Lin Qiong: "!?"

Well, what a real thought!

"You uncle..."

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, covered his face speechlessly, and said through gritted teeth: "If there is a key to the Star Spirit King in this world, I will definitely find it, and then summon you every now and then. Come out and help me wash the toilet!!"

Star Spirit King: "..."

Well, what a vicious revenge!


"Hmph! Hahaha, if you want to summon the Star Spirit King, you must destroy a zodiac key that is connected to your own soul -"

The Xingling King showed a proud expression: "That is to say, there is no key to the Xingling King! Kid, did you miscalculate? Hahaha——"

At this time, Miss Wanshitong thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible to make the key of the Star Spirit King."

Star Spirit King (confused): "Huh?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Star Spirit King (dumb): "Eh!?"

All the protoss: "Huh!?"

Star Spirit King (shocked): "Eh!?!"

Chapter 0533 kittens are born to be eaten

Lin Qiong:!

Star Spirit King:! !

Other Protoss: ! ! !

Miss Know-It-All: ?

Looking at the people around her, she couldn't help but tilt her head, and said, "Is it difficult to understand what I said?"

"No, it's not a question of whether you can understand..."

The Xingling King scratched his face twitchingly, and said with some shame: "How could the Xingling King's key be made? This is a rule that even I have to follow?"

"Huo? Do you think so?"

Seeing the Xingling King's expression, Miss Wanshitong couldn't help showing a playful smile, and said, "Then do you want to make a bet?"

Everyone: "Bet?"

"That's right! It's just a harmless, small bet—"

Miss Wanshitong raised her finger with a smile, and said, "If I can really make the key of the Star Spirit King, you will sign a contract with Aqiong, how about it?"

Star Spirit King: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, and then said in a deep voice: "According to the rules of the star spirit wizard, if he can really get the key of the star spirit king, I am willing to negotiate a contract with him!"

Star Spirits: "Star Spirit King!?!?"

agreed! ?The Star Spirit King actually agreed! ?

Leo, Leo, covered his lower face with disbelief, and murmured, "Could it be, can we really see the scene where the Star Spirit King is summoned to fight in the human world?"

No, no, I can't imagine that kind of picture at all! !

Aries of Aries weakly grabbed Leo's clothes, and said in a low voice, "Say, maybe, that lady, do it, if you can't do it..."

Miss Know-It-All: "Huh?"

Aliyes: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Lin Qiong: "..."

He comforted the protoss helplessly, and said, "Don't be too nervous—if you think about it in a better direction, wouldn't this mean that you have the opportunity to fight side by side with the protoss king?"

Leo (surprised): "He, fight side by side with the king..."

Wang: Exactly!

Sagittarius (musing): "What a beautiful scene..."

Wang: Is it normal?

Taurus (excited): "You can do muscle training with Wang!"

Wang: Can't do it?

Seeing the protoss discussing excitedly, Lin Qiong suddenly showed a smile that hides his merit and fame, but...

"Hmm, but, maybe there is also a possibility?"

Lin Qiong glanced calmly at the group of twelve zodiac protoss who immediately focused their attention after he spoke, and pretended to think: "For example, my enemy is a protoss mage. , and then summoned the Zodiac Star Spirit, and I summoned the Star Spirit King to meet the enemy..."

Protoss: Σ( ° △ °|||)

They hugged their heads one after another, with a gesture of "really lazy! Ah, it shocked my brain".

"Hey, let's go with Wang Tata..."

"Impossible to win?"

"Then, don't do that kind of thing!"

Lin Qiong saw that the protoss who were still in high spirits suddenly fell into a low pressure, and he couldn't help nodding his head in satisfaction.

That's right, it's this expression, I just want to see your tangled expression~~

Star Spirit King: "..."

He leaned in front of Lin Qiong, looked at him with a smirk on his face and said, "You bastard, you are unexpectedly wicked!"

Lin Qiong didn't panic at all, instead, he squinted at Xingling King, and complained, "Before you condemn me, please restrain the same smile on your face as mine."

The same type of smile refers to a bad smile.

"I didn't condemn you~"

The Protoss King smiled. He supported the small island where Lin Qiong was with his right hand, and looked at the noisy protoss next to him, showing a reminiscing expression.

"The Star Spirit Realm hasn't been this lively for a long time, thanks to you guys."

"Hmph, I hope you can still express this emotion when I summon you to wash the toilet."

"You are really mean-spirited and very petty!"

"Wulu Sai, you, a hairy nose uncle, have no right to criticize me!"

"Nose... Let me tell you, you've been calling me nose hair or something since just now, I'm a beard, beard!"

"Heh, it's clearly the nose hair in the shape of a beard! Kimo—"

"You actually said ki... kimo!? That's unforgivable! Even if she can really create the key to summon me, I will only work for you once a week!"

"Oh, then I will ask Miss Know-It-All to help me make a hundred keys, and exchange one for another!"

"Boy, that's too despicable!"

"Each each other!"

Listening to the noisy voices beside her ear, Miss Passer-Tone rubbed the bridge of her nose with her fingers.

"Judging from the plot of the original book, the Star Spirit King, who was able to invite Fairy Tail people to the Star Spirit World, causing them to miss the training time, is an unreliable guy..."

'Yes, he himself is unreliable, absolutely, absolutely not influenced by A Qiong! '

'Absolutely not! '


After leaving the star spirit world.

"Aba Aba—"

Lin Qiong lay in the laboratory of Ms. Know everything, staring blankly at the patterns on the ceiling, and made the voice of a socially disabled person.

"My dear Mr. Host—"

Miss Know-it-All called out her "exclusive title" for Lin Qiong as always, and said, "Do you want to attract my attention by making that not-so-smart voice? Interesting man——"


Lin Qiong coughed violently while clutching his throat. It took him a while to recover, and while wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, he said twitchingly at the corners of his mouth: "My dear Miss Know-It-All, you are acting in an urban novel. Is it a very common 26-year-old high-cold female president of a listed company (with a market value of tens of billions)?"

"Hahahaha, Gao Leng is a little wrong, it should be greasy and domineering—"

"Beautiful girls can't say greasy, can they?"

"Just tell me, judging from his looks, is Huang Xiaoming handsome?"

"Indeed, is he really handsome?"

"But he is also called greasy? It can be seen that greasy is not judged by 'appearance', but by 'action'!"

"Oh oh oh-"

Lin Qiong applauded involuntarily.

Seeing this, Miss Wanshitong shook the long hair behind her a little proudly, then put her hands on her chin, and said with a smile: "So, if you have any questions, just ask!"

"Ahem, it's not an important question—"

Lin Qiong coughed a few times, and then said with some embarrassment: "I just want to ask, can the key of the Star Spirit King really be made?"

"Hmph, my Mr. Host, you have to remember one thing—"

Miss Know-It-All stood up, walked in front of Lin Qiong with a twisted catwalk, lifted her right leg, pressed her right knee on the sofa between Lin Qiong's legs, then leaned forward with her upper body, and put her left hand on the sofa. on the back of the sofa behind Lin Qiong.

Lin Qiong: "Hiss!"

So close, so white, so close, so big, so close, so deep! !

Miss Wanshitong put her mouth close to Lin Qiong's ear, and said softly: "You have to have more confidence in your Miss Wanshitong~ As long as she says something, it will definitely come true~huh~"

Lin Qiong: "Hey!"

A tingling electric current was transmitted from the ear to the back of the head, and then quickly spread to the whole body, making his body tremble uncontrollably.

"Oh, host, what a cute reaction~"

Miss Wanshitong straightened up, looked at Lin Qiong who was covering her ears, then chuckled lightly, and looked at him with slightly teasing eyes, "I can't help but want to bully you more~"

"Da baa, da baa da baa!"

Lin Qiong kept covering his ears with both hands, looked at Miss Wanshitong vigilantly, and said, "Blowing ears is forbidden! Molesting is forbidden!"

"However, don't you think the host's statement is very cunning?"

"Eh? Where's the cunning?"

"When I was a cat, the host did all sorts of things to me, huh?"

In this way: refers to holding in the arms to inhale the smell;

Like that: Refers to picking the head of ○ as a pimple for a long time;

Inner sample: blow air on the ear with the finger to make Miss Know-It-All shake her ears;

Lin Qiong: "..."

He looked away a little guilty, but quickly looked back, and said with firm eyes: "The kitten is born to be eaten by its owner!"

Miss Know-It-All: "?"

He stretched out his hand and poked Lin Qiong's face, and said, "Huo? Have you forgotten that cats are very capricious?"

Lin Qiong: "Uh... ah... um... ku..."

Very tangled look.

"Haha~ I won't bully you anymore~"

Miss Wanshitong, who accepted it as soon as she was ready, sat sideways on Lin Qiong's lap, put her arms around his neck, and asked with a smile: "So, Miss Wanshitong's class has begun—"

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