Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

"Protoss magic is essentially a contract magic in which the user pays the magic power and uses the key as a medium to summon the protoss to the human world."

"The explanation suddenly started——"

"To summon ordinary star spirits, you only need to hold the key of the corresponding constellation, but to summon the star spirit king, you need to meet two conditions - one is that the magic power must reach the level of opening all three doors, and the second is to destroy one The key to the zodiac."

"and then?"

"According to my research, the first condition is to prevent the summoner from being too weak to withstand the pressure of summoning the Star Spirit King; the second condition is that the huge amount of magic power generated by destroying the key is enough to open the key. Let the Star Spirit King go to the gate of the human world."

"I see."

"In other words, as long as the user's own magic power is enough, he can summon the Celestial Spirit King without destroying the key. All he needs is a key that can connect with the Celestial Spirit King."

Hearing this, Lin Qiong realized.

With a smile on his face, he gave his thumbs up to Miss Know-It-All, and said, "Please tell me what materials are needed to make the key——I must make good use of that nose-hair man, hiahiaahia~"


at the same time.

Astral world.

Xingling King: "Ah, ah, ah, ah-"

Why, with my strength, do I still feel such a chill?

Chapter 0534 400 Years After Dragon King Sacrifice

"This day has finally arrived—"

Anna stood in front of the Eclipse Gate a little nervously, stretched out her hand to caress the metal gate in front of her, and murmured: "If..."

Standing behind her, Lin Qiong, who was pinching his chin with his hands, looked pensive: "If you punch it with all your strength, will this door break?"

Anna: "..."

Like a little panda in a state of battle, she raised her hands high in front of the eclipse gate, looked at Lin Qiong vigilantly, and said, "No way? Absolutely no way!"

"Just kidding!"

Lin Qiong waved his hands dumbfounded, and said, "If this door is really destroyed, how can we go to the world 400 years later?"

Even if you want to take advantage of the time difference between the astral world and the human world, you will need to stay in the astral world for 400 days to cross these [-] years.

"I can rest assured that--"

Anna breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around to look at the five dragons behind him seriously, and asked, "Ignilu, Grantigne, are you ready?"

Ignilu smiled, and asked back: "Hmph, are you still asking this kind of question?"

Grandigne also showed the same expression: "If we were not ready, we would not be standing here."

Iron Dragon, White Dragon and Shadow Dragon also expressed their dissatisfaction, thinking that it was too much for Anna to doubt them at this time.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you—"

Anna looked at the aggrieved dragons and couldn't help but smile and comfort them, "Since everything is ready, let's get started!"

Wulong glanced at each other, and then set his sights on the five human children lying in front of him, who were falling asleep under the influence of magic.

A gentle smile appeared on the corner of Ignilu's mouth, and he said in a low voice, "Natsu, I will have to rely on you to work hard in the future."

Grantigne touched Wendy affectionately with the tip of her nose, and said softly, "Wendy, be strong."

The iron dragon, white dragon and shadow dragon also expressed their hopes for their children, and then the five-headed dragons performed the dragon soul secret technique together, turning into streamers and entering the bodies of the five little dragon slayer wizards.


Anna sniffed, then took out twelve zodiac keys from her bosom, and then embedded them in the solar eclipse gate one by one, and said softly: "Let's go! Go to the world 400 years later!"



777 7 Month 7 Day.

Unable to contact Gramme, who had gone to the Western Continent, Layla chose to use her own life force to fill the gap that was missing the "Aquarius Key" and forcibly opened the Eclipse Gate.

Because Lin Qiong fluctuated the string of time, only Anna (probably because she is a star spirit wizard) landed near the eclipse gate, and Naz and others were lost to the continent of Ishgar everywhere.

After Anna healed Layla's body with the panacea given by Lin Qiong, she hurriedly embarked on a journey to find the lost dragon slayer, and learned about the solar eclipse plan and the black dragon disaster from Anna. Leila, on the other hand, decided to teach Lucy the magic of the protoss, and strive to give her daughter the ability to protect herself.


Since Irene joined the relationship of Sky Castle, she did not marry the general of the neighboring country, so Erza, who was supposed to be one of the pillars of Fairy Tail (not yet), was not born.

What's interesting is that under the influence of a certain butterfly, Makarov accidentally learned of Rob's encounter. In a rage, he destroyed the entire tower of Paradise by himself and wiped out all the cult groups.

After the Tower of Paradise incident, Grandpa Rob joins Fairy Tail with the (not yet brainwashed) Gerald, Simon, Woolley, Hugh, and Miriamna.

Urrutia who was about to brainwash Gerald: "..."

So far, the Fairy Prince Gerald has made his debut!



Seven years after the Tenrou Island incident.

The great magic director Wu, the last day.

"Why, how could this be..."

Princess Jade fell to the ground with a blank and regretful face, looked at the dragons rushing out of the eclipse gate, and murmured: "No...this kind of thing shouldn't have happened!"

"Eclipse Gate is not a prop used to fire eclipse cannons! It is a magical prop created by my ancestors and Jeref to travel through time—"

Lucy put her hands on Princess Emerald's shoulders and quickly explained: "Normally, if the coordinates of the specified time are not entered, even if the eclipse door is opened, it will not have any effect, but since today's moon is full, Therefore, the Eclipse Gate was affected by the tide of magic, linking it to 400 years ago—the era when the Dragon Clan was still alive!!"

Princess Emerald came back to her senses and murmured: "In other words, it's all my fault? Because I believed that person's words and insisted on opening the gate of the solar eclipse, that's why..."

"My lord princess, now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself—"

Lucy shook the princess' shoulders and said loudly: "The most important thing now is to close the gate to prevent more dragons from running out of the gate!"

"I, I see—"

Princess Jade came back to her senses, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, then looked at the base next to the door, and said, "The door can only be closed through the handle on the base..."

"I see!"

Lucy turned around without hesitation, and ran towards the base with her long, white and tender legs.While running, she took out three golden keys from her bosom, waved them in the air, and said loudly: "Open it, the gate of Leo - Loki, the gate of Aries - Arias, the gate of Scorpio - S Capio!"

"Prince and ginseng! Fight for you, my princess—"

"Yes, I'm sorry, I, I will try my best——"

"weare! It's my turn to make an appearance!"

Seeing the three-body protoss appearing beside her, Lucy showed a reassuring expression on her face, and then she said solemnly: "Loki, Arias, Scarpio! Please, help Let me close that door together!"

Leo looked at the solar eclipse gate standing on the ground with nostalgic eyes, and said, "Is the solar eclipse gate? It's really a nostalgic thing—"

Arias nodded timidly, and said softly: "I, I will try my best, yes, I'm sorry—"

Scarpio glanced at the dragons in the sky with a fighting spirit, then lowered his head and said to Lucy, "Hold us! Boss—"

Team Lucy, let's go!

Under the protection of the three stars, Lucy came to the base without any danger, then put her hand on the handle, gritted her teeth and tried to close the door, but...

"Why, why can't it be closed..."

Lucy felt that she had used all her energy to feed her, but the door seemed to be fixed to the space, and it didn't move at all, "Close it for me!!"

After seeing this scene, Leo immediately ran towards Lucy and said, "Lucy, I'll help... oh!"

At this moment, a huge dragon made of rocks rushed out of the door like a heavy tank, and the huge impact directly threw Lucy, Leo and others by the door away.

"Small, be careful—"

Seeing this, Arias hurriedly cast her wool magic, made soft wool into a cushion and spread it under Lucy's body, "Yes, I'm sorry, I failed to protect Lucy well..."

"That's not the case!"

Lucy got out of the wool, then hugged Ariez with a smile on her face, and said comfortingly: "Thanks to Ariez, I was not injured, thank you!"

The praised lamb lowered her head shyly, and a citrusy atmosphere spread from between her and Lucy.

"Lucy, door!"

Loki shattered the falling rock next to him with a beam of light, and then said to Lucy beside him, "The dragon has come out again!"

Lucy: "!"

She came back to her senses and realized that during the time she was being thrown away, several giant dragons had already flown out of the gate—the number of dragons raging in the capital at this time still reached As many as ten.

"Take time to—"

Lucy hurriedly let go of Aliyes and ran towards the door again, "This time you must close the door!"

"Close the door? That's not okay..."

At this moment, a black shadow skimmed the ground beside Lucy, and then turned into a human figure to block in front of him, and said with a sinister smile: "This door is a prop to realize my revenge ambition, how can it be?" Is it so easy for you to close it?"

"You, you are..."

Lucy looked at the future Rogge in front of her, showing an angry expression, "Why did you do such a thing?"

"Because in the future, the world is destroyed—"

Rogge looked at Lucy in front of him with resentful eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Given by the black dragon, by Akunologia..."


When Lucy heard this name, she couldn't help but recall the terrifying figure she saw on Sirius Island back then, and she couldn't help shivering!But when she realized that the black dragon was not here, she regained her composure, looked at the future Rogge and asked, "What does the world being destroyed by the black dragon have to do with you opening the eclipse gate?"

"Don't you understand!? That black dragon is a monster that can't be defeated by manpower—"

In the future, Rogge roared like crazy, then let out a nervous laugh, and said, "So, hehehe, so, I will use dragons to defeat dragons——I will summon a dragon from the era 400 years ago. Ten thousand dragons, and then use the [dragon manipulation magic] I will develop in the future to control them and defeat the black dragon!"

"Hahahahaha, black and white boy, do you want to laugh at me to death and inherit my sky city?"

At this moment, a golden stream of light flew out from the Eclipse Gate and turned into a huge floating castle in front of everyone's eyeballs.

On the castle wall, a man with shaved hair in a black windbreaker was condescendingly looking down at the future Rogge with a sneer on his face.

"You might as well take a guess—"

"Why did the world change from the age of dragons to the age of men?"

"Why did the giant dragon that ravaged the earth 400 years ago only have one black dragon left now?"

"Why does Acnologia have the title of Dragon King?"

0535 - Dragon Hunting Moment

"Why does this world become the age of man?"

Lin Qiong looked at the future Rogge below, grinned, and said, "Because the dragons were all killed by Akunologia 400 years ago!"

"You, what did you say..."

When Rogge heard Lin Qiong's words in the future, he couldn't help showing a shocked expression. He subconsciously denied: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! There were millions of dragons in that era, how could Akunologia... "

"Hmph, otherwise, why would that guy be called the Black Dragon of Destiny?"

Lin Qiong sneered, then turned his head to look at Lucy, who was sitting on the ground below, and said loudly: "Hey! The offspring of the Hatfilia family, what are you doing here? Go and close the eclipse gate! Otherwise, more dragons will come out—”

"Say, you're right..."

Lucy came back to her senses, and hurriedly ran towards the base of the eclipse gate, but Future Rogge, who was about to rush forward to stop Lucy, was caught by a red braid, wearing a white background and gold pattern uniform, holding a A woman with an exquisite wooden staff stood in front of her.


Irene looked at the future Rogge in front of her eyes, her eyes were full of anger, "No traffic is allowed here!"

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