She was angry, very, very angry!

As someone who has experienced the Age of Dragons, she knows very well what painful memories these evil dragons have brought to mankind!

Everything finally passed, but 400 years later, there was a human being who tried to return the world to the age of dragons. How could she not be angry?

"Get out of here—"

In the future, Rogge can't feel Irene's anger at all, but feels strange anger because she stands in front of him, "Don't hinder my plan!!"

"The plan to let those damn dragons appear in this era?"

Irene's expression was horrifying. She slammed the staff in her hand to the ground and said angrily, "If you want to continue with that plan, just step over my corpse!"

"Woman, do you think I dare not? White Shadow Dragon's slash—"

In the future, Rogge rushed towards Irene without any hesitation, and said with a ferocious expression: "Since you dare to stand in front of me, then die to me—"

"Is this level of attack the source of your confidence?"

Irene raised her left hand with a cold face, and the power of the dragon was running in it, and easily caught Rogge's right hand, "It really makes people laugh out loud!"


Rogge looked at Irene's right hand in disbelief, and murmured, "It's so easy to block my attack..."

"People like you are not worthy of using the dragon slaying magic I invented—"

Irene looked at the future Rogge in front of her with eyes full of disgust, then raised her right fist, and shouted, "Xianlong's iron fist!"

After hearing Irene's words "I invented the dragon slaying magic", Rogge fell into shock. Before he could recover, Irene's right fist hit his cheek , pumping his body into the air.

In the future, Rogge's body drew a parabola in midair, and fell heavily on the ground. He clutched his shoulder and glanced at Irene bitterly, and immediately turned into a black shadow and fled towards the distance. go away.

Seeing this, Irene opened her small mouth and shouted angrily: "Human traitor, stop for me!! The roar of the virtuous dragon——"

Facing the attack from behind, Future Rogge just flexibly turned a corner on the ground, then disappeared into the shadow of nearby buildings, completely hiding his aura.

"That coward!!"

Irene stomped her feet on the ground angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Damn it! If I catch him, I will definitely beat him a hundred, no, a thousand punches!"

With the help of Xue Nai, Lucy used twelve zodiac keys to seal the solar eclipse gate: "..."

This, this big sister, looks so scary!

"That, that..."

Lucy looked at Irene weakly and said, "Miss, are you also a dragon slayer?"

"To be precise, the Dragon Slayer Magic was created by me—"

Irene puffed out her chest proudly, the shocking scale made Wendy beside her show a ◎△◎ expression.

'Man, can humans really, really grow that big? '

She lowered her head and looked at her toes, then stroked her little humility with her hand, shed tears of envy, "Even if she created the dragon slayer magic... eh?Eh! ? '


Wendy, who recovered from "Milk Shaking の Shock", showed a shocked and inexplicable expression, she looked at Wendy in front of her in disbelief, and said: "Mie, Dragon Slayer Magic, yes, it's you...ah, Did you create it?"

"400 years ago, in order to allow human beings to have the power to protect themselves in front of dragons, I used additional magic to attach the power of dragons to human beings, and created the prototype of dragon slaying magic—"

Irene raised her head, squinted her eyes at the giant dragon raging in the air, and said softly: "After the dragons raging on this land were slaughtered by Akunologia, I originally I thought I would never see this scene again, but I didn't expect...that bastard..."

When talking about the future Rogge, Irene's expression became like a ghost, making Lucy and Wendy next to her tremble with fright.

"Lucy, this is not the time to talk—"

At this time, the Leo star spirit Leo appeared beside Lucy in a golden light, his handsome face was obviously dignified, "Although the eclipse gate has been sealed by us, there are still more than twenty dragons passing through. through that door..."


Hearing this number, Lucy felt dizzy for a while. She fell helplessly on the ground, raised her head and looked at the evil dragons hovering over the capital, and murmured: "It's all my fault, if my If you can go faster..."

"Miss Lucy, this is not your fault!"

The little angel Wendy grabbed Lucy's hand and said seriously: "It's the fault of Mr. Rogge from the future who tricked Princess Emerald into opening the eclipse gate!"

"The little guy is right—"

Irene walked over, touched Wendy's head with a smile on her lips, and said softly: "It's just a mere 20 or so dragons, what's so scary? Just kill them!"

"Ai, Miss Irene is right!"

Wendy clenched her fists in front of her body, looked at the dragons in the air with a firm face, and murmured: "I am the dragon slayer in the sky, how can I show my timidity in front of the dragons?"

Irene nodded in satisfaction: 'That's right, that's right!This is the dragon slayer I want to see!What is that black and white guy just now! ? '

"But, but, there are more than 20 empty heads in the sky? Even if we include Sting and Rogge, the tiger who bit the sword, there are only six dragon slayers..."

Lucy grabbed her hair with both hands, feeling that she was about to lose her hair from worry, "On average, you have to face the attack of four-headed dragons alone!!"

Wendy: "..."

She pursed her lips palely, pretending to be calm and said: "I will work hard..."

"No, you can deal with one dragon alone! The young master contacted me with communication magic just now, and asked me to tell you something——"

Irene interrupted Wendy's words with a smile on the corner of her mouth, "Leave the rest of the dragons to us in Sky City!"

'What does it mean--'

Just when Lucy and Wendy were about to ask this question, similar shouts sounded on the walls of Sky City again——

"Hey! The dragon slayers who are currently in the capital, fire, thunder, iron, white, dark, and sky!"

"What's the point of learning dragon slayer magic!? Isn't it for fighting dragons?"

"Now, the living dragon is right above your heads, why are you still dazed!?"

"Give it to me—!!"


"Give it to me—!!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's roar, Natsu, who was standing on the tower, showed a fighting smile.

"Oh! I don't know whose voice it is, but thanks to you, I'm on fire!!"

Natsu's eyes were burning with surging fighting intent, he raised his hands in front of his mouth, and let out a cry that resounded throughout the capital.



"And you-"

"Did everyone hear it?! That voice just now——"

"Let's fight!! Let's fight as a dragon slayer!!"

"It's time to hunt the dragon!!"

After conveying his feelings, Natsu looked at Kugimiya beside him... I mean Happy, and said loudly: "Habi, let's go!"


Happy spread his wings quickly, hugged Natsu from behind, and then flew into the air.


"Tch, of course I heard—"

With shackles on his hands and short red hair, Kebra tugged at the corner of his mouth, then looked at the two people behind him and said, "You can almost open this thing, right? You can't fight well with it—"

Meister, who was standing behind him, stepped forward, unshackled his hands, and said, "For the sake of this world, please lend us your strength."

"Hmph, as a dragon slayer, hunting dragons is my dream—"

Kebra grinned, then jumped down from the fence, and rushed towards the nearest dragon, grinning and said: "Next, it belongs to us (Dragon Slayers) to fight!"


At the same time, after hearing the shouts of Lin Qiong and Natsu, Wendy, Laxus, Gajeel, Sting and Rogge all got up from the ground.

"Yes, this is our battle——"

"Everyone, leave these dragons to us!"

"The time to hunt dragons has finally come!"

"I must protect my companion—"

The Dragon Slayer Mage officially joins the battle!

Chapter 0536 Turn it over for me?

"Hmph, Natsu Dragneel—"

In the future, Rogge stood on the back of Diamond Dragon Mathegreia, and Natsu, who landed in front of him, snorted coldly and asked, "Do you think you can stop me?"

"Hmph, it's not 'can stop you', but 'will definitely stop you'!"

Natsu clenched his right fist, turned the surging fighting spirit in his heart into a fiery flame, wrapped around his fist, "Because, I am the wizard of Fairy Tail!"

"Hmph, stupid! Stop me? What are you going to do to stop me?"

Facing the high-spirited Naz in the battle, the future Rogge showed a sneer of disdain. He opened his hands, showing a gesture like the ultimate demon king, "Is it just you dragon slayers? Don't be kidding! I am Controlling 27 dragons, do you think you can stop me with seven dragon slayers!?"

"27 dragons? Is this the source of your confidence? Then you are so ignorant that it makes me laugh-"

At this moment, with a slightly sarcastic voice, a man in a black trench coat landed between Natsu and Future Rogge, "Where did you get the courage? You think you have 27 dragons?" Can you fight against Acnologia?"

27 heads?I'll double it for you, 270 dragons, not enough for Akunologia to kill, okay?

"It's you……"

Future Rogge's eyes suddenly darkened, and he recognized Lin Qiong as the guy who was standing on the wall of the floating castle and taunting him, "Who the hell are you?"

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, then raised his middle finger towards Future Rogge, and said, "Your mother is dead, I am your father."

Future Rogge: "?!"

He clenched his right fist with a ferocious face, and shouted angrily: "I'm going to kill you!! The roar of the White Shadow Dragon—"

"Although I don't know who he is, the smell on his body gives me a very familiar feeling—"

The next moment, Naz, who was covered in flames, stood in front of Lin Qiong and shouted, "That's why I won't let you hurt him! Lei Yanlong's roar—"

The lightning-wrapped flames collided with the black and white beams of light, and then a violent explosion occurred, sending Natsu flying out.


Habi hurriedly rushed over, hugged Natsu from behind, put him back on the back of the Diamond Dragon, and complained: "Be careful, what if he falls?"

"Hey, I believe Hubby will be able to catch me!"

Naz patted Happy's head, showed a characteristic smile without thinking, and said, "Because Happy is my best partner!"

Hearing Naz's words, Hobby immediately let out a happy voice: "Love!"

"Speaking of which, uncle, who are you?"

Then, Naz turned his attention to Lin Qiong. While circling Lin Qiong, he sniffed the smell on his body and muttered, "Why do I feel that the smell on your body is very familiar? ..."

"It's like the smell of Ignilu, right?"

Lin Qiong reached out and rubbed Naz's hair, and said with a light smile, "Because I've seen that guy Ignilu."


The next moment, Naz jumped onto Lin Qiong, stretched out his hands and feet, hugged Lin Qiong tightly like a koala, and exclaimed: "You, you, you, have you seen Ignilu!? You You didn’t lie to me, did you? You didn’t lie to me!!”

"Of course I..."

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, he was interrupted by a maniacal laughter: "Hahahahaha! My magic has been completed, and you lost, Natsu Dragneel——"

At the same time, the dragons raging over the capital stopped their movements by coincidence, and then came to the back of King Kong dragon with fluttering wings, staring at Lin Qiong and Naz on the dragon's back.


Habi ate his little paws with a look of fear, and said tremblingly: "Qing, the situation doesn't seem to be very good..."

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