At this moment, Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and patted Zeref, reminding him: "Brother An Zi said that He has canceled the curse on you. Do you feel it?"

Chapter 0551 Apologize

Jeff: "!"

After hearing Lin Qiong's reminder, Jeff hurriedly lowered his head to check his own condition, and then found that the curse entrenched in his body had dissipated completely without knowing it.

"Really, gone?"

Jeff stared at Lin Qiong, who was looking at him proudly, in a trance, and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Lin Qiong, who are you?"

Although what happened just now somewhat challenged his three views, but since the curse on him has indeed disappeared, it is enough to prove that Lin Qiong's seemingly inconceivable actions have indeed had an effect.

"Since you asked the question sincerely, I will tell you mercifully—"

"I'm the behind-the-scenes partner of Juxialou——"

"Miss Nakiri's lover—"

"Brother Tuozi's bosom friend—"


After naming a long list of names that left Zeref confused, Lin Qiong pointed to his chest and made a summary: "And the Lord of the City in the Sky!"

Jeff: "..."

Although I don’t understand it, I always think it’s awesome.



Castle in the Sky.

Training Course.

Lin Qiong clapped his hands happily, and said, "Let's warmly welcome Xiaojie, and Jeff joins our team. Applause, slap, slap—"

Jeff: "..."

Is there something wrong with his eyes?Why is Naz here?Isn't he supposed to be in Fairy Tail?

other people:"……"

Is there something wrong with their eyes?Why does the black mage Zeref appear here and join the Castle in the Sky?

Lin Qiong: "?"

He asked suspiciously: "What's the matter with the swelling? Why do you feel that everyone is not very enthusiastic?"

With a pale face, Lucy pointed at Zeref who was beside Lin Qiong, her teeth chattering in fright: "Brother Lin Lin Lin Qiong..."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at Lucy dumbfounded, and said, "What are you doing, is the hen laying eggs?"

"This, this is Jeff—"

Lucy pulled Lin Qiong's clothes to the corner, and said nervously: "Don't you know, he is called the ancestor of the black mage?"

Even his name has become a taboo and is forbidden to appear in books and records.

"How could I not know about this kind of thing?"

Lin Qiong looked at Lucy suspiciously, and said, "I just went to recruit him because I knew he was Jeff?"

Lucy: "!!"

He widened his eyes and said, "No, such a dangerous black mage, you, why did you recruit him?"

"Hey, so you are worried about this? In fact, Zeref's nature is not bad, but due to some things in his early years, he was cursed by a powerful existence..."

Lin Qiong waved his hand in a sudden realization, and then told the story about Jeff, "But the curse on him has been solved by me, so there is no need to worry anymore."

"Hey, there is such a thing! You guy, it's too pitiful——"

Naz was moved by the tears flowing down, he hugged Jeff tightly, choked up and said: "I'm really sorry, I beat you on Sirius Island back then, so you have such a miserable life experience... "

Lucy: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Cry, cry so exaggeratedly! ! !

"Uh, no, it's okay..."

Jeff was a little flattered and hugged Naz with his backhand, and said falteringly, "Many, thank you for your comfort, Naz."

other people--

"Why is he crying?"

"It seems that Natsu cried after comforting her!"

"What? You cried after being comforted? This is too slender..."

"So, does Mr. Zeref have such a tragic past?"

"But, damn it, I'm even touched!"

"I want to comfort him too!"

"And I!"

Jeff: "?"

With his blank expression, the magisters of Fairy Tail stepped forward one after another, hugging him tightly one after another.

This is a warmth he has never felt before, it really makes him... makes him...

Jeff opened his eyes suddenly, and yelled, "Who touched my fart just now... Wait, it won't work there... Aww!"

As the crowd surged, Zeref took a fatal blow.


meeting room.

"When are you going to confess your identity to Naz?"

Lin Qiong took out a pack of Shaqima from the drawer, threw a few pieces in front of Jeff after opening the package, and asked, "After all, he is your Odoudou, right?"

"Well, let's wait until we get a chance-"

Jeff sat on the chair awkwardly, and said with some embarrassment: "He doesn't know me yet, if I tell him the truth rashly, he may find it hard to accept."

Looking at Zeref at this time, Lin Qiong couldn't help but sigh in his heart: 'Sure enough, Zeref who has not turned black is a good boy! '

"Since you have already made plans, I won't get involved."

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Then let's discuss another matter."

"Another thing?"

Jeff obediently opened the packaging bag of Shaqima, and after taking a bite, he was immediately overwhelmed by the sweet and glutinous taste, and narrowed his eyes happily, "What are you referring to?"

Lin Qiong swallowed the snacks in his mouth, then picked up the tray on the table, stood in front of himself, and said, "First help you revive Mebis, and then bring back your two biological children. "

"Puff—cough cough cough—"

At that time, Jeff sprayed all the Shaqima in his mouth on the tray in Lin Qiong's hand, and then coughed desperately, while asking with difficulty: "Resurrection? Also, and, cough cough, child, child ?”

"That's right! You don't know yet, do you? You and Mebis have a biological child~"

Lin Qiong put down the tray in his hand with a smirk, and said, "When you accidentally triggered the curse to kill her, she was already pregnant with your child."

"I, what have I done..."

Jeff raised his hands and hugged his head tightly, showing a painful and remorseful expression, "I am really, really..."

"Hey, don't just stay here looking for life and death—"

Lin Qiong looked at Jeff, who had started to shut himself up again, and said with a speechless expression: "Don't keep immersing yourself in the tragic past, you should look to the bright future!"

Jeff raised his head and said, "Can someone like me have a bright future?"

"Who said it can't be done?"

Lin Qiong asked back, and said, "Come on, close your eyes first."

Jeff closed his eyes obediently.

"Imagine that you are sitting in a beautiful garden with all the flowers in bloom, so beautiful—"

A slight smile appeared on Jeff's lips.

"Suddenly, a pair of hands placed a flower crown on your head. You turned your head and found Mavis with his hands behind his back, smiling sweetly at you."

Jeff smiled with a tinge of happiness.

"You gently put your arms around her slender waist, sniffed the fragrance of her hair, and told her about your love."

Jeff showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, but he was more happy.

"At this moment, your son hugged you from behind, and shouted affectionately: Dad, Mom."

Jeff couldn't help but suck his nose.

"You looked up and saw an old face in his seventies and eighties."


Gilph, who was immersed in fantasy, spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and then woke up from the shock of "seeing his cub's old face".


Lin Qiong looked at the precisely captured photos on his mobile phone and let out a frenzied laugh, "Xiaojie, come and see your expression, it's so funny!"

Jeff: "..."

He raised his hands to cover his face in pain, and said, "Why do I feel like I've stepped into a pit?"

Standing at the door, Aizen who was about to come in to report work: "..."

He was silent for a few seconds, then pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and sighed quietly: "It's too late to find out, newcomer Sang." '


dinner time.


Standing in front of Gray, Jeff bent his waist seriously and said, "I'm sorry."

Gray with a mouthful of food: "???"

He moved his cheeks like a hamster, quickly swallowed what was in his mouth, and then said with a puzzled face, "What's the matter with this apology?"

Jeff maintained a bent posture and said with a serious face: "I learned from the young master that the Deliola I created a long time ago to kill myself once killed your parents ,so……"


After hearing what Jeff said, Gray's expression suddenly froze on his face, and Juvia, who was sitting next to him, looked at him with worried eyes, and whispered: "Master Gray..."


Gray closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.After repeating this cycle several times, he calmed himself down again.

He lowered his eyelids, not looking at the expression of Zeref in front of him, and said softly: "The original intention of you creating Daliola is just to let him kill yourself, not to want him to wreak havoc, right?"

"Yes, just like you said."

Jeff nodded and said in a low voice: "However, after I created it, I found that it was not possible for him to kill me, so I abandoned it..."

"So, Daliola, who was wandering around, unintentionally killed my parents, which indirectly caused Wulu's death—"

Gray lowered his head and said in a bitter voice: "What an irresponsible guy."

"Feel sorry."

Jeff clenched his fist and said seriously: "If you want to vent your anger, please feel free to beat me up!"

"If it was me in the past, I would definitely punch you in the face without hesitation—"

Gray crossed his arms and said with his head held high, "But, I am not the same now as I was in the past!"

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