Bai Long was silent for a few seconds, then coughed a few times, and said, "I don't have any objections! It's better to say that it's too late for the old man to be happy that he can let the forces that control such a group of dragons protect that child Sting."

After hearing Bailong's words, Yinglong and Tianlong also expressed their approval of Lin Qiong's deal, but only Tielong...

"My mouth is as hard as iron! If you want me to let go of my promise, use your strength to convince me—"

Tielong stood up, flicked the tail behind him, and showed a smile that could make a child stop crying, "Thief haha! Defeat me, and I will agree to your request!"

Purgatory Dragon persuaded: "Farewell?"

Tielong persisted: "No, you must defeat me!"

Jin Long persuaded again: "Really, let's go."

Tie Long shook his head: "I am Tie Long, my mouth is harder than iron!"

Storm Dragon also persuaded: "We are really doing it for your own good."

Tie Long was furious: "Don't you understand what I say? If you don't defeat me, don't even think about me nodding!"

"Since this is your request, then I will agree to you."

Lin Qiong sighed, and then, in the eyes of the dragons behind him who said "it is so", he raised his right hand and pointed at the iron dragon in front of him, and said righteously: "Long Qun, give it to me!"

Tie Long: "?"

He looked confusedly at the nineteen dragons that surrounded him, and stammered, "No, no, wait a minute...don't come here...don't come here!!"

Ignilu: "..."

He silently raised his hand and covered his eyes.

Really blind.

0532 - Uncle Nose Hair

"So, didn't I say everything?"

Geraint, who had transformed back into his golden dragon form, squatted on the ground, poked the bulge on the iron dragon's head with a wry smile, and said, "It's best not to do this... or something like that."

"You, if you make it clear, I won't provoke him..."

Tielong struggled and stretched out his right hand, and said with a painful look on his face: "Being beaten by nineteen heads. Igunilu can't withstand this kind of thing, right?"

Ignilu: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, then looked at Storm Dragon, and said, "You reminded me just now, is it just to prevent this kind of thing?"

Storm Dragon shook his hip-length hair, and said gracefully: "I don't want to see the scene of the Fire Dragon King being beaten by a group, it's too inelegant."

Tie Long: "?"

So, what you're saying is, it's fine if I get gang-beaten, right?


Tie Long was traumatized inside.

*Note 1: Tielong's heart does not seem to be as hard as his body surface, so it may be possible to defeat it with a psychological blow.

*Note 2: Of course, the premise is that you can withstand his angry attack.

"Then I really appreciate you."

The Fire Dragon King shook his head helplessly. He turned to look at Lin Qiong and said, "Since my companions have agreed, I don't have any objections - I agree to your deal."

"Thank you for your cooperation, Fire Dragon King."

Lin Qiong smiled at Ignilu, and said, "Then, I would trouble you to introduce that star spirit wizard—"

The Fire Dragon King nodded slightly.


Castle in the Sky.

"What a beautiful garden—"

After jumping off Grandigne's back, Anna Heartfilia looked at the garden of Sky City and said with glowing eyes: "Wow, I wanted to build a manor with such a beautiful garden before." ..."

Grantigne asked curiously: "Oh? Then why didn't it be implemented?"

Anna was silent for a few seconds and said: "It's, actually, built."

Grandigne said with a smile: "Really? If you have time, let me visit."

This time, Anna was silent for a longer time, then turned her head in despair and said, "But, but, I was burned by the dragon."

Grantigne: "..."

She opened her mouth, hesitated for a long time, and then said hesitantly: "Well, ah, this, this, um, festival, festival..."

In fact, Grantigne's heart: 'Well, it's embarrassing!Just now, it would be nice if I didn’t ask this question just now...'

Very shaken, very shaken!

"That, that, let's visit the owner here earlier."

Grandigne coughed hard twice, trying to forget the embarrassing situation just now: "You, don't you have something to look for him too?"

Anna nodded hastily, and said, "That's right! Let's go!"

After the two left, two Hogwarts castles, one large and one small, were left on the grass.


"It's our first time meeting, the owner of Sky Castle—"

Anna looked at Lin Qiong in front of her, showed a gentle smile, and said, "I am Anna Heartfilia, the executor of the solar eclipse plan."

"Ms. Anna, hello."

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand towards Anna, and said with a smile on his face, "It's really troublesome for you to suddenly say that you want to participate in this project."

"No, nothing!"

Anna shook Lin Qiong's right hand and said, "It's better to say, with your help, the burden on my side will be much lighter—"

Opening the gate of the solar eclipse requires a huge amount of magic power as fuel, according to the original plan——

400 years ago, it was provided by dragons such as Ignilu and Grandine, and they would provide magic power for the eclipse gate many times until the requirements for opening it were met;

400 years later, Anna's descendants, with the will to wear water through the stone, provided magic power to the eclipse gate day after day and year after year until it was filled.

——But now it seems that there is no need to be so troublesome.

"Leave it to us! Not only will we be responsible for charging the eclipse gate of this era, but we will also leave behind a magic crystal that can store a lot of magic power—"

Lin Qiong put up his thumbs up with a sassy face, and said with a smile: "After we enter the solar eclipse gate, let Miss Anna's descendants use that crystal to charge the solar eclipse gate!"

Anna: "!?"

She widened her eyes in a little surprise, and exclaimed: "Magic crystal!? Wow! Mr. Lin Qiong, do you think you are a genius? You can think of such a method..."

"Hmph, how is it?"

Lin Qiong leaned on the back of the chair, brushed his bangs with his hand, and said with a proud face, "Are you shocked by my wisdom?"

Anna: "?"

She opened her mouth hesitantly, and thought, "Why, I don't think this method is something that this person can come up with?" '

It feels right!Excellent sixth sense!

In fact, the method of using the magic crystal to recharge the eclipse gate was proposed by Miss Pass, and Lin Qiong just recounted it.

She nodded falteringly, and said: "Yes, it is indeed a path that I have never imagined, it is very powerful."

"After all, it is the plan proposed by my family, Ms. Lafite Ameng Master--"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "In short, based on Ms. Anna's reaction, she should also agree to this cooperation, right?"

Anna nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Of course I agree! Why would I refuse a cooperation that is beneficial to me?"

It's like you were planning to drive to Shanghai alone, but your colleague came to you and said, "Can you take our mother and son with you? In return, I will be responsible for the gas, highway tolls, and parking fees for this round trip. And I will also perform a comprehensive maintenance on your car at my own expense.”

This kind of thing is simply impossible for me to refuse.

Lin Qiong stretched out his right hand again: "So, are you happy to cooperate?"

"Have fun working together, and—"

Anna shook Lin Qiong's right hand, then let out a long breath, and said in a slightly serious tone: "Mr. Lin Qiong, I have another matter for you—"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"


"Welcome to the Star Spirit World!"

The Star Spirit King, who was a hundred meters tall and had particularly eye-catching nose hair, looked at Lin Qiong and others in front of him and said with a serious face: "The person who blocks the starry sky."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at Miss Know-It-All beside him and asked in a low voice: "What does he mean by this?"

"He's saying that we disturbed fate—in mysticism, astrology is often related to fate."

Miss Know-It-All explained with her head tilted: "For example, in Harry Potter, astrologers also take on the role of prophets."

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression: "Is that so?"

"The lady is right!"

The Xingling King sat cross-legged on the ground, then stared at Lin Qiong and the others in front of him with a serious face, and said: "Not long ago, when I was watching the starry sky as always, I suddenly found that the originally clear stars became blurred... ..."

'Not long ago?Oh yes, I remember it was mentioned on the last page of Chapter 262 of the manga...'

Lin Qiong tilted his head, and then tapped his palm suddenly: "One day in the astral world is about three months in the human world?" '

In this way, Sky City has been in the Fairy Tail world for almost half a year, that is, two days in the Astral World?That was indeed not long ago...

"...After my careful observation, I found that the origin of the obscuring starry sky is you!"

The expression of the Xingling King is very serious, and Lin Qiong can even feel the surging magic power in his body through his seemingly calm appearance, "O people who cover the starry sky! Can you tell me, you are going to be serious about this piece of land?" Xingkong, what are you doing?"

Just as Lin Qiong was about to speak, she was interrupted by Miss Wanshitong reaching out her hand.

She stood up, looked up at the big man in front of her, and said calmly: "If I answer, I won't do anything, will you believe it?"


The Xingling King was silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly showed a foolish smile similar to that of Luffy, and said, "Hey, since you have said so, then I will believe you!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

When he sensed that the magic power surging in the Star Spirit King subsided, the question marks on his head became more and more.

"I said I said I said..."

Lin Qiong kept a dumbfounded expression and swung his right hand, and said, "Why do you believe it like this? Or who among you used the Crimson King to cut off the plot of the negotiation? This development is too fast, right? !"

At least three chapters of the plot were omitted!perhaps……

"Hahahahaha, this lady's eyes are not deceiving."

The Xingling King looked down at Lin Qiong, then grinned, and said, "Besides, Xingkong didn't warn me or ask for help like me, so of course you are harmless!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

"You, you uncle with nose hair, did you know the truth from the beginning!?"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth, and called out a name that made the protoss who were hiding aside show (Σ( ° △ °|||)) expressions, and asked, "Then why did you call us here to speak out! "

"Eh? Isn't this a matter of course?"

Xingling King crossed his arms and said confidently: "Even if you know the situation, don't you still want to confirm it?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

OK, so true answer.

"Besides, don't multiple friends lead to multiple paths? To be able to disrupt the starry sky, one must have extraordinary strength——"

Uncle Nose Hair chuckled, then winked at Lin Qiong and said, "Let's get to know each other and build a good relationship. There are many benefits!"

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