
After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Yin became numb at the time.

The corner of his mouth twitched and looked at the regretful Lin Qiong, and he said speechlessly: "You didn't do this, I really thank you!"

I have lived for so long, I have never seen a dog more than you! !

"Hey, I'm one of you. How do you say thank you?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then looked at Zeref and said, "Xiaojie, have all the demons been recovered?"

"It's all been recycled."

Zeref looked at the "Book of END" in his hand, stroked its cover with a nostalgic look, and said, "The next step is to create a new magic weapon, the Book of Demons."

"Then it's up to you—"

Lin Qiong patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Let's go back and meet Erina first, and then we'll go find you and Mebis' child."


Hearing this sentence, Jeff was shocked immediately, and then said excitedly: "Master, don't worry! I will definitely create the most perfect demon weapon, and I won't let you down!"

"Okay, I don't worry about your work!"

Lin Qiong smiled and nodded, then rode on Millerton, pointed behind him, and said to Jeff: "Get in the car, let's go!"

Zeref sat obediently in Lin Qiong's back seat and said, "I'm ready."

Silver pointed to himself: "What about me?"

A few minutes later, Yin, who was tied up by a rope and hung below Millerton, felt the strong wind coming, and clenched his fist tightly.

Sin! !

Chapter 0554 Surprise!The Western Continent launched an attack on Ishgar because...

Castle in the Sky.


Lin Qiong put his hands on the window sill and looked at Zeref and Mavis, as well as Yin and Gray, who were hugging each other below. He couldn't help but touch his chin and said: "It's decided, go back and trick Yin into working for me for ten years." , and then resurrected his wife as well."

"You are always like this. While being nice to others, you are not a human being at the same time."

The eldest lady, who was reading girls' comics with her legs crossed, raised her head, glanced at Lin Qiong, and said in a dumbfounded voice: "You are considered a kind of tsundere, right?"

"Ha!? This is a hammer tsundere!"

Lin Qiong's eyes widened and he hurriedly retorted: "Please, you are the tsundere, right? I have nothing to do with the attribute of tsundere, okay?"

"Hey~ You just refuted that you are arrogant, so you feel very arrogant?"

The eldest lady showed a teasing smile, and said with a smile: "Do you want to think about it and start being a tsundere from today?"


The secretary on the side covered his mouth and let out a giggling laugh, "Ao, proud young master, poof, Wei, an unimaginable path!"

"Tsundere Qiongni sauce——"

Yoyo closed her eyes and fantasized about Lin Qiong's arrogant appearance, and then she couldn't help laughing, and said, "It feels so cute! Haha——"

"Hey, hey, don't just think about other people's arrogant looks!"

Lin Qiong looked at the three people in front of him speechlessly, and complained: "Besides, do you think I'm yelling something like 'huh, yes, I'm not specially prepared for you', 'I, I don't like you , Idiot idiot' or lines like 'Don't let people say such embarrassing things, idiot', would it look cute?"

Miss: "..."

Secretary: "..."


According to Lin Qiong's description just now, the three of them fantasized about him crossing his arms, using his arrogant demeanor, his actions, and his arrogant tone, and after speaking his arrogant lines...


The three of them shuddered together, and then showed an expression of "Oh my god, it's so annoying" - just like Harry Potter went to a bar to drink and found Voldemort pole dancing in fishnet stockings. .

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't hold back anymore: "You three, don't go too far! It's you who want to make up my arrogant picture, and you are the one who dislikes my hot eyes—"

"Pfft ha ha ha, in fact, it's not unacceptable for Qiong's arrogant attitude—"

Seeing Lin Qiong's reaction, the eldest lady couldn't help but clutched her stomach and laughed and fell into the secretary's arms, "It's a disgusting and cute feeling!"

"Grass (Chinese and Japanese bilingual), what the hell is disgusting cuteness? Is it a variant of disgusting handsomeness?"

Lin Qiong held his head in his hands and said with an unacceptable look on his face: "No, I don't want to become a man with a strange title like [Disgusting and Adorable Lin Qiong] -"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong's funny performance obviously made the eldest lady, secretary and Youyou laugh. The three of them staggered on the carpet and laughed loudly.

'This reaction...'

Lin Qiong touched his chin, rolled his eyeballs, then squatted down in front of the three of them with a smile, and said, "Disgusting handsome."

"...Pfft ha ha ha ha!!"

After a short period of depression, the three of them hammered the carpet while holding their stomachs and let out uncontrollable laughter.

'Have a head! '

Lin Qiong's eyes lit up. He looked at the three of them with a malicious smile and said again: "Disgustingly handsome!"

The eldest lady laughed and screamed: "Pfft, goose, goose—"

The secretary laughed out loud and said: "Hahahahahaha--"

Youyoujiang laughed out loud and said: "Hmm, hum, hum -"

"Yoshi, you three are here to work!"

Lin Qiong suddenly became happy. He spoke a standard Da Zuo voice and said with a bad smile: "Hahahaha, I already know your weaknesses! Why don't you surrender quickly?"

"Qiong, your current appearance really perfectly interprets the words 'little man succeeds'."

The eldest lady, who had finally regained her strength, rubbed her belly, looked at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "Don't wait for us to recover, otherwise we will definitely not let you go!"

After all, there is nothing funny about "disgusting handsome" in itself, and the reason why it made the three of them laugh like this was simply because they connected "disgusting handsome" with the "tsundere Lin Qiong" they had just imagined—— When the laughter subsided, these three words naturally could no longer make them smile.

"What I mean is taking advantage of your illness to kill you, don't you understand?"

Lin Qiong stuck out his tongue at the eldest lady very proudly, and said, "When this joke doesn't move you, I will naturally behave myself~"

Hi, so angry!

"I can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore! Fei Shazi, it's time to raise the flag of rebellion!"

With a loud cry, the eldest lady rushed towards Lin Qiong, pushed him down on the carpet, then straddled him, covered his mouth with her hands, and urged, "I've already covered him!" mouth! Fei Shazi, Yoyo, come on, tickle him!"

Lin Qiong: "!?"

He widened his eyes and began to struggle, but because he was worried about hurting the eldest lady who was riding on him, his struggle not only failed to get rid of the status quo, but also made the three of them more excited.

'It's over, it's over--'

Tears fell from the corners of Lin Qiong's eyes, "I want to be pushed hard!" '


"So, next we're going to the Western Continent—"

Lin Qiong looked at the wizards belonging to Fairy Tail who were lying on the ground in front of him, and said, "What do you think? Should we go with them, or should we go back to Fairy Tail first?"

"West, Western Continent?"

When Natsu, who was already lying down due to fatigue, heard this, he immediately sat up from the ground, then looked at Lin Qiong with bright eyes, and asked: "Qiong Oji-san, is that Western Continent or something great?"

"Very powerful, very powerful."

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said, "I'll ask you a question—do you know how many wizards' guilds there are in Ishgar Continent?"


Lin Qiong's question directly confused these little magicians - why would anyone ask this question?How do we know this?

"Many, how many guilds?"

Naz is even more important—he actually turned his head to look at Happy next to him, and asked tremblingly, "Ha, Happy! Yes, how many guilds are there?"

Happy: "?"

It looked at Natsu with a black line on its face and said, "Natsu, we are just a cat. Do you expect a cat to know such a thing?"

Naz lowered his head in disappointment and said, "Happy is really useless."

Happy: "!?"

It pounced on Natsu's face angrily, then grinned and bit, and finally curled up on the ground covering his sore teeth and wept.

Okay, so thick-skinned!

At this time, Gerald, who had calculated for a while, raised his head and said tentatively, "It should be three or four hundred?"

"The correct answer is about five hundred."

Lin Qiong stretched out the five fingers of his right hand and shook them towards everyone, and then continued: "In the Western Continent, counting the regular guilds and the dark guilds, there are about [-] or more guilds."

"Seven, seven hundred?"

"It's amazing, there are two hundred more guilds than ours!"

"Stupid, that counts the Dark Guild—"

"That's too much!"

Looking at the noisy guys in front of him, Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, and said, "Do you know? In the Western Continent, there is a mage who integrated all the more than 700 mage guilds into his In his hands, he created a huge empire that ruled the entire Western Continent, that is——Magic Empire Alvarez.”

"Integrate seven hundred guilds together..."

"This, this is too powerful, isn't it?"

"The empire that ruled the entire continent—"

The magicians present all showed shocked expressions - although they did not know how powerful the empire that unified the Western Continent was, they judged others by themselves and imagined uniting all the magicians from the Ishgar Continent. The scene when you get up has a feeling of "Galactic Battleship taking off".

"Well, Master Lin Qiong, can I ask a question?"

At this time, Gerald raised his hand with a solemn expression, looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Why did you suddenly go to the Western Continent and mention this magic empire?"

Could it be that this empire will threaten the Ishgar Continent, and Master Lin Qiong's trip to the Western Continent is to collect information?

"Oh, there's no particularly important reason—"

Lin Qiong scratched his hair, then patted Zeref on the shoulder beside him, and said, "Because this guy is the mage who integrated the entire Western Continent, the emperor of the Alvarez Empire."

Natsu: "Oh, that's how it is—"

Gray: "My king—"

Gajeel: "Sounds very powerful——"

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Everyone: "Hey————!!!"

"Jie, Jeref is the emperor of the Western Continent?"

"This, today, isn't today April Fool's Day?"

"Master, this joke is not funny at all!!"

"It looks like they don't believe it."

Listening to everyone's chatter, Lin Qiong couldn't help but shrugged his shoulders towards Zeref, and said, "Why don't we go back this time and let the Alvarez Empire launch a war to conquer the continent of Ishgar? How about I ask Sky City to help you?"

"No, no, no, we believe it! We believe it so much!"

"Yes, yes, yes! No way, young master, really no way!"

"Master, calm down! We don't believe it either!"

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