Akuya lay on the lounge chair, Brandish stood on top of her head, rubbing Akuya's shoulders attentively; Lucy stood beside her, smearing on her tail with tears streaming down her face. Essential oils for caring for scales.

Lucy: Why did I come out just now?

After receiving the compliment, Brandish showed a happy expression and said, "Thank you for the compliment, Master!"

Lucy: "..."

Before she had time to complain in her heart, she heard Akuiya's sullen voice: "Little! Lu! Xi! Didn't you hear me?"

Lucy raised her head, and immediately saw the unkind eyes of Akuya and Brandish.

Lucy: "???"

She doesn't understand, she doesn't understand.

It's fine for Akuya to stare at me, why are you staring at me! ?

Brandish looked at Lucy like an abandoned ex-girlfriend staring at her current girlfriend: "Gu Ya Ya, this, is this person the master's current master?"Damn it!Being able to stay with my master all the time, well, I'm so envious...'


The next moment, Akuya slapped Brandish on the chest, and then said with unkind eyes: "What kind of eyes are you!? I am your master, and Lucy is my master, don't you Know what that means?"


Brandish's aura just now dissipated, she sat on the ground holding a duckling like a shivering kitten, looked at Lucy pitifully, and whispered: "Big, big master..."

Akuya: "It's loud!"

Brandish was all excited, and said loudly, "Master!"

Lucy: Σ( ° △ °|||)

"I don't want to be your master—"

She hurriedly squatted in front of Brandish, grabbed Brandish's hand, and said, "Your mother and my mother are friends, so I hope to be friends with you too, is that okay?"

Brandish: QAQ

She showed a moved expression, then turned her head awkwardly, and said, "No."

Lucy: "??"

"Hey! Brandish, you bastard—"

Before Lucy could react, Akuya on the side pinched her face again with veins all over her face, and said, "I don't remember when I educated you to be such an awkward guy!"

Lucy blinked: "Awkward?"

Akuiya crossed her arms and slapped the happy-looking Brandish in the face with her fish tail with an annoyed look on her face, and said: "To put it simply, this guy is a tsundere."

Lucy couldn't help but looked up to the sky and sighed, and said, "The ingredients are actually a bit complicated."


King's capital.

Brandish House.


After seeing Lucy and Aqua who were following Brandish, Grammy hugged Lucy's head in tears, and said with a sob: "Miss, you, you really, really She looks exactly like Lady Layla..."

"Did you leave Leila for too long, causing your memory to go wrong?"

Akuya said something completely unkind with a gentle face, "Look carefully, how does this guy look like Leila with his stupid face?"

Lucy: "!"

She looked at Akuya angrily, and said, "This is also..."

Akuya: "Huh?"

She looked at Akuya weakly, and whispered, "No, nothing."

Brandish on the side: →_→

She whispered BB: "It's really useless."

Lucy: ヽ(Д)ノ

She glared at Brandish, and retorted: "You're useful? Then don't shake!"

"Lord Akuya is my master. Isn't it natural that I am useless in front of her?"

Brandish raised his head proudly, and retorted: "But you are the master of Lord Aqua, and if you are so useless in front of her, you are really useless."


Lucy let out a groan, and then clutched her chest, showing a painful expression.

No, can't refute! !

Grammy watched the interaction between Brandish and Lucy, and couldn't help but sat on the chair with tenderness, as if seeing the scene where she was with Leila once.

Akuya glanced at Gramme, whose eyes had lost focus, and asked, "Miss her?"

Grammy nodded silently, and said in a low voice, "I haven't seen Lady Leila for a long time."

"Since that's the case, how about Aunt Grammy moving back to the continent of Ishgar?"

Lucy on the side heard this conversation and couldn't help suggesting: "It's fine to live by yourself, or live in Heartfilia Manor—my mother will definitely welcome you very much!"

"This, this..."

When Grammy heard Lucy's words, she immediately showed a very moved expression. She looked at Brandish and said, "If Bran is willing..."

"No, mother."

Brandish lowered his head with a look of disappointment, and said softly, "I am the Twelve Shields of the Empire, and it is impossible for the Empire to let me go—"

Hearing her daughter's words, Grammy's expression froze, then she lowered her head in frustration, and murmured: "This, that's it..."

Her husband, who had died of illness, was able to leave the empire, but he was unwilling to do so in order to make contributions; her daughter was willing to leave the empire, but could not because of her own strength.

Is this life?

"It's not time to give up yet!"

Seeing Brandish's unbearable eyes and Grammy's disappointed expression, Lucy patted the table and stood up. She said seriously, "As long as Aunt Grammy and Brandish are willing, my companion and I I will do my best to help you leave!"

Akuya on the side couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard what Lucy said.

"No! I know how strong your companions are, but you are absolutely, absolutely impossible to be opponents of the Twelve Shields of the Holy Guardians—"

Brandish rejected Lucy's proposal without hesitation, and she said seriously: "You have no idea what kind of monsters the Twelve Shields of the Guardians are!!"

She couldn't just watch Lucy and her companions sacrifice their lives in vain.

Chapter 0560 iron baa -

"Bran is right, Miss Lucy, let's forget about this matter?"

Grammy's eyes dimmed a lot, but she still forced herself to show a smile and said, "I can't put Miss Lucy's friends in danger because of my willfulness."

Lucy opened her mouth. She felt that Aunt Grammy's words were also meant for her—Miss, you can't put your friends in danger because of your willfulness.


Akuya on the side couldn't help but clicked her tongue. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Brandish, and asked, "Brantish, is the strength of the Twelve Shields of the Guardians really so exaggerated?"

"It's more exaggerated than what I said - my title in the Twelve Shields is 'Craft Country', which means that with my own strength, I can easily defeat a country."

Brandish took a deep breath, and said with a serious face: "However, my ranking among the twelve shields is not in the top five."

Hearing Brandish's words, Lucy couldn't help showing a shocked expression, and she murmured: "If you can easily defeat a country, isn't that even more powerful than the Holy Cross? But, but, such strength is beyond the reach of the Holy Cross." Not in the top five..."

"More importantly, the higher the rank of the wizard, the more exaggerated his strength—"

Brandish's voice was full of pressure and fear, "Especially Mr. Olgast, who is ranked number one, he doesn't even need a second move to beat me."

Lucy: "..."

She opened her mouth helplessly like a fish landing on the shore, and then looked at Akuiya as if asking for help, but saw the other party shake her head gently: "Give up for now! Lucy, with your current strength, Even if all members are here, they are definitely not opponents of the Twelve Shields of the Guardians."

"I understand."

Lucy took a deep breath, then looked into Brandish's eyes seriously, and said, "Wait for me, I will definitely become stronger, and then come back here to take you away!"

"I, I don't particularly want to leave—"

Brandish turned his head away and said, "No, but if you insist on taking me away, I can't help it."

Lucy couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "Don't be arrogant at a time like this!!"

"Well, can I say a few words?"

At this moment, Lin Qiong, who was standing at the door, weakly raised his hand and said, "Actually, I just wanted to say it, but I see that you are well prepared, so I don't want to disturb you."

Brandish knew that Lin Qiong was His Majesty's guest, so naturally he would not stop him: "Master Lin Qiong has anything to say, just say it."

"Oh, then I said it—"

Lin Qiong cleared his throat and looked at Brandish.

"Actually, if you want to leave this land and return to Ishgar, it's not as difficult as you imagine."

Brandish: "Huh?"

"I remember that Lucy should know - the emperor of the Alvarez Empire has joined the Sky City."

Brandish: "Huh??"

"Besides him, Olgast and Lakaide from the Twelve Shields also joined Sky Castle."

Brandish: "Huh???"

"If there is no accident, we are going to leave in these two days. You can take a ride and go back to Ishgar together."

Brandish: "..."

Her eyes were confused, and she looked at Lucy: since you know?Then why didn't she tell me?

Lucy: "..."

Her eyes were very guilty, she looked away: she was accidentally infected by the atmosphere, and forgot everything.


Castle in the Sky.


"Tsk tsk, your magic is really convenient to use to move bricks—"

After Lin Qiong watched Brandish restore the mansion that had been shrunk down to the size of a fingernail and put it in his pocket back to its original size, he couldn't help but said, "It might be good to use it for logistics! "

Not only can the size and shape of the target be changed, but its weight can also be modified accordingly. Not moving bricks is really a loss for the civil engineering industry.

Brandish: "..."

Others commented on my magic as "the magic that crushes a country", but you commented on my magic as "a master at moving bricks"?

I thank you!

"Master Lin Qiong, thank you so much."

Grammy bowed towards Lin Qiong gratefully, and said, "If it wasn't for your help, I don't know when I would be able to go back to see Lady Leila."

Lucy: "..."

She clutched her chest with some heartache, looked at Grammy sadly, and said quietly: "Aunt Grammy, can't you have more confidence in me?"

"Is there a possibility—"

Akuya on the side said mockingly: "She firmly believes that you can't do it?"

Lucy: "???"

Hey, I'm so angry!

She raised the key angrily and said, "Close the door of Aquarius!"

With a flash of golden light, Akuya disappeared.

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