"Fart, you're disgusting!"

"You're disgusting, you're disgusting!"

"You are ten times more disgusting than me!"

"You are a hundred times more disgusting than me!"

"You a thousand times more!"

"Ten thousand times you!"

The lady at the side took a sip of coffee elegantly, then glanced at Lin Qiong and Feng Wang who were arguing next to her, shook her head helplessly, and commented in her heart: "Two childish ghosts—"


a few days later.

Mebis, who looked a little tired, approached Miss Pass and said, "I agree to join Sky Castle."

0550 - The deal that makes Jeff's eyes dark

"Hmm? What's going on?"

With fried sticks in his mouth, Lin Qiong looked blankly at Miss Know-It-All who was pulling Mebis, and said, "Why is it like pulling an illegitimate daughter to your door?"

Mavis: "???"

Private, illegitimate daughter! ?I'm not me without you don't talk nonsense!

Her hair straightened in fright.

"Dear Erina, your lover is planning to adopt a goddaughter—"

Miss Passer-Tone looked at the eldest lady who was eating pasta next to Lin Qiong, and asked, "Do you have any ideas? The future child—"


The eldest lady who was choking on her trachea hurriedly coughed a few times, then wiped the sauce at the corner of her mouth with the towel handed over by the secretary, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "What can I say? Mavis is so cute, it's too late for me to be happy. ~”

Miss Passionate showed a thoughtful expression, and said, "So that's it! In other words, you are also ready to become grandpa and grandma at the same time?"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other: "..."

Right!He remembered that Mavis and Jeff had a biological son!

"Forget it."

Lin Qiong waved his hand with a smile and said, "Leave that guy to Zeref and Mavis."

"That's right."

The eldest lady also smiled and nodded, and said: "After all, it is their child, so we will not get involved."

Mavis: "!?"

Mebis, who heard the news, was stunned in place - the words "their children—their children—" were frantically echoing in her mind.

"My, my, my child?"

Mebis looked at Miss Wanshitong as if asking for proof, and asked with a dazed expression: "This, what does this mean?"

"When you were killed by Zeref's curse, you were already pregnant with his child! When Precito was examining your body, he discovered the little life and delivered it."

Miss Know-It-All smiled and stretched out her hand to pinch a meatball from Lin Qiong's plate and stuffed it into her mouth, then while sucking the sauce on her fingers, she explained: "But when he found out that this child is born with When it was filled with powerful magic power, it was abandoned in the depths of the forest out of fear."

Mavis: "This, this, this..."

Shock Leprechaun all year long.

She shook her body, then stretched out her hand to support the table beside her, and murmured: "I have a child? Me and his child...I..."

Mebis blamed himself and thought, "I'm such a bad mother—"

"Okay, don't blame yourself."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and patted Mebis on the head, saying, "Instead of regretting the past, it's better to look to the future."

"Looking to the future……"

Mebis gradually widened her eyes, she nodded with cheer, and said, "I understand! I will find that child, and then do my duty as a mother..."

Lin Qiong scratched the back of his head and said, "Your son? We know where he is."

Mavis: "?"

A big question mark appeared on her head: "You, how do you know everything?"

"After we came here, we had Violet spread her information bugs—"

The eldest lady proudly raised her chest, which had become more plump thanks to Lin Qiong's unremitting efforts, and said, "We not only have information about your child, but also information about Akunologia and Zeref. Oh~”

Mavis: "???"

Why do I think our guild is acting like the mastermind behind this? ?



this afternoon.

Sirius Island.

"Hey, why do you say peace?"

Lin Qiong sat on the blue-nosed and swollen-faced Jeff, looked at the sea not far away with a sad face, and said, "Why can't we communicate well? The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. This is not good, not good."

Jeff: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds and said, "If I remember correctly, you suddenly appeared in front of me and asked me if I wanted to be your subordinate?"

Lin Qiong patted his thigh and said, "Then you agree or not? Why did you fight with me?"

Jeff: "?"

'What do you mean it's fine if you agree? '

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "I don't even know you, how could I become your subordinate just because of your words?"

"Oh, I see—"

Lin Qiong stood up, then squatted in front of Jeff, gave him a bright smile, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I am Lin Qiong, the lord of Sky City!"

Zeref was silent for a few more seconds and asked, "You don't mean to say - now we know each other - do you?"

Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "You think so too?"

Jeff: "..."

To be honest, he felt that he was speechless more times in just a few minutes than in the past hundreds of years combined.

Is this person sick?

"Mr. Lin Qiong, you should give up—"

Zeref sighed and said softly: "I will not join anyone else's organization."

"Could it be that you are worried about the curse on yourself?"

Lin Qiong looked at Zeref's slightly disappointed expression and couldn't help but comfort him: "Don't worry! We will find a way to help you solve it."

Jeff: "?"

There was a big question mark on his head, and he couldn't help asking: "Since you know the curse on me, why can you still say such things?"

This person must have read about him from some strange unofficial histories and biographies, so he came here in a daze, right?

"Because we can really solve the curse of God Anxelam!"

Lin Qiong looked at Jeff for granted, and said, "If you don't believe me, I can even perform for you live!"

Jeff: "??"

What is a live show! ?No, do you know what this curse means! ?This is the curse of the gods, a problem that even me, the legendary black mage, has been working hard for hundreds of years and can't solve it!

"You better stop joking about this kind of thing."

He got up from the ground, and then persuaded helplessly, "If you accidentally offend God Anxelam, you will also be cursed."

"Why are you so stupid, kid?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Jeff with dissatisfaction, and said, "How about we make a bet? If I can solve the curse on you, you will be my little brother, and you can do whatever I ask you to do, okay?"

Jeff: "..."

He showed a dumbfounding smile, shook his head and sighed: "If you can really solve this curse, what if I'm your subordinate?"

"That's what you said!"

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and then he revealed a scheming snicker, and said, "Don't regret it when the time comes, or I won't have your good juice!"

Jeff: "..."

If you can really solve the curse of God Anxelam, even if I want to repent, I don't have the ability, do I?


Jeff: "??"

He looked at the magic circle drawn by Lin Qiong on the wooden pier with a question mark. He hesitated to speak and hesitated to speak. He opened his mouth but didn't know what to say - mainly this magic circle was too crude. !

It is a circle on the outside and a pentagram inside.


He couldn't help but wonder: 'Is this really useful? '

"Okay, done!"

Lin Qiong threw the wooden stick aside, clapped his hands, took out two small transparent jars (originally used to hold plum blossoms) from his arms, placed them on the wooden pier, and clicked with satisfaction. He nodded and said: "The magic circle is drawn and the offerings are prepared. The next step is to contact that guy——"

'offerings? '

Jeref leaned in front of the transparent jar in doubt, and looked at the contents——

The jar on the left contains some golden crumbs;

In the jar on the right, there are several black hairs.

Jeff asked with some hesitation: "Mr. Lin Qiong, may I know what's in it?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "I can't tell you the specifics, but they are definitely the most precious alchemy materials in the world."

He can't tell Zeref that the jar on the left is Arceus's hoof, and the jar on the right is the hair of the King of Souls, right?

Lin Qiong stood in front of the magic circle, stretched out his hands and patted it, and said loudly, "Brother An Zi, I'm here to make an appointment today! We will be good brothers from now on! Will it work? Give me some face—"

Hearing this sentence, Jeff only felt his eyes go dark.

He even had the urge to rush over and grab Lin Qiong by the collar, asking him if he knew what he was doing.

But he didn't.

Because just after Lin Qiong finished saying that, a hell-like will of divine power descended on this land, and then with Jeff's shocked expression, that will rolled up the two small jars on the magic circle, and then After passing a consciousness, it disappeared into his perception.

Jeff opened his mouth, then looked at Lin Qiong incredulously, and said, "Just now, that one just now was..."

"Oh, it's me, Brother An Zi."

Lin Qiong grinned at Jeff, winked and said, "Brother An Zi is my good brother now!"

Jeff: "..."

He looked up at the sky in a daze, looking at the blue sky in a daze.

Is it his illusion?He seemed to have read from the consciousness of God Anxelam just now——

"Hey, good brother, you're here, what gifts do you bring? Thank you, Ang! If you have anything to do with me in the future, tell me, there is nothing in this world that I can't handle!"

— Such a message! ?

Jeff couldn't help holding his head with both hands, and screamed like a groundhog in his heart: "Illusion, this is definitely an illusion—"

"Oh, right--"

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