There was a flash of golden light, and Akuiya was back.

"Qiang, open the door forcibly!?"

Lucy looked at Akuya with a question mark on her face, and said, "You can do this trick too?"

Normally, the protoss needs to be actively summoned by the protoss mage to come to the human world, but the powerful protoss can forcibly descend to the human world - Leo used this method to stay in the human world forcibly world, and finally killed the star magician named Kallen.

"What? Leo can do it, but I, Akuya, can't do it?"

Akuya smiled slightly, then wrapped her arms around Lucy's neck, and said with gritted teeth, "You little girl, have you really become more courageous lately, haven't you? How dare you forcefully close my door?"

Lucy hurriedly patted Akuiya's arm, begging for mercy: "I was wrong, I was wrong! I won't dare next time!!"

Akuiya was furious: "Do you still want to have a next time??"

Lucy burst into tears and said: "There is no next time, there is no next time!!"

Brandish looked at this scene enviously, and said, "That's great!"

Lucy: "There's no such thing as envy!!!"


At noon that day, the restaurant.


Lucy looked sadly at Akuya, who was sitting opposite, and Scarpio, who was holding her in his arms, and said: "Akuiya, didn't you say that you and Scarpio made an appointment to see the North Pole? A light restaurant?”

"Yeah! It was originally like this, but the food at Master Lin Qiong's side tastes better than that restaurant—"

Scarpio showed a handsome smile, then glanced at Akuya affectionately, and said, "Only this kind of food is worthy of my beautiful Akuya."


Circles of love appeared in Akuya's eyes. She hugged her boyfriend's body tightly, and the fish tail slapped Brandish behind her with a happy face.

Lucy: "..."

Who can tell her, should she complain about Akuya, who usually behaves like a tigress in front of her, who is now unbearable, or should she complain about Brandish, who deliberately leans against the fish's tail to get beaten?

"Boom boom boom——"

Just when Lucy was in a mess in the wind, with the sound of rapid footsteps, several wizards had already come to her and looked at her with fiery eyes.

Lucy: "..."

She subconsciously leaned back her upper body, and asked nervously, "You, what are you looking at me for?"

Natsu: "Lucy! Uncle Qiong said, you brought back a mage from what twenty shields?"

Gray: "Idiot, it's the Twelve Shields of the Guardians! They are the strongest mages in the Western Continent!"

Gajeel: "Hey! The strongest? How strong?"

Laxus: "At least it is at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings of Ishgar."

"Oh oh oh, I'm on fire!"

Natsu put his hands on Lucy's shoulders with bright eyes, and said impatiently, "Lucy, let your friends compete with me!"

"Idiot, it should be a showdown with me!"

Gray squeezed Natsu away and said, "Lucy, don't listen to Natsu, let your friend and I... poof!!"

Before Gray finished speaking, he was knocked away by Natsu and buried his head in Juvia's chest.

"Master Gray actually threw himself into Juvia's arms!?"

After Juvia came to his senses, he put his arms around Gray's head shyly, and said, "Could it be that today, today is the day of cultivation?"

At this moment, Juvia has already imagined the picture of her wedding with Gray, the picture of giving birth, the picture of the child growing up, and the picture of the child getting married.

"Lord Gray—"

Juvia hugged Gray's head with a happy face and murmured: "Juvia has lived a very happy life~"

Gray: "..."

He pulled out his head, then glanced at Juvia who was writhing like a maggot, and quickly turned his attention to Natsu.

"Hanging eye, are you looking for trouble?"

"Drop your eyes, you're just looking for trouble, right?"

"Huh?" x2

Their foreheads were pressed against their foreheads, and they looked like they were about to open up if they disagreed, which made Lucy look terrified-don't get me wrong, she was not worried that the two would fight, but that she was worried that she would be involved in it.

"I said, you two, pay attention to—"

Irene, who was eating at another table, glanced at her two juniors speechlessly, and said, "This is the restaurant of Sky City, if you ruin this place because of a fight..."


Natsu and Gray suddenly stopped, and they glared at each other, then pointed to the outside at the same time, and said in unison: "Training ground? Let's go!"

Lucy: "..."

So, didn't you guys come to find Brandish to have a showdown?How did your own people fight with your own people in the end?

Forget it, the civil war is a part of Fairy Tail, so don't play if you are unhappy.

"Okay, the guy who got in the way has gone—"

After Natsu and Gray rushed to the training ground with their foreheads against their foreheads, Gajeel immediately stood in front of Brandish with a look of fighting spirit, staring at her: "The Twelve Shields of the Alvarez Empire, Let's compete with me! Hee hee!"

'I feel like it will be super troublesome if I get entangled with these guys——'

Brandish, who observed Natsu and Gray's quarrel, was silent for a few seconds, then pointed to Lucy and said, "Lucy is my master, if you want to fight me, go through her level first."

Lucy: "???"

Brandish, what the hell—

Chapter 0561 Vulcan Dragon Dignified Arrival

Restaurant on the second floor

"It looks like they get along pretty well—"

Lin Qiong leaned on the railing in front of him, looked at the noisy mages below, and looked at the family of four behind him happily, and said, "Just like you."


Mebis looked at Lin Qiong with some embarrassment, and said, "Don't make fun of us."

"no problem!"

Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up and said, "The task of making you shy is Zeref's, so I won't get involved."

Mavis flushed and waved his hands: "Master!!!"

Jeff on the side scratched his face shyly, looking at a loss.

"Hee hee hee--"

Lin Qiong laughed a few times, then squatted on the ground, and said to Olgast and Racked: "Your parents are really loving."

Olgast showed a grateful smile and said, "It's all thanks to the young master's help."

Ogast never dared to dream of such a happy picture, but now it has become a reality.

Racked looked like he was about to cry, and choked up and said, "I'm really, really thankful, young master."

Racked had dreamed of really getting Jeff's approval, and now he has succeeded.

"Why didn't they cry? You two cried..."

Lin Qiong hadn't finished speaking when he saw Jeff and Mebis with red eye circles, scratching their hair in confusion, and said, "Yes, we're all crying."

"Sorry, master! I'm just a little emotional—"

Jeff looked at Lin Qiong embarrassedly, and said, "I really, really appreciate the young master! If it wasn't for the young master..."

"Stop, stop, stop -! I'm really not very good at facing this kind of picture!"

Lin Qiong interrupted Jeff's words uncomfortably, "If you really thank me..."

Jeff said with a smile on his face: "... just make what you want as soon as possible, right?"

"Good guy, you have learned to answer quickly."

Lin Qiong laughed, then touched his chin with some doubts, and said, "Why do I feel that this conversation has happened before?"

The dumb hair on Mebis' head trembled, and then said embarrassedly: "Probably because he thanked the young master so much last time."

"It seems like this is really the case -"

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said angrily, "Don't do this again next time!"

"Okay, I see, master."

Zeref nodded, then changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, when will the young master leave the Western Continent and return to Ishgar?"

"The purpose of coming to the Western Continent this time is to reunite your family of four. Now that the purpose has been achieved, we can leave at any time."

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "However, it may take some time before I return to Ishgar—I'm planning to go to the Northern Continent first."

Four people: "Northern Continent?"

"Yes, Northern Continent, Chirutina."

Lin Qiong propped his chin and said, "That's right, 400 years ago..."

He migrated the dragons 400 years ago to the North Continent, and then he was taken aside by the fact that he took the sky city one by one.

"... Now that 400 years have passed, I am a little curious about what the vegetable dragons look like now."

Lin Qiong showed a smirk, and said, "By the way, beat them up again."

Jeff opened his mouth, and then said with a complicated expression: "Master, you are really not a human being."

Lin Qiong: "I will give you a chance to reorganize the prophecy."

Mebis: "Master, you really worked so hard to test the progress of those dragons."

Lin Qiong: "Very good, as expected of a goblin military adviser! You eat first, I'm going to find Erina—"

The two said, "Master, let's go—"


Albarez Empire.

Royal Palace.

"So, what should we do now?"

The remaining Jiudun looked at the letter in front of him with a blank expression.

Emperor Huang Yu voluntarily abdicated, and ran away with Sir Ougaste and Lakaide, what should we do?Quite urgent, wait online.


Day three.

Training Course.

After being pestered by Naz and the others for two days, the annoyed Brandish finally gritted his teeth and agreed to a duel.

"The fire dragon's iron...eheheheh?"

Natsu swung his right fist and launched a fierce attack towards Brandish, but in the process of sprinting, he found that his body was getting smaller and smaller, and then was lightly bounced away by Brandish with his fingers.

"too weak."

Brandish lazily put her hands on her hips and said with a speechless expression: "Are all of you Ishgar magicians so weak?"

Magisters lying on the ground staggeringly: "..."

Damn it, I really want to refute her, but isn't her magic too sloppy?

"How on earth can we defeat this kind of ability?"

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