"The master of those dragons, isn't he a super, super, super powerful magician?"

"Boss, please bring me!"

"The boss operates 666, the boss damages 999!"

Hearing the shouts of Macao and Wa Kaba, Lin Qiong couldn't help showing a dumbfounded expression and asked: "Although I can help you get rid of them, do you really not want to defeat the powerful enemy by yourself? "

"But, didn't you just say that?"

Gray helplessly raised his hand and scratched his chest, saying, "Ordinary magic is useless to those guys."

Lucy on the side was sweating profusely and said, "Grey, clothes!"

Gray looked at his body in panic, and exclaimed, "When!?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Although I knew Gray had this kind of problem for a long time, it was really incredible to see it with my own eyes.

"To be precise, it's because ordinary magic doesn't have the power of a dragon, so the effect on these dragoons is very weak—"

Lin Qiong raised his fingers and said, "Then, you just need to add dragon power to your attacks, won't this problem be solved?"

Everyone: "?"

Gray couldn't help but asked, "How to do this?"

Gerald also asked: "Do you want us to practice dragon slaying magic?"

Kana scratched her head and said, "If you just learn it now, you won't be able to catch up, right?"

"No, you don't need to learn dragon-slaying magic. You can use external force to add dragon power to your attacks, so that your attacks can have special attacks on the dragons -"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then put the fingers of his right hand near his temple, activated the communication magic, and said, "Crooked? Irene is in mua? Come here and give these cute newbies a buff."

A few seconds later, Irene, who fell from the sky, landed beside Lin Qiong with a dumbfounded expression on her face, and said, "Master, what's going on? Who needs help?"

"All the magicians in the entire royal capital who are fighting the dragoons——"

Lin Qiong waved his right hand in front of him and said with a smile: "How about, can we accurately determine their positions and then add one-time dragon power to them?"

The one-time power of the dragon, its effect is like the turpentine in Black Soul III, it can allow the user to have the ability to harm the dragons in a short period of time, and at the same time avoid the erosion of the body by the power of the dragon.

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the nearby mages belonging to Fairy Tail all showed shocked expressions——

Gray's eyes widened: "Add reinforcements to all the mages fighting the dragoons in the capital at one go? Is this kind of thing possible?"

Lucy counted with her fingers: "How many mages does the king have now? One hundred? Or five hundred? No, no, maybe even 1000—"

Gerald pursed his lips and murmured, "Even a magician at the Holy Ten level can't do this kind of thing, right?"

"Master, you are really good at summoning people, and you actually let me add dragon power to 140 three mages at the same time..."

After listening to Lin Qiong's words, Irene sighed, then tapped the ground with her staff, and said helplessly: "Who made me your subordinate? I have to try my best to meet your request!"

The next moment, a huge crimson magic circle centered on the bottom of Irene's staff quickly spread to the entire royal capital.

"High-level additional magic——"

"Additional Strength!"

"Additional Stamina!"

"Additional speed!"

"Additional Magic Power!"

"Additional dragon power!"

Along with Irene's singing, all the magicians in the royal capital suddenly bloomed with rays of brilliance.


After the strengthening was completed, Irene, who was sweating on her forehead, took a long breath, then smiled brightly at Lin Qiong and said, "Master, the mission is accomplished."

0538 - Rogge's Hole

"Thanks for your hard work--"

Lin Qiong looked at the tired Irene, took out his handkerchief from his pocket, and said, "Wipe off your sweat."

Erin: "..."

She pursed her lips, stretched out her hand to take the handkerchief that Lin Qiong handed over, wiped the sweat from her forehead without changing her expression, and said calmly, "Thank you, young master."

But in reality, Erin was screaming a groundhog inside.

'Wow!The handkerchief seems to be able to smell the scent of the young master! '

'It smells good...not right! '

"The young master is a man with a family, you absolutely, absolutely must not be influenced by Berserion's words—"


the other side.

"Okay, it's amazing! Isn't this too amazing!?"

Gray shook his hands vigorously, and said in disbelief: "Almost all abilities have increased by about [-]%!"

"My full power has also increased by [-]%. Could it be that the red-haired lady gave all the mages in the capital at this time a boost of this level?"

Gerald tried to condense the magic power in his palm, and then murmured with a blank expression: "What level of magic power is needed to do this kind of thing!? Is her strength even more exaggerated than the Holy Cross?"

"Geral, now is not the time to think about these things—"

Millianna jumped on the spot with excitement on her face, then waved her little fist at the nearby dragoons, and said, "Let's teach these annoying guys a lesson!"


Gerald recovered from his thoughts, then showed a handsome expression, raised his right hand towards the dragoons in the distance, and whispered, "Celestial Magic Seven Star Sword!"


A golden beam of light descended from the sky, blasting the dragoon on the ground until there was not even a scum left.

"Oh! It works! It works!!"

Seeing that Gerald's attack had an effect, Simon on the side made an excited voice, "Okay, let's work hard here too, Xiu, Woolley!"

"Leave it to me, Brother Ximeng!"

"It's time to show our training results!"

Not only the mages of Fairy Tail, but also other mages in the capital also found that the originally difficult to defeat dragoons suddenly became much easier.

"That's amazing! Pascal smashed that dragoon into pieces with one punch—"

"Haha, my attack also worked!"

"I don't know who released that red magic circle, but thank you very much!!"

"Brothers, it's time to fight back!!"



'Hello, my name is Lucy Heartfilia. '

'I am very free now, very free. '

'What?You ask me why everyone is actively killing dragoons, but I am idle? '

'Hehe, because I can't touch them! '

'Eh?Why can't it be moved even though it has been strengthened? '

'Hehe, it's me, the star magician, who is strengthening, what does it have to do with the star spirit? '

Lucy hugged her knees with her hands on her face, squatted beside Lin Qiong expressionlessly, and asked abruptly, "Am I stupid?"

Lin Qiong was silent for a few seconds, and comforted: "Actually, it's not your fault! After all, you didn't know that Irene would release the strengthening magic at that time, right? So it's really not your fault for not being able to summon the protoss in time."

"Senior, you don't need to comfort me—"

Lucy looked at the ground in front of her with dead eyes, and said: "Mom once told me that when a star spirit mage is fighting, he must ensure that there are more than one star spirit around him...hehe... ...hehehe..."

Lin Qiong looked at Lucy who was planting mushrooms on the ground, and couldn't help but scratched his head, then squatted beside her, and asked, "Why don't you summon the protoss now, and I'll ask Irene to give you the BUFF again ?”

Lucy: "!"

She looked at Lin Qiong beside her as if looking at the savior, held his hand with tears in her eyes, and choked up, "Qion...Senior Qiong, you, you are such a good person!!!"

Lin Qiong: 'Wow, am I considered a good guy card?I miss you so much——'

Back in the day, I, A Qiong, was considered a strange man with the title of a good card collector in the online dating world——

Note: In fact, there is nothing to be proud of.

Lin Qiong withdrew his hand in embarrassment and politeness, then stood up with his hands on his knees, and said, "Okay, let me see your protoss."


Realizing that she could fight side by side with her companions, the revived Lucy couldn't wait to pull out two zodiac keys from her pocket, then raised them above her head, and said, "Open the gate of Leo, Rocky, the gate of Capricorn. Capulico!"

Accompanied by two golden rays of light, Leo and Caplico in black suits appeared in front of Loki.

Leo: "The prince joins!"

Capulico: "At call!"

"Loki, Caplico!"

Lucy looked eager to try, and said to the two companions: "Accept Miss Irene's strengthening magic, and then fight as much as you want!"

"Oh!" x2

Loki and Capulico nodded, then looked at Irene who was holding a staff next to her, and said in unison: "I'm sorry, Ms. Irene."

"It's just a hands-on effort."

Erin shook the staff in her hand, and circles of light lit up around them, and the momentum of the two stars suddenly rose.

"As expected of Ms. Irene—"

Leo clenched his fist vigorously, and said with admiration: "As expected of a super-class additional magician."

"Fortunately, Ms. Irene is a companion, otherwise..."

After feeling the power in his body, Caplico sighed: "I don't dare to imagine being an enemy of Ms. Irene. I'm afraid it will be a natural disaster."

"Oh, the two of you are really too generous—"

Eileen pursed her lips in embarrassment and said, "If it weren't for the young master, I would have died by the dragon's claws long ago."

Leo laughed and said, "The young master is indeed a very remarkable person—"

Capulico thinks deeply: "He must be a more powerful mage than Ms. Irene."

Lucy on the side: "?"

She couldn't help but tilted her head, and then looked at Irene, Leo and Capricho who were chatting happily with a blank expression, and murmured: "Why do Rocky and Capricho seem to know Miss Irene?" Same as Senior Qiong?"

"It's not like, it's just knowing—"

Leo looked at Lucy with a smile on his face, and said, "Young master is a friend of the Star Spirit King, and he once visited the Star Spirit Realm as a guest."

"Eh!? Eh--"

Lucy widened her eyes, and said with disbelief: "Senior Qiong actually knows that bearded uncle!?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing when he heard this nickname: "Pfft——"

"Ah, that, I, I didn't mean that—"

Lucy, who heard Lin Qiong's laughter, quickly waved her hands, and said with a look of embarrassment: "I'm just, that, this..."

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, don't be so nervous!"

Lin Qiong held back a smile and waved at Lucy, then leaned close to Lucy's ear and whispered, "Secretly, I always thought it wasn't his beard but nose hair, so I always called him nose hair Uncle’s.”


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