Laxus, Gajeel, and even Gerald all showed the same excited smile on the side - can it only be said that he is indeed a magician from Fairy Tail?

"That's right, it's the hundred-year mission you imagined——"

Lin Qiong narrowed his eyes and smiled at everyone at Fairy Tail, and said, "By the way, the last executor of this century-old mission was an acquaintance of yours!"

Natsu: "The last one—"

Gray: "The executor—"

Lucy: "It's an acquaintance—"


The next moment, several people reacted immediately and exclaimed: "Could it be Gildas!?"

"Bingo, correct answer—"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, then looked at Falong, and said with a smile: "The old man should remember him, right? After all, Gildas is the only mage who failed the mission but survived?"

"Oh! You're talking about him—"

Falong came to his senses, and said with a dazed expression: "Although part of his body disappeared, he did indeed survive—it's really remarkable. This is the first time I've seen someone come back alive."

"A mission that even Gildarts failed..."

Naz leaned over with bright eyes, and said excitedly: "Doesn't that mean that as long as we complete this task, we will surpass Gildas?"

"Theoretically, yes! But—"

Lin Qiong nodded, confirming Natsu's guess, then looked at Charmander with a smile and said, "But the content of this mission is to seal the five divine dragons on this continent, right?"

Natsu: "Five Dragons—"

Lucy: "I feel like I heard it somewhere."

The secretary reminded from the side: "Have you forgotten? Igunya calls herself Vulcan Dragon!"

Everyone: "Huh?"

Everyone: "Hey!!"

Chapter 0565 The Cause of the Destruction of the Dragon of the Magic Array

"Five Divine Dragon? Vulcan Dragon!?"

Lucy counted with her fingers, and then said in disbelief: "That is to say, there are four more dragons like Vulcan Dragon!?"

Gray, Laxus, Gerald, Sting and others also showed serious expressions - they have witnessed the Vulcan Dragon vs Purgatory Dragon battle, and they are very aware of how exaggerated the Vulcan Dragon's strength is, but now they actually There are four of the same level?

"No, not four?"

Lin Qiong looked at Lucy and corrected: "To be precise, there are five more."

Lucy: "Huh? Five? But five minus one equals four!?"

"Lucy, have you forgotten the common sense I taught you before?"

Lin Qiong looked at Lucy in front of him with a smile on his face, and said, "There are five of the Four Heavenly Kings and six of the Five Dragons. This is very reasonable."

Lucy hesitated: "Really reasonable?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "It's really reasonable!"

"Don't you teach Lucy strange things!"

The eldest lady poked Lin Qiong's waist angrily at the side, and blamed: "She is not very smart, what if she is limped by you?"

"Well, it seems to make sense—"

Lin Qiong touched his head and said, "Okay then, I won't fool her anymore."

"That's right~"

The eldest lady hugged Lin Qiong, then looked at Lucy, and said, "Lucy, don't listen to Qiong's nonsense! There are six out of five dragons because the earth dragon has been killed by Mr. Erefsalia, so It's just reduced from the Six Dragons to the Five Dragons!"

"Oh, I, I see."

Lucy nodded with tears in her eyes, and choked up, "E, Miss Erina, you are so kind! But, but, why can't I stop my tears?"

Lin Qiong thought for a moment and said, "Because the most hurtful thing is not lies, but the truth?"

Lucy burst into tears with a "wow".I'm an idiot so sorry wow! !


Looking at the noisy mages in front of him, Falong's mood was not calm at all.

"Wait, wait, wait a minute—"

He stuttered and interrupted the interaction of several people, then looked at Lin Qiong in amazement, and asked, "Who is your Excellency? Why do you know the content of the mission!? He also knows that there are actually six of the five dragons! ?”

You know, in order to prevent the content of the task from being leaked, he (Falon) will ask the mage who has accepted the task to sign a magic contract every time-the content of the contract is to require the mage to keep the content of the task secret.

So in theory, this information will not be leaked.

"Hmph, I know a lot of things, for example——"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and looked at Falong with a proud face.

"I know that the person who killed the earth dragon Doguramag was you, Faron Erefselia!"

"I also know that as the price for you killing the Earth God Dragon, your heart was taken away by the Earth God Dragon."

"I also know that you actually like to run naked under the moon while eating roasted pig's trotters in the middle of the night."

"I even know that the Earth Dragon you killed is not dead, but is accumulating strength and resurrecting!"

Lucy: "Wait a minute, did you get involved in some incredible information just now?"


When Lin Qiong said the last sentence, Falong, who was overly surprised, stood up directly from the chair. He stood up so hard that he overturned the bench behind him. resurrection!?"

Lucy: "Aren't you supposed to be concerned that he's slandering you!?"

"Otherwise? Haven't you already discovered it yourself?"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said: "The maze formed by the Earth Dragon's corpse is expanding year by year. This is evidence that he has not completely lost his life."

Lucy: "So no one paid attention to the information just now, right?"

"Damn it, it's been placed—"

Falong looked a little ugly and covered his chest. He could accept that he had sacrificed his heart in exchange for the death of a divine dragon, but he could not accept that he had sacrificed his heart but had zero results.

Lucy: "Hey! Take care of me!"

Lin Qiong looked at Falong's ugly expression, couldn't help but smile and raised his finger, and said: "So, Mr. Erefselia, do you want to entrust our Sky City to complete your century-old mission? "

Lucy: "Tired, tired, this world will be destroyed."

"Entrust you..."

After Falong heard Lin Qiong's words, he couldn't help but look at Lin Qiong and the twenty dragons behind him, and fell into silence with an ugly expression, making the mages on the side show puzzled expressions.

Wendy showed puzzled eyes, she looked at Irene beside her, and whispered: "Master Irene, why is he hesitant?"

Irene smiled bitterly, touched Wendy's head and said, "I don't know about this. After all, I am not a know-it-all lady."

The Golden Scale Dragon crossed his arms and asked, "Could it be because we don't have the money to pay? After all, we are the strongest guild in the world!"

Gerald shook his head lightly and explained: "No! The task reward is directly proportional to the difficulty. Since the task he released has become a century-old task, it means that his task reward has met the requirements. "

"Oh ho~"

The Golden Scaled Dragon's eyes lit up, then he rubbed his little hand expectantly, and said with bright eyes, "So what is he hesitating about? Hurry up and agree to the young master's request!"

treasure!Treasure eh——!


"So what are you hesitating about?"

Lin Qiong propped his chin, stuffed Wangzai's steamed buns into his mouth, and asked vaguely: "The guild in this world that is most likely to complete your mission is my sky city... oh no , The name of the guild I logged in at the Wizards Guild seems to be Dragon's Lair?"

"That's right, master. Ni"

The secretary nodded lightly and said, "Because you said that most of the names of the guilds have the names of some kind of phantom beasts, so you are also going to do as the Romans do—"

For example, [Fairy] Tail, Sword Bite [Tiger], [Mermaid] Heel, [Snake Lady] Scales, and [Cat Transformation] Place.

Lin Qiong nodded seriously and said, "Judging from the name, my Dragon's Nest is indeed the most handsome, right?"

Purgatory Dragon: "That must be!"

Storm Dragon: "Well, very elegant!"

Golden Scaled Dragon: "Indeed!"

Silver Dragon: "Not bad."

Obviously, the giant dragons are very satisfied with this name - after all, the lair of [Giant Dragon] is named after their race name, what else could they be dissatisfied with?So proud, okay?

"Hey, it looks like everyone is satisfied, so I'm relieved—"

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, then turned his attention back to Falong, and asked "knowingly": "So what are you hesitating about?"

Fa Long raised his head, looked at Lin Qiong in front of him, and said with a deep expression: "I am hesitating whether to accept Long's help or not."


Hearing Falong's words, the group of dragons behind Lin Qiong immediately expressed displeasure. They rushed up and stared at Falong in front of them with unfriendly expressions.

There is a feeling that I will beat him if I disagree with him.

"Miss, why do I have a kind of..."

Looking at this scene, the secretary couldn't help leaning into the ear of the eldest lady, and whispered, "It's the feeling of the Yakuza negotiation scene."


The eldest lady couldn't help but raised the corners of her mouth, then coughed dryly, and said, "Although they do look alike, but don't say that!"

'Sure enough, the eldest lady thought so too. '

The secretary nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Yes, I understand, miss."

Lin Qiong propped his face, and asked pretending to be puzzled: "Why? There must be a reason, right? You can't just say that you just want to see humans slaying dragons, right?"

"Of course this is not the reason, but..."

Falong was silent for a few seconds. His old hands grasped the hem of his clothes and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, let me tell you a story."



At that time, in the Northern Continent, due to the evil deeds of some magicians, people regarded magicians as savage beasts and hunted them all the time.

"To treat us like this? What is evil is not magic, but the human heart..."

Witnessing the death of one kind-hearted mage after another under the persecution of the people, Erefsalia shed tears of pain and murmured: "This can't go on anymore, we (magisters) must Let's work together to protect ourselves!"

At this point, the world's first magician's guild, Dragon of the Magic Array, was established!

With the concerted efforts of many kind-hearted mages, the residents of the Northern Continent gradually began to accept the existence of magic, mages, and the mages' guild, and began to entrust the problems that they could not understand to the mages' guild.

However, the dragons that have been dormant for many years in the northern continent are gradually waking up and starting to move around on this land. Under the accidental attack of the dragons, the magicians of the Magic Array Dragon suffered casualties.

In order to avenge their companions, the magicians of the Dragon of Magic Array died in the hands of the dragon one after another!But at this time, Erefselia learned from an ancient book about dragon-slaying magic and the existence of dragon-slaying wizards who use this magic.

According to the records in the ancient books, the magicians of the dragon of the magic array finally developed and mastered the dragon slaying magic after spending many years, and gained the power to fight dragons on an equal footing—but at this moment, the six at the top of the dragon group Shenlong appeared.

After sacrificing hundreds or thousands of companions, the mages of the magic circle dragon finally killed the earth dragon, and the price was that Erefsalia lost her heart and could no longer perform high-intensity exercises. battle.

In order to kill the remaining five dragons, Erefselia issued a mission, but due to its high difficulty, it gradually evolved into a ten-year, twenty-year, fifty-year, and even now a hundred-year mission.


"This is the story of my old man——"

Speaking of this, Erefsalia's forehead was covered with angry veins, he gritted his teeth, and said in pain: "How can you let the old man accept the help of the dragon?"

Obviously all these pains were brought by the dragon! !

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