The Purgatory Dragon naturally heard Iguni's change of words. He sneered, then twisted his neck and said: "Next, let me taste your quality - Iguni who claims to surpass the black dragon Little kid.”

"Then you have to be careful, don't get hurt by the kid in your mouth——"

Ignatius grinned, tilted his head and showed a rebellious smile, "Vulcan Dragon's Iron Fist——!"

The Infernal Dragon raised his right fist wrapped in flames without fear, faced Igunia's fist, and shouted: "The Infernal Dragon's scorching iron fist!"


The two fists collided firmly, and the hurricane of disgust caused the mages below to show shocked expressions.

Sting raised his head, looked at the two dragons who were maintaining their fisting posture, and murmured: "It's more shocking than the battle I saw when Da Mo Dou performed martial arts—"

Gerald said with a serious face on the side: "That's because the strength of the two dragons here far exceeds the dragon group that Rogge will summon in the future."

Gajeel clenched his fist tightly, and said with a face of unwillingness: "Damn it, I'm still too weak! I have to continue training!"


The Purgatory Dragon and Vulcan Dragon, who were burning with fighting spirit, didn't care about the thoughts of the mages below.

"Elbow of Vulcan Dragon!"

"Purgatory Dragon's Destructive Elbow!"

"The Vulcan Dragon's Wing Strike!"

"Infernal Dragon's Hell Wing Strike!"

The two-headed dragon gave full play to its characteristics of a red reckless man, completely forgetting the words "defense" and "strengthening", and implemented the fighting idea of ​​"a real man should punch to the flesh".

You punch me, I punch you back;

You give me a cubit, and I will give you a cubit;

You give me a slap, and I give you back a slap.

Lin Qiong, who was watching, was hungry, and while eating snacks with Feng Wang, he sighed: "The red reckless man just serves dinner, and he deserves to be called a cook."

"You're talking weird stuff again."

Feng Wang looked at the Purgatory Dragon and Vulcan Dragon who were fighting each other purely with physical strength, and asked Lin Qiong, "Who do you think will win?"

After Lin Qiong found out about the condition of the two dragons, he smacked his lips and said, "Although I'm sorry for Rem, he should be the one who lost—the gap of 400 years cannot be made up by a few months of practice."

"Then let me help him quietly, isn't it okay?"

Feng Dynasty looked at Lin Qiong and blinked, and said, "For example, infuse him with a one-off sacred fire?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

Good guy, are you going to help him hang up directly, okay?

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and said with a headache: "Well, wait until I ask him - after all, some people have strong self-esteem and may not be able to accept this kind of off-site help."

King Feng nodded to express his understanding, and then quietly waited for Lin Qiong's contact.

Lin Qiong scratched his head, and sent a sneaky message: "Rem, Phoenix King is going to secretly add buffs to you, but I'm worried..."

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, Purgatory Dragon replied in a hurry: 'Quick, quick!Give me BUFF quickly!This kid has become a bit tricky after 400 years of training, I don't want to lose face! ! '

Lin Qiong: "..."

While gesturing to Phoenix King to secretly strengthen the Purgatory Dragon, he said with a complicated expression: "Why are these people around me becoming more and more unscrupulous? Hey, who made them become like this?"

King Feng: "?"

Oh, you don't know what to do, do you?

Chapter 0563 The Three-Year Covenant

During Feng Wang's silent operation, a small ray of one-time sacred fire merged into the body of Purgatory Dragon, making him refreshed for a while.

"Boy, after 400 years of cultivation, he claims to have surpassed the black dragon..."

The Purgatory Dragon looked at the Vulcan Dragon and grinned, and said proudly: "Is it only at this level in the end?"

"Huh? Why do you look so awesome!?"

The flames of Igonia's anger became stronger, "Is it obvious that you are at a disadvantage now? What are you arrogant about?"

"Hey! You don't really think that Lao Tzu's strength is only at this level, do you?"

The purgatory dragon sneered, then stared at him, and the flames that were much hotter than before gushed out of his body, causing Igonia's fist to shrink suddenly, "The senior gave the junior's welfare time just now, and now begins , is the real showdown—”

'It's so hot—'

Igunya looked at the blisters on his fist, and looked at the purgatory dragon wrapped in flames with disbelief—he couldn't believe it, and he couldn't believe that, as the son of the Fire Dragon King, he had grown into a Vulcan Dragon , Will be scalded by the flames! ?

"Why didn't you speak?"

Purgatory Dragon tilted his head, walked towards Igonia with a domineering face, and said in a deep voice: "If you don't come over, I will take the initiative!!"

The scorching iron fist of the Purgatory Dragon!

The iron fist wrapped in blazing flames hit Igunya's abdomen directly, and the impact force that penetrated his body overflowed from his back, turning Igunya into a red-hot prawn.

"Ugh... vomit..."

He hung on the arm of the purgatory dragon in embarrassment, but in the end he couldn't hold back, and made a retching sound in embarrassment.

"Hey, is it only this level?"

The purgatory dragon threw Igonia to the ground as soon as it exerted force on its arm, "Weren't you very arrogant just now?"

"Ugh, you, you... ph... ph..."

Ignatius supported the wall next to him, stood up unsteadily from the ground, then wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said with a gloomy face: "It seems that you have also experienced hardships in the past 400 years. training—”

Purgatory Dragon: "..."

I really can't bear to tell him that the castle in the sky came to this era through the eclipse gate, and we haven't lived through 400 years at all, and the reason why I can beat you now is because of cheating up.

"You don't think that during these 400 years, all the dragons except you have been standing still?"

Purgatory Dragon was silent for a few minutes, then looked at Igonia indifferently, and said, "Whether it's me or Akunologia, they have become stronger than before."

"I've already experienced this kind of thing, but I haven't lost—"

Igonia opened his hands, raised his face to the sky with an angry roar, and under the wrap of the flames, his body turned into a dark red dragon that was very similar to Ignilu, "Okay, let's start the second round! "

"Don't you think that if the human body can't beat me, the dragon form can come back?"

The purgatory dragon grinned, and flames overflowed from the corner of his mouth, "I will break your fantasy!!"

Under the entanglement of the flame vortex, a giant dragon made of fiery flames appeared above the Sky City. The rushing heat made the mages below gasp heavily.

Is this the dragon at the peak of the dragon's strength?

"Vulcan Dragon—True Roar!"

Ignatius raised his head and spit out a golden flame towards the Purgatory Dragon. The terrifying heat made the vegetation in the Sky City garden look dying.

"The Purgatory Dragon's—True Hot Hell!"

As a standard fire-type reckless red chef, when did Purgatory Dragon ever persuade him in a head-to-head battle?He opened his mouth without hesitation, and spit out an equally hot flame towards Igonia.


The two roars collided in the air, and the energy released caused the onlookers below to fall to the ground.

"Are you kidding!? It's just the aftermath of the attack..."

"Is this the dragon at the top of the fire system? It's not at the same level as Nazgo's heat—"

"Not enough, the intensity of training is not enough!"

This group of young children was not crushed by the tremendous pressure, on the contrary, they ignited even more fighting spirit-their thoughts at this time were to train well, and then one day they would be able to become participants in this level of battle. Instead of just watching with helplessly like now.


After the flames of the two sides stalemate for a while, the curtain ended with Igonia's defeat—the flame spit out from the purgatory dragon's mouth quickly overwhelmed Ignya's roar, wrapping his body in the flames.


Igunya let out a scream, and he felt as if the scales on his body had been burned, which made him not only doubt whether he was a metal dragon or a flame dragon - shouldn't I have a high fire resistance?Why is it so vulnerable! ?


Purgatory Dragon let out a breath, a little bit of desire overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and then turned into sparks and dissipated in the air, "Boy, you lost."

"I, I haven't lost yet—"

Ignatius struggled to get up, looked at the purgatory dragon panting, grinned and said, "Next time, I will definitely be able to swallow your flame!"

"Boy, it's not a good thing to be too hard-"

The Purgatory Dragon grinned, raised his right hand, and said with a grin: "If you die here, you will have no chance of revenge."

Ignatius: "..."

He opened his mouth, then turned into a human form, sat down on the ground, and said, "I lost."


"so close--"

After returning to the training ground, Purgatory Dragon complained to the other partners while pulling the clothes on his chest: "If Master Feng Wang hadn't raised his hand, I guess I would really be in trouble."

"Is there a possibility that you are too good?"

Dark Dragon Bethkind twitched his mouth, and then said in a slightly teasing voice: "That's why the opponent has the upper hand?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The purgatory dragon came and waved Cao Cao.jpg, "The strength of that guy has indeed faintly surpassed the black dragon that was just born 400 years ago."

"If I remember correctly, the newly born dragon should be the weakest stage, right?"

The silver dragon Algeta crossed his arms and calmly analyzed: "However, even if it can only be compared to the black dragon in its weakest period, it is quite terrifying."

"Hmph, all we need now is time!"

The red dragon leaned on the tree trunk beside him, and said confidently: "The time for us to practice the source force cultivation method is still too short. Give us another year, and even the black dragon will not be afraid!"

After hearing Peda's words, the other dragons nodded in unison - they were very confident in the source power cultivation method they were practicing.


On the other side, the front yard.

"I will definitely defeat you!"

Natsu glared at Igonia who was sitting on the ground, and emphasized: "It will definitely!"


Ignatius waved his hand as if to repel mosquitoes, and said disdainfully, "You? Beat me? What are you kidding! The weak must have the sons of the weak!"

"Don't underestimate Natsu—"

Lin Qiong came over, rubbed Natsu's cherry-colored hair, and said with a smile: "This guy is a child recognized by Iguniru. He is a dragon-slayer wizard who can perform miracles."

"Igniru sometimes misses the point—"

Ignatius showed a conflicted and disgusted expression, "And I have surpassed him now, so my evaluation is more convincing than his!!"

"No! Igniru is the strongest!"

Naz looked at Igonia unconvinced, and said, "I will definitely defeat you and prove that Ignilu is right!"

"Just relying on your current strength that you can't even take a blow from me?"

Igonia sneered, and mocked: "Maybe it's because you are too weak that Ignalu felt disappointed and left you alone."

When Lin Qiong heard this sentence, he couldn't help but scratched his face subtly: "So, Igunya actually has feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred for Naz, right?" '

Think about it and understand.

If Ignilu just followed the custom of the Dragon Clan and left after the female dragon left her eggs, then Ignya wouldn't have any objections!The results of it?Ignilu ran out to find an adopted son, and he loved and doted on this adopted son very much-who the hell could bear this?

"certainly not!!"

Naz showed a violent expression at that time, he rushed in front of Igonia, gave the opponent a head hammer, and then said fiercely: "Take back that sentence just now!! No, leave me!!"

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