"Don't worry, Happy!"

Natsu jumped off Lin Qiong's body, then raised his head with a serious face, looked at Future Rogge who was surrounded by group control in front of him, and said, "I will definitely defeat him!"

"Win? What do you win?"

Rogge opened his hands, tilted his head and showed a disdainful smile, and said: "With [Dragon Manipulation Magic], I can control dragons, and I am invincible in this era!!"

Lin Qiong: "Puff puff puff——"

Roger: "?"

He looked at Lin Qiong and scolded: "I have endured you for a long time, you have been laughing at me!"

"Listen to my explanation—"

Lin Qiong scratched his hair and said seriously, "I didn't mean to laugh at you."

Roger: "Then you are..."

Lin Qiong continued: "I deliberately laughed at you."

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Rogge was gasping for breath like a bellows. He stared at Lin Qiong with his red eyes, and said word by word: "I, I want, kill, you!"

Lin Qiong put his hands next to his ears, showing a listening posture, and said, "Oh, you said you were going to kowtow to me? Oh, what's the point of this? Hahaha—"

Natsu: 0.0

Happy: 0.0

Kitty Maomao looked at his best friend dumbfounded, and said, "Naz, Natsu, this, this man, speaks so annoyingly—"

Natsu nodded blankly and thought: 'Okay, that's scary——'

Naz and Happy, who were bystanders, just stared dumbfounded, but Rogge, who was a party involved, was blown away!

He raised his right hand with a gloomy face, black and white energy gathered and elongated in his palm, and finally turned into a slender spear.

"White Shadow Dragon's Demonic Spear of Destruction—"

Rogge threw the spear in his hand towards Lin Qiong with all his strength and shouted: "Die to me!!"

Facing the menacing spear, Lin Qiong unhurriedly stopped Naz who was about to protect him, and then dodged the piercing spear with a slight sideways movement.

Roger: "?"

Naz: "!"

"Natsu, you have to remember that an attack that misses is meaningless——"

Lin Qiong raised a finger, then smiled lightly at Natsu and said, "For example, the spear thrown by that black and white bastard just now is a typical meaningless attack."

"Okay, amazing!!"

Naz stared blankly at Lin Qiong, and he still recalled Lin Qiong's chic dodge just now in his mind, which made him ask himself: 'If it was me who launched the attack, would I be able to hit him?If it was me who was being attacked, would I be able to hide so easily? '

the answer is negative.

Naz couldn't help but just clenched his fist, thinking: 'I'm still far away! '

"Oh, is the disgusting family education over?"

At this time, Future Rogge looked at Lin Qiong and the others in front of him with a disgusted face, and asked, "I have to admit that you are good at hiding, but what's the point of hiding? Can you hide from me?" Attack, can you dodge their attack?"

Along with Rogge's movements, the dragons behind him opened their mouths one after another, and the palpitating magic power began to gather in their mouths.

"Hahaha, you hide, you hide again, you hide for me!"

Rogge opened his hands, raised his head and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, if you dodge, the royal capital behind you will be destroyed by the roar of the dragons! At that time, you will be the culprit of the destruction of the royal capital!"

Lucy looked at Roger in the sky angrily, and said, "It's so despicable!"

Laxus ran towards the nearby tall buildings without hesitation, and said with a solemn expression: "Although he is not a member of Fairy Tail, since he is a fighting companion, we must not let him alone Man faces the roar of dragons..."

Even if, even if it can only help him share a little...

Wendy, Gajeel, Gerald and others who are also Fairy Tail, although they are in different places, they made the same choice as Laxus.

Live together, die together!


"Wow, the roar of 26 dragons, even a gathering of magicians of the Holy Ten level, I'm afraid they can't stop this terrifying blow..."

Lin Qiong looked at the roars gathering in front of him, couldn't help but smacked his lips, and said to Roger: "It seems that we are dead this time?"

"Hehehehe! You are right, you are all doomed—no one can survive the next attack!"

Rogge let out a cold laugh, and his face showed the unique and easy expression of a big winner who is sure of winning, "How? Do you need me to be merciful and give you a chance to leave your last words?"

"Wow, really? Then you're such a nice guy!"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands happily, then looked at Rogge as if asking for proof, and said, "Then let me tell you?"

Roger: "..."

Forget it, let him talk!

Is it possible that he can conjure up a group of dragons to fight with him, and then make a sudden comeback?

Oh, if he can make a comeback, I, Roger, will eat the dragon at my feet on the spot!

No sauce!

"My last words are like this—"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand with a smile on his face, pointed to the sky with his index finger, and said loudly: "O dragons of Sky City, use a grand party to inform the world of our coming! !"

other people:"!!!"

Under everyone's dumbfounded gaze, accompanied by dragon roars, one after another giant dragon flew out of the castle that had been quietly floating in the air since its appearance, and then landed behind Lin Qiong. Staring at Rogge in front of him.

Lucy below looked at the scene in the sky with a dull look on her face, and murmured: "Dragon, so many dragons..."

Even the dragon slayers such as Laxus, Gajeel, and Wendy couldn't help but stop their pace, looking at the scene in the air with almost exhausted expressions.

"Why, how could this be?"

Princess Emerald even fell down on the ground with a look of despair, and murmured: "Could it be that the Kingdom of Fiore is going to be destroyed today in the melee of these fifty dragons?"

Chapter 0537 you have been strengthened, come on

"How about it, are you surprised, are you surprised, are you happy?"

On the dragon's back of Vajra Dragon, Lin Qiong looked at the stunned Future Rogge with a smile on his face, and said, "Your confidence comes from the dragons behind you, right? What about now? How can you still be like that?" Are you confident?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The red dragon floating behind Lin Qiong let out a hearty laugh, "Master, this guy summons some old friends!"

"Let me see, Emerald Dragon, Cave Dragon, King Kong Dragon, Rock Dragon, Black Wing Dragon..."

The Purgatory Dragon glanced over, then sneered and said, "Oh, it's such a familiar face, it makes my fists itch!"

"Master, when shall we do it?"

Silver Dragon looked at Rogge who was surrounded by dragons with indifferent eyes and said: "I want this guy to know that there is also a strength gap between dragons!"

"I didn't expect that in the era 400 years later, there would be such a fool—"

Dark Dragon flapped his wings, looked at Rogge in front of him with indifference and disgust, and said, "It's really unpleasant."

Future Rogge: "..."

"Impossible, this is impossible! Why, why do you have dragons too!?"

He looked at the giant dragon behind Lin Qiong, shook his head desperately, and said in disbelief: "Do you think you have also developed dragon manipulation magic? No, it's impossible, this is unique to me..."

"Hey, hey, what are you kidding?"

Lin Qiong raised his hand and took out his ears with a speechless expression, and then said disdainfully: "Do you think everyone is as useless as you and can't control dragons without relying on the magic of controlling dragon thoughts?"

Lin Qiong used provocation against Future Rogge!

The effect is outstanding!

Future Rogge entered a state of rage!

"I am going to kill you!!"

With a hysterical roar from Future Rogge, the dragon group behind him suddenly rioted, firing a long-storage roar towards Lin Qiong.


Following Lin Qiong's order, the dragons behind him roared without hesitation.

"Natsu, Natsu, are you alright?"

Happy glanced at the roaring confrontation above his head in fear, then flew to Natsu who was stupefied, stretched out his short hand and shook his shoulder, and asked, "Natsu, Natsu, don't scare me! "

"I'm fine! I just feel like I'm dreaming..."

After Natsu comforted Habibi, he pursed his lips and said with confusion mixed with disbelief: "After Iguniru disappeared, I searched for traces of dragons all over the world, and now..."

It's ironic that the dragons that have been elusive for so many years, now seem to want no money, and dozens of dragons pop up in one breath.

"It's just a coincidence."

Lin Qiong walked up to Naz, glanced at the confused young man, and said, "If it weren't for this eclipse door, then no matter how long you search in this era, you won't be able to encounter a dragon—just like I did before. As I said, the dragons in this world were slaughtered by Akunologia 400 years ago."

"It's difficult. Could it be said that Igunilu..."

A terrible thought flashed in Naz's mind, but he quickly realized it, shook his head vigorously, and said loudly: "Impossible! Igniru will never lose to that black dragon, he is the best!" Strong!"

"Hahahaha, don't worry! That guy Ignilu didn't die in the hands of the black dragon—"

Lin Qiong laughed and patted Naz on the shoulder, and then took a meaningful look at Naz's body—to be precise, he saw Igni who was staring at him through Naz's body. Lu.

Ignilu: Don't expose the traces of the old man!

Lin Qiong blinked, then smirked and cut off the connection with Ignilu, leaving a certain dragon to rage impotently in Natsu's body.


Naz looked at Lin Qiong in surprise, and asked, "Is Ignilu really okay? Really? Really?"

"Of course it's true! Your brother Qiong never lied—"

As Lin Qiong said, he suddenly pulled Natsu to the side, avoiding the two-color spear thrown by Rogge in the future, and said with a smile: "It seems that someone is still very unconvinced——Hey, Natsu, this Can the guy be handed over to you? If you can defeat him, I will tell you the information about Igniru, how about it?"

"Really!? Oh oh oh, leave it to me! I'm on fire——"

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Natsu suddenly fell into an unprecedented excitement. He raised his hands and rushed towards Future Rogge with flames all over his body, shouting: "I will definitely defeat him—"

"Oh, you are indeed a hot-blooded actor, you are really a young man with vitality~"

Lin Qiong looked at Naz's back and smiled, then jumped off the dragon's back and landed on the ground with ease. While moving his neck, he moved towards the demons who were fighting hard with the dragoons born by Vajra Dragon The guide walked over and said to himself: "Next, this young master should also show off his power and be handsome~"


"Oh, damn it!"

Gray and Juvia stood side by side, looking at the dragoons in front of them with teeth and claws, and said through gritted teeth: "They are obviously just lower-level soldiers, how can they be so difficult to deal with?"

These dragoons are derivatives hatched from the dragon eggs laid by the diamond dragon Mathegrea - but the magicians who fought with them sadly discovered that they were no match for these derivatives.

"Our magic has no effect at all on them -"

Bigusiluo wiped the sweat off his face with a weary look, and said, "What's going on?"

"Although they are only summoned objects, they have extremely high resistance to ordinary magic because they have the power of the dragon in their bodies. If you want to deal effective damage to them, you must also have the power of the dragon."

Just when everyone was at a loss, a voice sounded from the ruins of the nearby city wall, "That's why, only mages who have practiced dragon slaying magic are qualified to hunt dragons."

"It's you!"

Lucy couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard the voice behind her, and shouted, "Master of those dragons!"


The magisters, who were still somewhat doubtful about Lin Qiong's identity, suddenly exploded.

"Good guy, I call it good guy!"

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