Gray lay on the ground of the training ground with a dazed expression, and murmured: "After the body is shrunk, the power of magic has also become smaller. You can't beat her at all—"

"Moreover, with her level of strength, she is not among the top five in the Western Continent..."

Gerald looked at Brandish who had walked to the lounge chair on the sidelines, drinking juice gracefully, and said solemnly: "It's hard to imagine what kind of monsters are ranked above her. .”

Lin Qiong: "..."

He thought for a while, but he still didn't tell them the news that Olgast, the apex of the Twelve Shields, had also joined Sky City. Instead, he clapped his hands calmly and said, "You hot-blooded boys and girls! There is still about half an hour before we will arrive at the mysterious Northern Continent!"

"Oh, Northern Continent!"

Because of his lack of brain, Natsu recovered from the ground, raised his hands with excitement, and shouted loudly: "Is it finally here? Wahaha, I can't wait to meet with the Northern Continent." The mages are fighting!"

Gajiru on the side also raised his hands excitedly, and shouted loudly, "Ta T T T A KEEP, T T T T T A T T A T T T T T A T!"

Lin Qiong shook his head regretfully, and said, "Can Nian, our target this time is not the mages of the Northern Continent?"


All the mages showed expressions of extreme disappointment.

Lin Qiong grinned and said loudly: "Because our goal this time is the dragons who fled to the Northern Continent 400 years ago in order to avoid the oppression of the black dragon!"


All the mages cheered with extreme excitement.

"By the way, Natsu—"

Lin Qiong stretched out his finger and pointed at Naz—actually pointing to Ignilu in his body—and said loudly: "Your adoptive father——Ignilu—'s own son, Igonia lives in the northern continent. !"

Natsu: "Huh?"

Ignilu: "Huh!?"

One person and one dragon showed the same shocked expression, and Lin Qiong couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Ignir also looks like Ignir, but to really see the spiritual core, you have to look at Natsu—"

"Ignilu's child?"

After Natsu reacted, he showed a happy longing expression on his face, and said, "I don't know what kind of dragon it will be?"

"Well, I advise you not to expect too much from Igonia—"

Lin Qiong thought about Igonia's performance in the century-old mission, and said: "As far as I know, Igonia is different from Ignilu, and is not a dragon that is close to humans."

Strictly speaking, the dragons in the Northern Continent are similar to Akunologia—they don't deliberately kill humans for fun, but they definitely don't care about human life or death.

There was a hint of sullenness on Naz's face, he just clenched his fist and said through gritted teeth: "If that's the case, then I'll beat him!"

"I'll give you a chance to fight him one-on-one"

Lin Qiong patted Naz on the shoulder and said, "But don't expect too much, your current strength is not his opponent."

The current Naz doesn't even master the Yanlong King mode, even if Explosive Seed is not Igna's opponent.

"Damn it! Fram Oji-san—"

After Natsu stomped his feet angrily, he turned his head and rushed towards the Purgatory Dragon who was roasting chicken wings in the open space, and shouted: "Ojisan, give me special training! I must teach that Igonia a lesson. The dragon can't do it!"

Purgatory Dragon: "No, my chicken wings..."

The purgatory dragon looked desperately at the chicken wings he had just baked and fell into the hands of other dragons. He couldn't help crying, and then beat Naz severely.


After half an hour.

Over the North Continent.

"Thief hahaha——"

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Qiong crossed his arms, stepped on the city wall with his right foot, and said loudly: "Northern Continent, I, Qiong Hansan, am back again!!"

The eldest lady supported her forehead, shook her head helplessly, and said, "This guy has gone crazy again."

The secretary comforted him from the side: "Young master is like this, just get used to it."

Youyou narrowed her eyes, and couldn't help but said with a smile: "Is this also the characteristic of Qiongnijiang?"

Natsu raised his hands high and spit out a cluster of flames: "I'm on fire!"

Laxus clenched his fists restlessly, and said in a low voice, "Why does the closer you get to the Northern Continent, the more strange you feel."

Yami sat on the ground with a bored look on his face, stretched out his little finger to pick his nose, and then wiped it silently on Ulquiorra's trouser legs, complaining: "Anyway, we don't have a chance to take action, boring -"

Grimmjow clenched his fists indifferently and said with a ferocious smile: "What does it matter whether I take action or not at this time? I have mastered the leopard dragon form. After returning to Hueco Mundo, I will definitely let those riding on top of me The guy was shocked.”

Yami didn't answer, but judging from the angle of the corner of his mouth, he obviously has the same mood as Grimmjow - when I return to the virtual circle, I will definitely open the Holy Swastika and open the Fury Dragon at the same time Form, hammer you all to rattle!

Just when everyone's emotions were high, an undisguised and powerful aura appeared directly above the sky, and the terrifying high temperature pushed the clouds away, revealing the figure behind it.

"Is that... Ignilu? No, it's just very similar!"

Natsu raised his head and looked at the giant red dragon hovering over the dragon in the sky city. The raging flames that represented the fighting spirit were ignited in his eyes, "It's the child of Igniru!"

Vulcan dragon Igonia.

Dignified coming!

Chapter 0562 who made them like this?

"Huo? After feeling the aura of the Sky City, you didn't choose to hide and shiver, but instead came to the door?"

Lin Qiong raised his head, looked at Igonia who was hovering in the air, and looked at the city of the sky with his eyes, grinned, and said, "I haven't seen you for 400 years, Charmander."

Igonia: "#"

"I'm not some Charmander—"

A visible vein burst out on his forehead, and when he turned his head, a stream of flames spat out towards Lin Qiong, "I am now a Vulcan Dragon——!!"


At this time, a burly figure appeared in front of Lin Qiong. He opened his mouth and swallowed all the flames that Igonia spit out into his stomach.

"Boy, your flame has become a little more delicious——"

Purgatory Dragon wiped the corner of his mouth, then looked at Ignatius provocatively, and said, "However, it's not hot enough—try my flame!!"

The hot hell of the Purgatory Dragon! !


Crimson flames spit out from the purgatory dragon's mouth and flew straight to Igunya in the air.

"Well, okay, it's so hot -"

Even if it was an example of more than ten meters apart, the little mages still felt a hot feeling, and the most unbearable one was Gray, who was an ice mage—he wanted to take off his underwear and Fortunately, Wu Lu stopped it.


Seeing the approaching flames, Igonia opened his mouth without fear, and sucked the flames into his belly with a strong inhalation, "Astrafram, I am not the one I was 400 years ago. It's me—after 400 years of penance, my strength is no less than that of the black dragon Akunologia!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help laughing, and said: "You boy, do you really dare to say it? It's no less than a black dragon? Where did you get the courage?"

"Do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

Ignir lowered his height, and then in a vortex of flames, he turned into a young man with sky-high hair, black lines on his body, and a full face. "The power of the black dragon left a deep impression on our memory back then. impression, so I can guarantee that I have gone beyond..."

"Beyond the black dragon four hundred years ago, right?"

Lin Qiong interrupted Igunya's words, and then said with a sneer: "Is there a possibility, that is, the black dragon has also become stronger in the past 400 years?"

Ignatius: "..."

He opened his mouth in a daze, then staggered to support the city wall beside him, and muttered: "Could it be that what I surpassed was only the black dragon of the past?"

"Thief hahahaha! Kid——"

Purgatory Dragon walked up to Igunya, looked down at him, and said, "Want to surpass the Black Dragon? First surpass Lao Tzu before saying such things!"

Even Qunlong, who started to switch to Yuanli cultivation method, doesn't have the guts to say that he has surpassed the black dragon. Where do you get the confidence, you little bastard?

"Do you think I dare not?"

Ignatius stared at the Purgatory Dragon with a ferocious face, and a trace of flames floated from the corner of his mouth, causing the air to be distorted by the heat, "Don't think that I am still the same as I was 400 years ago—"

"You've already said that once—"

The purgatory dragon bent down, stared into Igna's eyes, and said word by word: "Strength is not spoken, it is fought!"

"Then hit..."

Igunya's fighting spirit had just risen when he was interrupted by a loud roar, "Oh! Igna, fight me to win!!"

With the help of Happy, Natsu flew to the city wall, and then stared at Igna, who had turned into a human form, with a fighting spirit.

"The smell on your body... ah, I know! You are Igniru's adopted son, Natsu, right?"

When Igunya saw Naz, he immediately showed a tyrannical smile, and a scorching air flow spread from his body, making Lin Qiong's clothes squeak, "What a coincidence, I have feelings for you too." How much interest! Let’s have a showdown—”

"Oh, I'm on fire!"

Natsu fully proved with his own actions what is called a red reckless man - he waved his fist and rushed towards Igonia, "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!!"

Igunya crossed his arms and looked at Natsu, who was getting closer and closer, expressionlessly, and then he took the iron fist with his face without dodging, avoiding or letting go.

"That's it? Natsu, you really let me down."

Igunya's eyes twitched, looking at the stunned Natsu with contempt and disappointment, and said: "Iguniru really made a mistake, that's why he accepted you as his adopted son."

"You, what did you say!?"

Naz's expression suddenly became very terrifying, and a raging flame ignited on his body, "Take back what you just said!"

"This toy flame—"

Ignatius stretched out his hand, grabbed a handful of Natsu's flames and stuffed them into his mouth, then frowned with disgust, and said, "The power is weak, and the flames are unpalatable——Natsu, you don't deserve to be called Igou Neru's child!"

"What did you say!?"

Naz was immediately irritated by Igna's words, and he spit out flames at Igna without hesitation: "The roar of the fire dragon!"

"So, you are too weak!!"

Igunya shook his head, and a stronger flame spewed out from his mouth: "The roar of the Vulcan dragon!!"

The golden flame overwhelmed Natsu's roar in an instant, and the fiery flame completely suppressed Natsu and knocked him to the ground.


Laxus, who was the fastest, came under Natsu first. He stretched out his hands to catch Natsu who had fallen into a coma, but just as he touched Natsu's body, he showed a painful expression: "It's so hot!"

Lucy on the side exclaimed: "Laxus, your arm—"

"Laxus Nisan, quickly put Naz Nisan on the ground—"

Wendy stretched out her hands with a serious face, and said, "You were burned just by touching Naznisan's body. You can imagine how terrible his body temperature is - I must treat him immediately!"

"Wu Lu and I are also here to help—"

Gray and Wu Lu squeezed to Natsu's side together, and he said eagerly: "We use ice magic to help him physically cool down."



Looking at the mages surrounding Naz, Ignatius showed a disdainful expression, and said, "Weak dragon slayer mages, weak humans—as expected, the weak like to gather together!"

Purgatory Dragon: "?"

He thought for a while, and then reminded him very kindly: "Let me remind you kindly, there are twenty dragons gathered together in Sky City, are you sure you don't want to change your statement?"

"I, Igonia, roared and pitted, and never changed what I said—"

Ignatius crossed her arms and said with her head held high: "Weak humans just like to gather together!"

Lin Qiong: "..."

You think I didn’t hear it, but have you actually changed your words?

"Hey, you smart guy—"

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