He held his chin with his left hand, pointed at Lin Qiong with his right hand, and stammered, "Father, father! Young master, young master..."

Who is this?How could someone summon the will of the gods so easily! ?And, and... what the hell is Brother An Zi! ?

"It's incredible, but it's true."

Jeff also sighed subtly, "Master, he is such an incredible person."

My dear father!This is no longer the word "incredible" can describe it?This is the will of the gods in person! !

At this moment, the will of the two gods descended at the same time——

Anxelam, the god of life and death, and Kunolos, the god of time.

The next moment, a silver-white light shrouded Ougaste's body, turning Ougaste from an old man into a child about five years old.

God Anxelam: "Good brother! The matter is done! I will help you to call my brother at any time in the future! My brother is leaving first——"

Lin Qiong clasped his hands and said, "Thank you so much, Brother An Zi! Way to go, Brother An Zi!"

God Cronos: "Ahem, well, if you need help anywhere, you can call me for help."

"Hey, isn't this a coincidence? In a few days, I might actually be busy and need my help!"

Without hesitation, Lin Qiong took out a panacea from his bosom, raised his hand, and said, "A little kindness, I hope my brother won't dislike it!"

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it!"

Feeling the laws of the other world contained in the panacea, Kunolos couldn't help but rubbed his hands with a fly in the God Realm, and said cheeringly: "Good brother, call brother anytime you need help!"

Lin Qiong nodded with a smile and said, "It's easy to talk! I won't be polite when the time comes!"

After sending away the will of the two gods, Lin Qiong turned around with a proud face, made a "V" gesture towards the petrified family of three, and said, "It's done! How is it? I'm handsome!" Not handsome?"

"Handsome, you are so handsome."

Jeff cupped his fists towards Lin Qiong from the bottom of his heart to show his respect, "I can't even think about talking and laughing with the gods."

"That's right! I, Lin Qiong, can go anywhere!"

Lin Qiong winked at Zeref with a proud look on his face, then set his sights on the little carrot head Ogast, and said cheerfully: "Now when you go out as a family of three, you won't be afraid of being caught. Misunderstanding?"

"I don't know how to express my inner gratitude—"

Ougaste looked down at his petite, white and tender hands, couldn't help sniffling, and said from the bottom of his heart: "The people I am most grateful for in my life are the parents who gave me life, and the next one is It's the young master."

"Hey, I don't like to hear that."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said with a clear face: "Just work hard for Sky City, understand what I mean?"

"Don't worry, young master!"

Ougaste's small face was full of seriousness, "I will definitely not disappoint the young master's expectations!"

"very good!"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "Next, do one more thing, and we can leave the Alvarez Empire!"

other people:"?"

Master, what else do you want?



"Huh? My mother's acquaintance!?"

After hearing the information from Lin Qiong, Lucy had question marks popping up in her head: "Why didn't I know that my mother still has acquaintances in the Western Continent!?"

"You know too much—"

Lin Qiong wordlessly poked her head with his finger and said, "You can summon Akuiya and ask. She should know the person I mentioned."

"Goo—I see."

Lucy covered her forehead with an innocent look, then took out the key to Aquarius and said, "Open it! Aquarius' door, Akuya!"

As the golden light flashed, an Aquarius protoss with long blue hair, wearing a bikini, and a fish tail appeared in the garden.

"Xiao! Lu! Xi!"

Akuya stretched out her right hand to pinch Lucy's face furiously, and said through gritted teeth, "I'm dating my boyfriend—boy! friend! friend!——you dare to disturb me?"


Lucy pointed at Lin Qiong next to her with tears streaming down her face, and said, "Yes, the young master asked me to summon you!!"

"Oh, it turns out that—"

Akuiya quickly put down her right hand, then showed a decent smile to Lin Qiong, and said: "I was so rude just now! I wonder if Lin Qiong needs my help?"

Lucy: Stay—

While rubbing her face, she muttered, "I'm your contractor, right?"


Akuya turned her head like a spirited young lady, glared at Lucy viciously, and said, "What did you say?"

Lucy said stiffly, "I, I say, you, you are so beautiful today—"

Akuiya raised her eyebrows and asked back, "You mean I wasn't pretty before?"

Lucy: "???"

Lucy showed a pained expression, and she raised her hands to cover her face: "I am obviously a girl, why do I have to face this kind of death?" '

Weird, so weird!

Lin Qiong almost died laughing.

Some people may think that Akuya's attitude towards Lucy is a little too much, but this is because Akuya regards Lucy as her own sister—especially as a sister who has personally experienced the bear that Lucy hates dogs. kid time.

think about it--

When Akuya was dressed up and was about to go out on a date with her lover, she was suddenly summoned by the bear kid Lucy, and she showed a smile with one missing front tooth, and said to her: "Akuya, Come play with me!"

Akuiya refused, saying that she had just made an appointment for a restaurant where she could see the Northern Lights, and she wanted to enjoy a delicious candlelight dinner with her boyfriend, so go play in the mud by yourself!

Then Lucy grabbed her fish tail and cried until her nose and tears flowed. In the end, she collapsed and could only cancel the date plan with Scarpio, and played hide and seek with Lucy with her face full of veins. Cat - God knows how hard it is for her to be like a peek-a-boo jumping around on land with a fish tail?

——So, it is normal for her to treat her little sister Xiong with such an attitude.

However, it was limited to herself. If outsiders dared to bully Lucy, she would definitely hold up her own water bottle to make the other party feel desperate.

"Okay, okay, Akuya, just spare Lucy."

Lin Qiong stopped Akuya's questioning of death with a look of gloating, and asked, "Do you still remember Grammy and her daughter Brandish?"


Akuya recalled it for a few seconds, then suddenly said: "Ah, it's puppy!"

Lucy: "???"

She looked at Akuya with a shocked expression.

Wait, wait!

Why are the members of the Twelve Shields of the Guardians called puppies by Akuya! ?

Chapter 0559 ingredients are somewhat complicated

Lucy didn't understand, but Lucy was shocked and even had a feeling of absurdity.

"No, it's not."

Lucy's eyes started to circle, "Akuya, do you know the members of the Twelve Shields?"

"The Twelve Shields of the Guardian? Ah! You mean Brandish? Because of Grammy, I used to stay with her for a while—"

Akuya raised her right hand to cross her slender waist, and explained: "Gramme is Brandish's mother, and also Leila's former attendant - after Leila married Jiude and retired from the mage After that, she handed over the three zodiac keys she held to three attendants, among which Speight got the key of Cancer, Zudir got the key of Capricorn, and Grammy held the key of Aquarius. key."

Lucy showed a stunned expression: "That's it! No wonder Akuya knows Brandish——"

"This time, Lucy specially asked you to come here, just to take you to meet an old friend from the past."

Lin Qiong smiled at Akuiya and said, "Of course, if it disturbs your date, then..."

Lucy: Poor stare-

"It's okay!"

Akuiya looked helplessly at the pitiful Lucy and said: "Anyway, there is a certain time difference between the human world and the spiritual world, so it doesn't matter if you delay a little."


Lucy let out a cheer, then threw herself on Akuya with a smile on her face, and said, "I knew Akuya would not leave me alone! I like you the most—"

"No Road Race! Let me go!"

"No, no, no!"

"let me go!"

"Ah, it hurts—"

Lucy covered her head and squatted in the corner with tears in her eyes.


"Hmph, this guy, after such a long time no see, he has become so good at enjoying himself?"

Akuya crossed her arms and looked at Brandish, who was lying on the lounge chair, wearing sunglasses, basking in the sun, drinking fruit juice, asking the maid to apply sunscreen and give her a full body massage, squinting and said: " My old lady hasn't done scale maintenance for more than a month!"

Lucy: "?"

She glanced at the fish tail behind Akuya, and couldn't help thinking: "Will Capulico maintain the horns on his head?"Will Scarpio take care of the scorpion tail behind him? '

I'm curious!

"You can ask her to give you a massage—"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, took out a dark brown bottle from his arms, and said, "This is the essential oil used by the Dragon Clan to maintain the scaly dragon. Do you want to try it?"

"Oh? The young master is magnificent!"

Akuiya's eyes lit up, she took the essential oil unceremoniously, then twisted her fish tail, and jumped to Brandish's side little by little while Lin Qiong and Lucy watched with suppressed laughter.

"Huh? Who told you to stop?"

Brandish, who was enjoying the good time with her eyes closed, noticed that the massage had stopped, so she opened her eyes with an unhappy look on her face and said, "Want to be... Karma?"

She, she, what did she see! ?

"Yo, Brandish! It's been a while, haven't you?"

Akuya squinted her eyes, pinched Brandish's chin with her right hand, and said with a smile, "You've become very good at enjoying—"

Brandish's expression: 0 mouth 0

"What do you mean by not talking?"

A vein popped out of Akuya's forehead, and she roared angrily, "Hey! I'm talking to you, can't you hear me!? Give me a little reaction!"


Brandish was terrified all over, and then said angrily: "Yes...I'm sorry, I, my master..."

Lucy in the distance: Σ( ° △ °|||)

She stared blankly at the picture in front of her, and said to Lin Qiong beside her, "Master, I suddenly feel that Akuiya's attitude towards me is so gentle!"

"That's true!"

Lin Qiong nodded, then gently pushed Lucy's back, and said, "Go quickly, don't waste time."

"oh oh--"

Lucy nodded, and walked towards the two of them at a loss...


"Well, not bad not bad—"

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