Chapter 0556 This is the Diva, right?

"Flowers, ribbons, green plants, are you ready? And bring up the most beautiful landscape paintings and vases—"

"The freshest fruit, the clearest spring water, and the most delicious food, are they all ready?"

"Where are the top dancers and singers? Have you brought them here?"

"And the most famous juggling troupe and animal trainer? Bring them here!"

"I warn you, if anyone spoils His Majesty's good deeds, I will tear you apart—"

Looking at the ministers who were busy running around below, and their voices were a little hoarse, and the actual ruler of Alvarez, the Magic King Olgast asked calmly: "Is the matter going well?"

"Back to my lord—"

The mage standing behind him knelt on the ground on one knee, and said respectfully, "According to the current progress, everything should be ready before His Majesty arrives."

"Should? Inappropriate! The word 'should' is full of uncertainties—"

Ougaste stroked his beard, then shook his head lightly, and said: "The order will be passed on, all other matters can be postponed, and the reception must be perfect!"


The mage lowered his head, then quickly exited the room, conveying Olghast's order.

', His Majesty the Emperor...'

Olgast raised his head, looked at the city in the sky floating above the palace, and murmured in his heart: "What is the purpose of your return this time?" '


after an hour.

Under the long-awaited gaze of the wizards of the Alvarez Empire, Lin Qiong led a large group of people and landed on the square of the palace.

"Honestly, I have the feeling that I'm leading a large tour group—"

Lin Qiong turned his head and whispered to the eldest lady standing beside him, "And it's the most high-end local tyrant tour group."


The eldest lady who almost laughed out loud coughed a few times in a hurry, then suppressed a smile and poked Lin Qiong with her finger, and said, "Everyone is watching, don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Qiong said disapprovingly: "Don't worry if they can't hear you."

Protector's Twelve Shields: "..."

No, we can hear you, okay?I can really hear it! ! !

The eldest lady glanced suspiciously at the face opposite, who had no expression on her face, and asked, "Can't you really hear me?"

"I'm sure you can't hear it! If you don't believe me, let me demonstrate it for you—"

Lin Qiong winked at the eldest lady, then looked at the Twelve Shields of the Protectors, and whispered, "That little brother with the light blue onion braids, you didn't zip up your trousers—"

General Winter Inbel: "..."

General Dong, who vaguely heard the low laughter of his colleagues around him, clenched his fists and said to himself in his heart: 'Calm down!Be calm!Just pretend you didn't hear it, no, you just didn't hear it! '

But I am not an onion (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻.

"Look, there's no response."

Lin Qiong winked at the eldest lady, then looked sideways at Jeff, and said, "This is your territory, and I will leave it to you~"

"Okay, sir."

Jeff smiled slightly, then walked forward, looked at the Twelve Shields in front of him with a smile on his face, and said, "It's been so hard for you all to manage the Alvarez Empire these years—"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern!"

Eleven figures kneeled on the ground in unison, except...

'Then, that figure...'

Olgast stood there blankly, staring blankly at Mavis who was following Zeref and looking around curiously, "It's the mother, she must be the mother!" '

But, but, why did mother appear here?Why! ?

Wait, are you saying...

Olgast struggled to look away from Mebis, and then stood in the middle of the line, Lin Qiong, muttering in his heart; "He rescued his mother, so he became the "honored guest" in his father's mouth?" '

"Old man... old man!"

Kuiguo Brandish stretched out his hands anxiously and tugged at Olgast's robe, and shouted in a low voice: "What are you doing? Old man——"


Ougaste, who came back to his senses, hurriedly knelt down on one knee, and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty the Emperor! This subordinate is rude——"

"It's okay."

Jeff waved his hands indifferently, and walked towards the interior of the palace, saying, "Is everything arranged?"

Olgast kept his head down—he was worried that he would not be able to help staring at Mebis when he raised his head—and said: "The arrangement has been completed."

Jeff nodded slightly and said, "Then let's start according to the plan."


Olgast nodded lightly, and after all the members of the "tourist group" had entered the palace, he slowly straightened himself up, and said to the officials beside him, "Follow His Majesty's orders."


Officials rushed into action.

"Master, you almost scared me to death—"

Brandish walked up to Olgast with a look of fear on his face, and said, "I thought you were dissatisfied with His Majesty's absence for many years and were planning to become emperor yourself."

"Ridiculous, how could this old man be so rebellious? It's just that the old man has not seen His Majesty the Emperor for a long time, so he was a little excited for a while."

Olgast glanced at Brandish, shook his head, and said helplessly: "Okay, let's go in first! This time, the guests arriving this time are His Majesty's distinguished guests, and we must treat them well."


Brandish nodded helplessly, then obediently followed Olgast into the palace.



Lin Qiong took a bite of the orange fruit in front of him. Feeling the crisp taste and the juice blooming in his mouth, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression, and said, "I thought its color would be mainly sour, but I didn't expect it to be sour. It's pretty sweet!"

"My lord, this is a new type of fruit cultivated by Concubine Zhan—"

The young lady serving on the side said in a sweet voice: "It has both the rich juice of luoguo and the sweetness of red fruit! The only disadvantage is that the production is relatively scarce—"

To be honest, the tangerines served at this banquet are already the entire inventory of the Alvarez Empire for this quarter—at least for half a year, other people will not want to eat them.

Lin Qiong glanced at Timaria who was sitting on another table in surprise, and said, "Unexpectedly, a person with the title of 'Concubine Zhan' has cultivated a new type of fruit—"

No wonder in the follow-up comic "Hundred Years' War", the war concubine who has experienced the battle between the East and the West and became tired of fighting will finally choose to retire to the countryside-so, the war concubine is just a job, and farming is life, right?

"Maybe it's because her magic just happens to be more suitable for this kind of thing."

The eldest lady chewed the orange fruit in her mouth, and said to Lin Qiong thoughtfully: "She is good at time magic, so you only need to speed up the time of the cultivated plants, and you can quickly know the result of this cultivation."

Ordinary people still need to wait for the plants to grow when cultivating grafted new plants, but she can use the magic of time to quickly skip this process.

"That's right!"

Lin Qiong nodded with a smile, then took another bite of the orange fruit, and asked, "From your point of view, how is the level of this orange fruit?"

"If the full score is [-], you can score [-] points."

The eldest lady thought about it, and gave a not-too-high evaluation, saying: "The advantage is that the taste is crisp, juicy and sweet, but the disadvantage is that the sweetness of the juice is uneven, and the chewing time exceeds three seconds. There will be a bit of sourness..."

After hearing their conversation, the maid who was in charge of entertaining Lin Qiong and the eldest lady glanced at Concubine Zhan in horror, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she found that the other party's attention was not on her side.

"These two 'distinguished guests' are too courageous to talk about Concubine Zhan like this—"

The maid quietly swallowed, and said in her heart: "If the Concubine Zhan heard about it, they would definitely be hanged and smoked to death, right?" '

Fortunately, she is just an ordinary little maid, these horrible things have nothing to do with her, blah blah!


After halfway through the dinner, the wizards in charge of the show came to the square in front of the palace.

The first performer was a singer and magician who was in charge of the heat.

Lin Qiong listened to the beautiful singing, and thoughtfully said to the eldest lady beside him, "This is the singer."

"Poof—" x3

The lady who got the stalk, the secretary, and Youyou all covered their mouths, and the lady who was closest to Lin Qiong even buried her face on his shoulder, then shrugged her shoulders and lightly hammered him with her fist. Lin Qiong's back.

Who is this!Playing this kind of meme at this time!Necrosis is really——

Lin Qiong showed an unscrupulous smile, then picked up a French fries on the table, threw it over his head, and said, "A-Feng, what do you think?"

Feng Wang grabbed the French fries, and then asked with a blank expression: "Ah? What's the matter?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He asked: "What a singing voice! Aren't you Phoenix King? Comment twice——"

King Feng: "?"

She tilted her head and said, "How much more can I talk about if you ask me to comment on the flame or the way of life, and you ask me to comment on the singing? I suggest you quickly find Meloetta!"

"Tsk, it's really useless."

Lin Qiong showed a disgusted expression, and muttered: "Where is the agreed upon hundred birds chasing the phoenix? How come this forced phoenix doesn't understand the melody at all?"

Phoenix King: "???"

She pecked Lin Qiong's head viciously, and said, "You are a stereotype! It's like thinking that ugly people must know American style, black people must pick cotton, and neon people must bow!"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "But I think this impression seems to be correct."

King Feng: "?"

She thought for a while, then nodded, and said, "It seems to make sense."

The eldest lady and the secretary on the side: "?"

Craftsman spirit is a part of neon, don't play if you are unhappy!

Chapter 0557

this afternoon.

After the banquet is over.

Jeff stood in the gazebo in the garden, looked at Lin Qiong sitting in front of him, and asked with a light smile, "I wonder if the young master is satisfied with today's reception?"

"pretty good."

Lin Qiong nodded, and said with a smile: "It can be seen that the members of the Twelve Shields are already very hardworking."

Although it can only be regarded as about [-]% hospitality, it is already very good to be able to achieve this level in just one hour.

"Phew, it's good that the young master is satisfied."

Jeff breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head and glanced at Zoe, Nicole, Nilu, Wendy, and Mebis who were playing hide-and-seek in the garden, and said nervously, "Master, I don't know child..."

"Haven't you already met him?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin with his hand, looked at Jeff with a smile, and said, "Have you not recognized him yet? Olgast is your biological son."


All of a sudden, Jeff was shocked.

He couldn't help but think of the last time when Lin Qiong teased him, he said, "You looked up and saw an old face in his seventies and eighties."

"So you're serious—"

Jeff raised his hand to cover his face, and then smiled wryly: "Master, this news has a big impact on me, let me slowly—"

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