Miss Know-it-All took a sip of coffee, and then said gracefully: "They can improve their own strength through the members of Sky City, and we can also take this opportunity to collect their magic—in your words, this is called WINWIN, right?"

"That's right, but no one expects me to teach them except Lucy!!"

Lin Qiong lay lazily on the sofa, humming and chirping, "Don't you think those guys are too much? I'm obviously the strongest, right?"

"Host, I remember you said 400 years ago that you plan to create the strongest guild in Ishgar, right?"

Miss Pass put down the coffee cup in her hand, glanced at Lin Qiong calmly, and said, "So, now you are going to change your goal from the strongest guild leader in Ishgar to the strongest tutor in Ishgar ?"

Lin Qiong: "Ah..."

The University of West Malaysia completely forgot about establishing a guild, hehe!

Chapter 0549 The Devil's Whisper in the Dragon Paradise


Big news.

Big news.

If Weibo existed in Fairy Tail World, it would definitely be number one on Weibo's hot search list, and there would be an ultimate news with the word "explosive" in the back!

Just this morning, the Kingdom of Fiora registered a new guild...

Hey!don't go don't go!

You listen to me first-

Do you know what the name of this guild is?

The answer is, the dragon's lair!

That's right!This guild was created by the mage who commanded the dragons to defeat the evil dragon in the capital! !

In other words, this is the only guild in the whole world that has dragons!

What are you waiting for?If you go to the dragon's lair to entrust the mission now, you still have the opportunity to experience the feeling of the dragon threatening you for yourself, right?



Mavis: "..."

She wrinkled her small face, looked at the flyer in her hand, and looked like an old man in the subway with a mobile phone.jpg...

Oh, now I should say Guild Mavis Flyer.jpg.

"Can this kind of propaganda really attract people??"

Mebis pointed to the slogan "Experience the aura of the dragon from the first perspective" at the bottom, and asked Miss Know-It-All beside him: "Is there really someone who deliberately comes to experience the aura of the dragon?"

Isn't this asking for trouble?Aren't you afraid of being scared to pee?

"Mabis, you still have a broken picture."

Miss Know-It-All shook her finger, shook her head and sighed: "You have to know that human beings are creatures with strong curiosity - if they encounter ferocious beasts in the wild, they must run as far as they can. But if The beasts are under control, and they will come closer driven by curiosity."

The tigers and lions in the zoo are very popular!Our side is a living dragon, isn't it more magnificent than that?

"I understand what you said - if it is really possible to get in touch with dragons at close range and without danger, I would also like to come and see."

The dumb hair on Mebis' head moved a few times, and said with some hesitation: "But, would those giant dragons really be willing to do this?"

That's a dragon?Let this group of proud dragons be visited by people like animals in a zoo, would they really be willing?

"Don't worry, Mavis."

Miss Wanshitong raised her legs gracefully, then showed a faint smile, and said, "There is nothing in this world that can't be solved with extra meals—if there is, then on top of the extra meals, add free order permission!"

Mebis: "Ah? Ah?!"


"Little mortal, you have violated the dragon's domain—"

The tall angry pterosaur roared at the chubby rich human businessman in front of him, then raised his sharp claws high, slapped him down, and roared: "Meet the wrath of the giant dragon! !"

The next moment, with a roar, the dragon's claws slapped heavily on the ground.

"Ooooh! So, so exciting—"

The wealthy businessman between the fingers of the dragon claw was covering his chest with excitement, his face flushed with excitement could not conceal his excitement, "When the dragon claw was photographed, I really thought I was going to die Already!"

At this time, the animal-eared maid wearing a classic English-style long skirt and maid uniform came forward and asked with a smile: "Guest, please rate this experience—dissatisfied, ordinary, satisfied .”

The wealthy businessman nodded, and said with an unsatisfactory face: "Satisfied! I can't be more satisfied!"

The maid nodded lightly, and then tapped a few times on the tablet computer under the observation of the angry pterodactyl, which seemed to be indifferent on the surface, but was actually watching from the corner of her eye.

Seeing the maid's movements, the Wrathful Winged Dragon couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, as if something sounded in her ears——

"[System Notification] Congratulations to the employee Wrathful Wyvern Valusina for getting a good review*1, today's points +2"

——Such a notification sound.

'I got another good review, and today I got a total of...'

After the rich businessman left contentedly, the Wrathful Wyvern lay down on the floor, and then carefully calculated with his fingers, "It seems that the third reward has been obtained?"Great!The next goal is fourth gear! '

There will be drops for extra meals, and there will be drops for orders!

A wonderful dinner is beckoning to me!



Mebis, who was standing in the monitoring room, stared dumbfounded at the picture that appeared on the screen in front of him——

Hailong manipulates the sea water, allowing customers to experience the excitement of surfing and sea paradise;

Storm Dragon controls the wind, allowing customers to fly freely in the air with a hang glider;

The star dragon looks up at the starry sky and performs starry sky divination for the guests who come here admiringly.

This fucking is called the Magic Guild?You might as well change the name from Dragon's Nest to Jackie Chan's Paradise!

"Hahahahaha, as expected of my dear host—"

Miss Know-It-All laughed so hard that she slapped her knees and said with great joy: "I actually thought of using this method to control these dragons, hahahaha——"

"It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable—"

Mebis looked at the screen in the upper left corner with a complicated expression - the Infernal Dragon was breathing fire from its mouth and cooking barbecue for the surrounding guests - and said: "These giant dragons are actually willing to serve humans! What on earth did Mr. Lin Qiong do? Arrived?"

"This is a corporate secret——"

Miss Passionate blinked her eyes, then looked at Mebis with a smile on her face, and said, "Little girl, do you want to consider jumping to our Sky City?"


Mebis widened her eyes in shock, and the dumb hair on her head stood up straight in fright.

"I'm the first president of Fairy Tail?"

"I know."

"I'm still the legendary mage known as the elf soldier?"

"I know that too."

"I invented the three great magics of Fairy Law, Fairy Glory and Fairy Ball, right?"

"I said I know."

"So! So! Say! I am absolutely, absolutely impossible to leave Fairy Tail! Absolutely!"



"No room at all?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Even if we can cure you and Zeref of the curse of Anxelam?"

"That's also... huh?"

"We can also make the phantom Zela you created truly have life and stay by your side."


"Besides, we have another one in our hands for you.


"How about you, do you want to think about it?"

At this moment, the devil's whisper sounded in the goblin's ear.

Mebis: QAQ what, what to do.



Lin Qiong sprayed the vitality forest in his mouth on the face of Feng Wang who was next to him, then looked blankly at Miss Wanshitong who was sitting opposite, and said, "Did you dig Mebis here?"

"Not yet, not yet~"

Miss Wanshitong waved her little hand reservedly, and said with a smile on her face, "But if there is no accident, I probably won it."

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, and then asked: "My dear Miss Know-It-All, I don't know the accident you mentioned, which refers to..."

Miss Know-It-All thought for a while, then raised her fingers and said: "For example, under the leadership of Quan Wang, Zizai Kakarot, Ego Vegeta, Beast Lunch, Orange Piccolo, Broly and Black Gold Frieza teamed up to invade this world—”


Lin Qiong sprayed Feng Wang all over again, and then said with a look of astonishment: "This accident is too fucking unexpected, isn't it?"

"Hahaha, that's why I said it was an accident—"

Miss Wanshitong propped her chin and said with a small face of complacency: "The conditions I offered, but the little girl Mebis can't refuse?"

"As expected of me, the most trustworthy, dearest, and most precious Miss Know-it-All! Papapapapapa——"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands with a trusting look on his face, then turned his attention to King Feng, who was on his arm, and asked, "A-Feng, what's the matter with you?"

The drenched Feng Wang stared at Lin Qiong in front of him and said, "Will you give me an explanation?"

Lin Qiong: "Ang?"

Feng Wang pointed to himself and said, "Looking at the vitality forest on my body, don't you have anything to say?"

Lin Qiong suddenly realized, and said, "I understand!"

King Feng showed a satisfied expression: "What do you understand?"

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "You want to remind me that Yuanqi Forest hasn't sponsored us yet, so we can't mention its full name, but use ○○ Forest instead, right?"

Feng Wang was so angry that he kicked his legs and almost fell off Lin Qiong's arm: "You fucking, me fucking, you fucking..."

'How can this child not speak? '

Lin Qiong hurriedly comforted King Feng and said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry! Being angry leaves room for the devil! The world is like this..."

"shut up!"

Feng Wang violently interrupted Lin Qiong's chanting, and then gritted his teeth and said, "You sprayed soda on me twice, aren't you going to explain?"

Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds and said, "How about I lick it clean for you?"


Feng Wang jumped back two steps with a look of disgust, distanced himself from Lin Qiong, and then said with a look of disgust: "A Qiongqiong, you actually want to lick me, how disgusting!"

"Mouth area—"

Lin Qiong made a vomiting motion, "Ah Fengfeng, repeat words, disgusting!"

Feng Wang couldn't stand it anymore, she vomited a series of retching: "No, no, if you say disgusting, you are more disgusting!"

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