Lucy: "..."

Hard, fist hard.

She took a deep breath, then gritted her teeth and said, "Lin Qiong Oni Sauce! How can someone say that he is invincible right away!"

Crowd: 0.0

After a few seconds of silence, Hubby looked as if he saw something shocking the cat's heart, and said to Natsu tremblingly: "Nah, Natsu, Lucy has become so strange——"

Natsu nodded blankly, and said, "There's something wrong with Lucy!"

Wendy at the side moved to Lucy's side even more worriedly, and asked nervously, "Lu, sister Lucy, do you want me to heal you for a while?"

"Listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation—"

Lucy waved her hands with tears streaming down her face, and said, "It's all Lin Qiong's fault! He forced me to talk like this! I don't want to be like this at all!"


After hearing Lucy's words, everyone suddenly showed shocked expressions, and then...

'Looks like it's very interesting...'x11

Such thoughts flashed through my mind, and the 11 people looked at each other, and showed a malicious smile at the same time.


Lucy shivered subconsciously, then raised her hands and rubbed her arms, muttering, "Why do you feel a little cold?"

'Wait, this, is this a sixth sense warning? '

'Could it be that someone is going to do something against me? '

Thinking of this, Lucy couldn't help but groaned in disdain.

"Hmph, now I have the strongest companion by my side—"

'Stable batch! '

'It is impossible for me to be persecuted! '

Chapter 0547 I'll show you a big change

"Lucy, I want a cup of black tea here—"

"Okay, Laxus Oni-chan, let's jump right away!"

"Sister Lucy, I want a glass of juice—"

"Here we go! Wendione-chan, wait a moment!"

"Lucy! Bring the wine—"

"Kanaone-chan, I'll jump right away!"

In the restaurant of the city of the sky, a time-squeezing scene of anger and hatred is being staged-referring to eleven wizards jointly persecuting Lucy who is wearing a maid uniform.

"Ah la la—"

Leila stood at the door, holding her side face with her hands, showing a troubled expression, and said, "So Lucy likes this kind of PIay? I didn't expect it at all."

Anna: "..."

She glanced at Leila, then at Lucy's expression of wanting to grit her teeth, and couldn't help but think: "I think, maybe, maybe, Lucy didn't do it voluntarily..."

At this moment, Lin Qiong beckoned to Lucy and said, "Lucy, help me go to the kitchen and bring me some fried chicken. I want amber sauce and sweet and spicy sauce."

"Okay, Lin Qiong O'Neill——"

The expression on Lucy's face switched to a smiling face in an instant. She put down the wine for Kanna without hesitation, and then rushed to the kitchen without stopping, "Come and jump right away!"

Anna: "?"

She hesitated for a few seconds, then thought: 'Perhaps, perhaps voluntarily? '

"Yo, Anna-chan, Leila-chan, are you here?"

At this moment, Lin Qiong, who saw their figures, immediately waved to the two of them, and said enthusiastically, "Have you eaten? Do you want some?"

Anna waved her hand and said politely, "No, no, no! How embarrassing are you to come to visit and eat?"

Inner OS: 'Okay, okay!I'm so hungry, okay?The food in Sky City is so delicious, right?However, wouldn't it seem that I am too unreserved to say yes directly?I have to shirk a few times. '

"It's okay! What's there to be embarrassed about?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "The kitchen maids in Sky City cook a lot of food every day, and you are not bad."

Anna was a little moved, but still shook her head, and said modestly: "Actually, I already ate some snacks before I came here, so don't worry about it?"

Inner OS: 'Actually, I didn't eat any!Rather, I haven’t even had breakfast since I decided to come to Sky City in the morning?I have decided to hold on to the wall when I enter and exit while holding on to the wall today! '

"That's it... Well, since Anna-chan has already eaten, let's forget it."

Lin Qiong shook his head regretfully, then looked at Leila who was beside him, and asked, "What about Leila sauce? Do you want to eat it?"

"Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient—"

Layla sat on the chair with a smile, then waved to Lucy, and said sweetly: "Lucy-chan, give Layla one love omelette rice, and add another one written in ketchup A loving service, plus a loving spell!"

Lucy: "Ka—"

She stood there as if struck by lightning, looking at her mother with disbelief—you are really my own mother!You really want me to die! ?

"Huh? Why didn't Lucy sauce move?"

Leila tilted her head in doubt, looked at her daughter in trouble, and said, "Layla Ohne-chan is hungry, huh?"

"I, I know, jump—"

Lucy looked at the cute mother, and couldn't help but shed hot tears, choked up and said: "Lucy Rabbit is going to prepare to jump now, Leila Ohne-chan, wait for it!"


Seeing her daughter's reaction, Leila immediately showed a satisfied expression, and said, "Go and come back soon~~"

Lucy lowered her head and re-entered the back kitchen at an unprecedented speed, then fell to the ground in pain, making a whimpering sound.


"Oh my, it seems that Mr. Lin Qiong knows very well how cute Lucy is!"

Leila looked at Lin Qiong sitting opposite and said happily: "As her mother, I feel very happy~"

"Oh, it's all thanks to Leila-chan's careful cultivation over the years!"

Lin Qiong nodded his head in satisfaction, and said cheerfully: "Lucy must have a part of the credit for becoming this energetic look."

Layla: "Oh oh-"

Lin Qiong: "Hey hey——"

Other people around: "..."

Hearing the conversation between Lin Qiong and Leila, several female mages who have a good relationship with Lucy couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. They all wiped the tears overflowing from the corners of their eyes, and decided to observe it first. What exactly is the "love spell" that Leila just said, and then decide whether to add it.

"Speaking of which, why didn't Anna sauce talk?"

Lin Qiong looked suspiciously at Anna, who seemed to be transformed into a wax figure, stretched out his hand and shook in front of her, and said, "Anna sauce, you didn't zip it up?"

no response.

Lin Qiong tilted his head, he thought for a few seconds, and then glanced at Leila.

Leila understood, she flipped through the small bag she was carrying, and then handed Lin Qiong an eyebrow pencil.

Lin Qiong showed a satisfied smile, then took the eyebrow pencil, and leaned in front of Anna.

Anna: "..."

She slapped Lin Qiong's sinful hand away with grief, then glanced at Leila, who was staring at the table, as if she was studying the material of the dining room tables and chairs, and said, "I just don't want to talk, I'm not demented." That's all!"

"Then you should have said—"

Lin Qiong put the eyebrow pencil back in front of Leila, then sat back on the chair and muttered, "I thought I could draw two thick and black crayon-style eyebrows for you."

Although Anna didn't know who Crayon Little was, but she heard the adjective "black and thick" clearly - so she imagined a giant black eyebrow that was two meters long and one meter wide growing on her body Suddenly, his face flushed with anger.

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, you are really not a human being!"

"This sentence sounds so familiar? Oh yes, Lucy said that to me too, hey! Are you really a family without talking about each other?"

"I'm not complimenting you? Why do you look so proud??"

"Because I'm shameless!"

"I've never seen someone who can say that he is shameless so confidently and proudly?"

"Then you see now?"


Anna clutched her chest, leaned against the back of the chair behind her in a rather hopeless manner, and said to herself, "I'm going to die, I'm going to die if I continue talking with you, I'll be mad at you sooner or later!"

"Don't worry, I won't die!"

Lin Qiong comforted him kindly: "I'm not bragging! The magic technology of our sky city is the best in the world, and we even master the technology of resurrecting the dead?"

"Your Excellency Lin Qiong, this kind of joke can't be messed up—"

Anna hurriedly looked around a few times, and after confirming her safety, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then complained: "Be careful of being discovered by God Anxelam, and cast down a curse."

"I'm not kidding, okay? You don't believe me?"

Lin Qiong frowned pretending to be dissatisfied, then raised his head and shouted loudly: "Grey! Gray! Undressed Gray!"

Natsu, Natsu, airsick Natsu;

Gray, gray, undressed gray.

Gray: "?!"

He hurriedly stood up and shouted, "It's not Gray who undressed!!!"

Others: "You put on your clothes first!"

Gray was shocked: "Oops! When..."

"Grey, I ask you a question, don't be angry—"

Lin Qiong ignored Gray's trick (it might be purely natural), but asked in a deep voice: "I heard someone said that your master once sacrificed his life to seal Deliora with absolute ice, right? ?”

Gray: "..."

He opened his mouth, then nodded heavily, and said in a painful voice: "It's all my fault, if it wasn't for me..."

"Okay! Then choose her! Qiang Qiang——"

Without waiting for Gray to finish speaking, Lin Qiong took out a scepter with ornate runes engraved on the surface from his arms, looked at Anna and said loudly: "This is the name of the bearded stare that made Anxelam angry. The secret item 'desu of the castle in the sky that makes jiojio look helpless!"

Everyone: "???"

Wang Baoqiang: What, what, what is it.jpg

The corner of Anna's mouth twitched, and she said speechlessly: "No, Your Excellency Lin Qiong, what are you..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Lin Qiong interrupted her.

"I use a piece of fried chicken (4-star fire attribute) and a piece of ribs (3-star dark attribute) as sacrifices, and activate the ritual magic from the card in my hand [let Anxelam abbreviate below]——"

Lin Qiong stood up, under the gaze of everyone, stuffed a piece of fried chicken and a rib into his mouth with his left hand, held up his scepter in his right hand, and said vaguely while chewing: "Specially summoned from the cemetery!" Out [Female Sorcerer who likes to take off her clothes]! Come back to life, Balala Little Demon Fairy!"


There are too many stalks and too many slots, so that everyone doesn't know what to say for a while.

But it doesn't matter because——

As soon as the words fell, the scepter in Lin Qiong's hand suddenly glowed with golden light, and a figure was gathering in front of Lin Qiong at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Looking at the familiar costume on that figure, Gray opened his mouth wide, but found that he couldn't make a sound anyway—he ran to Wu Lu staggeringly with trembling steps.

"I, I am..."

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