Trafsa: "I think so too!"

Ethel: "After all, silver is one of the nine ghost gates!"

Others: "That's it!"


Damn, a group of mentally retarded.


Lin Qiong: "..."

Damn, a bunch of Aqua!

He looked at Jeff beside him, and couldn't help but said, "Can I ask, in what mental state did you create such a group of comedians?"

Jeff clenched his fist silently, then managed to force a smile, and said, "Master, I will recycle this group of waste!"

What a fucking shame! Open the door for shame, it's so shameful!

"Leave that silver to me—"

Lin Qiong pointed to the stern handsome uncle, and explained: "That guy is Grey's old bean, I will ask Feng Wang to revive him later."


Squatting on Lin Qiong's head, King Feng proudly puffed up his chest, and looked around arrogantly——

Palkia can hurry, so what?

Rashiram has furry, so what?

Kyurem can ice juice, so what?

Milton can ride a motorcycle, so what?

I, Phoenix King, am the most favored legendary Pokémon under Aqiong!

Master's status cannot be shaken!

Chapter 0553 Let Gray Regret For Life

With his hands hanging by his sides, Jeff slowly floated over the gate of Hades, then looked down at the noisy demons, and said indifferently: "Even the roof of the guild has been lifted, but I can't feel it at all." Are you in any mood to panic—"


As the head of the Nine Ghost Gate, Kuanghua tilted his head and glanced at Jeff floating in the air, and said with a proud and disdainful face: "How can the attack of crickets and humans make us panic?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Fran Mars on the side laughed out loud, and said, "We are great demons created by Mr. Jeref, above this world! How could we feel panic?"

"It's just—"

"Little human, ridiculous!"

"Just eat it—"

"It would be a pity to eat them! How about making these two guys who dared to attack the guild into the lowest-level demons?"

"Great idea! Hahaha, I'm going to let them lick my toes—"

Jeff: "..."

There was a sudden sting in the sight from behind, which made his face twitch involuntarily.

"Sure enough, the final function of this group of garbage is to remake it—"

Jeff raised his right hand indifferently, and said in a low voice, "I must apologize."

Demons: "?"

"Hahaha, he was scared and apologized!"

"You're dying of laughter, you can't live with laughter at all!"

"Laughed and spit out the family members!"

"I vote him for the funniest joke of the year—"

Looking at the extremely joyous demons below, Jeff lowered his eyelids slightly, and said, "I shouldn't hide my aura, so that you can't even recognize your own creator..."

The next moment, as Zeref's breath leaked out, the demons below suddenly showed expressions of the sky falling.

"This, this breath is..."

"No, it's impossible!"

"Ah, I, I actually, actually laughed at this lord..."

Zeref ignored the commotion below, but gently landed in front of the demons, and said softly: "Now, do you recognize me?"


The demons knelt on the ground in unison, pressed their proud heads against the ground, and said in unison: "See our supreme creator——"

'Dark Mage Zeref—'

Silver, who did the same thing as the other demons, secretly looked at Zeref from the corner of his eyes, "Why did he suddenly appear at the gate of Hades after being missing for so long?" '

Are you preparing to create a new demon?Or summon existing demons to conquer the world?No, it might be destroying the world...

Sweat, streaming down.

Just when Yin was thinking wildly, he suddenly saw a pair of toes appearing in front of him, and at this moment, there should be only one person who can move freely...

Jeff looked at the man in front of him and asked softly, "Are you Yin?"

Yin's throat squirmed, and then he replied in a deep voice: "Yes!"

Jeff pointed to the top and said, "Go there, he has something to do with you."

Although there are thousands of doubts in his heart, since Jeff personally gave the order, he can't refuse it no matter what.


Yin slowly stood up, then jumped onto the wreckage of the roof, and looked in the direction of Lin Qiong.

"Here and here—"

Lin Qiong waved to Yin and said, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

"Master Jeff said that you have something to ask me."

While secretly accumulating magic power, Yin stepped on the wreckage of the beam and walked towards Lin Qiong, asking, "I don't know what to order?"

"Actually, there's nothing else, I just want to say hello to you——"

Lin Qiong smiled at Yin and said, "Grey Folpasta's father, Yin Folpasta."


"Hahaha, my lord, you have misunderstood! I am not a small human—"

His eyes narrowed slightly, but on the surface he said with a calm smile: "Although I am moving in this posture, my inner self was actually created by Mr. Jeref..."

"Deliola, you're going to say that, aren't you?"

Lin Qiong looked at Yin who had been robbed of his lines in front of him. He grinned and said, "You probably don't know yet, do you? Actually, my eyes have the ability to see through the souls of creatures? In my sight Here, your soul and body are exactly the same—"


His eyes suddenly shrank, and he instinctively launched an attack. Black ice spread from his right hand to the forest dome in front, but was blocked by an invisible wall.

Lin Qiong waved his right hand towards Yin and said, "Then, Mr. Yin, goodbye."


The next moment, the Phoenix King above Lin Qiong's head screamed, and silver's sight was filled with white flames.

'That's it, is it over?I tried my best to lurk in the gate of Hades, but now I died in his hands without knowing why...'

There was a trace of disappointment in Yin's eyes, he felt as if his consciousness was fading away, "Speaking of which, I don't know his name yet..."




Seeing the white flames flying overhead, the demons below all showed expressions of surprise.

"You don't need to pay attention to this flame."

Jeff glanced at the demon below, and a trace of disgust and disdain flashed in his eyes. He said softly, "The purpose of my coming to see you today is to make you more perfect."

"oh oh!"

"As expected of Lord Zeref!"

"You can become stronger again!"


Hearing that they could become stronger, the demons in front of Jeref suddenly showed joyful expressions - in their view, if they become stronger, they can do more things for Mr. Playing with humans more happily.


Seeing the reactions of these demons, a smile appeared on the corner of Zeref's mouth, and he said softly: "It seems that your proposal to me doesn't make sense, does it?"

"Master Zeref's order, we must obey—"

Pluto Mardo looked at Zeref in front of him with fanatical eyes, and said, "Master Jeref, this subordinate hopes to become a more powerful demon than END—"

'Don't use your mouth to say Natsu's name...'

A trace of anger flashed in Jeff's eyes, he lowered his eyelids and said, "Then, let's get started."

The next moment, a purple shadow spread from under Zeref's feet, engulfing all the demons here in just an instant, leaving only one after another purple-black energy balls floating in place.

"With someone like you, are you trying to match my Natsu?"

Jeff stretched out his hand and summoned the energy ball that Mardo turned into in front of him, and then shot out a stream of magic power from his finger full of disgust, smashing it into pieces, "You idiot, even the qualifications for remaking nothing."

Well, go back.


When Jeff came back to Lin Qiong, what he saw was Yin sitting on the ground with his head in his hands, and Lin Qiong who was laughing very frantically (and deserved to be beaten).

Jeff asked, "Master, what's the matter?"

"Hahaha, it's just a great prank—"

Lin Qiong showed an unscrupulous smile towards Yin, and said with a smirk: "I just deliberately used ambiguous words to make Yin think that I was here to deal with him, and scared him half to death, hahahaha!"

Jeff: "..."

This person is obviously so strong that he has such a terrifying power, why can he behave so naively in this kind of place? ?


He looked up sadly, and said, "When that white flame burned me, I really thought I was going to ascend to heaven."

"Hahahaha, this is what I want! But it's a pity that I can't do more things in a hurry—"

Lin Qiong held his head in his hands, showing a rather remorseful and unwilling expression.

"Otherwise I will definitely tell you, I will create a new demon to occupy your body—"

"That demon will kidnap Gray's girlfriend and force Gray to fight it."

"Then when Gray's strength surpasses him, the demon will face the final blow calmly."

"Then the demon would sit on the ground dying, take off his mask, look at the shocked Gray, and weakly say to him: 'Grey, you have grown up, I can go to see your mother without any regrets— '"

"In the end it will die in Gray's arms, and Gray will bear the pain of killing his father for life!"

"When you hear about this plan, you will definitely struggle frantically, but you will be powerless. You can only welcome the arrival of the flames in despair, remorse and fear!"

"Then when you find out that I'm actually an ally, your expression will be absolutely, absolutely amazing!!"

"Damn, what a pity!!"

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