri in her hand, imperviously resisting the suffocating onslaught of the Sword Saint Dragon.

Finally, after swinging 143 swords, Juggernaut Dragon was exhausted.


He supported the ground under him with his hands, and looked at the eldest lady standing in front of him with a tired face—the ground around her was already covered with sword marks, but the area behind her was completely untouched. lossless.

"The attack below was completely taken over—"

Juggernaut Dragon looked at the human woman in front of him and sighed softly: "I am not your opponent, this battle is won by you."


The eldest lady let out a breath slowly, and after playing a few dazzling knives, she put Nakiri back into the scabbard, and said, "Sword... no, Mr. Kurnuki, your sword skills It has benefited me a lot, thank you."

"Do not make jokes."

Sword Saint Dragon shook his head and said, "I'm attacking with all my strength, but I can't break through your defense at all. This gap in strength..."

"No, I'm not joking."

The eldest lady interrupted Jian Shenglong, she said seriously: "Your swordsmanship has indeed taught me a lot of new things."

Looking into Missy's eyes, Jian Shenglong realized that the other party was serious.

"Hahaha, it's a great honor to be praised by Your Excellency."

Sword Saint Dragon supported his body and stood up from the ground, then assumed a fighting posture again, and said in a deep voice: "I have a request—can I show you your sword skills?"

"……it is good."

The eldest lady nodded slightly, holding the scabbard with her left hand, and then slowly lowered her upper body.


In just a split second, the figure of Missy appeared behind Sword Saint Dragon.She gently retracted Nakiri into the scabbard.

"—Instant Slash."

Hundreds of sword qi erupted from Sword Saint Dragon.


The Sword Saint Dragon, riddled with holes and wounds all over his body, slowly fell to the ground, and said in a low voice, "I'm... not as good as..."

"Fei Shazi, help him heal."

The eldest lady yelled at the secretary, and then turned her head to look at the blade dragon who had been cured. At this time, she was looking at the blade dragon with a blank face, and said softly: "Mr. blade dragon, it's your turn... you--"

Blade Dragon: "..."

Foreword, Mother of the Kingdom of Heaven, at this moment, your son has an urgent urge to travel through time and space and chop his previous self to death.

Why the hell can't I control my mouth?



Quietly, the city in the sky left,

Just as the city in the sky comes quietly;

City in the Sky, shake your fist,

If you don't take it away, any dragon will die.

"One thing to say, it's so cool."

The Purgatory Dragon sat on the ground carelessly, and said with a look of recollection: "It's a pity that the time I stayed was too short, otherwise, how good would it be to have a beating once every three days and once every five days?"

The silver dragon Algeta on the side put down the drink cup in his hand, and said speechlessly: "Frem, you should still be a dragon—don't go too far."

"What's the matter? Can they come back with revenge?"

Purgatory Dragon curled his mouth, and said indifferently: "You have also seen the strength of the eldest lady, right? Who has the confidence to take her move?"

"Nakiri style·Snapshot..."

Dark Dragon Bethkind took a sip of the fine wine in the glass, then sighed softly, and said, "I can't even see the movements clearly, so how can I continue?"

"Do you still remember? The young master told us that his strength is above that of Akunologia——"

Storm Dragon narrowed his eyes, and said softly: "I didn't believe this kind of statement at first, but after witnessing the strength of the young lady today, I believe it a little bit."

"Since their strength is above that of Akunologia..."

The green dragon crossed his arms, frowned and said, "Then why didn't they choose to attack the black dragon, but left this era instead?"

"The answer is simple -"

At this time, a gentle voice appeared behind the dragons. They turned their heads and found that the person who came was a human male with a black background and a golden patterned uniform, wearing glasses, with a refined and gentle temperament, "Because the black dragon's Existence is harmless to humans in this world, but deadly to dragons."

"what do you mean--"

The silver dragon looked at this somewhat unfamiliar human and said, "Young master, you want Acnologia to cleanse the world of evil dragons, so you let him act?"


The man nodded lightly, and he said with a light smile: "Presumably, you don't want to take on the responsibility of the black dragon and clean up the evil dragons all over the world, do you?"

The dragons sitting by the fire looked at each other.

The golden-scaled dragon said dumbfounded: "In other words, the young master is using the black dragon as a wage earner? And the kind that doesn't require payment of wages?"

The desert dragon opened its mouth, and then muttered subtly: "Is it my illusion? I always feel that the oppressive feeling of the black dragon disappears at once—"

The former black dragon——

The destroyer of destiny, the terminator of the world, the terminator of the dragon clan.

Today's black dragon——

La la la, la la la, I am a little expert in white labor.

What happened to the sudden change of tone?

"Ahem, thank you very much for answering our questions——"

Astral Dragon Thor coughed twice, breaking the somewhat awkward atmosphere at this time, and said: "I don't know the name of this human gentleman..."

"Aizen, Aizen Sousuke—"

Lan Ran showed a gentle smile towards the dragons, and said, "He is the captain of the Holy Shield under the Young Master."


meeting room.

"Phew, feel good, feel good——"

Lin Qiong lay on the sofa without any image, and said lazily: "Beibeilong and Irene survived, the good dragons were also abducted, and the dragons in the Northern Continent were also beaten up - this era has passed. Are you okay?"

Miss Know-It-All leaned against the back of the chair, elegantly pressed her right leg on her left, and said softly, "It's gone."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but look at Miss Wan Shitong's thighs——

The plump but elastic thighs were slightly deformed due to the overlap, making the marks on both sides of the thighs and knee-high socks more eye-catching.

The white and delicate absolute field exposed between the hem of the gray sweater and the black knee socks, like a magnet, firmly attracted Lin Qiong's gaze.

If you look closely, you can still vaguely see...


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