The reason for Jeff's complicated mood is not that his son is already an old man, but that he has known him for so long, but he has never recognized the other party's identity.

Jeff rubbed his face with his hands, and said bitterly, "I'm really ashamed of being a 'father'."

"Mr. Jeff, you don't have to blame yourself so much."

Yoyo looked at the pain on Zeref's face, and couldn't help comforting him in a low voice: "In order to suppress the curse of God Anxelam, you have been suppressing your magic power and heart, so you failed to recognize him. It's also understandable—"

The curse of the god Anxelam is a curse of contradictions.

The cursed person will uncontrollably release death ripples that wipe out everything around them - the more respect for life and the more love they have, the stronger the ripples they release.

In order not to repeat the mistake of killing Mebis, Zeref blocked most of his consciousness and magic power, allowing himself to wander in this world in a state of half-asleep and half-awake-this is also the reason why Zeref was born in heaven. The reason why Urrutia will defeat Wolf Island.

Jeff smiled wryly, then shook his head lightly, and said, "Miss Yoyo, you don't have to comfort me like this! If you make a mistake, it's a mistake, and I will apologize to him."

"Yes, take responsibility!"

Lin Qiong gave Jeff a thumbs up, and then asked curiously: "However, have you considered how to deal with Lakaid and Naz?"

Although Rakade is only a demon created by Zeref, but because it is second only to Natsu's perfect work, he was given the surname "Dragnir" - therefore, he regarded himself as Zeref. Husband and Mebis' child, and proud of it.

Natsu is the strongest and most perfect demon created by Zeref using his brother's corpse as material. He is also the body of the demon "END" - Zeref has always hoped that Natsu can kill him and bring him to the world. He is freed from the curse.

"This, this..."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Jeff rubbed his hands at a loss, and said falteringly: "I, I haven't made a decision yet."

For those failed works of the gate of Hades that despise human life and do not respect life, Jeff can treat them with indifference, but he still has a little bit of friendship for perfect works like Racked.

"I think so. Actually, you don't need to be so entangled -"

Lin Qiong glanced at Zeref, who was about to rumple his robe, and said, "Don't forget, you have a wife now—you must not ask Mebis about this, and refer to her Opinion?"


Jeff reacted immediately. He nodded as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and said, "I see. I will ask her opinion later."

"Okay! Then next—"

Lin Qiong stood up from the chair, then turned his head to the side, gave a thumbs up to Jeff, and said: "In 5 minutes, I will bring Olgast to the back garden! You and May Bees remembers to be ready."

Zeref nodded vigorously and said, "I know!"

For some reason, he felt the uneasiness of an old father whose child was abducted and sold by traffickers when he was a child. It took decades to find traces of him and come to meet him.

Nasty, really numb.


"Yo, how about viewing flowers?"

Lin Qiong walked to Ougaste, looked at the small garden outside the window, and said, "Or are you looking at people?"


Ougaste was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Lin Qiong, and asked, "What do you mean by your words?"

"Hey, you don't have to be so eloquent when talking to me."

Lin Qiong waved his hands, leaned carelessly on the window sill, and said, "Aren't you surprised to see Mebis revived?"

Olgast: "!"

He was startled, and then looked at Lin Qiong in disbelief.

"You were born with powerful magical powers, so you had your own consciousness before you were born—"

Lin Qiong fumbled out a Nestle wafer from his pocket, opened the package and took a bite, feeling the taste of the outer layer of chocolate melting on the tip of his tongue, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, "In other words, do you know Whose parents are yours, aren't you?"


Ougaste let out a breath slowly, and then asked with a serious face: "What is the purpose of your Excellency telling me this?"

Lin Qiong touched his head and said, "I just want to see your startled expression."

Olgast: "..."

This person is somewhat seriously ill.

"Elbow, I'll take you to meet your relatives."

Lin Qiong reached out and grabbed Olgast's wrist, and said, "This time Zeref took Mebis back to the Alvarez Empire, just to reunite the family."

family reunion...




Ougaste subconsciously followed Lin Qiong for a few steps, then stood up abruptly, and asked, "Old man... no, really, can I appear in front of them?"

"hold head high?"

Lin Qiong turned his head, looked at the little old man suspiciously, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"My father and mother are both so young, but I am already old——"

Olgast turned his head, looked at the face reflected in the mirror, and said in a low voice: "I'm going out with them, I'm afraid no one will treat me as their child?"

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Three big question marks popped up on Lin Qiong's head. He looked at Ougaste with a confused face and said, "How can there be parents who dislike their children? Don't you understand this when you are old?" Does it make sense?"

Of course, this sentence is not absolutely true!

After all, being a parent does not require an exam, so it is inevitable that there will be a few birth parents, but Jeref and Mebis are obviously not among them-since these couples can trigger the curse of God Anxelam, it is enough It proves that there is "love" in the hearts of these two people.

Facing Lin Qiong's words, Ougaste opened his mouth and said, "This..."

"Actually, before I picked you up, I already told Jeff about your identity, and he should have already told Mebis the news—"

Lin Qiong looked at Ougaste who was a little flustered and at a loss after hearing this sentence, and said, "Would you like to use magic to look at the back garden? See if your parents are full of expectations and anxiety, or A face full of resistance and retreat?"

Olgast raised the right hand holding the staff several times, but then put it down again—obviously, he was engaged in a fierce psychological struggle.

When Lin Qiong saw this, he did not urge him to make a decision as soon as possible. Instead, he leaned on the window sill again, lazily sharing the snacks in his arms with the Phoenix King above his head.


After a few minutes.

"Let's go."

Ogast was worthy of being the Magic King. After hesitating for a few minutes, he made a decision and walked towards the door of the room. "I believe that father and mother will not be like that."

"Hiss! To be honest, I wanted to ask you, what if your parents are like this? What if?"

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then shook his head with some pity, and said, "But after thinking about it, I'd better not mess with your mentality—how, am I interesting enough?"

Olgast: "..."

With a sullen face, he said with difficulty: "Thank you so much! You are so kind!"

Lin Qiong waved his hands with a smile, and said, "Thank you!"

Olgast sighed helplessly, then formally stepped out of the room and walked towards the back garden.


The top floor of the palace.

"I thought you would join in the fun——"

The eldest lady walked behind Lin Qiong who was sitting on the city wall, stretched out her arms and hugged him from behind, and said with a light smile, "Why are you sitting here alone in a daze?"

"Their family is reunited on the third floor, and I go there and serve as a light bulb?"

Lin Qiong turned his head dumbfounded, kissed the eldest lady on the face, and said, "I just think - it's really good - or something like that."

Missy: "Ah? Why did you suddenly express such emotion?"

"Because Zeref, Mebis, and Olgast recognized each other, right? If nothing else happens, under the influence of Mebis, Lakaid should also be recognized by Zeref—"

Lin Qiong lowered his head, snapped his fingers, and said with a smile: "Compared with the original plot, isn't this kind of development good?"

In the original plot——

When Olgast released the large-scale self-destruct magic, he saw Mebis' tears, so he interrupted the magic and dissipated between the heaven and the earth, and his parents—Geral and Mebis—finally I didn't even know I had such a child.

Racked, after being blackened, pierced his chest with his own hands, cried and asked Jeff on the ground, "Why? Father, am I not your child?", but what he got was a cold and ruthless denial. Finally died of a broken heart.

Thinking of this, the eldest lady couldn't help but bend her eyes, and said with a light smile: "Ah, you're right, that's great——"

Chapter 0558 shocked Lucy for a whole year

The next day, morning.

"Yo yo yo--"

Lin Qiong looked at the family of three who walked into the cafeteria together and said with a smile: "It seems that the three of you got along well yesterday~"

"Master, thank you."

Zeref bowed to Lin Qiong from the bottom of his heart and said with gratitude: "If it weren't for the young master, I'm afraid... I'm really, really grateful to the young master."

If it weren't for Lin Qiong, the curse on him and Mavis would not be lifted, Mavis would not be resurrected, and the family of three would not be reunited—the gratitude in his heart can no longer be expressed in words!

"Don't come here, I don't like to hear it."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said carelessly: "If you really want to thank me, you can make what I ask for earlier."

"Don't worry, young master!"

Jeff showed a smile. He patted his chest and said, "I already have an idea of ​​what you want, and I promise to finish it within a week!"


Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up, then looked at Ou Jiast, and asked: "I said Xiaoba—"

Olgast: "Xiao, Xiaoba?"

"That's right, doesn't Ojast mean August?"

Lin Qiong said confidently, "So is it wrong for me to call you Baba? I shouldn't call you Baba, right? That name really doesn't work!"

Old Ba's secret little magic!

Olgast twitched the corners of his mouth, and said dumbfoundedly: "You just want to be happy!"

My old bean's immediate boss, besides obeying him, do I have any other choice?

"Hey, I like you like this—"

Lin Qiong smiled, then picked up the fruit on the plate, took a big bite, and asked, "Your father... Chew Chew Chew... and your mother joined... Chew Chew Chew... Sky City, how about you?" ? Do you want to join in too?"

Olgast: "..."

He opened his mouth, feeling that he had spent more speechless in these few minutes than in his entire life.

"I finally got to know my father and mother, how could I give up the chance to be reunited with them?"

Ougaste looked at Lin Qiong, lowered his head slowly, and said, "Please allow me to call you, young master."

"Very good! I like this refreshing—"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, then stood up from the chair, did a set of stretching exercises, and said: "The benefit of your mother joining Sky City is to resurrect her, and the benefit of your father joining Sky City is to solve his problem. Curse, then your benefit is..."

While everyone was watching, Lin Qiong fumbled out a few bottles of panacea from his bosom, raised them above his head, and said loudly: "Brother Anzi! Give me some face, can you help me without affecting Ougaste's strength?" Under the circumstances, reduce his physical age to five years old?"

Jeff: "!"

Mavis: "!!"

Olgast: "!!!"

In the shocked eyes of the three, the will of God Anxelam descended from the sky. After taking away the panacea in Lin Qiong's hand, he left a thought: "A few sticks of K! Help you contact other gods, just wait!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up and said, "Brother An Zi is bright, good brother!"


Ogast immediately felt numb when he saw this battle for the first time, okay?

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