Chapter 0566

Erefsalia clenched his fists tightly, and asked in pain: "My enmity with the dragon is as deep as the sea, how can I accept the help of the dragon?"

Hearing his extremely painful voice, even the mindless Natsu couldn't help but fell silent. He didn't know how to persuade him, but...


Irene took a step forward, looked at Falong who was sitting on the chair with a look of astonishment because of her two words just now, and said, "I heard that you restored my creation based on ancient books. I was going to praise you for the dragon slaying magic that came out, but I didn't expect you to be such a stupid person!!"

"Wait, wait, you said that you created the dragon slayer magic..."

Falong asked subconsciously, but he quickly realized that now is not the time to ask this question, "No, what's so stupid about this old man?"

"A stupid look from beginning to end!"

The hair behind Irene fluttered in anger, causing Wendy to hide in Miraj's arms and tremble in fright, "What does the sin of the dragon who killed your companion have anything to do with the dragon who is helping you now? !?"

Falong opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Huh - in that case, then you should also listen to a story I tell you."

Seeing Fa Long's unreasonable but stubborn look, Irene couldn't help but let out a long breath and regained her composure, "The era about 400 years ago was an era of dragons..."

Accompanied by Irene's narration, the world 400 years ago unfolded in everyone's minds like a picture scroll. They seemed to have returned to the era when dragons danced wildly and witnessed the battles between people and people, people and dragons, and dragons and dragons.

"...In the end, some dragons fled to the North Continent in order to escape the indiscriminate massacre of the black dragon Akunologia, while the remaining few dragons followed the young master through the eclipse gate to come In the world 400 years from now."

After Irene finished speaking, she looked at Erefselia and asked, "After listening to the story I told, do you have anything to say?"

Falong: "巷......"

After a few seconds of silence, he slowly stood up from the chair, then walked up to Lin Qiong with a sinking face, bent down towards him, and said sincerely: "I apologize for my previous attitude! Master Lin Qiong , please help this old man!"

"Okay! For this century-old mission, our Dragon's Nest is next—"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, then looked at Falong who straightened up in front of him, and asked, "So, shouldn't it be time to talk about mission rewards?"

"Of course! Once the task is issued, it is natural to provide a task reward! And the old man's reward is——"

Falong showed a natural smile, he raised a finger, and said, "A piece of detailed information."

Everyone: "Huh?"

"The fire dragon is in charge of fire, the golden scale dragon is in charge of money, the storm dragon is in charge of wind and thunder, and the magic dragon is in charge of 'knowledge'."

Falong showed a proud expression. He looked at the dragons present and said seriously: "If you complete the century-old mission, I will use Falong's ability to provide the completer with the detailed information he wants!"

"In terms of 'value', 'information' is indeed priceless—"

The eldest lady rested her chin and showed an expression of approval. He glanced at Naz and the others beside him who were full of question marks, and explained with a smile: "To give a simple example, Naz can make a wish 'how can I find Igniru', Gray can wish 'Where can Urrutia incognito be entertained'."


Natsu and Gray were overjoyed at first, but when they realized that this hundred-year mission was entrusted to the dragon's lair and had nothing to do with them, they fell into a loveless situation like Hinata, who was attached to meowuchi.

"A piece of information? Interesting reward."

Lin Qiong, who had known the content of the reward for a long time, nodded, then looked at the group of dragons behind him, and said, "Then let's work harder?"


The dragons cheered.

Purgatory Dragon: I'm going to ask where the most delicious flame in the world is, and eat it!

Golden Scale Dragon: I want to know where the most valuable treasure in the world is!

Desert Kong: Hey, I want to read a hundred romance novels!Not the same!

Forest Dragon: I want to turn the desert into an oasis!

"Well, although it doesn't feel necessary, I still want to remind everyone——"

Looking at the excited group of dragons, Falong couldn't help coughing dryly, and said: "When you perform tasks, you need to be careful of a guild member."


Purgatory Dragon looked at Falong, and said carelessly: "I think you don't understand at all! Our Dragon's Nest is invincible in the world, okay?"

"Although Atlas Fram is a bit more simple, what he said is correct."

The storm dragon showed an elegant and reserved smile, and said, "Even if the six dragons attack together, I won't be afraid."

"Oh, everyone, don't be like this—"

The secretary helplessly comforted the dragons behind him who were about to speak, and said: "Mr. Erefselia also has good intentions, let's just listen to what he has to say."

'There are still good girls who are understanding and understanding--'

Scared by the aura of the dragons, Falong, whose heart almost stopped beating, clutched his chest—ah, although he no longer has a heart (laughs).

"Ahem, I hope that the guild you are careful about is a guild named "Dragon Eater"!"

After Falong calmed down, he looked at the people in front of him seriously, and said, "The members of the Dragon Eater Guild are all fifth-generation dragon slayers."

Natsu: "No.-"

Wendy: "Five—"

Sting: "Shi—"

Roger: "On behalf of—"

Several dragon slayer wizards looked at each other, and then squatted into a circle.

Wendy: "Like me, Natsu, and Gajeel, those who taught dragon slayer magic by themselves are the first generation."

Laxus: "It is the second generation who obtain dragon slaying magic by implanting dragon crystals like me, the god Selene."

Sting: "Like me and Rogge, those who taught magic by dragons themselves and implanted dragon crystals in their bodies belong to the third generation."

Then they stopped and looked at each other.


A big question mark appeared above their heads.

"Does anyone know what the fourth-generation dragon slayers look like?"

Gajeel scratched his hair, showed a blank expression, and said, "The fifth generation has come out, so there must be a fourth generation, right?"

It’s not like Apple and Microsoft, jumping directly from 8 to 10, right?

"The dragon slayers of the fourth generation are not strictly speaking creatures, but man-made weapons."

Lin Qiong, who heard several people discussing in low voices, couldn't help but said, "Mages of Fairy Tail, do you still remember the Kingdom of Stella?"

Natsu: "Kingdom of Stella? Well, it sounds so familiar—"

Lucy: "I seem to have heard it somewhere?"

Wendy: "I seem to have the impression—"

A few seconds later, everyone responded in unison: "Ah——"

It turns out that the Dragon Slayer of the fourth generation refers to this! ?

The sword-biting-tiger duo who had never participated in this mission were looking at Fairy Tail in bewilderment at this moment, and hurriedly asked: "What!? What is the fourth generation dragon slayer!? Brother Natsu, don't hold your breath!"

"It's like this..."

Gerald smiled gently, and softly told the story that happened in Stella Kingdom (theatrical version: Dragon Cry) to everyone present, "...I think, the fourth generation of dragon slayers that Master Lin Qiong said , should refer to the artificial weapons manufactured by the Kingdom of Stella."

"The answer is correct! Although the quantum soldiers produced by that country are mechanical weapons without intelligence, they still have the power of dragons in their bodies, so they can barely be called the fourth generation of dragon slayers—"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, then put his eyes on Falong with a smile, and said, "As for what the fifth-generation dragon slayer is, how about letting Mr. Erefsalia answer it himself? "

"Then the old man has the audacity to accept this task."

Falong smiled and nodded. He stroked his beard and was about to brew for a while, when he saw the unkind eyes of the dragons, he hurriedly said: "The fifth generation of dragon slayer wizards, through devouring The dragon's flesh and blood and the power of the dragon."

"The flesh and blood of the devouring dragon—"

Hearing these words, the group of dragons present could not help but turn their attention to Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, the secretary, and Yoyo—if they remember correctly, the corpses of the huge majority of dragons that died 400 years ago , Are they all in the warehouse of Sky City?Doesn't that mean that we can mass-produce Dragon Slayers?

"Ahem, don't look at me with such eyes—"

Sensing the eyes of the dragons behind him, Lin Qiong couldn't help turning around, spreading his hands innocently, and said, "Although there are indeed a lot of dragon meat stored in the warehouse of Sky City—"

Kanna, Gray, and Juvia suddenly became excited: "Huh?"

"—However, these dragon meats have been processed."

Lin Qiong ignored the people next to him, and continued: "The dragon power contained in it has been removed, no matter how much you eat, you can't become a dragon slayer—they are just delicious meat. "

Kanna, Gray, and Juvia suddenly showed disappointed expressions.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at them strangely, and asked, "Are you disappointed with the hammer? The ready-made dragons are standing here, don't you go to them to learn dragon slaying magic?"


The so-called one word awakens the dreamer.

Gray looked at the ice dragon, Juvia looked at the sea dragon, Kana looked at the rune dragon, and Gerald looked at the astral dragon.

Lucy: "Hey, dragons have nothing to do with protoss magic."

Milaj: "Crying, dragons have nothing to do with receiving magic."

The two difficult sisters and difficult sisters looked at each other, and then hugged each other aggrieved.

Chapter 0567 Water God Dragon

Lin Qiong looked at the two people who were hiding in the corner drawing circles and planting mushrooms, and couldn't help laughing: "Haha, you two don't need to show this expression, your exclusive hero enhancement will be launched in a version soon, this will be a once-in-a-lifetime Large-scale enhancement!"

Hearing this, Lucy couldn't help but raised her head, looked at Lin Qiong pitifully, and confirmed, "Red bean paste?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "Hongdouda!"

Milaj also raised his head, blinking cutely: "Red bean paste red bean?"

Lin Qiong nodded again: "Red bean da red bean!"

Difficult Sister Nanmei immediately let out cheers, and the two happily hugged each other and jumped up on the spot: "Yada Thief!"

"As for the others—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Gray and the others who were excited, then put his gaze in front of the dragon group, and said with a smile: "As for teaching dragon slaying magic, you can do it yourself."


Several dragons chuckled, and then looked at Fairy Tail's people with malicious eyes.


The few people belonging to Fairy Tail couldn't help shivering—they seemed to have foreseen their oppressed and dark future.

"Okay! Everyone, let us complete this legendary century-old mission—"

Lin Qiong raised his foot and stepped on the bench, then waved his right hand and said loudly, "The first target—who's here?"

Faron: "..."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose, pressed his temples again, and said, "Although I don't know the exact location of the five god dragons, I have a clue of [Water God Dragon Mercovbia]—in the area of ​​Barrelia." There is a city named Elumina in the southwest, where Melkovbia was once worshiped, and there may be clues about him."



The port city, Elumina.


Lin Qiong crossed his arms and stood on the wall of the Sky City, looking at the blue snake-shaped dragon rising from the sky of Elumina, and said with a smile: "It seems that he has sensed our arrival and felt Crisis, so ready to take the initiative to attack?"

"After all, they have no intention of hiding their aura—"

The eldest lady glanced at the group of dragons behind her, and said, "However, the appearance of the water god dragon is somewhat similar to Barbara! Is there any blood relationship?"

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