"No, no, no!"

Barbara hurriedly waved her little hand, and said nervously: "It's just the same type of dragon! Barbara doesn't know him!"

"In that case—"


"Speaking as though you'd be merciful if he was a relative of Barbara—"

Lin Qiong glanced unhappily at the group of dragons who were about to write their fighting spirit on their faces, waved their hands helplessly, and said: "Since the opponent is the water dragon, then let the sea dragon, ice dragon and storm be defeated this time." Come on the dragon."

"No, master! No, no—"

Red Dragon's mentality collapsed at that time, he leaned in front of Lin Qiong, and said with a look of disbelief: "I have done all the preparations and activities, but you won't let me go!? Is this reasonable? It's not reasonable at all! "

"This is in the Ganges River."

Lin Qiong waved at the named three-headed dragons, and after they turned back into their original bodies and took off into the air, he said to the red dragon: "It's a matter of compatibility. When the time comes to fight the wood dragon, I will definitely let you go. OK?"

"Red bean puree?"

"Red beans!"

"Red bean puree red bean?"

"Don't act cute like Lucy and Milaj, you old men, it's disgusting."

The red dragon Peda, who looked somewhat similar to Huang Zhiwei's Demon Zunlou Building, squatted in the corner of the wall aggrieved, drew circles on the ground with his fingers, and said, "It's too much, I can..."

Lin Qiong's voice came faintly to his ears: "You draw circles, circle circles. If you accidentally scratch the floor, you'll just wait."

The red dragon's movements froze, he stopped his movements carefully, then climbed to the ground and looked at the place he had painted with his fingers just now, and he was relieved when he found that there were no scratches.

Then he leaned against the wall helplessly, as if bitter wine had entered his throat and his heart ached.

It's cold and cold, this world is full of oppression of dragons, I don't remember the later - anyway, I feel very uncomfortable, so can you V me 50 and let me participate in Crazy Thursday?


"We meet again, Melkovbia—"

Storm Dragon Tempest flapped the wings behind him, looked at the snake-shaped water dragon with wings on his back, and said with a chuckle, "Perhaps, I should call you Lord Water Dragon?"

"Termpest, Saventra, and Guy—"

The Water God Dragon looked at the three-headed dragon in front of him, feeling like the nightmare from 400 years ago came back again, "It's been 400 years, why did you come to this land again?"

Hai Long: "..."

Ice Dragon:"……"

Storm Dragon: "?"

She turned her head and glanced at her two companions—Sea Dragon Saventra and Ice Dragon Guy—and couldn't help but sighed, and said, "One has low self-esteem, the other is aloof, both are communication disorders. patient."

No way, I have to come.

She raised her head gracefully, looked at the water dragon, and said, "Of course I came to see, you old friends are still alive~"

"Oh, do you still have such good intentions?"

The Water God Dragon sneered, I still remember the scene of you hitting me on the ground 400 years ago, "See you now, you can go now."


Storm Dragon Eye looked at Water God Dragon with a smile, and said, "I haven't seen you for so many years, don't you want to prove that you are no longer the person you were 400 years ago?"

Water Dragon: "?"

He looked at the storm dragon vigilantly, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"On our way here, we met that kid Igonia——"

The corners of the Storm Dragon's lips curled up and he said with a smile: "He told us that after 400 years of training, the strength of your six divine dragons has surpassed the black dragon Akunolokia——"

Water Dragon: "??"

He wanted to jump up and slap Igunia in the face with his tail.

"Although he was beaten up later and ran back to the Northern Continent in despair with his tail between his legs, it's a pity that I didn't participate in that battle."

The storm dragon spread its wings violently, and the storm and lightning entangled her body, "So, I have to find you, who is also the six dragons, to experience what it means to 'surpass the strength of a black dragon'! Come on, Satisfy my curiosity—"

Water Dragon: "???"

What does this have to do with me! ?

He grinned at the Storm Dragon and said, "I have no intention of fighting with you! Leave El Mina quickly!"

At this time, the cold ice dragon floated in front of the storm dragon, raised its head slightly, glanced at him with disdain, and asked, "So what if you don't leave?"

"Sure enough, can't communicate?"

Water Shenlong exhaled as if he was resigned to his fate. He suddenly turned around and rushed towards the deep sea area away from the city - as if he was about to abandon his city and run away.


Seeing his movements, the three-headed dragon was stunned for a moment, then flapped its wings without hesitation, and chased after him.

"Mel Corfobia, you would choose such an inelegant behavior of running away—"

The storm dragon wrapped in a hurricane far surpassed other dragons in flying speed, and caught up with the water dragon in front of it in just a few seconds, and then turned back to block him, teasing with a smile in his eyes: "Or , you just want to shift the battlefield so that the battle between dragons and dragons does not destroy that city?"

"What are you kidding?"

The Water God Dragon's heart tightened, but on the surface he said without changing his face: "I am one of the six God Dragons at the top of this land, so why do I care about the lives of mere mortals?"

"Oops, I meant 'you care about the integrity of the city', not 'human life in the city'?"

The smile in Storm Dragon's eyes was even better, and she said with a smile: "It seems that Master Water God Dragon is a little self-deprecating~"

Water Dragon: "!"

He glanced at the three giant dragons surrounding him, and said in a deep voice, "Since you are determined to fight, then come!!"

The Roar of the Water Dragon! !

"Deliberately shifting the battlefield to the sea, in addition to fearing that the aftermath of our battle will hurt the residents in the town, another reason is that the environment full of water is more powerful for you, right?"

Looking at the overwhelming waterspout in front of him, the corner of Storm Dragon's mouth slightly curled up, and said, "But, have you forgotten something? You are just a waterspout, and we have a real sea dragon here!"

"Hand it over, leave it to me!"

Safintra, who is extraordinarily slender and has sharp bony spikes on his back, raised his head, took a light breath, and said without arrogance: "Hai Long's anger..."


As if a huge dam was releasing flood water, the water curtain covering the sky rose from behind Hai Long and pressed towards the slightly dazed Water God Dragon.

Storm Dragon: "!?"

The momentum of this attack shocked her as a companion, and she couldn't help but said to the ice dragon beside her: "What's the situation? Why do I think she is stronger than me??"

Binglong was silent for a few seconds and said, "That's right."

Storm Dragon: "??"

She turned to look at Binglong and asked, "What do you mean? Can you say two more words, you dull person?"

Ice Dragon nodded and said, "That's it."

Storm Dragon: "???"

She gritted her teeth and stared at the ice dragon, grinning her teeth and said: "You really only need two more words, right? Tell me clearly, or I will create thunderstorms in your ears every day, so that you can't sleep!"

'Like a child. '

Ice Dragon couldn't help but sighed, and then said softly: "Safintra, I have low self-esteem, I don't play around, I keep training, so I am very strong."

The storm dragon understood.

Biting her fingernails unwillingly, she murmured: "We were actually overtaken by Saventra? Not reconciled! Guy, after we go back this time, we must speed up our training, and we can't let her Continue to widen the gap—"

Chapter 0568

Ice Dragon:"……"

Guy with light blue long hair was silent for a few seconds, then said softly, "Only you."

Storm Dragon: "?"

Tern Pest showed a blank expression. She looked at the ice dragon beside her in confusion, and asked, "What do you mean? Can you make it clear?"

It's exhausting to communicate with this kind of person!

The ice dragon didn't answer the storm dragon's words, but flapped its wings and joined the battle between the sea dragon and the water dragon.

"Ice dragon's..."

The ice dragon opened its mouth and shouted, "Frozen Beam!"

A thick, light blue beam of light spewed out from the frozen mouth, spanning a distance of tens of meters in an instant, and concentrated on the waterspout that was attacking him under the control of the water dragon.


In just one breath, the hundreds of meters long waterspout turned into crystal clear icicles under the breath of the ice dragon, slowly fell from the air, and fell into the sea with a muffled "boom", splashing There was a splash of water all over the sky.

Storm Dragon: "???"

She froze in place at the time, and murmured: "So you meant 'only you' just now, did you mean 'only I was surpassed by Saventra'!?"

"Guy said that Safintra has a low self-esteem, so she hardly participates in any entertainment activities on weekdays, and spends all her time on cultivation..."

The storm dragon took a deep breath, and clenched his fists tightly, "But think about it carefully, with his personality, wouldn't he also not participate in any entertainment activities, and spend all his time on cultivation!" ? '

Could it be that the rookie is actually myself! ?

Impossible, absolutely impossible! !

The storm dragon was in a hurry, she flapped her wings, then opened her mouth, and spit out a hurricane tornado wrapped in lightning at the water dragon: "The roar of the storm dragon!!"


The white hurricane mixed with deafening thunder, struck towards the head of the water dragon like a natural disaster, and the water dragon controlled a waterspout behind it to meet the roar.

The two collided, and after a stalemate for a second, the roar spit out by the storm dragon suddenly shattered, and the scattered hurricane tore the clouds in the sky into pieces.

"But, damn—"

The Storm Dragon flapped its wings vigorously a few times to stop its retreat, and then glared angrily at the Water Dragon, which was constantly dodging under the siege of the Ice Dragon and Sea Dragon.

In the face of my concubine's attack, a tornado can see me as nothing.

In the face of their attack, is it a look of being at a loss?

Can't bear it, can't bear it at all.

"Storm Dragon's—"

As soon as the storm dragon gritted her teeth, she raised her head and opened her mouth, "Raging waves and thunder!"

The next moment, the magic power that made Naz and the others palpitate poured out from the storm dragon's body, and they all rose above the clouds, forming a huge plasma ball shining with lightning for a moment.


Accompanied by the roar of the storm dragon, the clouds were swept by the raging wind, forming a "wind drill" visible to the naked eye, engulfing the plasma ball in the air and rushing towards the water dragon.

"Again, block again, block it, try—"

After the storm dragon threw its big move, it floated in the air panting, and looked excitedly at the water dragon locked by the raging waves and thunder, "This is the trump card of the concubine, even if you are stronger than the current concubine, you must Impossible to block it unscathed!"

On the other side, Hai Long and Ice Dragon looked at each other, and retreated without hesitation to get out of the storm dragon's attack range, while launching an attack to restrain the water dragon.

"The frozen beam of the ice dragon—"

A light blue beam of light shot towards the water dragon from the lower left front.

"The sea dragon's current breaks—"

Dark blue water drops shot towards the water dragon from the upper right back.

'Can't escape—'

The water dragon glanced at the raging waves and thunder that was close at hand in the sky, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and then he opened his hands without hesitation, and roared: "The ultimate impact of the mysterious water dragon—"

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