"The brilliance of the fairy——!"

Naz on the side saw this golden light, and couldn't help but cheered: "Wow, haha, this move hits directly, even the uncle can't stand it?"

"If the opponent is this person, it's not certain—"

Gerald let out a breath slowly, and then said in a deep voice: "Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus! I'm going to use that move, help me delay—"

Gajeel grinned, and together with Natsu and Laxus, put their hands in front of their mouths.

"Iron Dragon's—"

"Fire Dragon's—"

"Thunder Dragon's—"

"—Roar!!" x3

Seeing this, Tianlong, Bailong and Yinglong on the other side sawed off their hands not to be outdone.


"White Dragon's—"

"Shadow Dragon's—"

"—Roar!!" x3

Putting his hands in front of him, Juvia said with firm eyes, "Juvia also has to work hard, the water will cut through—"

Miraj, who was flying in the air, pressed his hands in front of him, and roared violently: "Maximum output, Soul Destroyer!!"

Lucy: "..."

She was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Caplico, who was standing beside her like a bodyguard with his hands behind his back, and couldn't help asking, "Caplico, do you feel embarrassed now?"

Caplico: "..."

He raised his right hand, touched the tip of his nose as if nothing had happened, and said, "As long as I'm not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed."

Lucy nodded and said, "That's very embarrassing."

Kakayang looked helplessly at his young lady and said, "But what can I do? I'm just a sheep who is good at gymnastics."

Don't you want me to fight passionately with "that adult" with all the special effects in front of me?

I don't know if it's passionate or not, but it must be me who died.

Lucy smiled embarrassedly, and explained: "I was expecting you to use physical skills to restrain brother Lin Qiong..."

But the Fairy Tail world is full of opportunities for teammates to be harmed!

"Miss, I feel that it is not good for me to stand by and watch the show all the time. Why don't you change to other protoss to fight?"

Kakayang coughed dryly and whispered: "For example, Baruge or Scarpio, or Aliyes is pretty good..."

"Well, I see!"

Lucy nodded hastily, then waved the key in her hand.

"Capulico close the door!"

"Open it, the gate of the Virgo, Ballouge!"

"Do you want to teach me? Princess—"

Wearing a maid outfit, a girl with short cherry-colored hair and iron chains on her wrists appeared in front of Lucy, and asked, "Is it a whip? A mouth ball? A triangle horse? Or an anus..."

"Stop! Stop!"

Seeing that Balooge was about to say more explosive words, Lucy rushed forward and covered her mouth, and said, "Baluge, go to assist the battlefield over there, and try to control brother Lin Qiong's actions."

Baloo turned his head, glanced at the battlefield that was being bombarded by all kinds of magic, then looked at Lucy 0_0, and asked, "Princess, do you think highly of me?"

Chapter 0545 Mental Punishment

Ballouge feels a lot of pressure.

This feeling is like, one second you were fighting in the silver division, trying to climb to the supreme gold, and the next second you were moved to the World Championships with people and chairs, and they patted you on the shoulder. Said: "Brother, this one is all up to you."

Hehe, C doesn't move, C doesn't move at all!

Baruch raised his right hand, like a hostess showing an exhibit, and made Lucy look at the battlefield being plowed by the big move, and said, "With all due respect, princess! I am not under that level of magic bombardment." , maintain the confidence in your own magic——"

Didn't you see that Gray over there resolutely gave up control of the ice prison after everyone turned on the infinite firepower mode?The difficulty of maintaining magic in that situation is no less than commanding a construction team to build a house on the spot during the decisive battle between Zedd and Beria.

Difficult, too difficult.

"Ahem, Ballouge, you misunderstood—"

Lucy quickly explained, "I'm not asking you to do it now, but to control it from the side while everyone is accumulating strength."

"No, I did not misunderstand."

Baruch nodded and said, "I knew what the princess meant from the beginning."

Lucy: "Huh?"

"But I deliberately pretended not to understand."

Ballouge made an expression of [(<·_·) Qiluoxing~☆] expressionlessly, and said, "Princess, are you angry?"

Lucy twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "You're not angry?"

Balooge was silent for a few seconds, then squatted down suddenly, lifted Lucy's skirt abruptly, and asked, "Princess, are you angry?"

Lucy frantically pressed down the flying skirt, then gritted her teeth and looked at Baruch, and said with difficulty: "You're not angry?"

"It's a pity, I'm still going to let the princess punish me."

Baruch sighed, then opened her skirt and saluted Lucy, and said, "Then, princess, I'm going."

"I knew it was—"

Lucy covered her face with complicated emotions, and choked up: "Why are all my protoss such individual protoss? Woooooo—"


city ​​wall.

"Oh no, I'm no match for you at all——"

The fairy girl in a pale pink dress was sitting on the city wall, shaking her white and tender feet, and said distressedly: "I didn't expect that even if I taught Kana the 'glory of a fairy', it would not be able to cause him any harm at all. s damage."

"Isn't that of course?"

Beside the girl, a snow-white and non-variety cat chuckled and said, "If he will be injured after being attacked to this extent, I will start re-educating him from the most basic."

"It's not an attack of 'this level'!"

Mebis puffed up his mouth, and said angrily to the cat beside him, "Those kids are very, very amazing, huh?"

"Indeed! The strength of these children far exceeds the level of their peers—"

The know-it-all Maomao nodded, and then glanced at Mebis, who was proudly puffing out his chest, and even the hair on his head was swaying from side to side, and said calmly: "But he is not his opponent at all—— Up to now, you haven’t even broken through the defense?”


The dull hair on Mebis' head softened like a balloon leaking air, and she puffed up her mouth unwillingly, and said, "Yes, it will break! It will definitely break!"

As she spoke, she clenched her small fist and waved it up and down in front of her chest twice, as if she wanted to use this method to cheer up the magisters who were fighting.

Come on wow!

In any case, at least let him see blood wow!

Even if it's just a scratch!


Training Course.

After going through 3 minutes of unlimited firepower coverage, even S-rank mages like Laxus, Miraj, and Geral were deeply tired.

A certain Kana who released "Glory of the Fairy" three times in a row felt that her body was hollowed out, as if her kidneys were aching.

"What, how is it?"

She unsteadily pulled out the wine bottle clamped by the ditch, then raised her head and drank a few sips, and said, "No matter how you say it, facing this level of attack, he can't do it like he did just now." kid?"

Under the tense gaze of everyone, the dust covering everyone's sight gradually dissipated, revealing Lin Qiong at the center of the bombardment—he was lying on the ground with his left hand raised above his head, as if lifeless.

"No... nothing will happen, right?"

Lucy's face turned pale immediately, she looked at Lin Qiong lying motionless on the ground, and said tremblingly: "Could it be already..."

"Yeah, it shouldn't be possible, right?"

Wendy couldn't help swallowing, and said with a slightly fearful expression: "He, he is so powerful, how could it be possible..."

At this time, Lin Qiong's fingers suddenly twitched a few times, then raised his head in a daze, and asked sleepily, "Eh? Is the full body massage over?"

Everyone: "?"

Do you understand what it means to be less harmful but extremely insulting?

Even the gentler Gerald and Lucy had visible veins on their foreheads after hearing Lin Qiong's words.


Lin Qiong yawned lazily, then got up from the ground while rubbing his shoulders, and complained: "Young people nowadays, after only holding on for a few minutes, are they exhausted? Lack of stamina! You still need to exercise. "

This relaxed, unexpected and lazy look directly raised everyone's blood pressure, and Natsu, who had a more impulsive personality, became angry and roared two flames into the air.


Even Naz, who was so angry that he spit fire, did not rush over to attack Lin Qiong again.


"Even the clothes were not damaged..."

Gerald looked solemnly at Lin Qiong who was patting the dust on his body, and a drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead to his chin, "I now understand why he can control those dragons."

Even a real dragon clan would never show such a relaxed expression when faced with the indiscriminate bombardment just now.

"Hey, are you guys talking anyway?"

Lin Qiong looked at the twelve mages who were silent as if facing a formidable enemy, and said, "I'm not..."


The next moment, with the sound of the stone breaking, Lin Qiong sank to the bottom under everyone's gaze, leaving only his head outside.

"Princess, mission accomplished!"

Baruge emerged from Lin Qiong, then gave Lucy a thumbs up and said, "I have obeyed your instructions and restrained the enemy!"

Lucy: "?"

Lucy: "!!"

She froze for a moment, then shuddered all over with fright, and finally cold sweat dripped down her head like a waterfall.

The reason is simple, she saw Lin Qiong's eyes that could not be called "kind" at all.

"Good guy, I call him good guy—"

Lin Qiong lowered his eyelids, showed a seemingly kind smile, and said, "Lucy Heartfilia, you did a good job."

Lucy swallowed, and asked tremblingly, "Many, thank you for the compliment?"

Lin Qiong ignored her, but looked at the others, and said, "Everyone, look! I am bound underground right now? Such a good opportunity, don't you guys seize the opportunity to attack?"

other people:"……"

what are you kiddingDo you think we are fools?

Balooge just dug a hole for Lin Qiong to fall into, and did not use magic to reinforce the surrounding ground at all—it seems that the translation of Lin Qiong's speech just now is almost like this: "Look, I Minesweeper is turned on, and the occupancy rate of 4090 has soared all of a sudden, huh?"


"Really, can't you children be more energetic and aggressive?"

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, he slowly crawled out of the pit under the expressionless gaze of the crowd, and complained: "There is also Balooge sauce, I just cleaned my clothes Oh? You made me muddy again..."

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