Wu Lu opened her eyes, looked around in a daze, then locked her eyes on Gray, and said with some uncertainty: "Although the age is a bit wrong, but... you Will it be Gray?"


Gray looked at Wu Lu in front of him, and tears instantly filled his eyes.

He stretched out his right hand tremblingly, wanting to touch the person in front of him, but because he was afraid that it was just an illusion and that he was afraid of breaking this dream with his own hands, he subconsciously retracted his hand.

Chapter 0548

"What a big guy, why are you being cowardly at this time?"

Lin Qiong appeared behind Gray, stretched out his right hand against his vest, then pushed forward lightly, and said softly, "Go."

Gray subconsciously took two steps forward, and then bumped into Wu Lu's arms.

Juvia: "!@#¥%&*—"

Due to her excessive words, Juvia was tightly covered by Kana on the side.

"It's an entity..."

Gray closed his eyes, then raised his hands and hugged Wu Lu firmly, choked up and said, "It's true...it's Wu Lu...it's you...it's really you..."


With the recovery of memory, Wu Lu hugged her disciple with a distressed face, gently stroked his hair, and whispered: "It's been hard for you these years."

"I don't work hard, I don't work hard at all, I just, just..."

Gray shook his head desperately, and said in a crying voice: "It's just that I miss you so much, I really miss you so much."

"He's taller than me, but he's still a crybaby—"

Wu Lu chuckled and teased Gray, then sniffed her nose and said with a trembling voice: "Idiot, I'm back."

Gray nodded lightly, and whispered, "Welcome back, Wulu."


"How about it?"

Lin Qiong sat back on the chair, then looked at Anna, who had been completely petrified after witnessing Wu Lu's resurrection, and said happily: "I just said it? The magic technology of our sky city is the best in the world? Resurrection It can't be easier to treat people, sprinkle water!"

"I, this, you..."

Anna felt that her thinking could no longer keep up with the development of the situation. With a messy face, she moved her fingers back and forth between Lin Qiong and Wu Lu, and said two words with difficulty: "Resurrection?"


"Really resurrected?"

"You can touch her chest to see if you can feel the heartbeat."

"No, really revived?"

"Why don't you leave it here? Didn't you just ask this question just now?"

"Wait a minute! Your Excellency Lin Qiong, do you know what you did just now!?"

"I know, I resurrected a mage!"

"Don't make this kind of thing as easy as going out to buy a piece of clothing!"

"But it's easy, isn't it?"


Anna felt her blood pressure rising. She stretched out her hand to hold the table next to her and said, "Your Excellency Lin Qiong, do you know the god Anxelam?"

Lin Qiong asked back: "Have you forgotten what I called that scepter just now?"

Anna: "..."

She recalled it, and it seemed like...

The secret item of Castle in the Sky that made Anxelam so angry that he blew his beard and stared at his jiojio, but he couldn't do anything about it?

After recalling the name of the scepter, Anna only felt her eyes go dark.

What the hell is this name?

"I don't understand—"

Anna covered her forehead and said with disbelief: "Why can someone violate the taboos of God Anxelam and not be punished?"


"I don't understand—"

Mavis looked at Lin Qiong with his hands on his hips with a blank expression and said to the know-it-all cat beside him: "Why can someone violate the taboos of Anxelam God but not be punished?" punish?"

"Well, if you have to say why..."

Miss Wanshitong tilted her head, then said with a smile, "Maybe it's because there are people above us?"

Is there someone up there?

The stupid hair on Mebis's head turned into a big question mark. She tilted her head, looked at Miss Know-it-all blankly, and asked, "What do you mean there are people above?"

"Well, to put it simply—"

Miss Know-It-All thought for a while, then raised her finger, and said, "As long as the bottom line of God Anxelam is not touched, he will turn a blind eye to A Qiong's behavior."

The stupid hair on Mebis' head turned into a big exclamation mark, and she asked in disbelief: "This, this, how is this possible!?"

As Jeff's lover, Mebis knew the past experience of the black mage, but it was precisely because she knew that she found it even more incredible.

Zeref: He was just researching the taboo of reversing life and death, but before he could put it into practice, he was cursed by the god Anxelam;

Lin Qiong: He directly teased him verbally, and directly resurrected the mage who had been dead for many years, but he was not punished.

Is this reasonable?

This is equivalent to that Jeref just put his foot into the living room of Anxelam God, and before he stepped on it, he was kicked out by the other party. Lin Qiong not only did a tap dance in the living room, but also He stuck his tongue out at the other party, but there was no punishment.

Is this really reasonable?

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry—"

Know-it-all Maomao looked at Mebis with an innocent face, and said, "God Anxelam also has a sophisticated look! Just resurrect a few mages, just turn a blind eye and close one eye."

Mavis: "..."

Why does it feel like this god Anxelam suddenly became the same as the gatekeeper at the school gate? ?


After lunch, that afternoon.

"You guys can't do this—"

Lin Qiong lay on the beach chair, took a sip of fruit juice leisurely, looked at the members of the protagonist group who were being beaten by Berserion, and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Berserion is the Four Heavenly Kings!" The weakest one in the world, even if you defeat it, you still need to defeat the remaining four Four Heavenly Kings..."

Lucy: "Wait for me! The number is wrong, right? If the Four Heavenly Kings defeated one, shouldn't there be three left?"

"What are you talking about? Isn't it common sense that there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings?"

"How common sense is this!"

"As expected of Lucy, the skill of complaining is really the best in the world!"

"Praise me in this kind of place, do you think I will feel happy?"

"not happy?"

"Not at all."

"Is that so..."

Lin Qiong took out the memory card in his arms with a heartbroken face, and said with a sob: "Then I have to play this scene of 'Miss Lucy herself performing moemoe chirp' to all the residents in the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore. -"

"Wow, I'm happy, I'm super happy, I'm so happy—"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Lucy immediately raised her hands with tears in her eyes, and tried her best to cheer: "I was praised, wow, I'm so happy——"

Such a miserable appearance, even Happy next to him couldn't stand it anymore.

It said with righteous indignation: "If you want to play this video, play it, Lucy won't be afraid!"

Natsu cheered from the side: "That's right! We won't be afraid!"

Gray crossed his arms and said, "That's right, let the horse come here!"

"Big, everyone... that's right! Everyone is standing by my side, how can I back down? Let the horse come over—"

After Lucy finished speaking, she yelled at Naz and the others angrily, "Do you think I can't see your smiles!! You just want to see my video broadcasted nationwide!!!"

Natsu: "Ah, exposed?"

Gray: "Oh, what a pity!"

Happy: "Well, I'm sorry."

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Lucy showed a broken smile. She looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Brother Lin Qiong, I agree to your plan! I want to participate in training, I want to punch Naz and kick Gray!"

"very good!"

Hearing what Lucy said, Lin Qiong immediately showed a satisfied smile, "Then, let's start our strengthening plan tonight——"

Natsu and Gray: "?"

Just now, what did Lucy say just now! ?

Punch me (the hanging eye) and kick me (the hanging eye)?

Although Natsu likes his companions very much, he will never back down when faced with a challenge.

Although Gray likes his guild very much, he will never refuse when faced with Qie Zu.

and so……

"Lucy, I'm waiting for you!"

"Lucy, let the horse come here!"

"You guys wait for me—"

As if infected by the atmosphere from Natsu and Gray, Lucy said vigorously: "I will definitely become the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail!"


"Fairy Tail……"

"The strongest?"


"Don't say this casually, Lucy—"

"We can't pretend we didn't hear it either? Lucy—"

The next moment, the other Fairy Tail mages sitting in the dining room looked at Lucy with oppressive eyes.

Lucy: "..."

She, she, did she say something very terrible, something that shouldn't be said just now! ?

White teeth!Super white teeth!West Malaysia is big!



When the strongest team of 12 was crushed under Berserion's claws, he suddenly realized that with his current strength, he was absolutely no match for the dragon.

Ever since, inspired by Lucy's intensive training, other mages have also started their own strengthening——

Natsu finds Purgatory Dragon, Gray finds Wulu, Wendy finds Irene, Juvia finds Shanghai Dragon...

It can only be said that everyone has a bright future.

"Isn't that nice?"

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