Miss Wanshitong coughed twice, then looked at Lin Qiong who sat up straight with a smile on his face, and joked, "It seems that you are satisfied with my outfit today?"

"Hmm, yes, it's a bit pretty -"

Lin Qiong rubbed his nose with his index finger, then coughed lightly twice, and said, "Mmm, it's very pretty, um, indeed..."

'Is the host's praise skill really a passive skill that is triggered with a low probability? '

Miss Wanshitong supported her chin with her hands while smiling, then leaned forward and said softly: "It's just that the young side of the host is also very cute—"

"Cough! Then what, then, the next step is to find Ignilu and the others, right?"

Lin Qiong got up from the sofa in a panic, then hurriedly walked towards the door, and said, "I, I'll go get ready first and inform Bei Beilong and the others!"


Miss Know-It-All couldn't help laughing, and said, "Oh Kawaii Kudo—"

Suddenly, Lin Qiong's head popped up from the door again, and he said with wandering eyes: "That, that, yes, you are beautiful, but you are not allowed to dress like this in front of others - over!"

Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong's "swish" retracted head, and couldn't help laughing while clutching her stomach.

"Dear Mr. Qiong, my beauty will only bloom for you—"

Miss Passionate lazily stood up from the sofa, and the smile that only appeared when chatting with Lin Qiong gradually faded from her face.

She turned around and walked towards the test bench. Following Miss Know-It-All's footsteps, her backless sweater and black knee socks quickly changed back to a white coat.

"The characteristics of dragon slaying magic have been mastered, let's study more interesting magic next?"

"For example..."

"Destiny, time and space."

Chapter 0531

"Long time no see, Igniru."

The Purgatory Dragon, who was burning all over his body, looked at his friend in front of him, and said with a complicated expression: "Are you really going to carry out that plan?"

"Are you also here to persuade me?"

Iguniru looked at his friend in front of him, grinned, and said: "Fram, I have made up my mind, so..."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to persuade you."

The purgatory dragon waved his hand carelessly. Under Igunilu's slightly horrified eyes, he transformed back into a human body, then moved his neck and said with a smile: "I am here to be the middleman - Igunilu , Master Qiong wants to talk to you about something."


Ignilu was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Purgatory Dragon with a complicated expression, and said, "Frem, long time no see, it seems that a lot of things have happened to you."

"Hahahaha, don't show that expression, Igniru."

The Purgatory Dragon laughed and explained: "My life is much happier now than before - the companions in Sky City are nice to speak, and they all have unique skills. I really like it here!"

"Really? Since you're having a good time, I'm relieved."

Ignilu smiled lightly, then approached his friend, and said, "Since the 'young master' you called asked you to be the middleman, then I can't help but face it—let me meet him!"



Half a day later, deep in the mountains.

"I said, Ignilu—"

The Tianlong Grandigne, who looked like a large reptile, frowned, looked at Igunilu lying on the ground, and asked: "Why did you call us together? If the black dragon discovers..."

"Don't worry, Grantigne—"

Igunilu yawned and said lazily: "Akunologia is on the other side of the continent right now, and we won't be able to get there for a while."

Tianlong and Tielong looked at each other, and asked suspiciously: "How do you know so clearly?"

"It's the person who wants to see us, the message to me—"

Ignilu raised his head, then looked at the distant sky, grinned, and said, "The other party has come."


Tianlong, Iron Dragon, White Dragon and Shadow Dragon were startled, then turned their heads to look in the direction of Sky City, and then...


They looked at the giant dragons rising from the castle one after another, and couldn't help showing dumb expressions.


"It really surprised the dragon."

Ignilu straightened his upper body, looked at the group of dragons in front of him, and said with a strange expression: "You guys are all gathered together—is the sun rising from the west?"

"Hey, you bastard, your mouth is still as smelly as ever."

The green dragon put his right hand on his hip, curled his lips angrily, and said, "We are all dragons belonging to the Sky City now - you should understand the meaning of this, right?"

Wulong: "???"

At this moment, the question marks that fell from the sky almost overwhelmed them.

"No, no no no no..."

Tianlong looked unacceptable, she looked at the storm dragon, at the golden scale dragon, at the golden dragon, at the silver dragon and at the dark dragon, and said: "You?! All!? What is this? Is it a cheap trick? If you want to see our shocked expressions, then you have succeeded..."

"What are you talking about? Grantigne, we won't admit that we follow a human just to make such a silly joke?"

Red Dragon crossed his arms to his chest (he liked this posture very much) and said domineeringly with his head held high, "Young Master used his strength to make us recognize him!"

Although Lin Qiong has not shown his strength in front of the dragons, since he can command the three dragons - the dragons' names for the ice dragon, space dragon and real dragon - to fight, his strength must have been obtained. Approved by Shangsanlong.

Feng Wang: Actually not, he relied on his background.

Hearing Red Dragon's words, Ignilu couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "If the young master you are talking about is going to use the same method to recruit us, then he will have miscalculated."

"This kind of thing, you can talk to our young master in person—"

Storm Dragon waved his hand gracefully, then looked in the direction of the castle and said: "In addition, as a friend, I would like to remind you of this - don't anger the young master, otherwise you won't have any juice to eat!"

Ignilu frowned and said, "Termpest, what do you mean by that? Could it be that we still want to please that young master?"

Silver Dragon Algeta waved his hand casually, and explained: "You don't need to please, as long as you communicate normally."

Jinlong Geraint nodded aside, and added: "It's the same as we are communicating now!"

Other Dragons: Uh-huh!

Wulong: "..."

They looked at each other blankly, and there was great doubt in their hearts: 'No, what's going on with these guys?Why did you specifically ask us to 'normally communicate'? '

Long Qun: We just don't want to gang up on our former companions!understand what?



After a few minutes.


A slight movement came from the distant forest, and then the ears of the dragons present and the five dragons moved.

Zhonglong: "What's the matter?" '

As the sound source gets closer, the sound gradually becomes clearer.

"Walking around—"

"Thousands of miles of surging rivers will never stop—"

"Take care of the world—"

Accompanied by BGM full of the flavor of the times, Lin Qiong drove a cyberbike and slowly arrived in front of Igunilu under the gaze of the dragons.

"How? Fire Dragon King——"

Lin Qiong raised his head, looked at Igunilu in front of him, and asked, "Isn't he very handsome in his appearance just now?"

Ignilu: "..."

He opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and remained silent for a few seconds. Then he looked at the group of dragons who were looking at the sky speechlessly, nodded with difficulty, and said: "Da, he must be very handsome." ..."

"Look, I said it's handsome, right?"

Lin Qiong turned his head, looked at the eldest lady behind him who was holding her forehead, and said with a proud face: "Who can refuse Brother Qiang's way of appearing? It's a pity that he is riding a motorcycle..."

Millerton: "Mo, isn't the motorcycle bad (';ω;`)..."

Lin Qiong quickly comforted: "No! The motorcycle is very handsome, super handsome!"

Millerton: "Yeah ('・ω・`)!"

The eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose, then put her hand into Lin Qiong's arms. After groping a few times, she took out the phone, then turned off the music and said, "Qiong, I'm just proposing a Hypothesis, that is, is there a possibility..."

Lin Qiong: "Ang?"

The eldest lady said expressionlessly: "...They (referring to the dragons) don't understand this song."

Lin Qiong: "Ah..."

By the way, this song is not only a Chinese song, but also a Cantonese song!Dragons in the Fairy Tail world would be ghosts only if they understood...

He was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his right hand, gave Ignilu a thumbs up, and said, "Music has no borders, so even if you don't understand the lyrics, you can feel the emotion from the melody! Right?" ?Right!"

Ignilu: "Um... ah... yes, that's right..."

Wulong thought in his heart: "This young master, I feel a little strange..."


After the fuss was over, the meeting finally officially started.

"It's a deal—"

"We hope that when you open the door of the solar eclipse, we will also go to the world 400 years later."

"In return—"

"First, we will spend the magic power required to open the Eclipse Gate to minimize Anna Heartfilia's burden."

"Secondly, we will protect Naz, Gajeel, Wendy, Sting and Rogge to a certain extent after 400 years."

After Lin Qiong finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at the Fire Dragon King in front of him, and said with a smile: "What do you think, Your Excellency, the Fire Dragon King?"

"Before giving an answer, I hope to get an answer from your mouth—"

Ignilu put his head in front of Lin Qiong, staring at him fiercely, sparks floated out from between his teeth, "Where did you know these things from?"

The long-planned solar eclipse gate plan was smashed, and Ignilu's reaction couldn't be more normal.

"Actually, on our side, there are mages who are good at predicting magic—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand with a smile, made a gesture that might lose the cold country market, and said, "So she saw a little bit, a little bit of your plan."

Iguniru raised his head dubiously and asked, "Really?"

"That must~~must~~!"

Lin Qiong nodded vigorously, then turned his head, and said to the group of dragons behind him: "Everyone say yes!?"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

"Master is right—"

"Young master said well—"

"The young master said it so loudly—"

The dragons nodded in unison, making the question marks on Ignilu's head even denser.

"never mind……"

Ignilu decided not to pursue the issue.He turned his head to look at Tianlong, Iron Dragon, White Dragon and Shadow Dragon lying beside him, and asked, "What's your opinion? This plan was formulated by us together, so you can also express your opinions."

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