"Ah, sorry, master—"

Balooge opened his mouth expressionlessly, showing a "panic" gesture, and then asked, "So, are you going to punish me?"

Lucy: "?"

Why the fuck did she feel like she was bullied?

"Punishment? Well..."

Lin Qiong rested his chin, showing embarrassment, and said, "But, I'm not very good at physical punishment, but better at mental punishment."

Baruch: "?"

Her eyes lit up, and she asked expectantly: "Spiritual punishment? It's a PIay I've never seen before! Please let me try—"

"Well, you asked for it."

Lin Qiong sighed, then took out a tablet computer from his arms, and took out a pair of headphones, handed it to Baruch, and said, "I order you to finish watching this animation."

Ballouge nodded, and then ran to the edge of the training field holding the tablet computer and earphones like a treasure, and opened the first episode of this 1-episode drama - timidity.


"Okay, let's solve one first."

Lin Qiong patted the dirt on his body, then looked at the magisters around him, grinned, and said, "Then, it's your turn next—"

"Let the horses come!"

Naz clenched his fists in front of him, and said aggressively, "I'm ready!!"

"Very good, very spirited!"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to Naz with his right hand, and said, "Then the first target is you!"

Naz: ...?

"Fire dragon slayer magic? Reminds me of an interesting past, so—"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand with a smile on his face, pointed his index finger at Naz, and said softly, "Cremate with one knife!"

A huge knife-shaped flame descended from the sky and swung towards Natsu.

"Flame? Wahahaha——"

Seeing Lin Qiong's attack, Naz's eyes suddenly flashed a terrifying light. He walked towards Yidao Cremation without hesitation, and said loudly, "Look at me eating you!"

"Ah, yes—"

Looking at Naz's movements, Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised a smile and said, "A friendly reminder, don't get burned... Oh, it seems to be too late."

Under everyone's horrified gazes, Natsu, who was steaming all over his body, fell to the ground with his eyes turned white, and muttered, "How can there be... unbearable flames..."

Chapter 0546 Lucy is not dead, but Lucy is dead

"Hey, hey, I, what did I see?"

Gray stood there with a dull look on his face, looking at Natsu who was lying on the ground and unconscious, and said in a voice that was almost fainting: "Natsu was instantly killed by the fire attack?"

"This is really..."

Gerald pursed his lips, showing a complicated expression, and murmured: "The road that was never imagined."

Who is Naz?Dragon Slayer of Fire!

What the fuck is the difference between that and Purgatory Dragon being defeated by flames?Is it funny?

ah?Was the purgatory dragon really defeated by the flame?That's fine.

"Okay, let's lie down first, and then..."

Lin Qiong glanced at him, then set his eyes on Gray, and said, "Grey, I remember that you are good at ice magic, right?"

Gray was stiff all over: "..."

"Well, for the ice attribute? Ah, there it is!"

Lin Qiong rested his chin and thought for a while, then showed a friendly smile to Gray, and said, "A friendly reminder, don't get frostbite? Then—the Millennium Ice Prison!"

'Sure enough, is he going to beat us with the magic we do best? '

Gray stared at Lin Qiong in front of him with all his attention, thinking: 'We must——'

The next moment, his thinking was interrupted.

"Ge, Lord Gray ahhhh—"

Juvia on the side looked at Gray who was frozen in the square ice, and was about to rush over with a scream, but was hugged by Kana, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed: "Juvia, calm down! This can be done!" Frozen Gray very much, you will definitely get hurt if you get close to it—"


Hearing Kana's words, Juvia uttered an unwilling cry, then stared at Lin Qiong with scarlet eyes, and said, "Juvia must avenge Lord Gray, ah——!"

She let out a scream, wrapped a stream of water in each of her hands, and rushed towards Lin Qiong.

"Water Flowing Twin Fangs!!"

"Oh? Faced with such a powerful me, did you not choose to retreat, but took the initiative to attack? Courage is commendable, but it's still too young!"

Lin Qiong looked at Juvia who was rushing towards him, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Since you took the initiative to send it to your door, then the next target is you - the hard vortex water blade!"

Lin Qiong lightly raised his right arm wrapped around the javelin-shaped water vortex, and greeted Juvia's water fangs—when the two collided, a terrifying water burst from the tip of the hard vortex water blade , drowned Juvia's figure in an instant.

A few seconds later, when the water dissipated, Juvia, who was directly hit by the attack, was lying quietly on the edge of the training ground, losing consciousness.

"This is too exaggerated!?"

Lucy held her head in both hands, showing a broken expression, and said, "I defeated Natsu with fire, defeated Gray with ice, and defeated Juvia with water..."

"The next step is to defeat Laxus with Thunder—"

Lin Qiong looked at Laxus, chuckled and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Hiss, whoo—"

Laxus, who was named, took a deep breath, then patted his face hard, opened his hands to look at Lin Qiong, and shouted: "Come on!"

"Nice, great spirits! That's the kind of guy I like—"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then stretched out his right index finger, swipe down gently, and said, "Kirin."


After a burst of thunder, Laxus, who was covered in scorched black and exuding heat, fell to the ground with his mouth open and lost consciousness.

"The next one is to choose you, Mr. Sting! I remember you are a white dragon, right? That is holy magic?"

Lin Qiong nodded thoughtfully, then smiled at Sting and said, "Then let's borrow the secretary's move - Hammer of Judgment!"


Sting, who was hit by the sledgehammer emitting golden light, was lying on the ground, unconscious.

Lin Qiong scattered the golden light hammer in his hand, then smiled slightly at Rogge, and said, "The white dragon has fallen, how can he escape his responsibility? Shadow dragon, it's your turn next... ..."


Lin Qiong's death roll call continues.

When No.11 Gerald was defeated by Lin Qiong's Skybreaker, he set his sights on Lucy.

"Wait, wait!"

Lucy stretched out her hand solemnly to stop Lin Qiong, and then said loudly, "Brother Lin Qiong, why don't you just knock me out?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at Lucy suspiciously, and said, "Why are you so self-conscious?"

"I don't want to be so self-conscious! But what I'm good at is star magic? So take your hands out of your pockets quickly—"

Looking at Lin Qiong's movements, Lucy showed a desperate expression, and screamed: "There is really no need to summon him to deal with me—"

As early as when Lin Qiong defeated others, Lucy had (actually not at all) calmly analyzed——

It is known that Brother Lin Qiong defeated Natsu with fire, Gray with ice, and Wendy with wind...

So the question is, what magic will he use to defeat himself?

Protoss magic of course.

So here comes the question again, which one is the Protoss key in Brother Lin Qiong's hand?

Of course it is the Star Spirit King.

is it necessary?

I ask you, is it necessary? ?

To deal with me, a youthful, beautiful, lively, cute, and clever girl star spirit mage, is it really necessary to summon the star spirit king?

No need, really no need!

"I voluntarily admit defeat."

Lucy raised her right hand with a serious look on her face, and made an oath gesture with three fingers to the sky and two to the ground, and said: "Brother Lin Qiong, just knock me out, I promise not to make any resistance."

Then Lucy saw Lin Qiong and said, "That won't work."

Lucy: "?"

"Brother Lin Qiong, can't you be a human being?"

Lucy hugged her head messily in the wind, and screamed: "I don't have the physical strength of Naz and the others. If I get hit by the bearded man's sword, I will definitely die!!"

= Don’t do that kind of thing!I'm still a beautiful girl in the blooming season, and I haven't even talked about love, so I don't want to die on the spot! !

"Don't worry, I'm not a demon, how could I let you die?"

Lin Qiong waved his hands helplessly, and said distressedly: "However, don't you want to summon the Star Spirit King? Well, it's not impossible, but the method of punishment must be changed?"

"Change, change, brother Lin Qiong, you can change it!"

Lucy's eyes lit up, and she moved behind Lin Qiong obsequiously, helped him rub his shoulders, and said, "Brother Lin Qiong must be tired after fighting for so long? I'll rub your shoulders for you. Think about it slowly." ha--"

Lin Qiong: "..."

He really wanted to ask Lucy, what made her become so philistine, was it the Star Spirit King?

However, no problem!

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds, then showed a gentle smile to Lucy, and said, "I have already thought of a way to punish you, that is..."

Hearing Lin Qiong's plan, Lucy's face turned extremely pale.


10 minute later.

After asking the flower therapy ring to release a large-scale flower therapy skill, the eleven mages who were overwhelmed by Lin Qiong woke up from their coma one after another.

"Oh, why are everyone's expressions so dull?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin, looked at the people who had bowed their heads in silence after waking up, and said, "Could it be that after losing once, you lost confidence?"

"Mr. Lin Qiong is really rude when he speaks—"

Gerald smiled bitterly, he raised his hands and rubbed his face, and said with a complicated expression: "It's just that, in the field that I am best at and most proud of, being defeated without hesitation, I still feel a little bit of a blow." ..."

"Especially, this person still defeated them all in the field where eleven people were created in one breath..."

Gray sighed for a long time, and said helplessly, "Are you too powerful? Were all mages 400 years ago this kind of monsters?"

"Don't use me as a standard to judge other mages—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile on his face, "Because, I am invincible."


How could this person pretend to be 13 so nonchalantly? ?The point is that they haven't been able to refute yet, hey, so angry!

"Speaking of which, why do I feel that something is missing..."

At this time, Lin Qiong, who had waited for a long time without waiting for the familiar sound of complaints, touched his head, then looked around, and shouted loudly: "Lucy! The world's number one super S-level magician who complains Where is Lucy? It's your turn to appear!"

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